HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-16, Page 44
ati n% inetet be left at blanc
Vat later alien Saturday noon.
cape' for „ehangesta hist be left
later that Monday evening.
advertisements aeoepted up
pa *Anon Wednesday of eaoh week.
ataTielateatene 1872
+IOTT, PIT LtngY t ,1.NO PeovareTOF
egs 'IliELURSDAY, MAY 16, t9Q7,
eeiThe annual meeting of the West
veteran Liberal Association will be held
are Dungannon ou Monday, June 3rd.
candidate for the House of Commons
11 likely be nominated at this meeting.
c It has been falsely alleged that the
crate at Ottawa have increased taxa -
n, whereas the faot is that the rate of
xation has been lowered. In 1896 the
Win debt woe $258,497,432, in 1907 it
t. only about $«00,000,000, A. very
nntall increase, represented by expendt-
veare on capital a000uut, while the debt
ler capita is largely decreased. In 1896
was $00.61 per capita, now it is only
vr. The monthly finauoial statement of
the Dominion, handed out last weak,
laving receipts and expenditures up to
Ietprii 31 in connection with the fiscal
lyear ending March 8.1 last, is the most
tnoonraging statement ever issued be
he history of the dominion. Final re.
ns for the year are not yet in, but it
s safeto say that when the books for
;the year are finally closed they will
.show a earplug of ordinary revenue over
'ordinary expenditure of over $18,000,000
and a net reduction of debt during the
nine months, constituting the last fiscal
period, amounting to about $7,500,000.
Hon. Mr. Fielding, in his budget speech
+of November Iast, estimated the surplus
at $18,000,000. A betterment of $5,000,-
000 between that estimate and the
actual results is a striking evidence of
the prosperity of the country and the
rapidly. gro wing revenues.
The government of Sir Wilfrid Lauri-
er is keenly sensible of Canada's great
Western heritage, with its vast natural
resources, its inexhaustible vitality, its
great wheat ares, its teeming sores of
grazing lanes, the iadustrial and com-
mercial genies of its enterprising, and
aggressive people. The government is
mindful of these considerations and in
the furtherance of its duty to the people
of the West, the government realizes its
duty, and appreciates that these people
'should not, by failure on its part, be
compelled to fall short of realization to
the fullest possible extent of their ob-
vious destiny. It is a principle of politi-
cal economy that the legitimate de-
mands 01 commerce for an outlet at the
point of least resistance cannot be long
delayed. and never ultimately frustrat-
ed. If the products of the West can be
brought 1,000 miler nearer a European
market via Hudson Bay, then that point
becomes de facto the natural outlet. The
government is giving favorable constd-
eration to this plain and more will be
heard of it next session.
Mise Lizzie Roes passed away on Tues.
day of last week and' her death is re-
gretted by a large circle of friends, the
young lady being very popular in the
neighborhood. She had been troubled,
with anaemia since last summer. The
funeral took place to Luckno,v came-
tery on Thursday afternoon.
Two hundred deported undesirables
from Canada are causing ill -feeling be-
tween the psor law authorities at Liver-
pool. and the shipping' companies that
bane dumped the unfortunates at that
The marriage of Hon. George W.
Rose, to Miss Mildred Peel, formerly of
London, took place on Wednesday after-
noon at 3 Elmsley place, Toronto. Miss
Peel has won destination as an artist.
Portrait busts of Lord Dafferin, Lord
Lansdowne, the heads of the great inati.
tutions of learning in 'Toronto were
among those clone by her from time to
• • _
1 Viy river IS
Do you like itP Then why
be contented with itP Have
to be? Oh, no! Just put on
Ayer's Hair Vigor and have
long, thick hair; soft, even
heir. Dut first of all, stop
your hair from coming out.
Save what you have. Ayer's
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair -bulbs;
slakes weak hair strong.
TThe weld et kind tai a teetbattatal-for -
Medicines of Tbis Class do Not Cure -
Their Effect is Weakening.
Nothing could be wore cruel than to
induce a weak, auaemto person to take a
retie, m Ask any doctor a .d he dieine be the bope of will
tell you that a purgative tuedioine
merely gallops through the bowels,
weakening the tender tissues. Ile will
tell yon also that n purgative cannot
possibly care disease, or build up bad
blood. When the blood is weak and
watery, when the system le run down, a
tonic is the one thing needed -ie the
only thing that will put you right. And
in all this world there is no tonic rio good
as Dr. Williams Pink Pill far Pale
People. Every dose o these piffle
aotualty make new, rich d blood which
fins the veiue, reachea a ry organ in the
body and briuga he It ana strength to
weak despondent ple. Miss Annie
Beandrean, Amber , Magdalene Islands,
Que., says: -"I was pale, my heart
would palpitate violently at the least
exertiou, and I suffered greatly from
severe headaches. I tried several medi•
cines which seemed actually to•Ieave me
worse. Then I was advised to try Dr.
Williams Pink Pills, and a half dozen
boxes have made me as well as ever I
was. They have done me so much good
that I would like every weak girl in the
land to try them."
It was the new blood. Dr. Williams
Pinar Pills actually made that restored
Mies Beaudreau to health and strength,
and in the same way they will restore
all sufferers from anaemia, indigestion,
heart palpitation, neuralgia, rheumatism
and the secret ailments that make the
lives of so many women and growing
girls a burden. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2 50 from Tha Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Ca., Brookville, Ont.
On Monday afternoon the ladies of the
Whitechuroh circuit. met at she parson-
age and organized a Lathes' Aid Society.
Officers were elected as follows: --Presi-
dent, Mrs W. A. Finlay; Vice Presi-
dents, Mrs Win Taylor, Airs Jos Tiffin,
Jr; Seoretary,Miss Addie McOlenaghan;
Assistant Secy's, Mrs W. R. Ferrier,
Mrs Wm Naylor; Treasurer, Mrs Robt.
Taylor; Assistant Treasurers, Mies Car-
rie Moore, .Mrs E. Taylor.
The agent for the Berlin Sugar Co.
was in this section last week, but did
not meet with very good success as the
growers are not satisfied with the re-
turns of last year. The crop last year
was delayed in shipping and the returns
were away short of the previous year.
Two years ago a car was shipped from
from here from white% was realized $104,
The following is the result of the test
examinatione held in the fourth class of
the Public School, during the past five
weeks. Subjects: Arithmetic, Gram-
mar, Geography, Literature, Composi-
tion, Reading, Writing and Drawing.
Pass 390, Honors 487.
Mary Ritchie 560, Ernest Lipklater
631, Florence Snggitt 693, Lillian Rosa
520, Edith Bnohanau 512, Jno Mitchell
010, Slanohe Bennett 483, Frank Gilles-
pie 475, Verna Dickinson 478, Hector
Mutton 473, Ada Haines 473, Gordon
Young 467, Russell Flirter 448, Edna
Biehl 443, Bertha Jones 432, Olera
Boemer 425, Milton White 415, Edna
Swarts 411, Joe Harold 410, Roy Tula
vey 410, Milton Roadhouse 404, Emma
Forsyth 404, Allan Pugh 379, Minnie
Bosman 870, Fred Johnston 367, Jennie
Armour 367, Pearl Cartwright 349,
Lizzie Johns 344, I4ay Oautelon 318,
Ceoil Hnox 814, Dlok Mann 309, Allan
Snechel 304, Norman Watson 299, Ethel
Tipling 286, Flossie Orr 280, Alba Hogg
276, Clary, Mitchell 269 Aroh Simmons
261, Paul Pugh 257, Hazel Drummond
246, Pearl Paton 213, Cbrissy Armour
203, Norman Nicholls 202, Marjorie
Haines 189, Azelor Sanderson 150, Ethel
Beckwith 140, Ruby Robertson 145,
Elmo Sanderson 85.
Lave Stook Markets
Toronto, May 16 -The run at the City
Cattle Market today was 90 loads, with
1,750 head of cattle, 180 sheep and lambs
80 hogs and 365 calves. Trade was gen-
erally good, business during the earlier
part of the dar being particularly brisk,
Later on the buying was a little more
deliberate, in view of plenty of cattle
coming in, but, on the whole, the mark-
et beld good and steady, and last week's
advance in prices were fairly well main-
The following are the quotations:
Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs.
Choice . $5 10 $5 35
Medium 4 90 5 00
Bulls 4 00 4 60
Light 3 50 3 75
Cows 4 00 4 50
Feeders -
best 1000 pounds and up-
wards 4 00 4 40
Stockers choice 4 00 4 25
" bulls 3 00 3 40
Butchers' -
Picked 4 80 5 10
Choice 4 40 4 70
Medium 4 25 4 50
Cows.... 4 00 4 50
Balis 3 26 3 50
Hoge -
Best 6 62ee
Lights 6 37eee
Sheep ---
Export ewes 6 00 6 50
Bucks.. . 4 50 5 50
Culla 3 50 4 00
Spring Lambe each,. 5 00 7 00
Calves. eaoh ... . 300 6 50
Last year a car, said to be larger, welcomers MARKET aaEPOILTS
brought a return of only $54. Wingham, May 15th, 1907
The service in the Methodist Church Floor per 100 Iba,... 2 00 to 2 60
on Sunday evening, May 5th was devot- Fall Wheat 0 70 to 0 70
ed to Sunday school work and it was a Oats 0 85 to 0 25
very profitable service. Mrs Onyler,' Barley ..,, 0 45 to 0 50
Peas 0 76 10 0 76
Buckwheat ... 0 50 to 0 50
Bitter ...... .... ........ 0 20 to 0 20
Eggs per dos 0 17 to 0 17
Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00
Hay , per ton.. ...... 8 00 to 11 00
Potatoes, per bushel new0 50 to 0 60
Tallow per lb 0 5,e to 0 06
Lard ... 0 15 to 0 15
Dried Apples per lb 06e to 0 07
Live Hogs, per cwt. 6 10 to 6 10
the Superintendent and teacher of the
Bible Oiass gave a very interesting ad-
dress on the work of the Sanday school.
Mrs Ouyler is a splendid speaker and
her address convinced those in atten•
dance that she was very much interest-
ed in Sunday school work. Rev Mr
Finlay gave an address and paid a fine
tribute to the work of the Sunday
school and its influence. Mrs Finlay
sang a solo in sweet voice. All the
singing was appropriate to the occasion.
The Sunday school is prosperous and all
the officers bat one are ladies.
The baby who Buffers from indiges-
tion is simply starving to death, It
loses all desire for food and the little
it does take does no good and the child
is peevish, cross and restless. Mothers
will find no othere:indicine a prompt to
cure as Baby's Own Tablets -they al-
ways do good -they canet possibly do
harm. Mrs. James Save, Little Lame-
que, N.B., says: -"I b Bove that had it
not been for Baby's Ain) Tablets my
child would have be in her grave. She
was completely run down, would refuse
food, and was rapidly failing. Nothing
I gave her did her any good until I be-
gan the use of Babys Own Tablets and
these have changed her into a well and
growing child." Sold by druggists or
by mail as 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont.
The Corby distillery at Oorbyville,
near Believiile.was burned. Loss $250,-
Oliver Deelauriers, an Ottawa bar-
tender, committed suicide by shooting.
A cow owned by Mr. R. Parker of
Pickering gave birth to a two -headed
A waggon load of whiskey was seized
by the police at Owen Sound, that had
been brought in by a farmer.
William Waldie, aged 38, a farmer
near Gananoque, killed his wife and
two children, aged four a.nd two years,
on Monday, by knocki. g their brains
out with a hammer while they were
asleep. He then cut Isis throat from
ear to ear. He left a dote stating that
he bad been a mental and physical
wreck, a maniac for the past two years.
ie Rev John McDougall, commissioner
to the Donkhobore, i in Ottawa to re-
port to the Government. He nye that
owing to the deorte that Donkhobore
must become citizens of Canada, or live
oh reserves, quite large tracts of land
now held by them ander favored condi-
tions will be thrown open to settlement.
After eight years in Canada only about
one ninth of the Donkhobore decided t0
become Canadian citizens. They claim
God as their king and refuse to beeome
subject to any earthly king.
Vendors for delive
of gravel on certain
over ,,qty ,e: of Wingham, ii-i1I
Itoads and Sidewalk
rx� of Town Connell it
inst., at la o'clock
�+► tlw. • taken from tke To
e immitAis farther partioulars
fng about '700 yet i i
ppttreets in the town
reoeiyed by the
e Committee of the
till Saturday, 18th
tlon, Gravel to be
a gravel pits. T'ot
se the undersigned.
I)a(y>tD BELL, Chairmen.
A large stock of Wall Paper of the
newest and latest designs to be
sold at greatly reduced prices
25c Wali Paper for 20o per roll
20c " " 15o " "
15c " " " 12eo "
12�o " " " 10o "
l0c a " " 8o r,
70 " " " 5o "
Borders same price per roll a dewalla
they match. .
Spalding Sporti g Goods
Headquarters for ever hung in Base
Bali, Footbaliy L mese, Tennis
Gond Etc.
English -made Fishing Tackle
We carry a first class stock. Try as
Fancy, Souvenir and Comic
Post Cards
Oar variety can't be beat anywhere.
Cameras and .Photographic
A. fresh and complete stock, free dark
room and instructions to beginners.
Jeweler and Stationer
Wingham, Ont.
should be most partienlar about
His Hat
BEpe.USE it really becomes part of his face, in so
couch. that it either completes off' kills his expres-
sion. The hat that makes you look your best
may make another mail look his worst.
Our large assortment Of
Sprin.g Hats
contains many different shapes, to suit the many
different faces. We havo made a study of com-
bining the proper hat and face, and will gladly
put the correct one on you, at no greater coat
than you eau afford to pay.
Saturday Bargains for Tien.
50c off any of our Felt Hats, hard or soft, black
or colored.
Saturday Bargains for Boys.
Hercules Stoekings-=the best boys' stocking made
-ranging in sizes from 5 to 10, regular 15e,
20e, 25e and 30e. On Saturday only at, per
pair, - - - 100, 15e, 18e and 22e.
Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. A�
lltili� ..
The New Scale
Williams Piano Co.
Have requested me to place their Pianos in my
store and have appointed me their sole agent for
Wingham and vicinity.
A special invitation is extended to everyone who
wishes to see them and test their tone and design,
to call at my furniture store. We specially invite
the ladies. Come in and bring any of your friends
along and play on them -the more they are played
on the better.
We charge nothing, but will consider it a favor to
have you visit our warerooms and give your opinion
of what is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be
one of the finest toned Pianos made in Canada.
.And after you have satisfied yourselves as to their
high quality, we will be pleased to quote you
prices oa them,
Don't buy until you see the New Scale Williams-
* they are certainly of the very highest grade, tone
► and finish.
Darains in
Gents' FurnishinAs
You'll have an opportunity to share in what will
no doubt he the most sensational Shirt and
Collar Sale of the season. Sensational be-
cause the goods are new and stylish at a saving
in price of from 5o to loo per cent. That sounds
big doesn't it? but we will prove the truth of that
statement if you'll give us the opportunity to do so.
About One Hundred and Fifty
New Summer Shirts
Secured at a very low price. See them in our
north window, white cotton body with fancy
sateen fronts. Every shirt worth 75c each.
Our Special Sale Price only 48c each.
Money refunded if not perfectly satisfactory.
About Three Hundred Collars
- New Goods.
Regular price i5c to 206 each, come and examine
these goods, otherwise you won't realize the
compelling power of these prices. Turn down
Collars, stand up Collars, turn down stand up
Collars, all sizes and styles. You'll have to
move quick to get your supply at these sensa-
tional prices.
Our Special Sale Price 10c each or 3 for 25c
A quantity of Men's Congress
Shoes at Reduced Prices.
Men's fine Dongola Congress Shoes, regular
$2,25 to $2.5o
Our Special Sale Price to Clear $1.65 a pair
iTiV.VVVVV.7.MYVVI'!''«'I.MQ!LV rrrrVYRVopv. -i.. '.I 1, .: �'I�r' f
on 4
i m
++e+++++♦++N+++++++++4+N +++++++++++N:++++++++4+*+♦
To Mexico City, Loa Angeles and
San Erancisoo.
Ask for particulars.
Reduced rates to Norfolk, Va. In
effect until Nov. 80th.
Choice of routes. Three different
time ltmite.
Tourist Rates now in Meet,
For full information as to rates and -
tiokets, call on L. HA_itoLD, Depot
Agent. J. t . I &tiDoitAt.u, D. P. A,,
With the coming of Spring and housecleaning
time, there will be new furniture required. Per-
haps a new Parlor Suite," Diningroom Suite,
Bedroom Suite, or an Odd Piece just to fill in.
Whatever your wants may be, we are prepared
to supply them, and the prices you will agree
are very moderate. • You're invited to call when
wanting anythitlg La, the line of Furniture,
New Baby Carriages and Carts to Hand.
Walker's urmture store1
Undertaking promptly and satisfactorily attended to.
+++$+4+444+4+++44+++++++N: 44444444444 4444444444#4.f
-- AT �--
1►► •
GLOVERS: -Common Red, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Lucerne, and White.
Also Timothy. These seeds are inspected and approved by the De-
partment at Ottawa for purity and growth, and are all home grown. :e.
Doi OATS: --Wo have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel,
Pot wonderfully productive, yielding as ranch as 85 bushels to the acre. 3
of large plump, white grain. Tartar .ding, highly recommended by
White Rnasian, has been grown extensively in Perth County. $i000
Oats, very highly endorsed by the American farmers, by whom it has
been largely grown.
the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw free from rust t
1►► BARLEY: -Black, a limited quantity on hand, seldom yielding less than 40
bushels per acre. Menoury, a well-known variety, strong atia heavy
E.JAPANESE MILLET: --Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-known in
Ontario, splendid for green fodder and hay.
EJAPANESE 13UUO8WHEAT:-One of the best varieties, very early
and productive.
RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:-Somethimea 15 inchesil5 diameter.
GOOSE WI#EAfi:--Tit. ,
WHEAT: -The cleanest from foreign seeds I havo ever handled.
E CORNS: -We have coming, the I'nrgest stock of finest varieties for silage and
Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet 'table Corn, Coney's '
extra early, Crosley'e early, Sugar Corn and ()wintry gentleman, field 4
► and garden peas.
EARLY POTATOES: --We have Nought Six a very early and prodnotive
variety, Carman No, 1 grown at Experimental Parni Ottawa
BE 1.U'Y OF IiEBRONt-Successfully grown in this vioinity.
ALSO GROUND OIhOARE:--Bibbeye Cream Equivalent, Twin Oity nab
Pod, and pore Ground /hex Meal.
All kinds of l4%ai prodttoe