HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-28, Page 101LIA- 'ME 'HURON -EXPOSITOR :1t1NE 28, T989- rrlf ^you wifti6 Ito suture-4r ^lifetime Pintonee'from on (RR5P Or are interested In Other investments al very competitive rotes cull glenoid J. Stlnnlissen 1517 041:[) SunLjfe BERGSales - Service Installation Free Estimates ^Barn Cleaners a Stabling e Bunk feeders Donald G. Ives R.R. 2 Blyth Brussels 887-9024 ift ngreensdo at play in mixed pairs fa n o teens find a good entry on � r n t&'lturda m `th ,af., Seaforth lG Y e mixed' pairs' tournament sponsored by Etue Insurance. Fifteen greens were in play .with bowlers from many out nof.towplaces, Firstone hundred dollars the team of `Tom and Jean Wilson of went est with,3 w plus 50 .op 16. Second went to Jack and Mary Fisher Lucknow - 3 w plus 49; third to Brad Fleming and Rev Sarnia - 3w plus 47 op 7; fourthlo4Walter`Newcombe and Della Slavin Clinton 3w plus 41 op 13; fifth to Don and Doris Sibley' Woodstock - 2w plus 47 op 4 ; sixth to Neil and Edna Bell Seaforth - 2 wThelma4Combsn eaford) t2w plusses Con- solation prize went to Don and Lois Haines Clinton. The greens were in excellent shape as many of the bowlers attested to in their comments. 7h. cdiisurt,-: THI testi Gi sr:AFu?T... To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporacion of the Town of Seaforth We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforeh as at December 31, 1988 and the consolidated statement of operations for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such testa and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances- in our opinion, these consolidated financial statemeata present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth as at December 31, 1988 and the results of Ica operations for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting principles disclosed in note 1 to the financial statements applied on a basis conaiscenc with that of the preceding ear. London, Ontario February 20, 1989. Chartered Accountants Licence No. 1239 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS fol- the year ended 31, 19$8 SOURCES OF FLNANC848: Taxation and 0ser charges Residential and (arm taxation Commere:a., indyetrial and businea.s Caxetinn Taxa140,1 11,10. aura: • government. vs..: ended,.•., and fee Grants ...overtimes: van44,, Pros/nes 0i wntarr,. Vtnel municipalttle'. Ocher inveaLne,., dicast De4ul•t: Amounts received U' reselyas,, tscant,. and action anarm. MUNICIPAL FUND BALANCE. AT T11E 884154494. OF TIIE. YEAR Oa,: 1 e. ,, dna: t . a-r,1,4ute aur 0.,, ., APPLLEU TO. Current operation. ,•. ,. v,•t user' E'tvid,ti,, .. per aJns alt .,:4.11 4ir,,:, 4 1,114),.! aetv,nr. c ,r4mrn:,,, servi,es ne s., e bu,:.ei . 'r • t Amo„ aero.tr' ece?t:tun JUJ siltura• service, 1'la onto• Inl ueve,opmen: Capital es], , v•tnmen• Pr a, ••c:iun , per„uns ars, proprrt , Its r,„r1Jt t,,. aer '. Ln ,lunmenta• service, Neiendt,n„ ane :.slur.. nervine, apprupriaeinn,r t 444rve• an,' V4t.t v,• luau., 611Nl41p44 FUND BALANCE AT TNL ENO OF THh YEAR (sets , •_..-• oriel r.. 03)9.- 4,i.rt,u,, u• Budget Actual 1984'_ 19de by a ba Friday 30 bowlers turnollowed ed out and all 'reported a most enjoyable evening. Winning bowlers were Tom "Phillips and Lydia Doering and Betty Tilley and Theo Van Bakel. Low scores were held by Olive mayPryse and be held Jim inethe seasonr being this one' was so successful, The June potluck supper and social was held on June 20 at 6 p.m. Forty-four members and associates were present for the supper. Special thanks to Sandy Pepper for the treat of fresh strawberries to Grace Broadfoot, Helen Connell and Rachel Riehl who stemmed them all. President Jack Muir informed members a letter had been received from Helen Brady re memorial donation sent from the late Dr, Paul Brady estate, Helen stated she was pleased to read the Lawn Bowling News, also the poem 'written by Donald Dale to commemorate etas'annidA ntteoftks's also et to J Keyes'for his many years as treasurer of the men's club. A card of thanks will ,also be sentto Jim Etue and the Seaforth Legion for their generosity to the club. Winners at bowling after the supper were Edna Bell and Thelma Coombs 'for the ladies and Neil Bell and Sandy Pepper for the men. Euchre winners were high scores: hands Idea Diehl and Thelma Dand Ethel ale, Lone Con- solation James Keyes and Sue Dick. d Con- MBridge riel ad winners were Grace Cornish and Last Wednesday the District Ladies Pro- vincial Pairs were bowled at the Seaforth Greens, The winning team was Edna Bell (lead) and Eileen Adamson (skip). They will now advance to the nowt gtHPp homer PI OF SE.AFOITH JIOR'S REPORT FUND BALANCES Al THi561 G} 1H1. YEAP To be used to offset taxation or user charges (Weir 7) Reserves (Note 8i Reserve tunas (Note B, 54,49, 10..,731 7r,,;1r 7u,:10 146.83_• 85,734 ,..2,JD_LL GIs 267,175 1513,44, S54(,,241 The accompanying note.,, are at, i Meara part of tui„ fr nancia; statement. NOTES Ti -1 THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 1988 1. Accounting Po8cies The consolidated 3'nanrial statement, g the Lorporat ton are ch, representation dt management precured rr accordance win: acrount)ny policies prescribed tut tlntari . 4o:ttcinn:r ties by the Ministry o: Municipal Affairs, Since precise determination o: many asset,. and Liabilities is dependent upon i't'n' events, trio preparation of periodic finanria; Statements necesenr( I I nvn)vett the use n) estimates and approxrmaci.one. These have bee'. man„ us, m' carelu: lu1)1044nts, 011 (7, Basis 2: Lonsulidaiiie These consolidated statement/ r,et.. of financing and expenditure,, 01 rP•, ivy assets, lca capital )Un , sources funds and reserves and In4ludr t)'.444:4' 0'.nue t oof. all, CO0m1 tend, ) reserve Actua. Council and the eullowi nl: boards. mune mmirteeh of 1981 ! which are under ch) cuner0t of Loun.a tea: enterpriser and ut it It les 5 797.826 $ 796,680 2 710,743 449,023 454,881 447,230 ' 21,50u 31,248 30,356 21.2,53', 226,649 204,381 3,89: 541,231 37, 00, 4, Ou. 23,304 1,83, 535,63, 35,20' 12,31, 19,554 2,681 663,24. 28,46.: 5,5): b.,') (501,115, (549,944; (578,8591 40.,,14, 5,,611,91: 3„6•.'l,77" Si,u/+,65r 252,030 203,830 440,811 10u,88 001. 2, 4u,, 254,01. 296,36: 229.57, 193,129 25 1,674 5 238,49, 272,21'0 228,63, 191,609 18), 161, Ubu2,85,• 141,525 109,169 -_9% 86.65L ___„2/,210 ,- 1-2t?SkattL 1.202 866 Sunset - Actual 4,- HtlH 1988 51,454 44,360 25,790 18,40' 180,980 212,688 4:,004 49,66'. .11_7...921? - 4,184 .--L12.12' 32_315 45,199 Seaforth 8usines4 lmprnvemv.• , 4,, All intertund assets and llabillt14., al,' sources al financing and expenditures have been..elimtinate1,4 h .ch4,exception of loans or advancer; between reserve funds and. 440s cher resulting interest tnrome.add�^e°petnditnres. -n municipality (it l Doti -Consolidated Ent(ttes The following local boards, (01ne local boar,.,, municipal encerpriaes and utilities are not consolidated: - - Seaforth and District Lummunliv Gen: ren Management Cummltce Seaforth Area Fire Department Seaforth Public Utill n' Commission - Waterworks Oepar@ment ' Seaforth Public Utlllcv Commission - aectrica) Department (till AcCountlnq for Counts end S:huo1 Board Transactions The taxation, other revenues, expenditures, asset, and liabilities with respect to the operations of the sent,,. uu8rds, and the County et Huron are not reflected in the municipal tun' ualanc,• of these financial statements, OverlevLes (underlevle::. ire reported on Inc Consolidated Balance Sneer as "ocher current 1iab:Itllr4" ("other current assets"). Iv. lrust Funds frust tundra and their related operation.. administered by the monictpatio. are not conboLtdaced, bit: are reported separately un the lrusr Funds Statement of Lott lnut•. and 8s.(enc,, Sneer, (n) basis 0f Accounting (1) 4cerualbasis Sources of accounting rt with ch0 exceptioncing anare report edam the long term 110611141.es which are charged against operations ) in 4theeprinci9941ods in which they are paid. (11) The accrual basis of accuunting recognizes revenues as they _1,120,91} become available and measurable; expenditures are recognized as they are Incurred and measurable as a result 01 receipt of goods or aervtces and Actual the creation of a legal obligation to pay. 1"87 ' (11i) Fixed Assets .The historical Cunt and accumulated depreciation for fixed assets are not recorded fur municipal purposes. Fixed assets are reported as an expenditure on the Lunx,LldaLed Statement of Operations in the year of acquisition, ._.44_8.75!, 52,306 1,168 343,354 45,498 6,436 62,094 25, ,,, den,,ideier:. Jur.n: tie' tea. $1,611,91- 51,649,770 $1,67.,,656 , .r ,Com outs, ta ere, del loins,. part 0, 1410 Inn. 1'•0meta: sta1,,,•- t9man 4. CONSOLIDATED • ;BALA=NCE SHEET as at :December ;31, 1988 A8 SETS 1988 1981 Unrestricted Cash Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Other current assets Restricted Cash Accounts reoelvable Due from revenue fund Capital outlay financed by 10ng-term Llab111cles end to be recovered in future years (Note 1(b)(iv) 1A814I TES Bank indebtedness Acdounts payable and -accrued liabilities Deferred revenue .Net Long -.term liabilities (Note 6) .Commitments (Note 13) 5 36,664 2 6,656 88,898 125,277 142,182 242,524 100 270,613 374.557 147,888 944 85,620 14 (iv) Capital Outlay to be Recovered to Future Years "Capital outlay to be recovered in future years," which represents the outstanding principal portion of unmatured long term liabilities for municipal expenditures of capital funds transferred to other organizations, Is reported on the "Consolidated Balance Sheet." 2 Operatic= of the School Board and tho County nl Huron Further to note l(a)(111), the taxatlun, richer revenues, expenditures and ovecleviea (underleviee) of the school boards and the County of Huron are comprised of the following: Legation Payment, In lieu of taxes Requisitions Supplementary taxes (Underlevles4 for the year Overie0iee (underleviee) at the beginning of the year (Underlevles) at the end of the year _1481832 83t )' -- S.,)000 riquti000 to Unconsolidated Joint Boards 194000 Further t-• nuts I,n)(I1 ,, the a.,,,; And 1140,11E1 __ 000 8D 000 ' Joint boards have 1101 been tuns•, ,lated and are no "Gunanildated 8alanto Sheet', $613,445 2540,-291 5 - 5 74,000 139,412 :99,814' 1. 9,r3A2; f9 _142411 „.J42.14 L6rR 4D8o School' Boards County 8432,152 9123,899 25,17,2 8,746 457.324 132,645 456,056 I 26f 457,324 S - s 132,276 399 .132 645 nt aleonan,td•ited e p,,rted or the The operations of the joint boors. have also nor been consolidated. Consolidated Statement of Opera. ons" includes ,on:. the luliowlne contributions made by the munte)p11)t, to those boards: Sea'forch and District Cummu,,, Management Committee Seefomth Area Fire Department 11988 1987 The 944,481 410,369 , The Corporatlpr, of the ,w14h .t eh Torn of Seaford) hes. entered into an agreement x.24, e. 33,7[7 3 he llesicage Canada FOuhdat,lon to participate ,'091 ldpplomont e •) 9t,reet Canoga r009 ,lme. The A$r,eement ex Sr,e QQ A Main 868,830 564,486 d total coat of .the pro 4ot la ;apprpx(matelyp0109,000uom r , 1989 c the 089,Evreovvovust agreements. To {Jape 891•,416,Ita9 been expended psor the life e! the iY Co 81'1 9,.BU3 is avgir;te)7},e to fins me the AAd a rear of 00 our'nam nt 'held at the -Burlington -Club on July 8. Good Inch girls. Members have been active in out of town tournaments, At Bru Gels mixed pairs Neil and Edna Bell were second, Gladys and San- dy D n Doig third and Sandy Pepper and EileAt Mitch- ladiesnsnre pairs on Thursday the team of Jean Lunn (lead) and Eileen Adam- son (skip) 'placed °first. Consolation prize was won by Olive Papple and Mary Finlayson, Fred Tilley and Neil Bell also placed sixth in men's pairs at Exeter last Wednesday. On Monday the rink of Theo Van Bakel, Olive Papple and Mary Finlayson will be competing in Exeter in the Senior Games and on Wednesday'a car load of ladies hope to compete in ladies pairs in Lucltrfow. Good Bowling to all 11. Truer Funds. Trust Lunde admtni,cereu bo the 090,41nnli r•, amiinrt0,4 r,,. 911(1,98' :98' 88',562) hnvo no' hone Included in the Cnnsnlidared Ralanse Sheet nor have their operation, been included in ins Lunso) 14002 .Statement Opee rat tuna, of Penalon Agreement The municipality makes rnntrfhutlein, r,' Inv )1ntd'),• muniripal F,m,l v Retirement Fund 1u,M.r,R•S,7 whlrh {r, „ multi-employer 16 members, n) ern staff. I o res specifies clffes the The plan is a defined br•net {. plan do hrhalf n. specifiers baser, nnun3 rho: 1l length retirement benefit re b,. nl 04 w9)' roar vied. reserved hr she dolt rate, of nae. The amount contributed to '.#.8.13.6. cur 19815 wa, :,en )or current service and Is Ine)uded, a, ,an expenditure Statement of O '1415 �=5.51:) Operations. w env Consul ld nr eu 6. Net Long Term Liabilities (a' The balance of net liabilities renurted on the 'Consolidated Sheet" 1s made un u: the following' luta( lung term irabiticfen Incurred he 'nn municipal lit inciudinp those lncur'red on behal: 01 achnul 'bnardb,'uther municipalities and municipal enterprises and outstanding at rhe year end amount c„ Net long-term liabilities at the end of the veer 1987 1`87 51900), 58Q 0017 0194,006 580,000 b 0( the net long-term liabilities lr reported tr. aJ 93 this note, rom,D0f1 principal payments are pa va, e• flow. ;9Ra - 1993, 5109,000 from 1494-149D and are summarized a!, ldllowa: 19134 to 1991 1994 to 199E From general municipal revenues From unconsolidated municipa: enterprises : 75.000 34,000 5 85,000 0)09,00], "®se r) Approval of ,,the Dntario dfuni4ipai Board has been obtained for the ?y`.4''l4Sttpted;:dn the 00449 of the muni ci Pa lloy. Municipal Fund Balance at the End of the Year The Municipal Fund Balance on the "Consolidates Statement of Operations" of 55.,.9; (1987 - 4)0',,731) is eonprised of the following; 1988 1987 5 45,000 40,000 Fur general reduction o) carat lot' or user dnarges Reserves and Reserve Foods a' T)e total balance of reserves and reserve funds of $225,542 (1987 - 5163,44a) respectively are made UP of the (o11o.fee: ' 1988 1987 S 54,491 SlOa,731 • Reserves Set aside for specific purpose by Council - for working capital Total reserves Reserve funds set aside for specific purpose by Council - fur industrial development - fur working capital - ler heritage - for business fmpruvemenr - for sick leave Total reserve funds e. Unfunded Pea6ien Lieb1llty 5 76.710 5 76,710 5 76,710 5 76,710 r - tip' 5 37,098 76,469 10,507 19,803 5 38,876 10,846 9,69.. 26,3th 0148,832 5 85,734 During 1985 the town amended by-law, number 667 such that policemen are 140 en4 ,tied cwt der ire, et 60 years of age as opposed to 65 years of age. The net elle, n: chi,, change wab an underfunding in the policemen's pension plan of 526,111 at January 1, 1985, the effective date of the Change. The town since made tour equal annual Instalments of principal and )7l407est amounting. to 0',041 (or each 00 the years 1985 14 1988. Thr• unfunded balance as at December 31, 1888 of 56,539 has 001 been accrued In these. llnanrisl statements, 111• Charges for Net Long -Term liabilities lural charge, ler the• year fur aer long term liabilities which are reported un the "Conso:)dater, Statement of Operations" are as follows: 1988 1987. .etc rear II. Mon -Accrual of interest on Long -Tens Liabilities '•o provision has been made in these financial statements for the accrual of interest on the. net long-term li abliitie9, Had this provision been made, mwn)e)pa) fund balances as at December.)), 1988 would have decreased by 54,915 (1987 - 84,144), 11. Contractual Obligation - Minlatry of the 8nvlronment In accordance with a service agreement entered lilts by the Town In 19/5 with, the Ministry of the tovlronmenc, the existing sewage system is owned and operated by the Ministry. The Town is obligated to meet all popero3 ret.ra Ling 200(4 and repay the long-term liabilities related to this Included In the "Consolidated Statement of Operations" are the 1988 charges (rum the Mtniatry of 5117,561. The "Consolidated Balance Sheet" does not reflect any assets or liabilities pertaining to the•sewage system except to the extent of service ehacges due to the Ministry. Information received )rum the Mlnfatry as at March 31, 1988 indicates the following: 5 6,000 5 5,000 7.800 8,288 813,800 013,188 Accumulated net surplus Debt charges Total outstanding long-term liabilities 13' CAMedroPenta ARM 1987 9263,7'53 S 75,382 9768,919 5250, 743 8 75,379 8776,476 9