HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-09, Page 5I THE • BLUE . FRONT STORE, . WINCHAMI 'MEN'S FINE TAILORED GARMENTS They are made in attractive patterns, tailored by experts and they fit as good clothes should fit, we would like to show you one of these suits, New Arrivals This week, and many of thein exolusive lines, hew and up-to-date Spring Suits for Men, Youth's and Boys', new separate Trousers .and Knickers, New Fancy Vests, New Spring Rain Coats, New Star Shirts, New Austrian Collars, the best in the world for the price. New Ties, New King and Borsalino Hats and other reliable makes as well, New Caps, New Hose in plain and fancy cashmere and liele thread. New Crawford Shoes, and other popular makes, New Trunks aid Suit Cases, in faot everything new. Spring and Summer Underwear Manchauffer's French Balbriggan Underwear, long and short sleeves, knee and ankle length drawers, in a full range of sizes. The Ellis Spring Needle Combination Underwear to Bal ariggan, also the same make of Shirts and Drawers in Blue Black and Brown Balbriggan, and White Siikateen. Penman's and Robin Hood's Natnrat Wool Unshrinkable Underwear specially made for spring wear, This Week's Specials Men's Fancy Colored Print Shirts, Cuffs attached, all sizes up to 18, regular 75c and 85o for 50o. Boys' Fancy Colored Print Shirts in Ogee from 12 up to 14, regular 50o for 25o. BRING ALONG YOUR EGGS. McGee & Camne CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS TERM/ERRE. The following is the report of S. S. No 9, Turnberry for April: -5th, Kate AicBarney. 4th sr, Gordon Wray, Clara MoKerzie, Robert Breen, 4th jr, Aleatha Smith, Gladys Henning, Geo, 'Benedict, Clarence Henning, Lizzie Breen, 3rd, Lottie McBarney, Joy Wray, Jean Ross, Cecil Faller, Mary .MoBurney, Percy Markley, Murray Rose, Willie Bolt, Pearl Merkely, Nellie Breen, 2nd Sr., Howard Wylie. 2nd Jr, Robbie Powell, Leslie Bolt, Stella. Fyfe. Part rr, Dorothy McTavish. Part r Sr, Sanderson Breen,Myrtle Fyfe. Part I Jr, Greer Wylie, James Wylie. L. H. V tNSTONE, Teacher. BLIIEVALE Mr Geo Haney expects to commence - work on the new Presbyterian Church d. next week. Mr Oliver Mills has again moved to his farm in Turnberry, recently vacated by Mr John Ashton. The quarterly services of the Blue - vale circuit of the Methodist church were held on Sunday Iast. The Presbyterian congregations will use the Foresters' hall for their services during the erection of the new Ohuroh. The local Foresters giving the church the use of the hall. It is expected that next Sunday will be the Iaet on whioh service will be held in the Presbyterian church and com- munnion service will be held. The cer- vine will also take the form of a memor- ial to the old church. W. Holland had his neck broken near Streeteville by his team running away. THE WINGHAN TIMES ;NAY 9, 1947 FQ1trotcE, Mrs J, .A., Chapman intends in future to °lose her store and the post oftioe ht 7 o'clock on Wednesday evenintge, The patrons of thio store and office will kind- ly make a note of this change, wraTitciUneore. The Quarterly Odlofal Board of the Whiteobnrait circuit met in Wh ite church, Monday afternoon, April 29th. Rey, R. IL Mlllyard, chairman of the District, presided, Owing to nnmerone removals, and the consequent financial weakening of the circuit it was feared some time ago that a change in the ar- rangements for the oiroait might be neat:wary at the approaching Ootifer- enoe, The people, however, are rising to the 000aslon, and are putting forth such unitedand Special efforts, that already the finances are in snob a condition that no change is now anticipated, and Rev. W. A. Finlay will continue as pastor. The people of the circuit, though not numerous, are devoted and loyal, and are heroically facing assisting condi- tions. The outlook has many encourage- menta for both pastor and people, Really on the Shelf. That's where you'll find "Nerviline" in every well regulated household, So pleasant'to take, that even little child. ren will cry for it. So certain to mare coughs, sadden colds and tight cheat that thousands of bottles are used every day. Poison's Nerviline does prevent illness, it dose ease pain and inflamma- tiou, and by being handy will save worry and keep down the doctor bills. Large bottles sold for a quarter at all dealers. MYTH The first shipment into Blyth over the O.P.R. was a number of buggies for Mr. W. A. Carter, Mr. A, H. Jacobs has returned home after spending the winter in California. Mr. E. 0. Wilford was home during the past week from Toronto, but return- ed on Saturday to write on his exams. During the holidays he will go to New Ontario where he has :soured a Govern- ment position. We are called upon to record the death of W. J, Fenwick, who passed away from this world on Sunday morn- ing, April 28th, after an illness which lasted all winter, but he had only been bedfast for the past four weeks. The cause of his death was anaemia and stomach trouble. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Mason of Westfield, .to mourn his Ioss. His younger days were spent near Toronto, after which he moved to East Wawanosh and then to Blyth where he has resided for a num- ber of years. His age was 61 years, Lose of Appetite and Energy. Singly they are a worry -combined they become a burden, telling that waste has been immensely greater than the body's power to rebuild. The 'first need is to reconstruct the blood, make good the deficiency of red cells. Ferro - zone improves digestion, snakes blood, the kind that nourishes and rebuilds. Qaiokly the nervous system responds to the new power supplied by ,Nerviline. Strength returns, ambition revives, energy and •endurance give the system just what it needs to maintain the balance of health. No tonic better than Ferrozone, 50c per box at all dealers. MORRIS. The farm of F. McCaughey, of Blyth. on the 8th line of Morris, has been pur- chased by Henry Richmond, the price being $2,150. George Keys, 5th con., goes to Harris. Think Of It ! Granite Stove Pots, leg. 75c and. 85c, now ,40 and .50 Granite Stew Kettles, 't " .40 and .50 Axle Grease, regular io cents a box, now 6 •boxes for Daisy Churn, No. 2, regular $6.5o, tor - - Daisy Churn, No, 3, regular $7.00, for Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7,00, at - Screen Doors - from .50 .25 $5.25 5.75 5.50 to 2.25 Large assortment of SCREEN WINDOWS. CARPET FELT AND CARPET WHIPS FOR HOUSECLEANING. Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams', Robertson's and Beaver Beady -Mixed Paints. Church's Alabastine. White Lead and Linseed Oils. ' 444 GARDEN TOOLS of all kinds. lit will pay you to call arid get prices on anything you want in our line. Young's Big Hardware. 5 9909.10.94040404100040440404 The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You. catch cold easily or become run- down because of the after effect* of malaria..Strengthen yourself with Scot'4 4rlreu,fsTron. It builds new blood and tone's up your nervous system. Att. Df1UGWS'TS 150o. AND t$l,00. • 0.600044000414 0.0000004110 ton to engage in horse' baying. Th home farm hue been leased by, William We wish Messrs. Keys gnomes in thei various avocations, John Mooney, 5th line, disposed of a Yorkshire sew to the buyers that scaled 780 pounds. He received $4 75 per cwt., netting him $37.05. .A,tidy prigs for one pig, pearly that of an Winery bulimic, The three auotion sales, representing the sixKolty„estates, were well attended. F,,S, Sotto)? Drone's, who. is the assignee, was auctioneer. The financial results were about $3,800. W. S. Kel- ley's 100 aore farm was Gold to. Michael for $5,900. The homestead 100 of Wm. Kelly found a purchaser in Riobhard Van - stone, of Wingham, et $3,400. James Kelly bought Wm. Kelly's 50 acres, the price being .$2,000. e , Culross Pioneer Dead, 'Sunday, April 28th, saw the passing r sway of Neil MoKinnop, an aged pioneer of the 4th line of Calrose, and the oldest resident of the townebip. Death, which wad due to natural deoxy, was ;ot u looked for, at} the old man was ailing and unable to go about all winter; in- deed, it was cause of surprise that the vital spark remained so long. His ege, which relatives put at 92 years, was not definitely known; but known facts of his early life lead tothe belief that he had gotten well on towards the century mark, He felled the first tree and built the first shanty on the farm where he has ever since lived, He was born on one of the islands on the west coast of Scotland, and spoke Gaelic in preference to English, never having gained much profioienoy in the latter tongue. He was married before gaming to Canada to Annie Itpoeya, who survives. They reared a family of pine -two sons and seven daughters, all but one of whom. are living and have been married for a number of years. The above from the Teeswater News refers to the death of the father of Mrs. 0. Gilchrist, of this town. • Youth's'tritaiity.Sapped Atvay. Your child looks poorly, is tired and fretful. Yon would like this boy or girl' to biemere robust, more energetic and vivaolons. The "something" that is wrong is simply this. . Stomach and bowels needs attention, Constipation andindigestion nand be relieved, new life and vigor are .required in the blood, slight aesisteuee is needed for the kid• neys and liver. ,.Noehing.is so effective as Dr Ramilton'e Pills. They put new lite into young folks as well as the old ones. Every child should use that medi- oine regularly baoanse its benefits are not to be had in any other way. 25o at all dealers. GREY. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Alexander and Mrs Fraser, 14th con Grey, when their daughter, Miss Martha, was united in marriage to Isaac B. Bothwell, of Berlin, at 6 o'oiook en Wednesday,. 24th alt.,by Rev. Mr Armstrong, of Ethel. ' 3, K. Baker, .9th con.,. and family have moved to the brick residence on the George Oxtoby farm. Mr Baker bought this farm last year. He purpos- es rebuilding on the old homestead next season to replace the home destroyed by fire, . The Sabbath Sobool ;meeting, in the school house of 5 S. No 3, resumed operation last Sunday afternoon after thewinter's recess, P. A. McArthur is the faithful Superintendent. The school meeting in Shine's sohool house also re- opened the same afternoon. Mies Butz is doing good service in the direction of the work here, - Wedding bells chimed merrily Wed- nesday evening of lost week, at the commodious residence of Lorenzo and Mrs Frain, on - whioh occasion their eldest and highly esteemed daughter, Mise Julia A., was united in marriage to James G. Hogg , of Milverton, in the presence of about 150 guests. Shortly after five o'clock Mt'so Peart Sharpe, of Brussels, took her plane at the organ and to the strains of Mendeleshon'e Wedding March the bridal party took their planes under the wedding bell,whioh was suspended in the centre of an ever- green arch of baleane on the Iawp, The bride was most becomingly attired in crep•de-ohene with chiffon trimming. She wore a bridal veil and carried a bo- gnet of white carnations, She was giv- en away by her father, Miss Loreno Frain, eider of the bride, acted as flow- er girl and looked sweet in cream voile and carried a basket of carnations. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, of Ethel, assisted by Rev. O. P. Wells, of Gorrie, a former pastor. THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. The Jamestown Exposition, which opened on April 26th, 1907, promises to be one ot the most interesting of the larger expositions which have been held in later years, Its location at Sewall's Point, on the historic Hampton Roads, , eon= nine miles from the city of or. folk, Virginia, and directly oppos a Old Point Comfort, in itself will a eal to many, and the magnificent array of warshipe that will congreg here from all the countries of the orld will at- tract a tretnendons n bar of people from all parte oft IA Amerman contin- ent, as well as fro broad. To Oats,- diens who have tiead the privilege of visiting the South this tient will be the beet opportunity that will present itself, and the low transportation rates that are offered will lend an additional at- traotion. The only Canadian bxhibit at thie great Fair will be that of the Grand Trunk Railway System, who •have erect- ed a buitdiog of their own, in whioh the rebourcos and attractive feature* of Canada will bo shown, and at which building Oauadlets will be welcome,and Where alt information may be obtained. Another feature that is offered is the maw different router that can be taken to this Exposition from OAnade, inolud• ing rail, river and ocean journeys. The true hospitality of the Southern people, the historicity' mitt surrounds tho locali- ty, and the ntatiy+ ONO to see end do, ehoald be the nieant of indaoing a large 'Ilttrnbor to go from the north. Grand 1 Trunk Agents will gladly give infornia- ,tion as to rates aria routes. Do Your Euro Ring?. When they buzz and seem, slightly deaf, beware of catarrhal Intl emanation. This grows steadily worse, but can be cured by Oatarrhozofie.. J. A Hammitt of Greenmount, P. E. I., proved the merit of Oatarrhozone and writes: "No one could have worse catarrh than I had for years, It caused partial deafness, bad taste, upset my stomach, made me sick all over. Oatarrhozone cleared my nostrils, stopped the Dough and gave me a clear feeling in my breatheniug organs. I am absolutely cured." Doo tors say nothing is better than Catarrh°. zone. Try it and you'll say so too. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. Business Streets. • Macadam roadways are very satis- factory for residence streets, and are largely used for business sections, In Peterborough,•Brookviile, Galt, Orillia, Barrie, Acton, Berlin, Carleton Plane, Cornwall,' Iugereoll, Pembroke, Ren- frew and other towns, the mum streets are maoadamized, and by proper atten- tion this pavement is foetid fairly satis- factory, and a vest improvement on what ordinarially prevaile. In themain business section, however, it is deeirable to have a pavement that can be kept clean at all seasons, and which can be crossed at any point rather than at street intersections. Horses standing at the sidewalks tear up broken stone, leaving a succession of' holes, where there is much heavy traffts it is difficult tokens any part of the roadway in good shape. For this reason in the business district, a better class of pavement is of great advantage and in larger towns is almost a necessity. With present practise, practically the only two materiale avail- able for smaller municipalities- in addi- tion to ordinary tar =academe, are vitri- fied brick and asphalt block. To this may be added street asphalt for large cities, but unfortunately the methods of construction and repair are not each that it can be economically used in sotall municipahties where only a short extent is required. -Municipal World. Ontario Blended Flour, The fact of the steady decline in the demand for Ontario wheat must be a matter of concern not only to the indi- viduai wheat grower, but to the public generally. Ontario people have adopted the use of western flour to a consider• able oxtent,and the building up of west- ern industry to the detriment of the On- tario farmer and miller has been a ser - ions economio lose to the province. The Ontario farmer has not only lost a ready market for his wheat, but has snf- feted from the high prices of feed. When the business of wheat growing in Ontario was still flourishing the price of bran and aborts bad not Bored to the present figure of twenty to twenty-two dollars a ton. ip view of the increased cost of living, and the difficulty of ob. Established 1g79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresokne is h boon to Asthmatics Does it not seen mate effective to treathe in a remedy to curt disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach t It cures because the air rendered strongly anti. *optic is carried Geer tht diseased surface evith every breath, giving.prolonged and constant treat- ment. It is *trainable to otothets with anall children. Momenta ronsmaptive tendency find immeditte 4r• ste relief from coughs or k- Aimed Conditions of the ,d throat. Sold by druggists. Sind postal for booklet. LitsM't1rc, Mita* Co., Limited, Agents, Mont. steel, Canada. sop taw Idea Agana for 1Pa THE LEADING STORE Pa naw ala qty IOc tt turiltl It E. Isard & Go. SNAPS for Saturday, May 11th Big Bargains for Shrewd Buyers. Look around and see what others are selling and then visit this store and see the large range of exclusive novelties displayed for your inspection. LADIES' BELTS. -12 doz. Ladies' Fancy Kid Belte, "style right up to the minute," brass or silver buckles, eolore, black, brown, bine white, tan, gray, worth 50e, Saturday - 25a LONG GLOVES, --Very scarce and hard to get, see our leader in bleak or white Lisle. Saturday - - - 50c LADIES' DR A.WER3,-5 doz. Ladies' White Calabria Drawers, nicely made, regular value 50o. Saturday . - 3910 LAWN WAISTS. -A. large range of thetatest styles to choose from. You are sure to get the right style and fit if you bay, here. Spacial waist worth $1 25, Saturday prioe - $1,00 HOSE. -10 doz: Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hose, fast blank, eeamlees • feet, regular 353. Saturday - - - - 215c UNDERSKIRTS -Fine Black Mercer'zse. Sateen Underskirts, regular $1.5e vaiae. • Saturday Sale - - $1.00 LACE CURTAINS. -24 pair L3oe Oastaius, 3;o yds long, wide, regular value $1 00. Saturday• - - 7 75o QUILTS. -12 White Bed Spreads, large size, regular price $1;e. Saturday Sale - - - $1.,00 BOYS' SUITS,-Pratty Pattern Tweed Salts, nicely mad'A, Norfolk styles, regular $2.50. Satarday •- $2.00 MEN'S PANTS,-Speoial line .of Men's Working Pants, a Satin. - day bargain only - - - $1.00 Good Window Shades, on rollers, only - - 3c SAk!PLE ENDS -of Oartains, traveller's samples, your'cboioo Satarday each - - -e 25c. Numerous other snapi we haven't room to quote here. Shop early in the day if possicle. 1 12. Isard PHONE 68. WIWG1LA1M/1. 0. taining cheap labor, snob prices for feed are disoonraeing to farmers all. over Ontario. Givtag up wheat and going into stock raising and dairying does not help the farmer, if the cost of an essen- tial part of the feed becomes almost prphibitive. ' There seems, however, to ba no rea- son for regarding this state of affeire as inevitable. The Ontario wheat is con- ceded , to.have a flavor that is utterly lacking in the western flour, and were it not for the larger percentage of gluten in its western rival, it would have held its own in the open market for bread making as it still does for pastry, bis- units, etc. Those rattlers and bakers who have adopted the n.se of a blended flour, made from a proper mixture of Ontario wheat and the stronger western wheat to bring up the percentage of gluten, report a great demand for their product all over the Maritime Provinces. Down East the people de not care where the grain is grown, provided good flour is supplied them. The fact that they prefer the blended flours ought to be an argument for their use by the people of Ontario, to whom the increase in wheat 64444♦4444••44.4•+4••+4444 • • •, •• e • • •• •• 4 F • growing is a matter of vital interest. Anything th It willhelp to divert soma of the many now tnrued int) wasters chanuols ought to be welcome.' by the farming community. The usa of the Ontario blended fl tars wilt increase the market for the farmer and prove axe tremely baaeficial to the dairymen and stockmen by bringing down prices of bran and shorts to a more reasonable basis. - Horse Route Cards. You want a good job on your horse bills at a reasonable prioe, with goad cardboard and a good cut. The Tarte gives you. all these and also a notice of your horse for two weeks free of Ortega. Yon want it in the Tines because it oovers all the graded more thoroughly than airy other advertising medium. Ie is to your advantage to get your work done here, The Nova Scotia Steel Campsny is baying anisic° i a in Brazil, •••4••••4••••••+•••••••••4 • Royal Grocery.. REMEMBEE WE GIVE 6 lbs. Cooking Figs for - - packages Jelly Powder (assorted) Quart Mixed Pickles - Bottle Mixed Pickles Bottle Tomato Catsup - 25 cents - 25 cents 15 cents 10 cents 10 cents At GRIFFIN'S. -44++444+++44++4444.444++4 4441+•4444+44.444444444444M 4 + 4 4. 4 4 4 4 + 4 1 Heating staves AT COST F C CASH in order to rctuce our stock of Coal and Wood heating Stoves we are offering some excellent indnoenientt. When you see the goods and learn the prises you ' ill be convinced that it will be money Well spent to buy now, Sae What we have before purchasing elsewhere. We Cart save you money Sltip rang, Milk asitia, cite., on hand. Bugg & Sona STONE BLOCK, - WINGHAJIt. 4