HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-21, Page 4AA — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 21, 1`9.89
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Town wards tender er f Fr
The Town of Seaforth has amended its
current parking by-law to prohibit parking
on both sides of Side Street, from Main
Street North to Chalk Street. No parking
signs will be installed on that street. The
parking by-law affecting Side Street will
be reviewed again when that street is
resurfaced andvwidened.
Other amendments to the parking by-
law include reduction of the distance from
an intersection to a parking zone, from 30
metres to 15 metres and identification of
those 15 metre no parking areas by yellow-
ing curbing.
Seaforth Police Chief Hal Claus has been
given authorization to hire a person under
the Experience '89 Project 1901 Youth and
the Law Program. The program allows
suitable candidates between the ages of 15
and 24 (and up to 29 if disabled) work in
law enforcement between June 26 to
'September 1, 1989. Pay rates are $3.50 if
under 18 years of age, and $4.75 if over 18.
Portions of Gouinlock Street will 'be dos-
ed on Saturday, July 1, 1989, between 1
p.m. and 4 p.m., to allow for a Legion
Drumhead Service parade in celebration
of its 60th anniversary.
Also on Canada Day, to facilitate for col-
lection at the Fireworks Display,
blockades/toll gates will be set up at the
corner of Side and Chalk streets, the cor-
ner of Franklin and Chalk streets, the cor-
ner of Duke and East William streets and
Centennial Drive.
The Seaforth Police Department record-
ed 39 occurrences during the month of
May. Many of these were reports of miss-
ing, lost or stolen bicycles. Domestic com-
plaints also continue to take up many of
the occurrences handled by police.
This month parking violations totalled
18, and six of these were in the handicap-
ped zone. Many notices were issued to
motorists driving vehicles showing a lack
of maintenance for Safety Lanes in June.
Only one accident, resulting in property
damage, was investigated.
Seaforth Public Works Superintendent
John Forrest and Foreman Doug Anstett
have been authorized to take the ,Land 1
erbicide and Land 3 Insecticide cor-
respondence courses sponsored by the
Ministry of the Environment at a cost of
$30 each per course, and held at the Clinton
OMAF office in June.
This came following notification from
the Ministry of the Environment that it
does not have any licenced employees to
spray for flies etc. at the lagoon sites.
Paul Vandermolen of the Lawnmaster
has been hired to supervise the spraying at
this time.
The Ministry of Transportation has
denied the Town of Seaforth's request for a
supplementary subsidy for 1989 road
Prelimin ryi esth3atees,zfof.. rppp�';d en-
structiori owed that wipiolit'"Ute Peup-
plementary subsidy, one or more streets
may have to be removed from the 1989 con-
tract. Included in these estimates was one
of $8,169.63 from the Public Utilities Com-
mission to relocate the "hydro poles
necessary for the reconstruction of Chalk
Street South.
Seaforth's Transportation and Environ-
ment committee has indicated it feels this
figure is quite high, and has instructed the
Clerk to obtain an itemized breakdown
from the PUC before any decision is made.
' A deputation made by Paul Vander-
molen of the Lawnmaster at the May
meeting of council, on the use of municipal
employees and equipment vs. contracted
services, has been reviewed once by the
town's transportation and environment
committee, but will be reviewed again in
more .detail, before a report is made to
The committee identified the concerns of
Mr. Vandermolen and intends to answer
the questions: 1. Should the Town of
Seaforth tender against local business for
non municipal work? 2. Should the Town of
Seaforth use its own employees and equip-
ment or contract services for municipal
work? and, 3. Should the Town of Seaforth
hire additional staff for municipal work or
contract services?.
Public Works Superintendent John For-
rest has been granted permission to pur-
chase .a power washer at a price not to ex-
ceed,$2,500, as per the 1989 capital budget.
He has also been authorized to lease a
used chipper from MarMac from June to
December 1989 at a price of $800, and to
purchase it in January 1990 at a cost of
$4,200. The public works department has
been looking for a usedchipper for the past
few years, and notes they are hard to come
by. They are used during the spring and
fall cleanups in town.
The Public Works department has also
been authorized to give the old
streetsweeper to the Town of Glencoe for
uae as spare .parts, provided it bears the
cost of transporting it to there.
Frank Kling Limited has bulldozed the
existing landfill site to the grade and slope
of final cover. It has been inspected by
Steve Bruns of B.M. Ross and lias been
found in order to apply final •cover. Final
cover will hopefully be installed around
the first part of July.
'The Streetscape Committee has been
authorized to proceed with the purchase of
the street furnishings necessary to-com-
,plete the Town Hall Civic Court project,
and the Public Works De,,Aarbment ;}las
been:authorized.to,assisthl calm etkm
,of the streetserme project tlnrouOh the: ►-
.stallation of the -followtrig street fur-
nishings: two sisrfoot east iron .bene es
with `Downtown Seaforth' logo ,,on ;ends
($1.1509); one .trash seeeplacie with
owntewn Seaforth' logo ;on ;£o{u' ;sides
($800); `three alutninumilag ile8)' tlt,{;nn-
terior ;hblya> d .option ($ ;91,;,.
�_ '`o t
Oen �'at c Ave.' bolls 8UU)J f' Dur
75mm per .f unb IIIey " a
trees ($ii09o); four cis aro, rwoodi;
tii►g)boltes twlth 'Dow 'tow r eofot
($4;000); ra eeilin„g-;eetonolopp n
14004Pent.li 40 00) mid n nit bs ler
planting beds ($750).
The PUC will be contracted to install the
proposed streetlighting (two twin -head
luminaires with Asymetric Distribution
($5,500) and two lamp standards ($3,700))
and electrical system for the project.
Road and sidewalk reconstruction of the
project is expected to cost $13,100; a cast
iron sculpture of D.D. Wilson, $15,000; and
a cast bronze historic plaque, $1,500, to
make the total project estimate $50,450. A
government grant will cover half of this
Editor's note - The Town of Seaforth is
trying to locate the family of the late D.D.
Wilson. Anyone with any information
should contact the town hall at 527-1160.
Subject to approval from the Ministry of
Transportation, the Town of Seaforth has
awarded the tender for the Chalk Street,
and Town Hall Civic Court reconstruction
to Birnam Excavating Ltd. of Forest.
Birnam submitted a tender $78,685.83,
well below its competitors and well below
the town's estimate of $89,000. Levis Con-
tracting Co. Ltd. of Clinton, submitted a
price of $93,753 for the work, and R.
Nicholson Construction of Sebringville a
price of $101,469.30.
"It's below the estimate, and although
we've never worked with Birnam, we are
aware of him," commented Bruce Potter,
Professional Engineer with B.M. Ross and
"I suggest award would be
The Town of Seaforth hasestablished a
committee to develop and post a pay equi-
ty plan before January '1, 1990. The com-
mittee, which will be comprised of a cross-
section of town employees and two
representatives of council, will be respon-
sible for designing the job evaluation
system and for carrying out the actual
evaluation of jobs.
On the committee will be: Deputy -reeve
Peg Campbell, Reeve Bill Bennett, Deputy
Clerk -Treasurer Michelle Huard, and
Recreation Director Marty Bedard. Still to
be appointed are representatives from the
public works department and the
municipal office staff.
Because the Town of Seaforth received
no response to its advertisment for repair
and replacement of the Town Hall's third
floor windows Hoffmeyer's Mill has been
asked to inspect the windows - including
sash, sills and transoms - and to submit a
quote for the mill work. Den Chapman has
agreed to submit a quote for removal of
the old windows and installation of the
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Authority has advised the Town of
tSeaforth thattthe:tender for ;the,aSeafprth
Culvert replacement under the CNH
bridge was awarded to Birnam Excava-
tion of Forest, subject to the engineer's ap-
proval, in the amount of $117,287.90. Other
tender amounts received ranged from
$149,723 to $209,745. The tender came in
$48,000 under budget.
It will cost the Town of Seaforth 19 per
cent more to provide Ontario Health In-
surance Premium (01IIP) benefits for its
employees, after the proposal by the pro-
vincial government to replace 0111PP with a
1.95 per cent levy on employers.
Based on this levy 011IP. premiums will
cost the town $10,420 rather than the $8,782
budgeted this year. The town currently
pays 10 premiums at the family rate, two
at the single rate, one at 80 per cent of the
married rate and one at the married rate
with a 50 per cent rebate.
As an added note, 0111P premiums have
been fairly stable in the past, but will now
have an inflationary factor built in each
time salaries increase.
Seaforth Clerk Jim Crocker has been
given authorization by town council to pro-
vide short term and long term disability
premium deductions to all municipal
employees, by adding the monthly bonus
and deducting the premium amount from
the same pay period. This came after a re-
quest from the Seaforth Police Association
that the premiums be taxed to enable any
benefits received to be non-taxable. The
town was advised by Touche Ross that it is
not:sufficient to treat the premiums just as
a taxable benefit but that the premium
amount Should be deducted from the
employee's pay.
The town will accomplish this by adding
an amount equal to the monthly premium
to the employee's pay as a monthly bonus
then deducting the same amount for the
This -program will be optional for all
employees, but those choosing not to take
advantage at this time may only do so in
the future during the first pay period of a
new year.
The Town of Seaforth's Municipal Office
will be closed Friday, June 30, 1989 in lieu
of the Canada Dayholiday,-whieh this year
falls on a Saturday. All paynients required
June 30 will be accepted Monday, July 3
without penalty.
The new co-ordinator's office will re-
main on the second floor of the town's
municipal building, but consideration will
be,given to renovating it to make it more
Discussion 'lad ,taken place ,on finding
alterlilite,acco1nniof(a ons for the office,
prefo t ly :a 71 treat loea ion, but
ie,t: bu et coat no (provision for
,ventlag:ar►,o ce, and°the o101,y-ui , cipally
ownGdproperty onAtainaStreettateouid
be ,,considered as the,old Police Station,
,wldeh ds pawn*;used as la> room.
'There ivbs,80J1ge4olt�C±Bi dist iep4i ,en;us-
k g . troOrn tortillP4tehre CIM WOO
gen o 0 r ijlaceAgo011er,1
SPA I1s1 lga ofilbejaat7ai ,ot ...t
Xi, ,1004.0VD
mark '89 Minor Hockey Team travelling to
Herlev, Denmark next Christmas, and one
to a Lions' Club student exchange travell-
ing to Italy.
It also approved the Seaforth/Denmark
'89 committee parking and displaying the
car being offered as a major prize in a
draw to help fund the trip.
Permission has been given for Deputy
Clerk -Treasurer Michelle Huard, and
Clerk Jim Crocker, to attend the 1989
Finance Conference in London September
27 to 29, as per the 1989 budget.
At the request of its Business Improve-
ment Area Seaforth Town Council has
agreed to convene a public meeting to ad-
dress the issues of Sunday and other holi-
day shopping ha Seaforth. The date of that
meeting is Thursday, July 6.
Some merchants would like the town to
permit shopping on Canada Day when it is
not a Sunday, and on Labor Day and
December 26. At this point the BIA has not
taken a position on holiday shopping but
does agree some type of public forum
should be held before any decisions are
Huron County Council has agreed to fund
20 per cent of the cost of employing a Com-
mercial/Heritage Economic Development
Coordinator (who will take up where the
Mainstreet Coordinator leaves off). In
return the coordinator will work one day a
week to organize and develop a 'Central
Huron Economic Develoment Body'.
The Town will also be receiving a $20,000
Internship grant for the coordinator's posi-
tion. The rest of the cost it will pay itself.
The Coordinator's position is being
advertised in a number of daily
newspapers, as well as being circulated to
the Ministry of Industy, Technology and
Trade, and the Planner's Institute.
Members of Seeforth Town Council
received a total of $2,845 for meetings at-
tended in the month bf May.
Mayor Hazel Hildebrand received $460
for one council and eight committee
meetings; Councillor Bill Pinder received
$375 for one council, one all day and five
committee meetings; Reeve Bill Bennett
and Councillors Bill Teall and Garry
Osborn each received $345 for one council
and six committee meetings; Councillor
Pat Malone received $300 for one all day
and five committee meetings; Councillor
Irwin Johnston received $255 for one coun-
cil and four committee meetings; and
Councillor Marjorie Claus and Deputy -
Reeve Peg Campbell each received $210
for one council and three committee
The Town of Seaforth has endorsed a
resolution adopted by the City of Guelph. It
requests that Bell Canada Enterprises in-
itiate a program to develop telephone
directories which can be.readily recycled;
and that such initiative be developed in.
conjunction a.Re Pr . .
tatives of provincial and municipal re
ing programs and of those industries
directly involved in the processing and
marketing of used paper fibre.
"Since the disposal of telephone direc-
tories impacts on each and every
municipality in Ontario it is vital that Bell
Canada take immediate steps to initiate a
program to develop telephone directories
which can be readily recycled," Guelph
Council stated.
The Ministry of Transportation is in the
process of a province -wide updating of
road inventories and included in this pro-
ject is the Highway Connecting Link
As part of its updating procedure the
MTO will be conducting traffic counts on
the Coonnecting Link System (highway 8)
in Seaforth. The traffic counts will be con-
ducted by the Ministry's Regional traffic
office at no expense to the town.
The Town of Seaforth has approved a
Designated Property Grant Application
from Mike and Lesley Ash for im-
provements to the 'Hildebrands' building.
Those improvements include painting of
all exterior woodwork with heritage col-
ors, re -hanging of the original shutters,
and painting, puttying and replacement of
windows. Estimated cost of these im-
provements is $1,030.
A property grant application was also
approved for Paul Carroll. Mr. Carroll in-
tends to make improvements to the Coach
House on his property, including, removal
of existing roofing asphalt and the under
layer. of cedar shingles to repair all
damaged roof boards; replacement of
wooden cedar shingles to heritage
specifications over roofing felt; replace-
ment of all valleys; and replacement of the
main chimney and building corners as re-
quired. The estimated cost of this project
over two years is $12-$13,000. '
The town itself is also applying for
grants for repairs to its slate root and for
replacement andrepairs to 10 wooden win-
dows on the third floor of the town hall.
The Town of Seaforth has decided to
pass on an offer from the television net-
work which produces "Sketches of Our
Town", to do an expose on :Seaforth this
summer for air' ag later this year.
Although it would be great publicity for
the town, council agreed Seaforth could
not: at this time meet the requirements of
the network,- namely auarantee of
$10,000towards thetotal $45450,000 cost of
production, and .absorption of the costs of
accommodatiop,an(liineala for the approa-
imately,40people who would be required to
uneli 41e0,61ed It would pass,au ,lt for
this wear,'but•svouldeuggest that Worth
Abe epnsidered for 1900, whop perhaps it
would have something more .,concrete in
the rpayof.athe a pe,teahow.
A 41ep. tipn;•by S%tef Claus regar-
ding A e us Jo pr moved opt
bola le 0 tlRkl, us oxer t9
,iepr ,y, z 4natter:llas been
rofel"red oto Pe to igeggotlating Cpm-
iraltteei or /Ober, eiassion,ani a deei-
sio he.re>ee edat.thea'uty.ulee, of
4covili epundi.