HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-09, Page 1C4' THS WINGHAM. TIMES. VOL XXXVI.-NO. 1839. Seasonable Articles. rORMALDE1dYDE for smut in grain) the best, per, lb. .50 AGRICULTURAL B L U E- STONE (for spraying) Per pound - - - .Q5 PARIS GREEN MOTH BALLS - CAUSTIC SODA -1 and 5 -lb tine. BORAX . HOUSEHOLD AM M O N IA Per pint bottle - - .15 _ BUG ♦.lrn MOTH EXTER- MINATOR, per bottle - .25 gALE 'W"Italton Mckihbou THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. VICTORIA DAY C t L 1 B R IT1ON WINGHAM TOWN PARK Friday, May ti BASEBALL T+U' ANENT 10.00 a.m,-Kincard + e ve. Teeawater. 1.00 p.m.-Lnoknow vs. Wingham. 3.30 p.m, -The winners will play the final game. 2' HE WINGIIAM CITIZENS' BAND will furnish music all day. ,A. EMISSION:• -Morning game, 150 and 10e. Afternoon, 2 games, 25c and 15o. PRO MENADE CONCERT AT NIGHT Admission 10 cents. THE LITTLE EATON 11; lUs Funny Isn't it? Yet 'Tis True That we sell Lace Curtains c heaper than any other store in town. New Goods. S well Patterns. SATURDAY'S SPECIALS. 46 pair of Special Lace Curtains in Swies,Mnalin and Brussels Net effects, regular $2,25. Saturday - - $1,69 - 60 pair Men's Braces, the famous President design, just once boys, regular 50c, for • 250 CEO, CO HANNA Old Postoffice Store Idaodonald RIoek r WII�C iiA d. NOTICE TO American Subscribers. Under the new postal arrange- ment between Canada and the United States, the publisher of this paper is compelled to pay one cent per week hostage on each may of the Traits going across the border. Tinder those circum- stances the rate of subscription for copies of the Titan going into the United States in future will be $1 50 per year, payable strictly in advance. To subscribers who are now paid in advance we will continue the paper until the sub- scription expires, but renewals must be made at $1,50 per year. To subscribers in arrears We will continue the paper until the let of June, when all arrears are to be paid in full and a year's subscription at $1.50 in advance, otherwise the names of those not paid in advance will be dropped from our mailing lists. We ask our American eubsori- bars to act promptly in this matter. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers I.O.O.F. Excur ion Postponed The committee ha ing in charge the proposed I,O.O.F. a nrsion to Sarnia and Detroit for Jun nth, have been obliged to cancel the cursion for that date as arrangements onld not be made for a boat from Sarni to Detroit, The exoarsion will be run n August. Get Parnell's Bread, at Christie's. Snowstot m General The snow fall last Friday night was general throughout Ontario. The depth w es from one to six,inches bathe differ- ent parts of the pro in May is quite nn first snow fall in snow fell on May snow ploughs wer to clear the street ince. A snowstorm steal and this is the ay since 1874 when y. In Montreal the brought into service ailway tracks, Good Iine of heavy Plow Boots at R. JOHNSTON'S. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fella' butcher shop. Cobalt in Mr. Jae. Angus hie auction sale of on Saturday after will be an excel people of the town Ing lots at moderat pat your money attend this sale and profitable investme� as to location of lot� will be given on bi issue of this paper. Wingham. as decided to hold hoice building lots on, May 25th. This nt opportunity for o secure good build - prices. No seed to in the Cobalt, but you vviil find a more t. Full particulars and terms of sale a and in the next Trotting Stallion. Mr. W. Palking br ought his trottin t o this district for is a Chestnut e pounds, stands 163, ly sound and a ho and quality, He Grit. This horse of Mr. R J Day a Ford's stable eve afternoon until M cards have been titulars. Imported Cl Route cards a week for Dar J W ported Clydesdale Chief" and "Masco see are now well kn and will again hay season. The hors Ford's sate stable ev leg and on Fridays. will again have ch See advt in another c ern, of Elora, has stallion, "Sir John" e season. Sir John allion, weight 1280 hands high, perfeot- e of great substance is sired by Old Clear ill again be in charge d will be at Dr. A. T. week from Friday nday morning. Route teed and give all par- desdale Stallions e being issued this 'ng for his two im. tallions, "Drnmbnrle ." These two hor- wn in this district a very successful s are at Dr A T ry Thursday even - Mr D McPherson go of "Mascot." lmmn for route. Hackney Mr. bavld Irving h imported Hackney 5 Swell" from T. II. brook, and will have this motion this seam stallion has in his noblest Hackney bl Ore being Rosador, London Hackney Sh twice previously. 5 lace, "FLM Top S Exchange hotel ata .afternOon, anon. s purchased the allion, "Flat Top assard, of Mill - fm for serviee in This celebrated ins some of. the of England, kis I64, ohampi0n of w this year, And oards for potion - ell" will be at the es every Saturday I, O. O. F. 4 Next Sunday a members of the Inc Odd Fellows, along ren will attend div Paul's church, wbe sary sermon will b Bro. T. S. Boyle. ed to meet at the lodge o'clock p. m. WINGIIA.M, nniversary. oration the local 3pendent Order of ith visiting breth- ne service in St. a special anniver- preaohed by Rev. embers are request - We still bave =o conches at the asmla 4 CO. Local Option Teeswater is to h alt. The Govern the commissioners it m unioipalities where have been passed, b asi de by the courts fm not to issue licenses it The Teeswater hotel] have paid for and reci licenses for six mont probable that the by -IE into effect before tha room at 2.45 Special prices on iron $ at Walker's for spring. tt�� ONTARIO, TIIU!(SDAL, MAY 9, 1907. Offieia Visit. Mr W. J, Armstro g,of Toronto June- tion, Grand Conn illor of the Royal Tempters pf Tem range, will pay an °Mioial visit to 'ngham Counoil on Tuesday evening ext. A large atten- dance of the me ere is expected and an 'Interesting meeti g may be looks ..for. pa6re of those e, J. WALKER at Teeswater. re Iocal option after ent has instrnoted every one of the Kcal option by-laws t have been set techniealreasons the coming year. eepers, however, ived their liquor s, and it is not will be brought time has ;lapsed. Special bargains in 7aiYPaper dur- ing May, at Knox's, Wanrghara. C. P. R. Inc ease Wages. An increase of w gee has been grant- ed to all permane t employees in the maintainance•of-w y Department of the 0. P. R. to take e eot from the 1st of May. On lines we t of Cartier foremen and men receive increase of 20e per day; lines east of artiee, foremen re- ceives an increas of 20c per day and men 15c. Mont ly men on eastern lines receive an in rease of $5 per month and on Western lines $6 per month. Mr W. J. Neil w s in Toronto on Satur- eay attending a meeting of the joint Prootective Bo d to deal with the above settlement FOR SALE. -The . est • arieties of corn and mangolds seed. ' Eo. E. RING, Moved t Harriston. The following f om the Brussels Post r efern to a forme well-known resident of East Wawano , and a son of Mr. M. Walker, of this town :--George L. Walker and fami , who have been resi- dents of Brussel for over five pears, left this week for arriston where they purpose making their home. Mr. Walker, associate with George Keys, of Morris, will bn horses, and as both are experienced ha ds at the business, they should do all right. The former owned one of the li. ery barns here for a few years. We wish them well and commend them to t is people of Harris - ton, who will find teem A 1 citizens. A brand new etr!ck of folding poles with ipe]s hooks at the Big ok FISHER. sa Ishing taokle, fish lines and Store. K. M. 5,000 Facts About Canada. A remarkable lit le booklet has been compiled under tLe above self explana- tory title by Franke Yeigh of Toronto, the well-known writer and lecturer on themes Canadian. the Dominion is be such a oompilatioi claimed, "worth i g old or Cobalt ails clever one, viz: giving a wonderfn in the smallest co Perhaps no one in ter qualified to make Its valve is, as a weight in Yukon er." The idea is a fact in a sentence, mass of information pass on every phase of our commercial end industrial Iife and our natural reson: ces. The booklet is sold for 250 and in ty be had from news - dealers or from ;he Canadian Facts Publishing 'Co., 637 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. T. A. Mills has been agen.V o deliver seed to patrons who cont !;ted to grow beats for the Wallet b g Sugar Refin- ery. Call at his lila a for the seed. T. A, Meets. A Bus Business Change Mr. A. R. Ander4n has sold his bus and baggage delivery business to Mr. Sylvester Carleton, if Kincardine. Mr. Anderson has made a good citizen and the many friends he has made since be. coming a resident o' the town would bo sorry to hear of hitt leaving Wingham. The Kincardine Re,iew in speaking of the new propriet r says :--"Sylvester Carleton has bong t out the Wingham bus business, ingham peoples and travellers stoppin there will find Mr. Carleton a stead careful, reliable, ifa- duatriotts man wh will not spare him- self to oblige a on oiner. Managing a bus business well eans early And late hours, and ciose ttention to business, but Mr. Carleton never Was afraid of hard Work. H will do well in Wing - ham -:no doubt at it." Mt. Carle- ton took poeeessi ou Wednesday. League Basel At a spooled meet men of the Methodic Monday evening of worth League ver L eegue baseball tea this, its second se el eeted were :-Hon President, ', A. Weilwood ; c aptai Treas., Be p. Lidd all• Team. g of the young eburcli, held on er the regular Ep- ice, the Epworth i was organized for eon. The officers resident, Jno Kerr; nton; Manager, W. , J. L, Awde, Secy. WANTED -500 lbs Choi also 100 cash o1 eggs, Wy,-Geo. E. Kura. $1 TEAR IN ADVANCE Miss Homu Honored. Mr and Mrs J. J. omuth and family left on Wednesday 'or their new home in Toronto. For up yards of thirty years they have been res dents of the town. Mr Homnth for ma ty years 000npied a positiou on the Pnbl o School Board, and was for some years member of the Town Council, and t e family has been prominent in Mettle ist circles. Miss Laura Horvath was for some time a member of the choir, ted at the practice on Friddy evening 1 at she was pre• seated with a puree o money, on behalf of the congregation in xeoogniton of Miss Bomnth's asset nee in the service of song so cheerfully given. Mies Rey- nolds eynolds made the pres tation. Miss Be- rnath is now soloist n Erskine Presby t Brian Church, Tor oto, The family ha ve many friends this vicinity, who will wish them ma years of happiness in their new home Go Carts and d butter; variety at WALK Former Winglesmite Dead. Mr Wm- Showers a former well- known young Wingh, mite died at Lon. don on Sunday last, in his 20th year, Deceased was visiti eg in Wingham about two weeks ago. A week ago last unday he was taken 31 and the follow- ing Tuesday was rem•ved to,the hospi- tal and was nnoonsclaas from that time until the time cif his ere was doing well in good position as tray ternational Harvester ed by his widow (ne Leath. Mr Show- Londcn, having a 11er with the In. co, He is surviv- Miss Coutts, of town), one chid, his parents and two sisters, who will have the sympathy of Wingham friends in their aflliotion. The funeral took pias at London on Tuesday, " Saturday "The Littl. Ea n" will sell 40 lane curtain sample. regular $2.00 per pair to 75o. Sale priee 2 for 25o. Shingles: -Parties requiring shingles should call and get prices. A good supply of finest shingles now on hand, J. A. McLEAxr., r° West Hur The West Eur sioilers finished t licenses at a meet las t week, All t were granted fo Goderioh-A. Ki W Craig of the of the British A Bedford, B. Sa and Mr. Babb o all given twelve W. Saults a stor the Colborne H months to make r of the Union, th terms. The Cli given notice the observe the la quences. T. n Licenses. n License Commis - business of granting g held on Tuesday of licenses In Wingham the full year. In g of the King Edward, nron House, E. Swarts erican, F. Davis of the Its of the Saults House, the Ocean House, were months' licenses, also license. Johnston, of use, was given three pairs, and Farr Bros., e months on special on hotel -keepers were future they must or take the cense. Ir in Buy your springs WALKER'S and be best, at low prices. Imnow ready hanging, decoratin rates. Satisfactiot left at Robert Mo promptly attende� an attresses at tried of the very painting, P &. PaUer , etc., at reasonable guaranteed. Orders ere tin shop will be to, G. A. PI:IPPEN. Quarterly 3oard Meeting. The regular mating of the Quarterly Official Board of she Methodist Church was held on Monday evnning,the pastor, Rev W. G. Ho on, presiding. The meeting' was a v intereeting,harmon- ions and please t one. The reports showed very sat factory progress in all departments of e work. Daring the year 50 new me bers have been added to the church, tet, owing to a very heavy removal, decrease in the mem- berebip will be r ported. Over $700 was raised for miesi nary purposes, an in- crease of about g 4.00 over last year; the Epworth League contributions were al- so greatly in adv nee of last year. The educational fund was also well sustain. ed, as were the ]her funds in oonnec- tiou with the ahureh. The stewards were re-elected for the ensuing year. Mr John Kerr v as elected delegate to the District mee• ing to be held at Luck - now next week, The Temperance Com- mittee recommo ded that the patter be asked to preach a temperance sermon dace in three mo ths. The pastor was granted fear Su day's rest during Ally or August, and ring his absence hid work Will be take by Rey d'oeiae Green of Clinton. Dr. Nelson Tait, of 428 Sped* ;et# Ave., Toronto, will be at the Qne 's Hotel, Wingham, on Friday May/th, front 8.30 a.m. till 3 p.m., f onsultation in diseases of Eye, Ear,II2`Nose and Throat, Glasses fitted. C: iagee--a great Thirty -Two Y rs Steward Mr. Joseph Hall, o moved to Wing - ham last fall, was f r thirty-two years a steward at the B Imore appointment of the Methcdi.t ch rch. At the meet- ing of the Quarter? Board of the Wrox- eter circuit of th Methodist ;hutch, held on April 27th the following reso- lution was passed :-"That it is with deep regret that w learned of Brother Joseph Hall, rem al from our midst. During his Stowe. dship of 32 years at the Belmore am:nutmeat, he has won many friends bot] . in the congregation and among the m .mbers of the Quarter- ly Board. His indnees of heart and sterling integrity a will gratefully re- member. We alize the great loss eve are sustaining i being deprived of his cheerful and n grudging service, but what is our loss ill be another ohareh's gain. Oar pray r is that the blessing of God may folio him and his family to their new home." Where can you cheapest? At WAL 3'S. nrnit the WANTED -Good gir f general house work. Apply to ]!i John Ritohie, Centre street. Victoria Da Celebration. The Citizens' Ba and Baseball Club have arranged to Id a celebration in Wingham on Viot ria Day - Friday. May 24th. The pr ram will consist of a baseball game at Oo'clock a, m, be- lween Kincardine d Teeswater and at 1 o'olock a game be ween Lucknow and Wingham. The wi ning teams of these two games to play e final game at 3.30 p. m. The prizes will be two silver tropias, valued. a $30 and $20. The Citizens Band will furnish the very best of music during the day. Baseball promises to be the. sport for this season and this touranment will give the people this district the :-,pportunity of seeing three good games All the clubs are in the Lakeside Leag�e and are out to win the games. The admission to the park for the forenoon will e 15c, and 100 and for the afternoon (t o games) 25o, 15c. Should the weatte6 permit a promenade concert will be h +ld at the park in the evening at which he Citizens Band will furnish a choice grogram and refresh. meats will be served, Wo hope to see a larger number of 'people in Wingham on Victoria Day. For a swell np-to-d t uit or hat try "The Little Eaton." to righter Don't fail to call nd Walker's fine display of high c arniture. Professor 0' rien's Lecture. Owing to an inor need demand upon our columns last we k we were unable to give an account of rofessor O'Brien's lecture on Solent fio Palmistry, hi the town hall, on Tuesday evening, 30th alt. There as a good sized and attentive and once present, and for upwards of tw and a half hours Prof. O'Brien dev ted himself to his subject, dealing wit it in each a manner as to justify the sertion .that ho is Canada's greatest lmist. TIIs remarks to in reference to t 0 lines and marks of the hand and tbei services in. delineat- ing th ch r c er nd future were very interesting, and much appreciated. Prof. O'Brien is a gentleman of genial social nature, pat staking and thorough in his professio ?aladam O'Brien as- sisted the profs ear by rendering in a most artistic ma ner "Kathleen Mavour- noon,""Robin Adair" "No Sir"and "Home Sweet dome." Her magnetic presence, and bjautifnliy trained voice gained for her any well deserved en- cored. The Mi ea Mabel and Mattie Orr also render; some piano dnette in a brilliant and ffective manner, and Mise Mabel Orr ery ably acted as se- oompaniat. WELL-KNOU PEOPLE 1 MR. GEO E MASON Dealer in Books Stationery, Etc. Mr. George Mateo i is a son of the late John Mason, forme ly hotel keeper, and was born in the c ty of London, May 6th, 1855, the year n which London was incorporated as a ty. The subject of this sketch first e gaged in commercial life in the fano goods business ate traveller in Lend n for Jas, Atkinson & Co. In 1878, the lot on the corner of John and Jose ine streets was pur- chased and in 1 79 the present Mason block was erect° and Mr. Mason start- ed in the book stationary, wall paper and fanny goods 14nsiness. The business had its small beginnings, but year by year it has gro.vn. First the single store was sufficient, then an annex was built at the rea •. This addition an- swered for a whi , but last fall it was found necessary o take in the second fiat of the bloc to accommodate the growing business. It will thus be seen th at with the addi ion at the rear, the entire floor spade o tha block is devoted to Mr, Mason's bn iness. For a town the size of Wingh m, and in fact for towns much larg than Wingham, nothing in the shape, of a book, station- ery, wall paper and anoy. goodsstore can equal this one. Th large stock carried makes it easy for people to make a selection, and man * a dollar is spent here that would o herwise go to the cities. Wingham eople are proud of this magnificent stn e. Mr. Mason has ben a man who has not taken much int• rest in political or municipal affairs, Les business interests taking up his time. He, however, spent one year, (1887) in ;he Town Council. For seven years Mr. Mason took an active interest in tl a work of the Sal- . vation Army, an through his efforts the present Army arracks was erected. Of late years he ha been a member of the Methodist chn h, and takes a live interest in religion work. To serve the p blie in business for twenty-eight years "u the same stand is a good reo.ird an the friends of Mr. . Mason will join w' h the Tierns in the wish that for man more years he may be one of our pr minent and respected business men. I beg to notify the public that I am prepared to do '.11 kinds of painting, decorating, kala`niing, eto,, at reason. mile rates. Sa isfaotion guaranteed. Parties wanting . vork of any kind done, call at A, W. irebster's store, Shaw Block. J. T. G.Y. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for delivering about $a0lards of gravel on certain streets i. 'the town of Wingham, will .e re. ved by the Roads and Sidewal,i C. .. mittee of the Town Council n. Saturday, 18th inst., at 12 o'clock noon. Gravel to be taken from the Town gravel pits. For farther particulars see the undersigned. " DA'VID BELL, Chairman. GOING ON MbNDAY NEXT Don't you need a Spring Tonic? Spring is coming on and you will need a good medicine to purify your blood. You ean- not take anything better than DR., CLARK'S CELERY ADD BURDOCK which is considered by some of the best physicians as a grand medicine. We are agents for Wingham. Price $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, at Waileys Drug Siore kno.Phone 100. WINGHAM. WINGI-IAIVI Real Estate Office Property for sale in and around the growing town of Wingham. Easy terms. $650 -Frame cottage, rents for $72 per year, five rooms, nine garden, Frances St. $300 -Solid brick cottage, 7 rooms, almost new, Martha St. $1050-1M story house, 8 rooms, good repair, rents for $96 per year, John street. $1200-2 story f, erne house, six rooms, beautiful location, Altert St. $1300 -New brink cottage, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Josephine St. $1300 -Frame hoose, 6 rooms, good cellar, stable and four acres of land. Town plot. $1350-1% story house, 10 rooms, 2 lots, guod stable, rents $108 per year, McIntosh St. $1500-1?Q story frame house, good orchard, one acre of land, Albert street. $2000-134 story house. 10 roams, two 1-5 acre lots worth $1000 Rents for $168 per year, Minnie St. CHOICE 1*A.Ii5I PrnOPErarv-, $4000-100 acres, good frame house. fair barn, 95 acres cleared, excellent land, Tp. Morris. $5000-100 acres, 4 miles from Wing - ham, bank barn, comfortable house, 85 acres cleared ; bargain for quick sale. Tp. Morris. The above are only a few of the many properties we have on our Iiste. Oall and get particulars. Owing to a res of business, Prof, O'Brien was nimbi to leave town is week. He will, towever, lea next Monday for Blyth.; As it s s om that Wingham people Ltve t pportunity to consult each an amine man in leis profession in then own town, they should not overloo a this chance now to have an examine ion from him, from whioh they will erive great benefit. Parents should n t hesitate to bring their children and nd out what trade or profession they re beet suited for to be a success in th r intim life. Hie fatherly and eoand advice will greatly influen0e them tow rde leading a moral and useful life and beebnie a credit to themselves, their arents, as well as their fellowmen. 5 turday will positive- ly be his last day i Wingham, Hun. dreds of Wingha a best people have nailed on him and speak in the high- est terms of his re Ings, His hours aro from 10 a.nr. to 10 .m,; Oflloe At Bron- awiok Hetet. RITCHIE & COSENS Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agents. Upstairs in Griffin-Vanstone Block, Wingham. Wingham Business College (Aftahated with Clinton B. 0.1 - CC FE. z; tvz Individual instruction, Write for handsome cataloguo. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. 1 1 1 THE LEADING SHOE STORE Dress Footwear For Little People The Little Ladies and the Little Men often want Dress Shoes and they should have there, too. Handsome styles for Boys and Girls in high and low cut Patent Ktd and Patent Leather -Lace and button shoes. Fret! Footwear VettY' The kind that the Little People will take pleasnro in wearing on dress occasions. $1,00, $1,25 or $1,50 According to size See tts for Trunks and Valises. W. J. Greer THE SHOES