HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-28, Page 18$Ilif2-TTkPE"H1380NiEXII0 T 8,4 546,118 theattly . `11A1i it .44ELIP %WANTED BLVV1-1--LIONS Dabber'.13'Ingo; every'Ruesday at 7:30 p'+m.-:Blyth•and -District Community Centre 4300:00 Jackpot must go :Over 4 $10001001n:prizes. 14/5—tf DABBER BINGO Vanastra =Rec. Centre, Tutesdays•',at 7:30 p.m. $1000100 in prizes. LuokyBali=remalns•at $100,00. 1-18-tf KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS':tvlonster Bingo -$2600:prize'money, $1;000; lackpotTo-go;•aat Saltford Valley Hall every Thursday 'night. Doorsopen 6430 p.m, Bingo 7:30 p.m. 1-118-0 -Belle -River FIDDLE 'SINGING CONTEST - AAugust 3, 4, 5, 6. Campsitesavailable. $7;500 ,prizes,featunng'the LEAHY Pamily, Box 10, Belie -River, Ontario NOR 1A0 or calk- 5.t9) 728-1767, 1426,'bc SEAFORTH LIONS present the first annual BIGFOOT 'MUSIC FESTIVAL featuring -"The Pirahnna 'Brothers and U -Can -Too 'at 18:00 p:m., Saturday, July 15, Seafonhand`District Community Centres. Tickets .$7 advance,1$9 at the door. Available from McLaughlin Chev- Olds and Bob and Betty's, Seaforth. 1-26-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL - Perils of Persephone'. June 27, 28, 29(matinee - rushseats only) Ju- ly 1 (rushseats only), 6, 7; Sticks and Stones: June29 (rush -seats only), 30 (rush'seatsonly). The -Right One: July 4:(preview, rusheeats:on- ty), 5 (rush seats only) 6 (matinee, :ushsseats -only), 8(.rush seats onty3UMess'otherwise-in- dicated, all performances are at 8:30 p:m., matinees are at 2:00 pm. -Box office .523-9300/9225. 1-26-1 • 7-Viill:tinte480'.Dattittrrie AVAILABLI Apply in 4CIIr11`ft* Ito: V%P'H T.° -I' . IX 1:2000, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1LO SEAFORTH SENIOR GAMES Annual Potluck Supper and Awards Nightto be held on Mon- day, July 10, 6:00 p.m. at the. Seaforth sand District Community Centres, All :participants welcome. Please bring your own dishes. 1-26-2 " GLANVILLE REUNION Sunday July 9,: gather at 2 p:m.,:potluck.supper, games and;baseball at Seaforth Lions Park. 1-26-2 AQUA FIT - 2 eessions. July 3 -to July 19.and Aug. 7. to Aug. 23, $'15,00 per: session. from 12.p'.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays, and Wednesdays instructor - Drusilla Leitch. 'To 'register call Seatorth Lions Park and Pool 522=0950.1-25-2 'YARD / • ARAGE SALE lyre L%CENCED TEL -EC 1 RICI-ANS -4.th 431. 6th Term -app'renti'ces NNE 'Pet'manent :fu'U.4tme.positians. :Excellent :competitive 'Tates. :Overtime:availabfe at time :awl a half. ■a�� PLEASE 'GALL... 4sRtrfsl o EECTRICIL II�o L 337Thanles' Road, •: Rect Exeter, 'Ontario -NOM 133 SARAGE SALE, -Friday, June:30 12•noonrand Sat. July 1, 8 - 7 Furniture, bakingand misc. items, at Larne Carter's, 21/2 miles west of ;Seaforth. 226-x1 SUPER YARD SALE, July 1, 115:Goderich St. E., Special items, bedroom suite, athletic 'equipment,.eanning sealers, 9 a:m.ao 4 p:m. 2:28-1 FROM ATTIC to basement yard sale, _Satur- day, July 1, 9:30 to ? 11/4 -miles north of ,1,11/in- throe turn east 1/2' mile, watch for signs. Cancelled if it -rains. 2-26-1 13....LOS ..LOST, :STRAYED • LOST - new navy overcoatdaken bymistake:at legion Hall: for information phone .527-1.355. 3,26-x1 .''-HELD ^W/)1NTED 1 (51$) 235-1516 P M IfEIIiURON COUNTY iBOAWD OF EDUCATiO) • 1rraquiirasraUra ' �Q ,,,HAUTE ECHNICI . .Learning'Resources :Centre :Central+Iuron SecondarySchooi, Clinton TERMS..OFEMPLOY ENT =Eulkime 1.2 -month year The :successful applicant -should :§ ^ahave: 1.i a-communitu college diptomain=an slectronics:orAudio VisualT'echni- wan.course; 2. -.extensive :knowledge -.Of .,and' the• 'ability io'maintain,1roubt shoot and- repair=aeaseIoction Tottaudio,visualL. Aequipment;_and .3: hmabitityrimpnoduce,inspectrand' 'repairlaudio visual;prQgrarns. =PrBierenoe oW I I L,be liven 1ot#iose applicantskAwho, •in-addition3Orthose ,Qualifications ,Fisted ,above,:ipossess '"theabiiity.tOroaintain-:and''repair:com- -;puter hardwarei,andisoftware. •-Ali qualifiediappiioantshnustsubrnit a 'riasume•-aand ,cover.1etter'.:priorrto TTbur sday„'July-6,1989+to: Aleanne 'Dionne ;IPersennelaienager a turonVountylloarcI otEducation 103s'A1lbertfStreet Clinton, ;Ontario. *J0M i L0 A °1`YkLASS "TRANSPO T `DRIVERSASEDED:-FCiettyour :Class qA” licence at `Ontario's •OldBat'and ffargestqra imine centre. -Courses''et'arKeVery gliAllnday. "fix:dgdeOtible, uweekend-courses, db4tieSiStarice, tto experience ',required. ERV l4APS" RA1 PORT 11801 •"L8533559 arribritigeandtotldon. 5"23 tf PULL -TIME ',work 'available immediately ttoading•thlckenst -Also••part time -and --penial ,etuderlt 'hourscall free 1300=265 094. 'S -23=t/ S F'UDENTTequired toworkduring summer:on "farrow to finish operation. -Good wages. Gall -945=25500 x..345.2503 atter• 8 p.m. 544-3 'W.J.`'dEENEY.Ctnlstruction 'requires ;perma- +nent4aborers, carptenters end -foremen. Work involvesgeneral carpentryand'concrete :App- lyatW,J, Feeney Const., 58 UnlonSt.130blln, Ont. 3452405, 5244f STRAWBERRY pickers wanted, Lovell's, 263.6418, 5-25.2 'WANTEDstarting Sept, 1, person to come in- to my ''home to babysit twoi children egged three -and one -and -one-half, four days per Week$120xper week:527.2146. ' 625.4 -ATI ANTIC "WAFE .BOARD 'INC, lies im- medlate:ppeningsfor severaLquaitfledielectri- cians,.preferably industrial•etectricians'Yhough construction qualification will be considered. Emptoyment:is.full time. The company offerea comprehensive benefit package. -interested personssare invIted•tasubmittheir resume' in tanniidence to: Mr, James Smyth, :.Electrical foreman, -Atlantic Waterboard'Inc.,=P.O.'Box 429, .Chatham, New Brunswick, E1N 3A8. 5-26.bc MECHANIC-.Class•A or 5th Yearapprentice. Year-round position in Muskoka. Alignment experience an asset, 'Rental accommodation available. Call Dave (705) 765-5864 -:Days, "(705)765-5618 Evenings. 5-26=bc •HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested per- sons needed •immediatelyto sell toys and;gifts forNational'Home Party -Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. .0411 (579) .25877905. 5.26bc 18ABY.SiTTER needed :for three -month :'aid .b3bytwo-.days pereweek starftlg-n.Aggust - Brueefiekl-iSeafotth :;arae. SII Z263=5048. .52'264.3 IBECMERS,4Seafonh, is tlridgf filbio lrlature.person to -work 841r. shifts, .Saf. and Sun.:and' 2 nights thcoughthe.week(till 12:00 -midnight).-Apply in.person. ,iNo phone: sells. :5=25.1 -RAWLEEIGH DISTRIBUTORS needed. ;Sail r•.and:market»with our brand •NEW:salessplan. irodted'in :,bonus ,positions. Gall =Bootleg 'REE tliterature ..pack (519).:627.1:3374after-4 pint. 52643c ,MARINE MECHANIC/APPIRENTIGEewanted. ruII:time.'All:company.benefits. 'Wages•:com- -mensurmte+with experience.'Contact iaolleen Lunney, =Royal City Marine, ;Guelph, 1519) 2232412. "sr26rbc "TOWN AND -COUNTRY -HOMEMAKERS ;tseaks friendly,.oaring-indivJdualsdoeworkeas xpar't+tiree-llomemakers'in 'the Ssaforth area. -Tide :position ;is .well-suited do -mature 'In- .dividuals'willing,tosworkyevenings,,waekends :sand von ea ;caprin basis. 'Raining, +uniforms, 'travel >expenees _provided. cflione ' 1 5,4100 2653039 or -482-9264. 903.1 '"ma's k. WINDOWS i .. INDOWt • DO}._ s'tl'' Looking to the future <<• dttin- the. rtOwr t am rift: geat,Ptlftal -Huronia'-e=Lgpfarlen.t,edssalelgpersons.5ard4,tnstsliers:lggisir d ,Contact Talbert ,oall;ichaeR*.yhow 7r42166420,6 Atew■ralirs.-AlioNNEvilAIE tmlhfefl"JnvNliaows IVB a r t W Y.^ ' 3. <I r tIIQ7705 -TNE-HURON OUNTY BOABD3OF J:piUCAtfON • trequIrseta BUS DRIVER t 009k deemo' os tjPi satipettooponemootomoriossape .„ ul voltopp. ntltoptthol lass §B" 1Laslyer/s,Jsloanse..-Interested oppticants $r, delapuldotend a,.letter laofrgpp.Iloafon,apjjd e esumestating experience iodhedundarsjgn eaedby12;,00,noon, Thursday,4uly6th, a. )39. ,Jeanne;DIpnne nPureonnel;Man per ,,ilitionrCourapiloardllotEdacation t1p3r#tttrlrrrt' ..io t.rt lintotattt.er gitao .00 . i3llSI'NES ` AINEVY --•F RT TODAY! =