HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-21, Page 11THE 1.10110N EKK:4SITti7R • 31761E 21, 1989 — 1 Flo III Ts 'tt) Setif:0TMw TISNOOPYSCi3OOL - PL• i41YSCHO L - '7P-LiA .GRC (IND ',AND -I.1 T, rctg am - ationewillteihelt tonight, Yednes- y,-Jtma.21)eat^theMott(=and-i3ft3trict •Col maur(ity Centres. 'The'registrrationwill hotbed=from 7 to 9•p.m.'Theretarerany new and -exciting :trips -and activities iptanned,-s,well•:as a= few old=favorites. 'rheesbove-fprograms'will 'begin -on July land :finlsh-'on August 18. They 'run from 9eto 4 each .day,' With the -lunch -hour 'be- dng°supervised, Registration fees are as follows ::full time (7 weeks) is s$60, part time (+fie -:days for 7 -weeks) is035-and one :full'eweek'Will ebe$20, .';SEAFORTH DAY AT LABATT PARK' 'The London Tigers will bL having a Seaford' Day on Sunday, July 23, 1989. Bring the whole family and enjoy an -afternoon of "AA" professional baseball. 'The London Tigers, a Farm team of the Detroit Tigers, will be playing the Canton Indians, a Farm team of the Cleveland Indians. We hope to have three buses from Seaforth attend the game. Prices are -as follows. Adults $8 per ticket . and Children under 12 $7 per ticket. These prices will include your transportation to Labatt Park. If you are interested in driving yourself, the game ticket .o;u ,.nor 4fs Park IIKE L I S 'by ReereatIon-=DIr=eetor) Matt Bedard µY With thesnuare around position both feel point Inward the pitcher even with the from nr the plate Keep vnur feet In the hatter s hni $4 for Adults and -$3 for Children. There is no parking at Labatt Park. Drivers have to park in a city lot and take the shuttle bus, which runs 45 minutes before and after the game. Tickets for the game are available at the Seaforth Town Hall, Bob and 'Betty's Variety, Archie's Sunoco -and the Seaforth and District Community Centres. For more information please contact the Recreation Office at 527.0882. CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS will be held in Seaforth again. This year on Saturday, July 1. Activities include: 7 a.m,-ll a.m. - Firemen's -Morning Breakfast at the Firehall; 12 noon - Leisure Walk Poker Rally starting from Victoria Park; and 2 p.m. - Drumhead Service at Victoria Park. A Concert in the Park will follow the' service. The Seaforth Legion Branch 156 would like to invite everyone to the Legion 'Hall for their open house. Come see the -displays. At -dark the annual FIREWORKS DISPLAY will be held at the 'high school. Admission to the Park will be 05er ear. RIDE AND 'WALK FOR CANCER on Sunday, June 25. Registration will be at the ;Seaforth and District Community Cen- tres. Bikers begin at 1 p.m. and walkers 'will begin at 2 p.m. Pledge sheets are available at the T.0 Bank, Bob and Betty's Variety, Lyons Food Market, the public school and the high school. AQUAFITNESS will be held again this summer at the Lions Pool. The .first ses- sion will start on July 3 and run for three weeks. This program will be held on 'Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:10 to 12:45 p.m. Registration fee is $15. To register please call the pool at 527-0950. HUNTING The hunt Is a (real offensive weapon /� You can use it r---�+( to advance the• haserunners or 10 get a hit Always work nn hunting BS part (11 hafting nrarl,rr Your top hand slide. Homely un the bat and takes a 'pencil drip Vol. Shssuld lean forward knee. , slibhtly'henl Chanpethe bel anph with your fop hand anu guide thahat to the hall '(1'110010 l 'pull your hands ''./K:" hadksoftly to your hotly In (.- cushion the halls Impar i For moll, Inlarnlal inn 07 PPIr1 This Ad Sponsored by - le Canada Play Bali phnm, 1:1111i -,1419 -?144 Nr.r/ Week Slidrnn and Tagging,/ 23 Geduld) St., Seaforth "A PetrarOanada Dealer" 327-0333 111/118, GEST EalrirlillEMII ' ' i 61 1 I➢',✓r b Fi r,. V t st IX THESE DEALS! DECKS RETA11, SALL IJ:AR Jr A I'• 11914 LEARJr' Al.?'U„- LEAR II ":. .i.2 114 0 PIONEEI, R1'5" 770• PROP( (11.5 549 0 PIONEI-I' (2.223'• 0191, PIONGEL I,, 351 369 PIONEFe RR -411 4391, CI) PLAYERS RETAII CR(1N`- L(/0.90 R91, PIONELI% OLIO 649.11' AMPLIFIERS RE'I'Atl 8.001127 123 11810. PIONEER. (,M-45,, 127 4. PR011' 02) 3161, PIONEr14 (.14-1(9, 4491„ PR0111, 1.12' 318„ PIONE14, (iM-39" 54y6'. EOLALIZER9 Rl IAt1 P10991.1 8/0-00 •=,4 08011. n. :PNOION 112/, 316,04' $ALL 14.. SALT' • i4 34 SALL.. 1ri1. 188 SPEAKERSIPR RETAII. SALT: LEAR MI 1 600, a: PIONEEk : tl11.r9 PROTON 0 110R0 9' PIONEER .0 990 6„ SPEAKERS,,., RETAU. SAL(•: LEAR JO 6." 5/40'. k' LEAR11"I 6' 8604" .4 - PIONEER 6' 8969' 19 PIONEER 6' 1865,4046):(:,, '19.41 SPEAKERSIr6 RETAIL SALE PIONEER 6" 6 4 911x 41 PIONEER 6" ti 4 149.10 13' PNOTUL 6"x" 1'M1.P 1D PIONEER 64X4' 219.(9 1, P108661, 0"5 9 555.11 , SPEAKERSire RETAII. SAL(•: LEAR 7[1 WEDGI 1(80.14 LEAK JEI WED01 (00(0 PION6EN WEOGI 146.01 11 P1ONEER WEDGI 199.0' I0' PIONEER WEUGI 20 o. 144 -PIONEER, .W$OGL 319:80 15' 'PIONEER "WEDGE 60800 415 "THE ST. COWMAN UNDER 18 squad was beaten by London and one tie' in their first season in the 'London based Under 18 Curinga Wednesday, to bring their record to two wins, two losses. league. Corbett photo. Seaforth :altiv lea e- tan ond off court Seaforth's Denise Morey was selected St. .Lawrence College's female athlete of the -year, for the second year in a row. =Morey, 21, who • recently completed her .third and final year in the Behavioural ;Science Technology program at the college', accumulated an impressive array of 'credentials. She was a Division I basketball. all-star ,and league scoring champion for „a team Mat - was 0-12, was named OCAA female :athlete of the =week three tunes, and was .roamed an all-star at the women's soccer championship tournament. She was also named most valuable player of the basket- ball team and co-mvp of the soccer team. .Despite her individual accollades, it was a frustrating season for Morey. Her soccer team lost both games -at the provincial tour- nament and the .basketball team failed to win in 12 -league games. She credited Diana .Drury, 'her soccer. and basketball coach, for glaelping.:her to.,keep a positive attitude. "I felt I _played more to my potential in (basketball and that's due to my coach, who :encouraged me all .year," she .said. "She's a'really-special -person and. one of :the things I'm going to miss." "LIiiMITED TIME,... trAl1TE 6OUAN7TITIE7 ment or me. It meant I•was in the top 12in Ontario. 'Mamas a big honor." Morey.said she would have traded the in- dividual honors, however, for more success in both basketball and soccer-. "It's an,honor to receive the awards, but I would've preferred a better standing as a team. I'd rather have a more competitive team, I guess." 111L.......111111111 011111111111•111 C 4( ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, 271k2966 VISAAIASTIR.GAD,,.AMIR[GNiQPAUU8, CNIQUIS:&oG0O19•OLD-.CASi0 DAILY 110 TO.6,-CLOSSt 016oueeDAYS DENISE ,MOREY Morey ,took ,pride in leading Division I scorers with a23.8 points per game average, and being selectedan all-star. "The competition," felt, was a lotharder. When I made the first.all-star team itwasa nice; surprise. That -was a big accomplish - pawn Smith "team ,wins1814 over VueeWs Tuesday night's action on the ball dia- mond .;saw the .Queens come up ;.against "Ken :Smith. Doubles by Jayne Hoggart, Patti:Ann Grldzak and Brenda may lead -Ken-Smith .to their 14-4 victory. `The ,.late game ,between the Kids Kloze Killers and .McNichol was a much closer rug game. 'Despite triples by Carol or and Carol Benniwies for the Mclvichoi Team, the K.K.K. came out on top. -with a score of 11-8. Next week's games are: ..,Queens .vs. Kids Kloze Killers (6:45 and 'McNichol vs. Ken Smith (8:30). E by aiolaxnae.D.loig **RSM r( , 036 IT1LjJ. UNESOtih elARIWIWNWINSWat Rion ceded for :spectator ig0if .So 'you ',finally :got, ;those ;passes .to the U.S. Open ,-or :;tile 'Masters. As a golf ;fanatic-you!.ve,)awanted to :go for xeurs. 'The es cost you a,bornb,,.but4'bey-it's .worth it! To make Abe ;most <of 'those sPaases it's,'ireportantnto renlenaberrsome eofetherigligageaSeacts,o£r rectatoG.golf. e:firsttithing.to,T U2e,isethat:.tieltets q -to atgelf,tgltrnameeltrtlon't gura antee, that nypus1wi11J-SeeranY �1a Rn. 'you,;spelid:50 f or-iaelg,ets Ito, a bilekeylgaine .,y-ou- know 1 t,9ygtt'll .:have a great ,.Ioentiun win a e.eomtor&able eat 'fT'he:.aktion ntakesrplece ,pin, -front, o£ayou-froinLL.,t�he;txai�st0faceoff-until :the :ffjfal Ahttzzer. 51,yot; so non yithe etgolf ^ncQurse: eaaree..about:d gyers.tee- ,idlltfpff at'.y r ousut '! esr1$11 std day-oL£ „ l l xgees 11Atltsell Mee ISPre, '_1' iuilllJ'lg'sypn: I -SP.A d . tyeur' ga le f Btg��lund �O�lar egai e ..- .d-aozne I ig oils r ayA s d, �l�Ol1. .a,4kt►>t1 't �,$ile� Idg.. afRllls a •ato �, , yAu d .stayed in your living room. sand ;:let Venturi "do ,the ,•walking". :Before you ::.go ,„do a Jittle :rese.lrch. Read cep on )•.the loumenient .algid the -course •it'sAwing/played ton frilio will'g you,,eotne knowl)ge nbout,,past wiiu,. record ;,scores, •,.and the .I jst pJtia, hloles..,Make;sure V,you•:,ltpow Rjtow t, idle ,.course Allow 'plenty ooi .get itpere ,Traffic „=sill to. ,iiea3 Aria, ipatititigo.AgkpileaftronigheActi sant 1tle2,budess ally ik4,011e1.0e cg:tgtgrs back anadeXtA , .but,ri t011xtakes°:Lune• .'�t.now?,,AS.y'ou•entrr 'he gatesrpiick: n1►P n ,pA � b$lieet ,Th, P second 't -moat',;,y, •� le4tpieece.of.,eq puj, fora gP > S r lff pul sI. e•. no wand : vnu, fan ntn91 i ) ,4 111th ,a et I Sts a /1 ' £ h ,statthe ;.. mat,.in 1rthe-,roc" er .,.-o ': stiieir .itee-i 'e te1y you e 40,zierAP o,81idEat tin e. • AfbrightelleMidea 'foregyi.Arne • AP oiallysd@S��. n_ed•for•=bigrAtaffic .gardon<pr plafCkentrigs o elasPrl aintepartce;, JCarpfree 414.14t4ad steel;eoia„stnmtiOn' Bingle,tdAablaerAppJai oloislihs,in Alatidard✓and tt of Heights cactifurif.mA<ine,se getneetAueaUtedwritaridg J.1a prenectkofilii0Plel, SS,ee,Aur-Aprnpiete 80p00ipr►PloN {li y • ,'$teetetltry¢lRors ,ra er•(ralye�ppis •<r'iw���yyygod e.4;ly+4PiDfs „•: Aft oopprs •"l,s$Br11er1t3WindQ•7Ws .•',Sunrsiorns •• tOld aserrtentyw[n 9ws ,'7.Sby h.;s • lRrenoh•,xtoprs mss• U.,SIAIn;PRdlrpls •,1 o.vble,ilungs ngilt4pltr i NyxtpPPAIPyl I (10011:0,0Pce1er.ACI OM:VW #k 4O,ul0::!1titonly,Ta riA. Iii; Thera. klil ; t 6a Saie;,e,...vervitee'iiistaliatic i IFID ;o0tloenientlstAp•6a Ompacvipe a IMP 414 40,07 a in►, . ws ndRums rot