HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-21, Page 17g tin l Au x jar , 'raises over $60 IMO tOn"Tuesday June 13 .the 'Hospital Aux- iliary -Banquet was held. 'This year the :banquet was dedicated to the Past Presidents of the Auxiliary A delicious .smorgasbord was prepared by the Legion dies. 'Representatives at this banquet eluded Joan Whyte, Public Relations Chairperson 'from - the Seaforth Communi- ty hospital Board, Janice Leonnhardt representing;the'Nursing Staff, and Guest Speaker Jayne Cardno. The Past Presidents Roll Call in atten- dance -was read by"Mrs. W.C. Bennett, as follows, Miss Alice Reid (1946-1948), Mrs. Geo. Hays (Dorothy) 1948-1951, Mrs. M.W. Stapleton (Jean) 1961-1963, Mrs. Gordon Beuttenmiller (Ruth) 1969-1971, Mrs. Ken Bennett (Pat) 1971-1973, Mrs. Leo Teatero (Frances) 1974-1975 and 1986-1988, Mrs. Jack Pickard (Ruth) 1976-1977, Mrs. William Chesney (Joan) 1978-1979 and 1981, Mrs. Liz Swetnam 1980, Mrs. R. Dinsmore (Shirley ) 1982-1983. A red rose was presented to each of the Past Presirients attending the dinner. Provincial Life Members were also in- troduced. Mrs. Whyte and Janice Leonhardt extended greetings on behalf of the Board and the hospital staff. Mrs. G. Doig of the Women's Institute thanked the .ladies for extending an invitation to the banquet. Several members of the Women's Institute help man the Gift Shop and at this time we would like to say "Thanks". Marion Turnball introduced Mildred Travis and her daughter Gail Moffat who entertained ladies with a rendition of "Ivy Rose" and "Hold me in your arms Dear". Jane Cardno gave a presentation on the Van Egmond House and The Foundation which has maintained this home as an Historical Building. The slides were from the original purchasing to present day, on the "diggings" done and the work done to bring this home back to its original state. For anyone wishing to visit this impor- tant piece of history, the house will be open commencing June 19 for 10 weeks from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. but it is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. Geraldine Wilson thanked Miss Cardno for her presentation. Dorothy Hays .gave a history of the Auxiliary and some of the highlights are as 'follows: The Auxiliary was formed on a winter evening at the Carnegie Library on February 8, 1933 and the original name was the Hospital Aid to the Scott Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Charles Holmes was the President: 1st Vice was Mrs. Keith McLean: 2nd Vice, Mrs. W.P. RospHAL .`F ' L i by 11'rrenees TTeatero :522-3979 Lane; 3rd Vice Mrs_ Ross Sproat; 4th Vice Mrs. E. Appleyard; Secretary Mrs. E. Kerslake; -Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Earl ',Bell and Treasurer, Mrs. E.H. Close, There were 26 Charter members. The first purchase for the Hospital was in 1933 and the item was a Scialytic Lamp for the Operating Room at a cost of $175. During the war years Auxiliaries worked at a low profile as everyone was working with the Red Cross. They main- tained the group with seven members and held their meetings at the home of . Frank King (Anna). he first Penny Sale was held at othe G. . Whitney Furniture Store on January 28, 1949. The name was changed from Women's Hospital Aid to Hospital Aux- iliary in 1952. The Junior Volunteer Program was started in the 1960s and the Palliative Care and Support Service was organized under the auspices of the Hospital Aux- iliary in 1986. Over the years the auxiliary has raised over $60,000 for the hospital, besides fur- nishings, gifts for patients and staff at Christmas. They have been in existence for 56 years, and out of 27 presidents, 13 are still living. Mrs. R. Sproat is the only remaining charter member. A special 50 years pin was presented to Dorothy Hays for her loyal service to the Hospital Auxiliary. Dorothy Hays has ser- viced as President, Secretary and 'haired almost all committees and has been in- volved with the Penny Sale since its conception. A Local Life Membership and a pin- as a Life Member were presented to Frances R. Teatero.• She has held the positions of President, Secretary, Board Member and Liaison Officer for the Junior Volunteer Program and has serv- ed on almost all committees. The awards were presented by Margaret Smale, President of the Auxiliary. A draw was made for a Cash Voucher which was won by Geraldine Wilson and pink glass was ,won by Doreen Johnson, also gifts were given to Dorothy Hays'for her birthday, Frances Teatero, Judy La- mont and Peg Coombs also won gifts and Ruth Pickard for travelling the longest Manor residents enjoy viewing Last Sunday, residents of the Seaforth Manor were privileged to have Stewart Macrons and drivers bring their Antique Cars to the Manor. Many residents en- joyed viewing the cars and rekindling memories perhaps of a similar car they fir~; •, . ""';7Sie morning brought t1e,Yitralnniisit from 'the Grade 6 public school students. Throughout the year, students are involv- ed in various integrational activities with the seniors. In the afternoon they had a sing -a -long with Marion Rose. The residents really enjoyed her playing some old tyme favorites. On Wednesday morning several ladies .,had their hair done. Special thanks to Bev Eisler for all her help. Sister Mary Louise held communion on Wednesday afternoon. Sister Mary Louise is retiring and everyone at the Manor wishes her all the best. Thursday morning began with fun and fitness and Friday was spent preparing for the Annual Strawberry Social. In the afternoon, Anne Crerar, Edith Salo, Maria Goovaerts, Mamie Ross, Marg Smale, Wilma Brill, Ila Gardner, Doris Smith,"'Mabel Handy, Irene' Omand 'and ` Frank Smale were busy hulling the berries. Saturday brought about the Strawberry Social. In charge of ticket sales were Pat Ryan and Evelyn Carter. Greeting visitors and showing them to the Tea Boom were Gladys Ruston and Ila Gard- ner. In charge of the tea room were Ruth Hildebrand, Administrator, and Sue Bain, Activity Director. Serving tea and coffee were Mamie Ross and Jill Wood. Special thanks to the volunteers in the Tea Room: Viola Lawson, Helen Consitt, Hazel McGonigle and Marjorie Maloney. v DOROTHY HAYS received special recognition at a Hospital Auxiliary meeting held last week. distance (from Fort Erie) and Kay Mailloux for walking the longest distance. Anne Ste. Marie won the table decoration. Happy Anniversary to Marion and Angus McLean, and to Pauline and Ron Bennett, Peg and Cleave Coombs and Grace Scott and J.M. Scott who are celebrating their 55th Anniversary. It was announced that the Seaforth Hospital will be celebrating its 60th An- niversary on Tuesday, June 27 at 8 p.m. in the Board Room. Anyone wishing a work schedule for the Gift Shop please contact Susan Dick. A copy of the Auxiliary Newsletter "Flying High" was distributed to each of the members in attendance. It is an ex- cellent newsletter and congratulations to Pauline Bennett, Marg Mennell and San- dra Lee for their input, and to the resi- dent photographer - thanks Pauline. Mrs. Smale adjourned the meeting with wishes for a good summer. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12, 1989. Take care and have a good summer. vintage cars The event was very successful raising ,close to $170 for Alzheimers Disease research. Thanks to all those who supported. Alzhefiners: "If you forgot where you put your eyeglasses, you have benign forgetfulness of old age. If you forget. you'renwearatg `eyeglasses;' then -you may have Alzheimers:"' A 'DISEASE 'THAT CRIPPLES THE MIl'1D. Happy 96th Birthday to Eva Netzke on June 15. Eva is the Manor's oldest resident. Coming Soon: Thursday, June 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Manor - Help us fight Alzheiiners - Bake and Craft Sale. Fifty cents wil bay you a pie to put in the faces of: Bill Flanagan, Tracy Salverda, Pat Ryan (President of Residents' Coun- cil), Veronica Vincent, Cathy Scott or Ruth Hildebrand. Join the fun - rain or shine!!! THE'HURCDN EXPOSITOR, JUNE 21, 1989 -- 17A 'FRESH 'BAKED PECIALS 'Specials in Effect Thursday, Friday, Saturday - White Supplies Lest SOFT :DINNER nOL DOZ. . : S., ( D DELICIOUS SUTTER S� TARTS ©? OLD FASHIONED DATE SQUARES ti STRAWBERRY RHUBARB 8 INCH PIE 284 BAKERS SPECIAL WHITE 'BREAD 585 G. l v Tasty -nu Store Only A Wide Variety 01 J , Canadian and Imported - "`f' CHEESES Fresh 011 The Block ONION & PARSLEY OR MONTERRAY JACK 3 o s L0. DANISH BLUE 4.69 CHEESE L. TASTY -NU BREA'D Finest Quality - fresh Deily FOR THE BIBS Enjoy our Fresh Baked Kaisers, Hamburg & Hot Dog Rolls, French & Garlic Breads DELICIOUS DONUTS _& FRESH HOT COFFEE GINETTES RESTAURANT SEAFORTWS FAMILY RESTAURANT! CHICKEN BREAST DINNER 25 Incledes Coffee or 'Teo and Dessert 6 SUNDAY, JUNE 25 5:O0 - 7:0D p.m. *Doily Luncheon.Specials *Licenced Under LLBO *Seniors 15% off MONoSA'P. 6:00 A.M.-7:0C P.M. r BUN. 7100 CM. -7:00 P.M. The Family of JIM & M I LDRED CHALMERS invite you to attend an OPEN HOUSE in honor of their 4t ' 'Ah WEDDING BIRTHS on SUNDAY, JUNE 25 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Exeter. Masonic Lodge Best Wishes Only COSTELLO - Richard and Joan are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son, Jeffrey Steven, on Thursday, June 8, 1989 at 4:37 a.m., weighing 7 lbs. A brother for Cheryl. Proud grandparents are Herman Stein of Mississauga and Erma Costello of Seaforth. LOVE - Gary, Kim, Pam and Lindsay are pleased to ,announce -the ,safe arrival of Katelyn Patricia, .born.May 31, 1989 -at St. Joseph's Hospitalin London, and weighing 8 lbs, 14 ozs. Proud grandparents are Ray and Leona Anstett and Keith and Pat Love. BENNEWIES - Lyle and Joanne are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Amanda Mary on June 2, 1089 at Victoria Hospital in London. A little sister for Melissa. Proud grandparents are Edward and Doreen Bennewies of Bornholm and Bernadette Jordan of Mitchell. NURSES IN TRAINING - These seven nursing students have been getting practical training at the Seaforth Community Hospital since May 11, under the direction of Clinic Instructor Gail Stacey. Ms. Stacey reports thatthe SCH staff has been exceptional with the students, - always helpful and very.. supportive. As of last week, the most 'recent batch of students to train at SCH, had all. successfully completed their first year of nurs- ing education at Conestoga College, Stratford Campus. They include, from left, Mary Birmingham, Scott Jacklin, Charlotte Kenning, Deb Damsma, Sharron Howse, Tasha Emend, and Eva Gilson. Mcllwraith photo. Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary Russell & Mkt Jervis 1ANJi)A II) CFI FBRATIONS Eis f ' sSelloreOIdat er, is iinvile J'oniasain 0PON;,f D,f1 Edin h�tff�n.,a�.,�� l'SfZ D�1t',$ Y&' pale catogtiniatsi'reet c > oir:th t0l'Ia neon. ateptAitthes 0g1y ,,412, Arigurrivtir 2014s. WS* yS-aturday, .1u11y 1 TONIGIlT FOREST CITY YOUTH SOCCER WED., JUNE 21, 7:00 P.M. ST. COLUMBAN SOCCER FIELD ST. COLUMBAN vs LONDON CROATIA ST. COLUMBAN SOCCER CLUB Trip for 2 Las Vegas .DRAW WINNER - KEN COVNE - DUBLIN This Ad Sponsored'By: STEVE 'MURRAY INS. :BROKERS LTD. DUBLIN 3454112 '1 'WALTON INN SUNDAY NITE JUNE 25 SPECIAL COUNTRY DINNER Black Forest Ham (5 Scalloped Potatoes / • 95 Includes soup or Oct:. tea or coffee and choice of pit or carrot cake. EXTRA SPECIAL SAT.. JUNE 24 — ALL DAY MARK'S GARAGE SALE DAY 2 HOT DOGS OO (7 FRENCH FRIES • LATE NITE AFTER BLYT'H FESTIVAL GROUPS Call To 'Reserve -For TIDBITS - COFFEE - TEA AND GOODIES see —CLOSED WED., JUNE 21- 11 .a.m. to 1 p.m. -For our staff and ,patrons to .enjoy a TURKEY DINNER SPONSORED BY THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE �«r THEW 1LTON 'HALL ALL 7:00 A.410. TO . Firemen's4PancAkeJlreakfgst iAt 11t00.A.M. The fireball 12 NOON ,Leisuiiemalk-Poker Rally. Startigig .from Victoria $PArk. ?Prizes :to Abe :Awarded. . 2:00»P.M. -- J:Prgiorr ittromitead ,Service at Ajctoria -,- •4fark --Concert:in he¢Parlyafter,theDr,,ulhlaad ,Service. -Come see;the:New lienoyations Jn,:Viciorila.tQ,ark. -- O.PentkpMe, r ae aan4li erri ►n halt Vali . rktI 1!isslpn;toi helealPmo i et Far You owe invited to Jilin 'the.icale,EAraily lit-oalebrating the' citVolflippioniveresy eofrooire4orpnts glamPfkliefi tx, WY !SUMMER MOMS tMUNJfI UR,S. 641/44 to 61M 1RJDAY 6 PM to •8 OAT., SUN. 6 HOLIDAYS .8 AM to 8 -PM 45.eafprthik Jr,�r �r nt00 !KXbi1 C,'ts;!y' 9filidj ve9er -plelitiViShle (.I�Sv 45 N AJAAP 1$1146ttfaln,a QO a Ig 11.60.!u• 7957 CAR . 0,xvu s i t t.