HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-06-07, Page 161,611 - THE HURON -EXPOSITOR, JUNE 7, 1989 21. WANTED TO BUY' AN FIOUE glass paperweights and other anti- ques. $$$ Call Steve 527-0211 Friday even- ings or weekends. 21-37-x52 OLD GLASS, china and wooden furniture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, etc. Phone 527-2095. 21-23-x3 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment. Available March 1, Phone 527-0877. Also two bedroom apart- ment, Available April 1st. No pets. References. Phone 527-0877. 26.23-tf SPACIOUS one bedroom apartments in Clin- ton. Rent includes heat, hydro, fridge, stove and shared washer and dryer. Available im- mediately, Cali Liz or Pat 482-3981. 26-23-tf MAXWELL Apartments - Bachelor apart- ments, rent from 5238.00 to $315.00 per month. Call 393-6921 26-23-8 BRAND NEW bachelor apartment. Fridge and stove included, Available July 1. 527-0420 or 522-1323. 26-23-3 127. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND USED Satellite Systems, rent or lease to own with easy monthly payments; also, repairs to all makes. L. & A Southwest Satellite, day or night 524-9595. 27-23-tf 29. FOR RENT eat THREE BEDROOM country house for rent, close to Clinton, carpeted throughout, pro- pane heated, large fenced lot. Available July 15, 482-3518. 29-23-3 OOM 3e;CARD REQ1RED Room and Board for responsible sevterRteetl year old mate student in Seaforth or area. FAMILY ABS® CHILDREN'S SERVICES OOERICH 1.800.265.5198 31. NOTICE A.A. if you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked ^for a millions. Calf 527-1650. 31.23-tf • 34. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of appliances; antiques 8, household of fects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 183 Herbert St. in Mitchell on THURSDAY, JUNE 15 AT 6:00 P.M. INCLUDING: Admiral stocking washer and dryer (almond); G.E. 30" electric stove with black door; RCA frost free fridge {gold); Panasonic microwave; Coldapot deep freeze; Elecfrohome dehumidifier; double pedestal dining room table 6 6 chain; china cabinet; corner curio cabinet; Kroahler chest -a- bed; French Provincial chesterfield b chair; White sewing machine in stand; steel bed with brass trim; washstand; blanket box; dressers: coffee & end tables; beds; cool oil lamps; bedding; small electrical appliances; some good dishes; Sears tread -mill; hand & garden tools; a & D sander; 3/8" drill; sabre sow; flat irons; 20' aluminum extension ladder; aluminum wheelbarrow; Arlene 4 H.P. roto -tiller; metal fencing for dog run, In sections; and host of misc. Items. This is a good clean offering. Plan to attend. PROP.: Jim 8 Emily Armstrong, with additions. AUCTIONEERS Doug Jacob & Wallie Ross 33. EDUCATIONAL YOUR FUTURE starts with ...Tri -County Track Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee tax dedubtible 1-800-265-0400. 33-23-bc TRANSPORT DRIVER Training for class "A" licence. No experience necessary. Proven job placement assistance. Markel Institute of Pro- fessional Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. 33-23-bc FREE: 1989 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medicat Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 33 -23 -be 34. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION Of Appliances, Furniture, Woodworking Equipment & Misc. Items to be hid west of Seeforth on the Harpurhey Road WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 AT 5:00 P.M. HOUSEHOLD: Frigidaire frost free fridge fe mo. old), B.E. 30 inch electric stove with black door, Woods apt. sited -deep freeze (1 yr. old), Maytag automatic washer 4 dryer, Electrobome color portable T.V. with remote control, Alr King dehumidifier, koshsr$ dining room suite with buffet & hufeh six cane back chain end table, floral dentedield & chair fs mo. old). French Provincial chesterfield &.chair, Krug and Knechtel three piece bedroom suites. those recliner theirs (as new). pair of walnut end tables. coffee &.end tables, aeons* kitchen suite, bedding, smell ,elec- tric appliances, pots & pans, mirrors, mar- 't bis top lamp table. lamp!. Cooly card table & 6 chain, New Haven mantel clock, desk & chair. coal ell lamp. and muchmore. WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT A MISC.: Mensal h.p. anowblawer, Clipper 3% h.p. gas mower, RadtwnelLasever 6lndt jahatar- planer. Craftsman table sow, Jet 16 •peed' drill press, Shopereft 10 inch bendsaw, % h.p. Campbell elr compressor, ?Albite disc grinder, Wen sender, dell belt gander, Brown spray Dun, large selection dlhand tools. wheelbarrow, garden tools and many supplies Including wood used ter the Wolin making trade., Plan to attend- thin exceptionally clean ale of household Hams and tools.; Mr. 1, tloglll hes baton mak tng,violins •for many years and hes many Manu pertetnIng to that trade. Prop: Joseph T. HtegIll AUCTIONEIRs Drum Jacob -111-7894 Willie Roes -139-5077 AUCTION Esc "CASH & CARRY" SALE HWY. 21 3 MILES SOUTH OF GRAND SEND FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 10.6 PM STOCK LiQUIDATIORN OF A A.AROE STORE EVEPYTNINO WILL ME SOLD HALF PRICE OR LESS Parker & Milton Bradley games for the whole family, Playskool baby toys & rattles, beach supplies such as balls, floats, sand &water toys, kites, sunglasses & visors, head bands, children's books &puzzles, mats, Doodle art, school supplies, school bags, math sets, paper, Crayola crayons & chalk, chalk boards, pencil cases, sharpeners, erasers, Gremlin school sets, pens, pencils, Karate Kid & Nlnja setstMlfidCrtmchfes; be119; Trtteks; tars, 'gems, Glo Friends & Nerfu& galore, Sylvanian Families, child's video tapes, beach bags, pic- ture frames, musical dolls, bingo markers, wallets, home burglar alarms, kitchen utensils, pots & pans, knife sets, hardware, paper & plastic table clothes, napkins, dollies, candles, ribbons, bows, tarps, combs, crystal, duck jars & mugs, ruck sacks, sponges, razors, cookie jars, hand tools, cosmetics, Clocks, watches, office accessories, cash register & calculator tapes, Liquid Paper, labels, peg board hooks, Teacher's Bulletin Board Sets, stuffed toys, scissors, ant killer, etc., etc. AUCTIONEERS PAT & PHYLLIS LYON 243-2713 LARGE AUCTION SALE 3 incinerators for Huron Board of Educa- tion; boat; antiques; furniture; ap- pliances; etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Harn, Clinton. Complete contents of Ooderteh home plus good addRlons on SATU,RDAY, JUNE 10 AT 10:00 A.M. INCINERATORS: 3 incinerators of various ages and aims from Huron County schools. No reserve. HOUSEHOLD: Curio cabinet; bowed glass china cabinet; 9 pc. dining room suite; 4 matching pressback chain; an- tique pump organ; drop leaf dining table w/4 matching chain; oval drop leaf kitchen table w/4snatching chain; 2 door wardrobe; 2 modern bedroom suites; modern sectional chesterfield, Menem,: modern Rattan loveseat w/2 matching chairs: 2 matching high back fan style Rattan drain w/ottoman; cap. tale's chair; wicker arm chairs modern rocker: 3 trunks; Caboose stove: treadle sewing machine; cedar chest; cedar bkinket box; smoker's stand; small tables; 3 older chesterfields: large modern end table; recliner choir; 2 floor lamps; % size box spring and mattress; double box spring and mat. tress; 2 dahumldiffa►'s; humidifier; wringer washer; 2 vacuum eleaneru square model fridge: beer McBee; clwst lreez+r approx. 15 cu. ft.: 24" electric stove; 21" electric stove; older 3 pc. bedroom suite; QMhllco colour T,V.:'12" • 8 4 W T,V.; 3 lanterns; 12 nillk#ottles with nam.: 2 Clinton' CP cream can: milk can;=a few occupied 4epaq;pieces; *oval Allier, cups -& saucers; crock; bear teary; dieihes..sind glassing,* including en - Haus ,places; small appliances: kid's *Gallo pads; 11' Inflatable, boat. cost $240.00 new; picnic tabler2:push lawn mowers: =wheel .borrow; ;igdlas' •bike; antique :beam •,yprJnp ,tool. plectrlc snowblower: electrila:sJiprdger fri818181; -plus ollhe r-tools:pluir othee items: 2,wln- dowx a4".,444". 'TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper i:D, AUCTIONEERS i'R1chlillird •Jaabb 7 Awl ;Lobb 4004090 34. AUCTION SALES REG BARLEY RILL PRESZCATOR 145.2564 '. 233-3220 Office: 527-2540 Monday to Friday JIM PRESZCATOR 482-7126 (Manager) OFFICE: 527-2540 Monday to Friday Fame - Estate - Real Estate Salsa Liquidation of All Kinds CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME Doug Jacob & Waffle Ross 271-7894 or 393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER WED., JUNE 7 AT 5.00 P.M., Estate auc- tion of antiques; appliances & household ef- fects to be held at 22 Marlborough St, en Mit- chell for the Estate of the Late Ruth Tana, WED., JUNE 14 AT 5:00 P.M., Clearing auction of appliances; took & woodworking equipment; and household effects to be held West of Seqforth on the Harpur&ey Road for Joseph T. Hugall, THURS., JUNE 15 AT 6000 P.M.: Auction of appliances; antiques; & household heats to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert Se. in Mitchell for Jim and Emily Armstrong. RICHARD LOSR AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 THURS., ;UNE 8 AT 6 P.M.: Tractor, com- bine, swather, machinery, 21/2 miles north, 1h mile west of Seaforth for Ray Harrison. SAT., JUNE 10 AT 10 A.M.: Appliances, fur- niture, antiques at Richard Lobb's Auction Bam, Clinton for Alvin Proctor plus other con- signors. 5 incinerators from Huron Board of Education schools. SAT., JUNE 17 AT 10 A.M.: Riding mower, large modem dining suite and bedroom suites, appliances, furniture, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for s Mrs. Emerson Kyle of Kippen, No additions, SAT., JUNE 24 AT 9 A.M.: Old machine shop lathes and equipment; old car parts; old signs; tools and garage equipment;, 2 tractors; 3 wheel ATC; antiques; etc.; large offering at Mark's Garage in Walton, Established in 1925. Nelson and Maxine Marks. 35. TENDERS WANTED 19.011.0V:rr;OWNSHIP,,... TENDERS WANTED Tenders to be called two ways for this fob of Road Construction. #1. The contractor aspons.ofe for Mooing, hauling and spreading of road bending material. Under item #1 Hellett Twp. will supply material. #2. The contractor to supply. load, haul and spread the clay and 8 grovel need- ed for the road construction. We would be using approximately 12,000 No. yds. of Iterated and 3,000 cu. yds. of clay for the Road Construction in Hellen Twp. Work to start around the 14th of August 1989. Contact the Road Superintendent for tender forms, and they must be received by the Road Superintendent containing a certified Cheque of 10% of the enclosed bid by 4 p.m.. June 20, 1989. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by MTC. Jim Johnston., ed. Supt. Londesbero. Ont. NOM 2140 523-4404 TENDERS HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE FOLLOWING: -PART 1 - DRAINAGE AND PAVING - HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL, BRUCEFIELD PART 2 - DRAINAGE - ROBERTSON MEMORIAL SCHOOL, GODERJCH The work includes approximately; - 528lineal metres of 150 mm to 200 mm sub -drains - 360 m2 of earth excavation - 750 tonnes of granular backfill - 250 tonnes o1 hot mix asphalt as wall as other work Incidental thereto. Plans, specifications,znd tender forms may be obtained from the office of the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 110, and the office of B. M. Ross and Associates Limited, 62 North Street, Goderlch, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Deadline for tender submission la 1:00 p.m., June 23, ;19119. A certified cheque In the amount of $2,000.00 must accompany•each:bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 3$11 SERVICE DIRECTORY Fuel <t)il FurnaGIe ftepair,andR Cleaning • Paratchek°s Maintenance i>Lblfn'346?35 HFNSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton ........... VEA LS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you fike it. HOWATT- CONSTRUCTION Concrete and General Contracting •FOUNDATIONS •SIDEWALKS •DRIVEWAYS •FLOORING R.R. 1/1 AUBURN, ONT. NOM 1E0 (519) 5234338 PAINTING DECORATING p PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior FREE ESTIMATES GARY BANNON PHONE 527-1582 After 6:00 P.M. Or Campbell's Home Centre 527-1420 139. CARD OF Ti -IA; KS HOEGY We wish to thank our family for their planning and thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their good wishes. You made our day very special. Lavern & Greta Hoegy, 39-23-1 BRUCEFIELD FIRE Department would like to thank everyone who supported them on their very successful Old Fashioned Breakfast and Bake Sale. See you ail on September 9, 1989. 39-23-1 WATSON We would like to thank all of our family, friends and neighbours for the flowers, cards, gifts and visits during our stay in hospital and since returning home, everything was gratefully ap- preciated, ,dim, Shelton 'and-Brent'»Watson, 39-23-1 JORGENNSON I wish to thank my wife, neighbours and friends for visits, cards and gifts I received while a patient at University Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wong and my friend Nathan Kruse. Thank you so much. Tom. 39-23x1 McNICHOL We wish to thank our family for the lovely din- ner served in honour of our 45th Wedding An- niversary and also Ralph's birthday. Special thanks to those who prepared the luscious chicken barbecue. Thank you'also for the gifts and cards. it was all very much appreciated. Ralph and Anna. 39-23x1 DANCE FOR HEART was a great success, Thanks' to everyone who helped and the mer- chants who donated prizes, most of all to the participants who raised $4,976.50 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Druscilla Leitch, co-ordinator Dance for Heart, 39-23-1 PHILLIPS Special thanks to Dr. Rodney, Dr. Wong and Dr. Underwood on my recent surgery. Sincere thanks to Legion, friends and relatives for the kind greetings and visits, words cannot, ex- press thanks to the nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital, it was a first class ride all the way. Thanks sincerely, Frank Phillips. 39-23-1 40. IN MEMORIAM - HACKWELL In loving memory of our son and brother, Jef- frey, who died so suddenly 10 years ago, June 11, 1979. A son is one of the nicest things, That can happen to anyone. He is someone to laugh, to share with, To work with and join in the fun. He is someone when you need a warm smile, He is someone who will quietly listen When you Just want to talk for awhile. A son stays close to you always, For he's someone who is always a part Of all the favourite memories That you keep withip your heart, Jeff, you were ail the things that made a son so special. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Dad , Blaine and Craig. 40-23-x1 TOWNSEND In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, who passed away June 0, 1988. This month comes with deep regrets it brings back the day we will never forget We think of you in silence, And often speok your name, All we have lee memories And a picture In o frame, Our hearts still ache with sadness, And silent tears will flow, For what ft meant to lose you dad, No one will ever know, Today, tomorrow, our whole life through. Lovingly remembered by daughter :Eflagbeth tend family. 40•20-xf AVIDR f:�. AelneftOning 1a deAr:ikiVod rhubband f�h0r and grandfather Omar 0* TOwn$eflq ` , () passed away June 8, 49„x. ;lepvlld yq; /Our i(y, ;2 xi 1 ,af.r,... • �r, TANYA ECKERT, 14, of Egmondville, plac- ed second in the Youth Talent Search held in cooperation with CKNX AM Radio and the Clinton Spring Fair, Tanya performed a step dance routine, and will now proceed to the quarter finals in London in September. Tanya is the daughter of Steve and Norah Eckert, and granddaughter of Bill and Clara Brown. Mcllwraith photo. Huron from page 2A Messenger and Pearson Chesney at,$t99 pounds,'provided one of the highlights of the evening, the decision going to the latter. Messenger immediately challenged any one under 100 pounds. JUNE 4, 1964 Dogs running at large are becoming a pro- blem in Tuckersmlth, it was revealed at a township council meeting Tuesday night. Reeve Elgin Thompson reported an incident of two weeks ago when a dog killed 16 young rabbits, the property of Ted Szwba, RR 3 Kippen. Other councillors recounted com- plaints they bad received, Mrs. Alex Campbell celebrated her 95th birthday at her home on High Street on Mon :y. A fire that broke out around a chimney Monday evening caused exteltsive,damage, estiiaiat'eil at `severalthousand dollars, tothe farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Con M. Eckert, a mile north of town. Topnotch Feeds Limited, Seaforth, a sub- sidiary of James Richardson and Sons Limited, has entered into an agreement to purchase the grain elevators and facilities of Midlake Elevators Ltd. in St. Thomas, Port Stanley, Springfield, Dutton and Tilbury. Constuction of a new picnic pavilion at the Seafortb Lions Park is almost completed, ready for the use of the hundreds of picnic groups who will use the park facilities. The pavilion, which is being erected by Frank Kling Ltd., will provide protection for picnic groups during rainy weather, as well as be- ing available on occassions for dances and meetings. I o1v-aRio 116 Ai D ES 40. IN MEMORIAM TOWNSEND In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father Elmer, who passed away, one year ago, June 8, 7888. Little did we know that morning The sorrow that day would bring The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear You didn't have time to say farewell Or for us to say goodbye We think of you in silence And often speak your name For what it meant to lose you No one will ever know. Loved, missed and remembered always, by daughter Erma Mae, son-in-law Peter, grand- children, Rob and Cheryl. -40-23-1 SIMPSON In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister Deborah who died suddenly in a car ac- cident 11 years ago, June 4. Things I feel most deeply, Are the hardest things to say, Dear Debbie I loved you, in a very special way. If I could have one lifetime wish, I'd pray to God with all my heart, For yesterday and you. You are not forgotten Debbie, Nor ever will you be, As long as fife and memory lasts, We will remember thee. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, Joe, Darlene and Robbie. 40-23-1 1 41, ,PERSONAL. 00112i{EEr09101;4kjjpllni,Mapt pomeone nice by 00 .. 1 ¢4+r.t app& dance, Write barb, Sox 40fA, Sudbfli +,P0A 461. Please state age. +;Write *pday Ourfourteenth Successful Year. 4423-bc 4 •