HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-21, Page 154. -AUCTION SALES
tame, LUMBER AUCTION Saturday, June
24, 4989, -at 10 a.m. No. 3 Highway, one mi e
_east of Tillsonburg, Jackson Sideroad.
519=842-7.281. Excellent hardwood, softwood
=stock,+approximately 300 lifts, various grades
and dimensions, air and kiln dried oak, -ash,
cherry, etc. 34225;bc
Off e: 527"2540 -Monday to Fndsy
482-7126 :(Manager)
OFFICE: 527-2540 mums. is mow
Farm • Estate Real :Estate -Salsa
Liquidation of All Klnde
CLINTON 482-7898
SAT., JUNE 24 AT 9 A.M.: Old machine shor
lathes and equipment; old car parts; old sign
tools and garage equipment; 2 tractors; 3
wheel ATC: antiques; etc.; large offering at
Mark's Garage in Walton. Established in
1925. Nelson and Maxine Marks. See last
week's paper tor full listing.
SAT., IULY 1 AT 10 A.M.: Large auction at
Richard Lobb's Auction, Clinton. Modern ap-
pliances and turniture from Watford home
plus good additions
SAT., IULY 9: Groceries; bulk tood; some an-
tiques; 3 miles west of Hensal I at Ferguson's
bine, 2 tractors cash crop, machin
miles east of Seaforth for Roy and
: Com-
ery, 3%
Sheet metal; plumbing equipment and
small amount of 'stet& to be .bald et
U.ondesbore an Hwy. 4 for TOM OUIZER ere
alt 5:Osr, poltru. Sharp
VEHICLES: 1981 Ford F100 Truck Icer-
Hiied); 1963 Yamaha 7SL3.snowmobtle.
STOCK: 30" vanity bottom & morbie top;
5' crane whirlpool tub; copper DWV fit-
tings; oil burner pumps; nossies;
transformer; Newmoc fire bricks; furnace
EQUIPMENT: 3' Brake Brown ®ogee; 4'
brake; fockfonner eq/edger (24•geuge);
-edger w/standord: crimper w/standard;
30"solier: 12" roller; 30" pipe edger; 30"
shear; creasing stake; Mandrill stake; en-
cased turner; % H.P.grinder. it300 power
•threader-IWigicin combirmiiomdier 3/8"
to 1°'•heads & ratchet Iitlgid); pipe -wren-
ches;;pipe cutters; ‘pipe vises; Forney
electricwelder; Milwaukee-angle,drHH;
Saw -alit 1/4" drili, 3/6" drill; vacuum
cleaner; self cleaning wood bits 0.3/8",
2-1/2", 1-3/4"); acetylene tank;
regulator & tips; serbo torch kit; .whee0
cutter; '/, H.P. drill; Maktta•cordless .drill
& charger; bench vises; sheet metal
iayou4.bench; metal shelving; Bacharach
testing kat; gos monometer; voltage kit;
extra heavy appliancecart; step kidders;
extension ladder; Snap -on tool box 8,
tools; snipe; .shears; woodstove; 40'
100;000 B.T.U. propane radiant heater;
usedlet pumps; truck topper;,answering
machine; adding machine;office equip-
ment plus other articles related to
business too numerous to mention.
TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper 1.0.
OWNER: Tom Deicer 523.4359 /
Brion <Rintou ll
Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m.
All classes of livestock
Victor Hargreaves Greg 'Hargreaves
482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall
Barry •Miller
1 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton
-ira•O'AAx / /
Concrete and General Contracting
519) 32384338
Free Estimates
Main St., Seaforth 527-1420
lire The Estate' Off
All persons having claims against the
late of the Town of Seaforth in the County
of Huron. who died on the 3rd day of May
1989, are hereby notified to send in full par-
ticulars of their claims to the undersigned
on or before the 5th day of July 1989 atter
.which date the assets will be distributed
having regard only to claimsdhen received.
Dated at,Seaforth, Ontario this 30th day of
May 1989.
McConnell, Stewart &.Devereaux
,Barristers. deco.,
.•.Sancitors .for <the executors
We would like to say a special thanks to our
family and friends who helped in the prepara-
tions and during the evening of our 25th An-
niversary Party. Thank you as well to all who
sent cards, flowers, gifts and attended our
party. The memories will be treasured forever.
Nancy and Bill 39-25-1
We wish to extend our most sincere thanks
and appreciation to our family, relatives and
friends, For their support and expressions of
sympathy in the loss of a dear husband,
father, grandfather and great grandfather Joe
Ryan. A special thanks to Hillside Nursing
Home for their continuous care and comfort,
especially Kay, Florence and Joyce during his
last illness, Father O'Rourke, Dr, Collins, Dr
Lapano, the grandchildren who were
pallbearers made it so much easier. Special
thanks to the CWL tor a splendid lunch, Sr.
Rita, Father Hardy. Also all the neighbors and
friends for the bountiful food sent to the
homes, Ribey Funeral Home, all those who -
sent beautiful fiowers. Words can't express
our thanks. Sincerely, Rita Ryan and family,
I wish 10 thank Dr. Maulkus and the nursing
staff at Seaforth Community Hospital and Dr.
Quinlan and the nurses in the ICU at Stratford
General Hospital for their excellent care. A
very special -blank you 4o Dr.--Brown'and.staff
of University Hospital for their expert care 'and
technology. A special thank you for all the
prayers, cards, flowers and best wishes from
friends, neighbours and family. Also for all the
support given to Joan and the family while I
was in hospital. Bob Cronin. 39-25-1
Albert and Eileen Cronin wish to thank our
family for the surprise party celebrating our
52nd Wedding Anniversary. We were enter-
tained with a good game of soccer and served
a delicious barbecue dinner. Thank you.
39-25-x 1
We would like to thank family. friends,
neighbors and relatives for making our day on
June 10th a memorable one. Thanks for gifts,
flowers and cards, also the ladies of Unit 1 for
serving lunch in the afternoon and a delicious
dinner in the evening. Wilson and Hazel Mc-
Cartney. 39-25-x 1
I wish to express sincere ' thanks to all my
relatives, neighbors and friends for the
flowers, cards and prayers in the event of my
accident. Special thanks to Dr. Gurr and all
the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital for all the
wonderful care I received. Sincerely Pat
Heenan. 39-25-1
Words cannot express our appreciation to all
our friends, relatives and neighbours for their
kindness shown to us since the death of our
sister ,Marion. Pat and Lou O'Reilly, Tom and
Bea Kale. 39-25-xl
I would like to thank Dr. Rodney, the nurses
and staff for the excellent care I received while
a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital.
Also thanks to my family, friends and
neighbours for the visits and also for looking
after my place, it was very much appreciated.
Robert Kerr. 39-25-x1
C. 8- SERtf'I:QE
Fuel " 11-'ur.11ace
,Paratehek/s Mlainitenanfoe
eiMmtoiriandii a i,. at. 't
<-Hwy •83 3'/a•'tpiles„gast,;of,F:Meter
^Try dg for ...._
Kill' (Says Tuesdays
-Home cured and srnoJsed cleats
„procesaed.etaedy,fhe wayypu;like iL
We, would like to thank our family and friends
for all the best wishes, cards and gifts that we
received on our ,wedding reception. We>,will
cherish the memories of this happy day
forever. Lynn and Bob Oliver. 39-25-x1
St. Jude. Oh -Holy St. Jude apostle,. and mar-
tyr, great in virtue and rich in -miracle, agar
kinsmenof.Jesus Christ, -.faithful interpas5orof
all,.who-invoke-your special patronage ,in,.ilme
of need, :to you 1 Piave recourse:fromthe•.dep-
ths of my:heartand•humbly,begnyou-to.wfom
God has ;given „great ;power.to ,gome-to. my
assistance. .Help .me .in .my•,prosent ;urgent
:petition. -In name known in.;,Gause in pause
your name do;be,lnvnked St,.Jydetprey,foratle
,;and altwho,invoke.;your,aid .Arrleh,Saytthme
•Our;'F,athers ihro4..,hlail•,Marys,0and ,three
Glories ,for nine oonsaputIve .days„rw.ithrpto-
--miseotpublioation,:M:R. ,39.25.1
'T11ank-you-to eighbors-andtriends for,: arils,
ell.wsh s -r
w ) ,.e s• +,fio�cer ,.teats;Ja-tp,floui3e„glpdie
n8 r Patient -1n the -hospital.Lara whey,
,Lic&w Es'
lavish tothank Dr tiecloay for<gbe,ggod,, ne I
:teaerveci a0d,ileo•.-the ,Mureins; el afb,(or .hpir
t k nti ielierrArlati.Winiager. ofigto
�.• ARD ZOF"1° IAN
We would 'like to say a very sincere "thank
you" to our +family, relatives, friends and
nalghbors•for the lovelyglfts, cards, ancegood
Wishes -on muretOthwedding anniversary.' We
wish to/hank our family for the lovelyglft'they
presented -to -us. Special thanks to Gerry
Nancy;for-giving as the use of their 'tome.
Many'thanks Weil of the•famtly for organizing
thislgreat occasion. The thoughtfulness. of all
our friends who attended the "Open 'House"
on Sunday was much appreciated and will
never 'be forgotten. Pat and Lou O'Reilly.
To the 100 friends (Yes It was actually 1001)
who dropped in to wish me well at my family
celebration last week, I thank you heartily for
your 'good 'wishes, the remembrances and
especially for the many memories your visit
rekindled. Also, to my family who did so much
planning and tried 60 hard to keep the party a
secret. Thank you from the bottom of my
heart. 'Mary Carroll. 39-25-x1
I would like to thank my friends, relatives, the
steff.,and'residents of Maplewood Manor, for
the flowers, cards and visits I received while I
was a patient in Seaforth hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Rodney, all the nursing staff and
kitchen staff. Walter Somerville. 39-25-1
In loving memory of a dear wife and mother,
Verna McNichol who passed away fifteen
years ago, June 23, 1973.
Your last parting wish.
We would like to have heard
And breathed in your ear,
Our last parting word
Only those who have lost,
Are able to tell,
The pain in the heart.
At not saying farewell.
Always remembered by Andy and family.
40-25-x 1
In loving'memory of a dear mother and grand-
mother, Mary Elizabeth, who passed away
June 25, 1988.
We seem to see in the soft dim light
A face we love the best;
Recalling her as the sun's last rays
Go down in the far off west
We miss her more as times goes on,
We can never close our hearts,
And the Tamp of our love still burns.
Her heart the truest in alt the world,
Her love the best to recall:
None on earth could take her place,
She is still the dearest of all.
From her children. Don, John and Betty, Joan
and Jack, Allen, Lavern and their 'families.
In loving memory of a' -mother, Viola Hem-
ingway, who passed away three <years ago
June 26, 1986.
Sweet memories will linger forever,
Time cannot change them It's true,
Years that may come cannot sever,
Our loving remembrance of you.
Aiways remembered and missed by son Mor-
ris Hemingway. 40-25-1
In loving memory of my dear wife Mary, who
passed away. one ,year ago, June 25.
You are .always on my mind no matter what I
All the time.within my heart there are thoughts
of you,
Some.pegple say as time goes by, the hear-
tache will subside.
But -the feeling in -my heart today is the same
as the day you died.
Your voice 1 cannot hear, your hand I cannot
But I never will forget you, 1 Moved you very
Beside your ,grave I often stand and think
about the past,
Rememberingall the good times, right up until
Sadly I: saw you :sinking, I watched you fade
My heart.was almost broken, you fought so
hard 4o stay.
You suffered much in silence, your spirit did
not bend.
My heart still aches with sadness, my secret
tears.:atill flow.
What iG meant to lose you, only I will ever
Forthose•who have a good wife
Cherish•;her.with,allyour-love and oars.
For4here•are many heartaches,
When youesee herempty chair.
Sadly -missed .and -lovingly remembered by
huaband-Harold.andiamlly. 40-25-x1
10 loving memory of Elmer Koehler.who pass-
ed away,June 16, 1979.
Our ,hearts rare ;!.deeply saddened when
remembering this day
So,auddeply it happened when Cod -took you
You .tell ,.asleep .without a ,goodbye „but
memorfes.of,you„will never die,
'We- MISS Aye u ; more than anyone ,knows,as
:each daypasses•the.empttnoasltrows.
The leefa we shedtwe,Fan.wipe>away but the
,aches rsplif:hearts sryi -always gay.
.,Always ,rentembated avid -,)geed by .Gary.
'Kathy, ,Goa/d, 'Marilyn. ikon, . Jpyoe, ,Al, Pat,
Marilyn;',,Glen;andtheir.familles. 4:40.25.1
Plan • from-pdge 11A
n:ItDOP,TIQN, WANTED. Our.dream is to have a
baby y .yvelyacouple athrilled elo,;iegalyiadopt
:your 1,ba¢y,.though •,;govornmenit rapproyad
a. ac
leltcY>.GJ ' ` ipoh;otlerl, alt.1•0i..a:.col.
'rie..-bt (416)td�� 7 zmotg000
Gl;, -BY. AIL'. 85lltl.; varyi ngf n-
aciadadaPotatimWidar,Ille,c4urtarjaltsa pay
c.1 auk guarantee -Experienced sa co /4979.Vitae, nformationsi#even Jays•'-Dtvo o td
'Toronto,(4 0) 7330:8,860. 1.41,25 c
map of -the course, 'with yardages, pars,
and 4he previous roundrs 'scores. Locator
boards =throughout the course can -also
help in finding :golfers, especially the
This past 'week on the links: Seniors
winners in -the -scramble 'were: 1st, John
Longstaf1, Les Leonhardt, Fred 'Waltham
and Don Morton 33; 2nd, Bill Harris,
Fred Jackson, Jim Puller 34.
Ladies 'bight June 12 was -guest night
with guests from Mitchell, Exeter and
Maitland coming for a pot luck supper
and an exhibition of Allouette Cosmetics
'with Trudy Broome. Winners were: low
putts - Donna 'McDonald and Lola
Rohfridsch with 14. Close to flag no. 5
Helen Chessel. Low Gross out of town -
Verna Kan. Low Gross Seaforth - Allyson
Men's night was ' a flag tournament:
Close to flag no. 5, Tom Keene; close to
flag no. 9, Joe Dick; farthest flag, Cam
uoag; 2nd, Moe Huard; 3rd, 'terry
Johnston; 4th, Ken Janmaat; 5th, Peter
Couple's Night was a team flag event,
Winners were: 1st Peter and Suzan
Czyphyha; 2nd Cam and Linda Doig; 3rd
Jack and Nancy Holmes.
Next Couples night is July 7 with a
Scotch 2 -Ball.
The first two rounds of the club cham-
pions* were held mathe weekend. There
are a variety of divisions for men,
women and juniors with trophies for
gross and net 'Winders.
After the first two rounds leaders are:
Senior Men - gross Ken Doig Sr. 77, 2nd
Gord Scott 94, net 'Ken boig Sr. 73, 2nd
Gord Scott 75.
Senior Ladies - gross Barbara Scott 117,
net Barbara Scott '80.
Juniors - gross Tony Greidanus 79; net
Tony Greidanus'68.
Ladies - gross C.A. Doig 88, 2nd Cathy
Elliott 89, 'net Alyson Scott 64, 2nd Cathy
Elliott 68, Barb Caldwell 68.
Men - gross Cam .Doig 66, 2nd Doug
Elliott 71, net Peter Czypyha 61, Ind
Doug Elliott 63.
The Match Play draws for ladies and
Junior have been posted but men will
have to sign up again as the sheet has
been misplaced.
Men's night next week is a 4 man
scramble. Seniors on Monday a.m. is
regular golf. Ladies is a 4 man scramble
so get a team up. Junior morning starts
on June 27 with regular golf and a lesson
beginning at 9;30 a.m.
On Saturday at 1 p.m. the Legion
Men's tournament will shotgun start. The
course will be closed after 11:30 a.m. un-
til 6 p.m. On Sunday Topnotch has a
2 -ball at 2 p.m. so plan to get out early.
• frdm page 10A
Fred Tilley (2nd), Tom Phillips (vice)
and Lee Ryan (skip) were in a similar
position as the ladies. Playing at the
Agincourt Club they won their first. game
against Chatham and their second against
Weston, only to lose out to Agincourt in
the third game, There were 16 teams
competing for both men and ladies and
all three game winners advanced to the
final medal games in Agincourt on
This will be another busy week at the
Seaforth Greens. Monday afternoon is
open bowling commencing at 1:30 pm
sharp. Please be present or call by 1:15
so the draw can be made. Two eight end
games will be played. These afternoons
are turning out to be very popular for
both ladies and men.
Tuesday evening is pot luck supper at 6
pm with cards or bowling after,
Wednesday is ladies pairs competing
for the Ladies Provincial Pairs with
registration at 9 am. Teams from Mit-
chell, Atwood and Exeter have already
entered. Thursday some of the ladies
plan to attend a ladies pairs tournament
in Mitchell. Friday evening there is to be
a barbecue and bowling at the Seaforth
Greens starting at 7:30 pm. Please have
your name in by 7 pm if possible.
Saturday is Seaforth's first mixed pairs
tournament of the season sponsored by
Etue Insurance. Last year's winners were
Art and Mary Finlayson and a good entry
is hoped for again this year. Good bowl-
ing to all.
e from page I
ting phone calls from ratepayers from both
sides of the backhoe issue. "We're going to
have to make our minds up and what you
people are saying will have to be taken into
consideration," he said.
"Do your best fellas. I don't want to have
to sell my house," said Mr. Coombs as the
delegation was leaving council chambers.
When the backhoe tenders issue came up
in the agenda a motion was passed -three
votes to two- that the tenders be referred to
the road superintendent for looking over,
and his recommendation be brought back
later in the same meeting.
• from page 1
can be passed," commented Mr.
Mr. Hemingway noted that he would
be :in agreement with the introduction of a
sign permit at the .time the sign is erected.
This, he said, would allow the town the op-
portunity to meet -with the sign owners and
review the regulations as well as always be-
ing informed as to where the sign is located
and who the owner is.
"We do recognize that regulations may be
necessary to ensure that all signs meet a
high standard of quality. There have been
specific signs located in town that we notic-
ed were a detriment to the appearance of
the business with broken sign faces, miss-
ing and broken letters, flashing lights, and
lack of repair to lighting and painted sur-
faces. This poor care of signage is a concern
to us as well," he said.
"I think it is ill advised to tell people they
have to be so many feet back from the pro-
perty line. We haven't had any trouble with
portable signs, and we've been dealing with
portable signs in this area for five or six
years. This is a,bird's nest situation. You'll
create more problems for yourselves than
you'll solve with this by-law."
He noted that the by-law as it stands
places no restrictions on similar signs
erected on 30 foot,poles.
"-What you.end up with is a skyscraper
sign:thet is more dam eyesore.thanthe por-
table signs are. Our business has supplied
read -o -graph signs in the area over the past
few years. We use top-quality signs, keep
them in good repair and feel that they are as
much an asset to a business as are the pole
signs, store-frontsigns etc... I'd like to see a
definition of ,what .proper signing is," he
Walter Armes, Chairman of Seaforth's
Local Architectural Conservation Advisory
Doug Poulton re-entered at 11:15 p.m.
recommending' the CASE with pre -cleaner
and extend -a -hoe be purchased from C.G.
Farm Supply Limited for $39.916 including
trade-in allowance.
There was no further discussion on this
recommendation, and council passed it
-three votes to two.
Ministry of Transportation approval is
needed before the backhoe can be purchas-
ed, and Clerk -Treasurer Jack McLachlan
anticipates this approval will be given
within a week or two. After approval is
given the backhoe should be in the township
in a week.
Committee, commented that a lot of money
has been spent by the town and by lan-
,downers•to.upgradethe leak _of .storefronts.
and to take advantage of Seaforth's
streetscape and historic nature.
"Signage is beginning to fall into a pattern
that is consistent and sympathetic with the
town," he said.
"So the by-law draft, as it stands now,
does make perfect sense. It allows you to br-
ing in signs on a temporary basis as the need
arises. We think it is quite reasonable and
quite in keeping with Seaforth's main
Mr. Hemingway questionned the right of
the town to limit what people can do on their
own property, and suggested the town was
trying to place limits on its merchants.
"Yes, we ,are trying to prevent the mer-
chants from putting up certain signs, just
the same way as we've cut back on any
number of their .freedoms," said Mr.
Armes. "Just the same as we've limited the
things they can do to their buildings, and the
way .we've --determined what colors can be
used on the main street. It's the same as us
preventing people from putting up a tar
paper shack beside your $200,000 home.
Everybody will be better off for it."
In defense of the by-law Cindy^Fischer of
the Huron County Planning and Develop-
ment Office stated Seaforth's by-law is dif-
ferent in that it has.a special section on the
heritage district.
"But in .defense of the Seaforth by-law it
does not stifle creativity," she said.
Ms. 'Fischer suggested that Mr. Hem-
ingway's concerns be noted, the by-law be
set back to committee for possible revisions,
and that Mr. Hemingway be invited to at-
tend ,that meeting.
"Lasslu!e you if this by-law is passed we
intend to police the maintenance, and if it
doesn't work, we willamend it until it does,"
commented Clerk Jim Crocker in closing.
�I neg>an 1re.LiKean
• •fromaiage•9A
Cambridge, Barrie, London, St. Thomas
,and Toronto. .A great afternoon of
reminiscing .was enjoyed by all.
Supper :was served by Mrs. Satchel
.from :Mitehell'Visitors ,with :Katie Mur-
ray .whosfdlso attended the -reunion,
.her, brother:° Phili�pp Flanagan from Toronto
.who had agent i11 of ,lust.,week ,with cKatie
and visited ,around with friends ,and
relatives Awhile here.
Also with,;Kati.r Murray .on ;the .weekend
.,were ,Moraine S',ceney, Don ,and )*Ann
.and CIristophersFteeney 'David ,81)11 Lilury
Lou ells :friend .all :from St. Marys.
Donnie and Ruse.k'iana an and
.daughter .Ki'rtrny ,an RJeruiifer 'from 430r
-rte }e ;Marie ;and (,Ti .,Murray and
freta h r ,Mesa from'iW.,atefrloaalso,attoiid-
ed e•l', $an ,Xieunion-
St is, bo all Fatthers had:tagreat ;day
on S y wiith rthcir lies
poll , d Eileen 3*IgeXtoe were 5tOth
Nora Ann .And ran 'Jai ks n and ,; jtjtle
ggr�andson-Trevor_tn,-lronflon for sinner on
SJ4?4 Y k pipes �• ,and Barg . cRae,
:,:Jenlltfer•eanld Ian ;'roan London ..cal .
oon:Sundny.s,.well.as'; ke ansi Put
lee ,and family, *° idaY• voJ in .
►►k0 nP•Fe'
from it
..000 :71W,
"° t w pip *Oa
and .with them tor. feather 's Lay were lto-
SeArul :and Tom .arid Tommy Simonsen.
,Just ,before the -news went to press it
was learned that Bob Cronin has returned
home from •hospital. We ,are pleased and
wish you continued success ,with your
-health ;problem.
Sympattle from the Dublin Community
,go opt ,ti' .Helen Ann :Elliott .and Jac-
queline Radlio .and their families on the
death ,of their mother ,and rgrandmither
.Mrs. 'Brown who died on June .4.
,Also a;, aratliy to ;,Wilfred •Krauskopf on
the 'lassie his ,wife Helen on June 6.
;Fun ad
l as :was e at St. Patrick's
Church Dublin followed by committal in
the, chu.rgli lipctery.
-,The Dublin -Community is pleased to
,see ,,John ,Williams out .and around again
after ,a ktay in Is to , .1.
nVA tions o ; told ,.and Martina
'44, After of R.R 1°Dubiln on the occasion
pf .their 4f4Iith ,anniversary, rcwhich they
celcibrated.,a few .weeks ,ago.
i e X l'ettiri ed )194.te ,last week
A ka ,'Sow :days ,tri Niagara
at home sf her ”.spn ,and
u ;in-law, 44111ad
.Marge ;Evans. A
s :Jin the.ocekleien.of.23111 and
arto .tf.ltStlB+ar�arY ,was flare at=,khe
rot ltjieirrf ip-David,;'ncl ,wife Mary
Off"�ai7F` S ;t e ,cele n ,were
dell g . h S e Natio ,.w
-Jack Ansi Marie 'Evans) °leery of ton -
(1 d d ;Jy, s
tr► iJe Y ,:� Ow C van 1
Yourstr4;!n ew ;York.