HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-02, Page 8a 1 GvAiOureosow ovivaitriovb --tea � VIGOROUS G]XMPIL\ION COMMENCED ON Friday Morning, Agri: ZGIi AND CONTINUES FOR FIFTEEN DAYS. A Total Eclipse of all Former 8ellinA Reasons Don't Count Up Like Cash. Cash Don't Take up Room Like Goods. See the point we want to emphasize ? WE MUST MAKE ROOM And we'll do it by the very practical way of making prices which will turn the goods into cash—and do it quick. Now for a time of such buying as you've never known before. We bank our reputation on every item being as advertised. And the gain all goes to you. THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF THE NEWEST AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS. Must -make -room Prices for Men's it Boys' Clothing, The unequalled selections, the high quality, the perfection of fit and finish, coupled with Must•make•room Prices, will put you iu the no- tion of buying more than one Suit. Men's $12 high-class Spite for - $0 00 Men's $10 Suits for - - $6.50 And so on all the way through. Children's splendid Snits at $1.60, $1.75, $2 00, $2 50, etc. A special lot of Boys' long pant Snits, sized from 32 to 33 and worth in tin itl:eallar way $4.50 and $5 00, on sale at per suit $2.50 Men's heavy Tweed Pants at per pair $1 00, $1.25, $1 50, $2.00 aud $2 20, all worth far more money, and you ll say e0 when you see them. A Great Showing. White Vestinga, Prints, Muslins, Piques, Ginghams, Skirtings, Cottons, Sateena, Velvets, Dress Linens, Duck, Art Sateen, Art Muelins, Lace Curtains, Oarpets, Linoleums, Fluor Oil- cloths, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Fancy Waist- ings, Top Skirts, Underskirts, Undervests, Corset Covers, Silk and Lawn Waists, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Laces, Efrlbroiaeriss, Ribbons, Veilings and acorea of other interesting items which we haven't time nor room to mention. We've given you a hint only of what we have for you, but we want to impress clearly this fact that the saving to yon on prices will be twenty cents, and in many oases 25o, 300 and even 500 on every dollar. Ain't it worm your while to come early? It sure- ly is. Men's and Boys' Needs, Men's and Boys' Dress and Work Shirts—the 50o values for 40o, the 75o values for 60c, and the $1,00 qualities at 80c each, all nice new goods. Silk Neckwear Bargains—each 10c, 15c, 20c, 35o, and 40c, colorings and styles the latest. Bargains in Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and Hats and Caps. Every line of Men's and Boys' Furnishings at a saving of 20 ate. on every dollar. The Season's Demands. At this particular season of the year the buy. ing demands are always heavy. Every one in the home has some need,- and thea MusT. M AKE-ROOM baying chance comes to you just when you will specially appreciate it. We'll have a Tremendous Rush, and would advise shopping early. Come early if you can, but come auyway. We will do our utmost to wait on you promptly. A Rare Chance to Buy Silks for Dresses and Separate Waists. Every Silk we sell is guaranteed to wear well and give good satisfaction. _Nothing but TIIE BEST is good enough for Bee Htve selling. Piices like these will make a rush for Silks. 27 -inch Japan Taffeta Pare Silk—White, Cream, Black and all the newest shades— ' would be special good buying at 30c, our must -make -room Prices per yard • 40o 255 qualities, splendid colorings, at per yard 20c Lontaiene, extra valve at 73c, must•make- room price par yard - GOC The dollar guaranteed Black Silks, must - make -room price per yard 80c And the $1.25 qualities for an even dollar Stylish Dress Goods at Bargain Prices. We certini y have stylish Dress Goods with which every lady will be delighted. Blacks, bl ,ck and white, creams and all the latest color- ings and weaves in plain goods; the new greys and a particularly handsome collection of the checks, overcheoks and fancies. We commence the prices and continue the bargains all along the line -25o Dress Goode, at per yard 20o; 40c Dress Goods, 32c; 50o qualities for 40o; 60c values at 48o; 75c Dress Goods for 600; 85c Goods for 680; $1.00 lines, at per yaid, 800, and the $1,25 Goods for au even dollar. Saving on House Needs. The Irish know how to make the beat Table Linen—That's the kind we sell. 25o Table Linen tor, per yard, 20o; 40c Table Linen, 32o; 500 for 40o, 7bo for GOo, ane our special $1.00 Table Linen at 80c. 6o Toweliiug for 40, loo for 8o, and the 13c Towelling going at, per yard, 10o, Bedroom Towels wonderfully cheap at 8o, 10c, 13o, 15o, 20o, 32c, 40c. $1 50 Largest size White Qailts for $1 20. Chenille Table Covers worth $2 50 for $2. Extra value $1 00 Laoe Curtains for 800; $2 25 quality for $1.80; lots of other prices from which to choose. $2 00 Linoleum for $1.60. 500 Floor Oilcloths now 40c. Great bargains in Carpets. If you have a house -furnishing need at all, you caunot in justice to yourself and pocketbook, miss seeing what we have and learning our prices. A White and Cream Flan- nelette Bargain. Six pieces only. wide. heavy, beautifully fin- ished White and Cream Flannelette. You'd pur- chase it readily at I21o per yard t ut we're going to make a scramble tar rbis lot and it goes on sale at, per yard, 10c. You couldn't buy it from the best wholesale house in Canada and pat it in Wingham at this price but yon can get it at The Bee Hive Mast -make -room Sale. At About Half Price. Remnants of All Kinds.—Loads of remnants of all kinds, picked up from every department in the store and priced for quick selling. Dress Goods. Tweeds. Silks, Prints, Muelins, Ginghams, Table Linens, Towelings, Skirtings, Flannelet,es, Wrapperettes and dczens of items so full of in- terest that yon must see them in order to uuder- stand The Real Bargains these remnants are. You Must Have Groceries. Our Prices will make You Smile, A tea (Black, Green or Mixed), which we will pat against any 35c Ten offered anywhere, our price per lb , 20c: you'll want 5 or 10 lbs. when you've tried ir. 40c choice Teas at per lb 30o 3 lbs. best cleaned Currants for 23c Best 40o Pare Spices at per lb. 32c 7 bars Comfort Santa Claus and Silver Star Soap for 25c 4 packages Bee Laundry Starch for 23c 23c Brooms for 20c Cow Brand Soda 3 cts. Best 10c Extracts per bottle 8o Old Dutch Cleaner per box 8o Alt other items in Grocery depart- ment at Wonderful Money Saving Prices. Note the place and date, and don't miss this great Stook -Consolidation Sale. WE POSITIVELY MUST MAKE ROOM: :1 WANTED—Tons of Butter and Eggs. We pay highest prices. A quantity of' Potatoes for sale. The Bee Hive Co. Opposite Brunswick Hotel, - WINGHAM. 04* lobo sir* 041.0400.469 4 u; WINGRAM TIMES MAY , 1907 1 1 1 The steamship Mntreal,wair v i BANK ed at SJohn nday with r rl 1.990 passengers, w}1 be the last arrival at that port of 0. R liners this sF son The hill introdu :ed to empower 't•µ Ontario cowls to d"esolve marriage. b - tweet; boys and a zee ander a1khtFfit years of age, with() it their parents' veil sent, was defeateWn the Housµ at 0' taws, CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLE' A slmplo and effective remedy for 'SORE THROATS AND COUr' They combine the germicidal value of Cr •ith the sooth ng properties of slippery elm t lee. Your drugetst or from us, 1., is : emu:No,11nes Co., Limited, Agents, Monte, 150 RIP. Ftswea—In Wirgham, on April 22nd, the wife of Mr 7:1. Fitter; n daughter B110ouF—In R inghnm, on April 29th, the wife oe Mr Jthn Scoops; a daughter. Raorns—In East Wawanoele on April 19th, the wife of Mr. Wm. begets ; e ton. eftrxno—In Wroxeter, on April 22nd, the wife of Mr. Alex. nunro ; a sun 8IABRJEI1 BARD—Yotat1,—A t the residence of the bride's patents, on April 80th, by Rev. D. Perris, ler. Genie.e W. Bard of Guelph to Miss 0 era Yt.ung, daughter of Mr. and Tera. Saml. Young. W ADE—MACMATn--At Toronto, on 'Tuesday, .April ;Ad, by Rev. A. R. Fetch, pastor of Parlienee t 1 -ti eet Baptist Church, r. 0 J. Wade to Miss J Macbeth, bath formerly of Wieghatu DIED t uRlr1E—In East Wawanosh, on .April 28th, G sot ge Ymir Currie, younae et sun of Mr. and M rs David Currie, need 5 years and 5mouths. 9 AYLOR-1n Morris, on April 17th, John Tay- lor, father of Mr. J. A. Taylor, of Wingham, aged 80 years and 1 month. BUTTAN—In Morrie, on April 24 h, George H. huttan, in his 91st year. Fatn1.L— In Winghain, on April 28th. Robert L ouis Spall, aged 29 years and 8 mouths. Tnom eoN.—At Seaforth, on April 29th, 1107, Margaret Boyd, wife of the late John Thomp- Ben,in her eightieth year. BUILDINGS MO Elf". Raving n full equip en for the moving of all kinds of builhings am prepered to do work of this kind pro tly and satisfactorily My outfit is the hest in this d. strict. Terms are 87 iter day for outfit, nlank, etc, and two men. ALEX MoNEVIN, Wingham, P. 0. OATS FOR SALE. I have on hand about 1000 bushels of oats for sale. Reduced price to parties taking large quantities. Apply at Whitechurch Elevator. A. FOX, BULL AND HOG FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, Lots 11 and 12, Con. 1. Turnberry, (Wingham .function) the 9horoughbred Shorthorn Full, "Admiral," No. 55990. Admiral is frim imported stock. 'Perms #100, with privileee t f returning if necessary. 'Thorough- breds $5 00. Also have for service a good thoroughbred Yorke;hire Hog. Terms 31 00. payable at time of service. ALEX. DAVIDSON: Wingham P. 0. TENDERS ` OR DREDGING. r11ENDERS addr es. ed to the undersigned and 1 endorsed ee en er for Dredging," will be received up to and i eluding Monday, May 0th 1907, for the dredgin t required et the follow- ing places in the Pr wince of Ontario during the pre'ent year: et Ile River, Chanel Ecarte, liodericn, Riiieardit . Port Elgin, Port Bur- well, Point Edward, Port Ssauley, Bandeau, River Thames, Wie-ton, Blind River, Syden- hem River, Beaverton, Bronte, Bracebridge, Meaford, Owen Sou id, 1 hornbury, Toronto, Waubaushene, Wit gfield Basin, Nigger and 'Telegraph island, i euton Harbor and Dark Channel, Penetang isheue,Midland,Hainilton, Cobourg. Combined specific tion and form of tender can be obtained at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. enders must include the towing of the plan ; to and from the works. Only dredges can bo employed whicheare registered in Caramel at the time of filing of tenders. Contractors must be ready to begin work within thert• • days after the date they have been notified "if the acceptance of their tender. Tenders will not re considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures o ' Tenderers. An accepted clieene on a chartered bank, bayable to the ord of the d onourable the Minister of Public Yorks, for one thousand collars 1$1,000), mus accompany each tender as security deposit in connection with the dredging to be perf armed. The cheque will betender. returned in cas of non-acceptance of the Department des not bind. itself to ac- cept the toe eat or cry tender. Le Order, FRED GELINAS, Departmcat of Public. Works, secretary. Ottawa, April 17th, 1907. Newspapers insert ng this advertisement without authority frwt the Department will not be paid for it. BURLAP —AND— Wall Paper SELLING RAPIDLY Have you seen our new Burlap? - Just the thing for halls and dining rooms. Used in the one-half and ' three-quarter effect, • This Burlap, combined with our new and up-to-date Wall Paper, makes a delightful room. Wall Papers in new and fast color- ings, the largest display we have ever made. - Call and inspect onr stook. Wall Papers from 5o per roll up. • Borders same price per roll as wall. - At The "BiA Book Store" - K M. FISHER. HEAD OFFIO1 : 'l'ORONTO Capful (LW up. $3,500.001' R = ero hind Inn Und vldpd profits $4,500,090 Total Assets, over 45,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold m, all points in Canada, •ha United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on d. posits et $1 and upwards. and added to piinoipal quarterly— end of March June, September and Decem her each year. le Vseti.m. 1 f. tIEPBURN, dlarialrer �onoltut soomia LIE WORKS. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE The undersigned wi be prepared to supply lime be any quantit es during the coming summer. Pat tier req tiring same should call on or write to A. TIOHOLSON es BONS, Belgrave. Wingham General Hospital (Under Government inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- nished Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS— (which includes board and nureing),$3 50 to $15 00 per week according to location of room, For farther information, address 0 MISS KATHRINE STEVENSON, Lady Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham Ont. Farm Labourers and Domestics. I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment to place emigrants from the United - Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or do- inestie servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the hind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number ar- riving may not be sufficient to supply all re- quests but every effort will be made to pro- vide each applicant with help required. PETER CAMPBELL, Canadian Government Employment Agent Wingham, Ont. • BOOKKEEPING rA by mail is perfectly feasible through our special lesson aystern. Nothing like lt now in use. •No big text books used Clip out, sign this and receive sample lesson by return mall if you want to learn to be au accountant, Nance Address Mail to Shaw Correspondence School, 3931 onge St, Toronto W. T. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Was established twenty years ago, , and by its thorough work and honor- able dealings with its patrons bas become one of the largest and most : widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand upon ns for oommer- • cial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions, Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & Mc1ACH[AN PRINOIPALS. VVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVW.VVV [ [YOU KNOW! that low priced Foods are not always cheap. Sometimes they're dear at any price. KNOW THE QUALITY ' KNOW THE AGE Find out the reason for their cheapness. There is one if yon only knew it. 3 3 THE FOOD WE EAT • Above all else must be fresh, pure and good. The coat—the hat—or the shoes we wear may not be quite the thing. That won't hurt, but INFERIOR FOOD WILL Here yon will find all that's hest in groceries—the very highest grades of Spices, also the most carefully selected Teas and Coffees. .A. trial ord:r solicited. PRODUCE TAKEN. J. Henry Christie 1 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of ' Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000' Rest, - °- 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England. A GENERAL BANKINGG BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTEDI 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever lit the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. WINGHAM BRANCH, A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. Spring at Iast' I Our stock of GARDENING TOOLS, IIED(E and BRUSH PRUNERS, LAWN MOWERS and RAKES is complete. Housecleaning will soon be over Why not try one of onr oelebrated CARPET SWEEPERS to keep it clean ? Agent for Massey -Harris Bicycles and Supplies. CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. H. BISHOP. VWVWVWVVVWVVWVWVVVVV AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Special Quality Footwear For Ladies. AT POPULAR PRICES We term this footwear "special' quality" �».because the quality is specially fine for the rice p , and the e tyles are more attractive than G are usually sold for the money. S Oxford in Patent Kid, Gun Metal and Viii Kid, with turn or welt soles. Repairing neatly done. §`.. 12. Johnston y - SHOE DEALER - WINGHAM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtAIV4 Unparalleled Soiess and 4th and last week in WINGHAM of PROF. O'BRIEN CANADA'S. REATEST PRENOLOGIST and ace only genuine SCIENTIFIC PALMHIST who has ever visited your, il`wn town. • Everybody delighted at his graphic, instructive, interesting, scientific and truthful delineations—which they claim to be a revelation froni tithe non- sensical clap trap practised here • in the past by uneducated mountebanks. Speculators and those contemplating a change in business should not miss consulting him. Call and see the autographs of prominent people whoc, have become rich and others holding prominent positions through his practical and sound advice. Prof. O'Brien!s work is all done on a scientific basis, hence the troth, Parents should bring their children and find oat what they are best adapted for to be a success in life. Fowler's New York ° latest 'phrenological chart need, Your PAST, PRESENT and indications of FUTURE EVENTS as marked on your hand by nature, correctly delineated. LOCATING DISEASE A SPECIALITY. Marriage adaptations explained, CHILDREN HALF PRIDE, Character read from photos, Terms within reach of all. As this is your only chance to consult such en eminent man in his profession in your diva town, you shouldnot micas the opportunity given yon. Everybody knows Prof. O'Brien and his ability. An examination from him now will be Worth thousands of dollars to any one in after years, OFFIOE HOURS, 10 a. m.. to 10 p. nf. PRIVATE OP'PICE AT 'THE BRUNSWICK HOTEL. GroeOr and China Merchant - As PROP. O'BL$IEN is a very busy niton,, intending patrons ehoutd try and call early and during the day if possible as so rasa.). can only consult hint during OAMMISLVVONAIVVAIMMALOIMAPS evening—halts appointment if poellible. mi