HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-07-19, Page 1Spirts AB, Mi9 Births — Al2 Obits — A1.2 Graduation — Al2 Walton — A15 Ir Serving the communities and areas of Seaforth, Brussels, 'Dublin, 'Hensel l and Walton Seatorth, Ontario HURON EXPOSITOR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1989 1 i OFFICIAL•WEIGH IN - Jeff Kroonen;gets.categorized :according •to his:weight for the pedal pull competition heldas part of Dublinfest on Saturday. -Performing the official weigh in•were-Rob:Brown and• Heather:Bennewies..Dublinfest was sponsored by the Dublin Lions Club. •Robinet-photo. DEi ,e Wong ,leo Dr. Frank Wong worked his.last day, at the. Seaforth Community Hospital on Fri- day, July 14. As of August 1 Dr.. Wong will be taking • over the practice of a doctor:inthe Rest - mount. area of London, Ontario, Dr. Wong, a popular ,family ,doctor .in Seaforths name,tottown,nine:yearsfago for bis.first job. Originally,from Londonamid a graduate of.the Univerafty ofM.estern:On- ;tario,:healed just,finished zafamily,prac- tioeresfdeney.and six;months•of education in anaesthetics. Hie:was looking:forasmall OR. FRANK a/WONG :mill :be •eavifag .Seafortharicamovinat into•aapricicticeria lam- • donasrof:psugust 1, hospital awl ere•.there wasn't :edall;t e eXteat I lojuglst, aso,'.he • tee', id>iitra ttee pstliesia. tAt 1thattutipaez he • oath e into asaosingap adiaaaer, pitilian,. ind DrDr4AloporePiageftitjm. akl•Ya Oboe:: rs Dr..W I r ;44enavte_ ry it µ,�ohredne ,�}�.�Qe�ta I f n �tariff. g ass . 1 ,.:. Off e th Reds$aii4 ill jo erfr moat fofi$ s• veer ,. ail It ,cent argarediOthleAntthepuaft can. t f Weal It +4041 . Dra ►j nS? ' ciQ114NTAVII u mo l ,oto j gene -, d at,bees^ it'�ild ,g- rIt,'syl t igR y:#is llyi ,,Wqve aft I ving Setif 1 f' Sea* ortTr nd b The Seaforth-and District All lGirlalama thing :Band won ffrstatilace.as the best all girls marching band :at the Calgary Stampede. The 64 girl band, which,inetudes+about30 local girls and a number'of ethers from Goderich and Clinton, had to compete against 22 other-bandssincldng:theataar- ehing Koalas from Melbourne, Australia and -others from across North America. The:Seaforth:band'was the -only ane frau .Ontario or Eastern :Canada, "It was fun and the people were :ex- cellent," says .Charliaithlbfleiseb,..leader of .the band. "To sgiveayou:an idea :of how they treat you there,:they:had twoatosis who:meausat theairportwithaims:awl a truckfor:oureyuipthentandfolloweda all over." Mr, Kalbfleiseh says his girls got plenty of exposure and chances to play during their one week stay in Alberta. The highlight was of course the Stampede "Parade -four miles through downtown Calgaryinlrantan50;000:spec- tators. But the band also played in Rope Square twice before crowds of between four,and fivethousand, attheueaddledome, andput.on a parade for tine Oakridge Com- munity (a:suburb-of Calgary). The glrisalso got one day of sightseeing at Calgary and Banff, and some went canoeingaon.Lake Louise. An•earlier :Seaforth band attended the stampede in 1982, but winning first prize for its perfortnanee>zvas a first.time honor belongingtothiayear's hand. "We're considered one of the top 20 roTic ikAgeNam, an � tr Nigel Beilchamber's recent tirang„as Huron County's .new ;administrator :is both a career step and a move ,hoarse The -former Bayfieidhresident, •whais acting manager .of -the London Field Management office of the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, :begins his employment with Huron County September 1, For, llellchamber, who was raised and attended elementaryschool in:Bayfield, and :high school in Clinton, .;and has„a cottage in Ashfield Township, the move brings him closer to Huron• Ila my -its and family. His mother, • idrey, lives in Bayfieldman, while his:Wife, Tlianne, is from Goderich, where her ;parents • Bert r and Bessie Chfshohnastill live. "It's a,move ;that LJoolraforward.to,” 13a118ha tser raid .lasteowweek. "I'%e Jiopedrfortaaveral 3r 4o::be an a.posi- •tion to compete 'fer�hn, job. Inn very .pleased.” Belichamber:was ,among+.l89s PPlie s to apply for ;the job.; as Huron ',County clerk -administrator to replace long:titne county :administrator Hill -Hanley, who retires in 'September ,but will 'amain with .the county as an .advisor to Bellchamber. The ,new clerk -administrator wilt•Lor- 50 cents a co v bands -in Ontario, and that's remarkable for a small town," says Mr. Kalbfleisch. He added that the band is getting calls 'from all over to •work, gets out to perform event will be -thevery e Santa: Saturday, and ts next Parade bin Toronto this year. Mr. Kalbfleisch says he is still looking for recruits: from Seaforth for the band. "Any girl ats interested and the Seaforth area his'welcome tto come' He says he gets calls from lots of girls "from all over" who -want to play with .the band, but heis looking:forlocals. And interested girls ,10 the Seaforth area can come out to one of.the band's practices which are held every Tuesday night during the summer, at 6:30 pm. at the Seaforth District High School. ; Iroat •NIGEL malty assume that ;position Dec, 1, after three months :as assistant, county conn- cil ,agreed July 5. After completing high ,school in Clin- ton, Beilchamber graduated from the University of Western Ontario, He has county government experience working in Victoria County as a senior financial officer and then .deputy administrator, His role as senior local government advisor in the ministry's London office meant he maintained contact with and .acted as a consultant to 155 uaimicipalities in seven counties in this corner of the -province. The experience put him in contact with ratepayers, councillors, municipal administrative staff, including people he will now work with in Huron, and other provincial ministry staff. "This (:Huron) council has some very interesting challenges ahead, including • waste -management, -economic develop- ment;IIuronl!iew „gedevgp- - 1:.:: ierees a :Ian to .:Yearn, :.and IM :loakipg :forward :to dt," Belichatnber :said. Most of Huron council ;met the :new .administrator briefly for the first .time July 5, wheel he was one of several ministry staff to accompany Municipal Affairs Minister John Eakins to Goderich to meet with council about proposed county government restructur- ing in Ontario. tU The,Seaforth liiibhr .Utilities .Commission passed :its 1989,waterworks ;budget :calling hfor expenditures of,$190.000. That:amount. n- cluded :$29;000 ,for capital ;projects,.:;$40;000 toward ;the_rep1acementrof;the.towrtlwater re, tower, and a121;t100 .for 'water ;distribution and: general-operating:expenses. the 'The •capitai;works, which ;have :beenxap- he proved by .S.eafoilth Town Council, include: •_• ;$19.000,for vateri iainreateneion�n-,iCol- e-eman.,and CrombiefStreets,,waterniain4;ex- tension:on'Brantford;Street,;andlwater iw •extension,to,,aerl!ice:theapl oposed-:Royat:fJr- chard 3iomessSubdivision. ® 1$3;400 for .meters -and replaceuaent.:.of three fire hydr nts. Ge gee Street4aanndine.talled rha& Sir :eon sa$3,000.to,instt111a�valve;at:th aS�t. 'Well G7ialkstreet s *1,200 ior.en eering tees. To �pnv loryt e •espen(1�itures�$he:.water utiiity,antieipates it wiil gerterate;$1,73,3 rim revenueann:I9i89,. id;$1$;000 svilt,.be drawn from�tthedutiljty'sluutio anee,resea$ares;,to offset :the.eostiofapur ig-asdub ble :welltputnp a$liertbis.year. MAIM t1.BAGE Ir other . PtJC ,news, .' Amager :TOAs 1' !ps iporrta.-•wateril tate s crag h ,in recant ks,said^^is:b. ing149.11 ored- .Averige��{{all,l,, ,iys,;,,3 0.0()0sjaallionsof♦�� ,per day, fibut:iaasxslately • nefr ed . toi... , Jo Callonasper jay. ti ' lt'sn�Tg.1ike..lastr.3earxatr . S Itill4et, ,ramming r , ilps• `got EM Itjtujtai4 '7rtr The PJC 9 t st0 rye �i,�tgiiaa„eiq')iNe ,ugreoluent.w eitheritso ede p s or. Eoffiee ployees• • co ons. lth uutaide,erpioy.*s, e gf44arto ge4 �ietlon,hi;thekatten ;o s ainalth..Ne¢^o irri,eganjnM y. -reed Manager w t Abeaffice.fala jeYeelaa ck arett: s a t . a o .0 f-0.kiiT parents: and grandparents fltill live ,the Family;is still:most:important." Dr. 'Wong .won't be cut off from Seaforth healthsystetmrightsway„and will be;fntown;to;give,anaesthetics.as;th need .arises, ,will •still ;be acting •as ,th medical advisor: for,Seafor,.th;Nlanor until replacement : is :found, :and ,says ,he -will come back if other. special circumstances dictate. And:althoughDr. + 'ung•, 'ill;lie•living in Loudon with :his.Iwife:Billie.and:their three children, ,they ,will, be keeping ,their home in. the.Seaforth,area. "I'msaddeaed,about.ieaving ,this corn- muiity,,beeause it really is a: nice, friendly community,” says Dr. :Wong. "1 iu going tainiss,alt thepeople,and I'd•Iike,totthank ,people .for ;their help:over the .Years„and ;thank ,the patients for their -trust and re- cent.good.wlshes.” ,In,fact;same• ofDr.Wong'spatients•trast Ilam,so..much soweaareigoing;to,he;follow- ingrhim,tolondon:foreeaith oaresand,ap- X4t13§Mm otitileMJUwealkgBdvaltiow- •$upaatthe ce,he w,ill;be;tu}tjng over. :One prpblent:D Warigf s 10 getting out of hisfleaseEatitheeljnlc.i udgned a five - feat/ leaseafthichatillhas,fouryaarsieft-on "I iia 'diaappgjuted ., . t the Jai/Natal, •:after,tune rparssof d cQifAhitteefser- ruieerrisegiv iale.0 • itime getting>Rut sof ithe,ieasa, ',-was; the, only.eoitfinentthe a wa►tedhtotrnake. r;Drri;Wong ays lie is a1soitt'Rkt .ledrby the •faactLtth�aat a, r'epjacementtfloctorhas;not Men fcond. to hos?}italaund.Dr.;tWang's leagues.ata'thetg ejlavei. Pn killg ,tor, agrgpjae.n�enttawee I4ebrwn'y molten ,they, oundaout.he w.as eayjng, -4j 1, : t0ftsaa k, 1..mwish I; cii�lld.;te"ll i �eneil iecoin- te?1Btin.I .. fi7fltel.`tsnfuy4�ta r -re's'sil0tAillatak- no ver rip !` Ce, rl eyheCbtebotMedi taffat `u_)ex o th tY,§ ospit1,.;,34ays kt0{w+7f . QY /$ 4 4P1V ear WSRaie$q�klnr. VINSA " e,Ytt II d '�e ye d �tRi>s 190 t1 0 waterworks budget •K OUNTYGOVTi+RNMEl1 TI SSUE Thedocal:utfiity,began:to look atthe coun- ty government issue ,when it received a let- pie ter from the:Exeter:PUC.'The letter ,was a t copy of a list, of :concerns -the Exeter -PUC at sent to Oxford County MPP Charlie Tatham,:and�was reviewed by Seaforth commissioners. The?Exeter commissioners.are concerned be the newly ;proposed •county government Ch ;system„would 'f r•,emove,control,and opera- s tion of the water system, -from :the public old utility.”Pe Mr•'`P.hill<ipsaadinitsdae•�is maure:of what -,wouldhappentotheadmhustiationoflwater Ci �systeros�iithe pr.oposedoounty,government ,systean.wereadopted. ,lights CONFERENCES li Commission Chairman Jim Sill and Mr. 3V, Phillips, from Seaforth, with 40 other com- missioners from this area, recently com- ted an informative two and a half hour our of the Sir Adam Beck.power generators Niagara Falls. :ROAD'P1tOGRAI Watermain on Coleman.and Crombie has en. installed and services connected. On alk Street two .new waterlines were in - tailed to vacant lots, :and on George Street services,are:being replaced by new eop- r.services. The-P,UCis assitttiitgwith:the Streetscape Ci Court-project:by•installing street. light luxes, ;lip adipg ,,.underground fpr street giseet ts, and m ving ;the existing street orth,to-a new location. 0