The Huron Expositor, 1989-05-17, Page 16' 6A---3141-sNURIDN (ROSIT lRi`•'-N'AY 17, A9$ . T<N ► ['ICE CAIMICASEIING 11` �n:'wniisaa pw f libbers NCERNJNG A IPRDe'rOS :ZONING BY LAW AMENDMENT xFA'KE=NOTICt'tha9EhoVound6af.164Moftsarttlotvofthr`Yownrhlir-of=Hiblw , ,IIl-hold s{oltOblleaeerottngan+Sunt""19,4901i ofVf00.p n odtF.•hsjTownihlpEN®it-lei.Striffo=to'con- r,:aftlwe rwpoesd2oahifj^by4aw twnasesdoeSoetiorr34:at,hs"igannlnp=Act,T9113. Th._proposedZoning+firtaw:amandosansmilltblifocrall.londi tnieht=Townahlp-ufMib- E6artwhfchnr monad"Ahrlatltural'Zontrerterjkly4andHASracelturtlZontYwo A2)•' •'/TireIIAT•.Asent o:A2',sesnassepplyEditherwastrnNldidtrofihe.tondsiwthe<Townifthrot 'tHlbtwrt Jpaps:that'tng4hestiwilfleJacullorrottho',tAV—isrnd'sA'2'>1bortesars avdtl'able -dforr.vlevr tmtheirrowmhlpisHieerbiilbtfbltn:durinpfdffleoltourss- S'Tf isprol asel.DcattntbriawtstrwrednrentAidlk ttoro o N.etatr.duetng'thewdnlmom •.3otdnonta®s'rattotrrdforstieu piasiarrosil oiling`fn=theVA'11:and".tAvIsrhy ufreh `sn •.anetweto sootr.rinspecteldrterataroals:Thenpodol+Nrannstaneesanrthosesttom- .ttlottywhare:a:surplusfann:dwailliriglslettuateshan sl tot trhlelrheis oatartow.wtdthatonpt wthirraodway,torprovide aorees=to o'largerlotxoruundiheisurplurferm.dvaillIng...An iwzompleofstfre;typ.offotthotryrould:b. ebttettorHh®9snetre'r.qulrearentIw hown wlratov. . 'Surplus ':!townhouse -t o T tlNblulmum Frontage of f! -metreeseT"equir4 Road ,Allowance tilierproposadAcesInglitydawooseritkoont iednerconsider.d:bymbberyTownship_Gonrfeu to order to strteoreeilete: the proms' of-,deolingrevitirasurplosifnnodevrflings: Th®propot- Aid:8oning ay.itswamend.renthasboen.initloted;hy-Counclfond It Isltoped.thotlt-aftll ssilevinteMite,.aeeed fortr.�apetltivestarenderonts:tottheaHosenship's..Zoiringcay.flow. .ANY PERsON:moy-offend:the:irubnc. eting:®atd"ormakes;written orverbatrepresen- tattoo either Ineuppor t of or is at ppasltlonzfo'the.proposad.ZanIngfiy.iaav ometadment- .ADDmONAL.,INFORMATION-reioting,to,the::proposed'8onlng:8ylow.amendment la .avellebie:for,teespeetion during.-oNice::houre¢at•the Township -Offices dn,Dubiln. DATED .AT THE TOWNSHIP .OF,HIa6ERT THIS 17th:DAT '.IDE MAV, 1989 Pat Taylor, Clerk, Tovrnsiri wof eHlbbars, PWblin.:-Ontordo..NOK TEO Teiephona::34S.:2931 - '1N E -j ,30FIEDIMINS . i�'`itlliE 1DitRECT40141r MMNA1RN-ASPHALT EAL"ING,roofimpairs, dhlmrteyeepafrs,Vitiating, ' late Yepalrs-rano t'cement3workIzttoneisz$ 335. {88 TS -3 RETE YI�11�TEs zplcitups sand Vet Metes, furniture Stripped -and • 1'efirflshed. 'Phone 239-7252. 18=20-1 fexeti Oil `Furnace •tRepair'and-Cleaning ` Par-atchek's AMaintenfee s _- Dublin `345=2235• t ••1111"Tlee.�1E�'i>Ilit�1�°�f MIA'RY41YMA GA tET HApPLiE -An-persons having ctaimsmgalnst`the;sistote oPIAARIPMEIRISAREPI CHAPPLE, late of"the Township of Tuckersmith, in 'the-ciounty'of„ -Huron, who died on orobout'the'+260--day -March 1989, ore ierebynbtifled-tosend'7niull --particulars of their claims'to"the-undersigned on or=before the 7th day of June 1989-ofter -which doteTthe assets wi II'#re distributed.hov- trig•regard only to claims' then^received. Doted or 3eotorth, Ontario this 8th day of -May 1989. -MfCONNELL, STEWART 8. DEVEREAUX rtlorrl'rters,.8c•, :Sotrforth,-Ontario :So11dtorw-.Mrshe/executor NOTICE TO :CREDITORS -AND .:OTHERS Irl rte• state 'of ;GI Ll4ERT 'RAZ -Emma) All persons having ciolms against THE -ESTATE=OF'GILSERT HAZELWOOD, late of the Village of:Egmondville in'the County of Huron, whodied on or about the 2nd day of April 1989, are hereby notified to.send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on cr.-before the 24th day of /limy 1989, after which dote the ossets•wllf be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario ihls'26th .dqy rof April 1989, ';MCCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX :BarNsters,.&c., =Seaforth, .Ontario -Solicitors 4or- he:executor *1ENS=ALL -LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday 2i3O p.m. Ali classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor 'Hargreaves Greg 'Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Derry ^Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton 4 VEA[.s Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 31/2 miles east of'fixeter 23-11'?:1 Try us for CUSTOM •KILLING end 'PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked' meats processed exactly the way you like' it, 32. VACATIONS . AUCTIO 1 'SALES ROME & MILAN Charter flights •from -$729 return plus tax Canadian funds --.American Transair L1011 from Detroit -- car rentals from $199. Call T & S Tours 1,800265,0900 or9365. CANAL CRUISES on :scenic Trent -Severn eNaterway and -Rideau .Canai;bpard Kawar- the Voyageur; private staterooms; an -meals; 'free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, • -Peterborough, K9J 7117. 32-20-bc ..s .YOUR FUTURE starts with .,.TrirCounty 7d;ack,.Driver Training. Established in 1978, ;job ,search -assistance .available, daytime, •evening, and ..weekend courses. Course -Fee lax dedubtible 1-800-265.0400. 3320-bc :33..'EDUCATIONAL l sarn•AUCTIONEERING lathe Southwestern Ontario School oi. Auctioneering. Next .class .:dune 10-17189. -For information .contact ; .,Siouthwsstern Ontario Schoolof Auctioneer - :Mg, ,RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S' 7V9. (519) 537=2115. 3320-bc TRANSPORT: DRIVER Training 4or,class "A" •licence.-Noexperience.neoessary: Proven;fob _:placementassistance. Markel Institute of-Pro- fessionaI Transport Training, .Guelph. 1.200-265-71.73. 3320•7c .CAREER .OPPORTUNITYTrain :4or,;Ueauty :esthetics or J airdressing. Enrolling glow -for .May 1,, June 1, .July 1, 19.89..AsklabAutletu- ;,dent grants.: Write,teday:,,Marvet,Soboo1, 27 Yorkville, Toronto,. (04W 1 L1, ;ia3e2pbc w34. rAUCTJDN1SALES "It1Cf ARD .IQRU AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 4x82-7898 tW.ED.iiMAY'17 AT 6 P M.: 1969 Chev- Im- Pala, 2 door hardtop, run only 21,414 miles, excellent condition; modern furniture and ap- Finances; antiques, excellent condition, at the f Brussels Arena for the Estate of Noreen Eder.' SAT., MAY 20 AT 10:30 A.M.:.Appliances; 2 air conditioners; some furniture; etc, at the corner of Drummond and Coombs St., Blyth, Ont. for Bob and Isabelle Henry,. THURS.,MAY25 AT 6 P.M.: 3 old tractors, small machinery, some antique household furniture for Clarence Arlin, 11/4 north, 11/4 miles east of Benmiller. SAT., -MAY 27 AT 10 A.M.: Antique; modern 'Y furniture, and appliances at Richard Lobb's .Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Gertrude Rait- ting of Goderich. . AWED., MAY 31 AT 6:30•P.M.: 4 wheel drive tractor. with loader; hay bine; round baler; y large manure spreader; 24 run seed drill, etc. to.be•held 1/8 milewest of Lucknow on Hwy, 56 for Dr. Harry Cieslar of Goderich. A< 4- NN0T10E"TO "CRED1TIORS AND OTHERS h 'The ::Est®te riir GILBERT JOSEPH MURRAY; All persons having claims against -THE =ESTATE: -OF GILHERT.E0SEPH;MURRAY, fate of the Village of Dublin in'the County ofPerth, who died on or about the 12th day of May 1988, are hereby notified tosend in full particulars of their claims to the under. signed on or before the 24th day of May 1989 after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. .Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this f st day .of May, 1989. aMccOHNELL,'•'STIE WART.-8.:DEV.EREAUX d7wrristers,a.c-, ,Seaforth.anfario ::solicitors-for96e :ezeeotors ,NOTICE' T.®;CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The .Estate :CH .ANNA :GERTRUDE (CLING All persons having claims against -THE T. ESTATE OF,ANNAGERTRUDE•KLING, late ,of the Town -of Seaforth in the .County sof Huron, -who died on or about the 26th -day of.January 1989, are hereby notified to.send in full .particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or.before the 7th day of June 1989 after whi'chdate the assets will be distributed having.regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this -8th day of May 1989. tlrlcCONNELL,;STEWAR1 &;DEVJEREAUX 46arrlsfers,.,&c., ,nSeaforth,^.JDntarl o -:Solicitors ior:the,ezecutorn CUSTOM CARPET CLEANING CAM11CAMPBELL'S 'amu "•'BEL L'S •''HOME '.DECORATING :CENTRE YMein..St.,;Senfarth .527-1420 Garden 'Tiller Rentals Why iBuy -.. Rent Instead CAMPBELL'S •HOME DECORATING CENTRE -Main St., Seaforth 527-1420 BoNsrauC'TIil/IL J} Concrete :and :General lContracting •'FOUNDATIONS •SIDEWALKS •J DRLVEWA:YS'oFL"OORING RiR. i4'1 AUBURN, ONT.,NOM 1:E0 101-915234336 35 . '"FENDEEi:S1'AIAN T.ED LARGE q/r���! aCIION lanaisnaalune.,3 QLatm.: Illirf ZOATAp" Atka 12i°i2WPiMoteetietofriday stiMrION,s$T.CAT,OR 4492.1,•a28,d er) :oFecs `$2i 7±2540.1onosithw toy .l of antlquimmpp lsarlEe!r; bwooktkoif .,tf0trtto bikhiod al :.opkA!Pirt4 mtopa entre ,ft9;lkarbsri SeeleM le ltdor ..o.Wpotatedelletetteewithialflitlenteete TegfAO p M• !A1it1A1t IST.; lM fat, tetattfeise 1 v 4yRtshtri9Alo''n01,041.4ltiSuons lion s'M zrlwhdthby: ' iPAAraga,tis lis :. txflill rGAiM 141 Rte a stoxeivYROAt 4ygnfflgt), Mr1 ':'i,l-Nlltla cf!Rlar 3411'4,ssjPXlJlhtt 41 flili1, T 4tIti!letli'MahR1 TOWNSHIP :of • MoKILLOP eTender8'JoriHoad ,eeaatructfon ':1561 RBe 1't6N®tEHS, Mainly -smarted iTL1A0,.CONSTRUCTION "„wilLbe:recoly- ee byfte:iindet'aterieduntileeloF1iMjocal atlr0e. 'TWESDAY,:: J.IiNE 6,-989 . J:ead end ijaulfeProternately 450.leg tblc ,,sysr:ds.rof N.Shpklderit!g Material .,sffom IS$11$0001No:,:r,90arboa-- 7. ,festa l:6nd•;MAuispproichi ately+leieneelfblc ,cystds,sof -;. jrpnuler »18" cdCltettel Atom • eatoeetpileteneSkierfareNce300egruic. 7. " LMsh,d,afldetthiuleendiSpraead dppox- fieiraY014ren tC9teetenle Ilut Sidleneectela 30, ;Qpnc: 7. efeellflilleAgb3Huall ethedlmgunt of t1.0% reef 4.the,Igetpuect;cprice.,,payeble ::Ito..,the AyFHK if.Ai^0.11RER, • Township ,of -EfelCIOUPPelltanteageriMPenIfeelinlirientler. e •Alletwal lre;>'r MtabeeetibPllttedereteader aQI4ice. L,aWI!askerngnyttelNtfermotngr rtwac- -t f>Rp t-Afid tillestrtte-ops. vedAyttbe ., sHlitf itrysot4P RPeft ftiOnIQ tlarlo• • trWAY,,b14,1494MAPE €r5ltetli ,`ypedfilef clans ' i• -9 R 14,9a1ootlht Ont. ,.ztltOK t;W0 - ,A ELLIP 119 i23ra .816 1 .:NOTICE TO -'CREDITORS AND'OTHERS r1n'The lEstate- Of tA[11"G;ELOwPHiLLIRS Au „persans..hoving ciolms :,P•goirtat-4 $E 451141,005tAbleaCaPHILLIPAilateraftthe townsfllp„of Tjtatersmith,in,thequntytof •Huron ewhotdied,on or about.the ,18th,doy .of,March4l989„are,hereby notified.to„aend in full %particulars of 4heir ,claims -to .the undersigned en orJrelore the 70140Y 'of June 1/Mealier-which date the oasets.wilI „bettistrIbufed,having regard only tor . .then rer.eived. .DatedsatSeaforth, Ontario this (0th day of .Slay 189. ■IIIK 1gLdsSt6b1 RT & DEVRRR*f5X :,SJEtllfewth, Ontardo .-3/011ralttfrstfarwthewisewtor :3,9. CARD fl1°' "THANKS KIRKBY My sincere -thanks to,all the nursesand staff -of Seaforth Hospital for .care ,given me while a patient there..Special-thanks to Dr. Wang,'Dr. Quinlan, Dr. Tamblyn, Dr.-W.ailraven, Dr. Bourne for interestshown in my case. Thanks too, forcards, ;gifts and visits. All, was greatly appreciated-. -Helen Kirkby. 39-20.1 4MCCAiJ.GHEY - I,wouldlike to thank Cub -and las ;ambulance attendants, Medical Clinicstaff,-Hospital :staff, especially the nurses -for their • .years of .,dedicated;care.'Special.thanks:to Dr. Maikus ,and -Dr. idnde:wood ,who.,were always there .when I needed -them. Robert .McGaughey. 39-20-x1 -HOWARD Lwouldfika-to thank.everyone for the,gifts they ,gave et -my community :shower..A ',special .thank .yot to -everyone ,who helped ;put the •shower tot ether.:.Iudyddoward. 39-20-1 t10043 levegelld rcl'Ike 'oto ethank ea11 ethe ggple ,who •iremembered are :durigg -my regent -;,stay at 3Stt'altford:and,Seafor h-Hogpltals..The••gards, (flowers, ,vialtsond,inguiries<were;grfdatly.;up- :prexlated. $penial4hanks..to Dr. ,Markus, Dr. -l-14asey„and -the :caring ,qurses,ancl.-tali at .both ,hggpitals,'also ;Me .,ambulance ,,service -.Clary':Balboa„arid.,attant:tartts Lwouid :like to Also ,thank -the ,Meals ,on Wheels sdrivers -for their,faithlul,delivery ,of -meals, it wSs all�p- ,preciated.,Joe•Ijugill, ;$9,20-x1 17.hapk you to autilyr.0.14 t0.04S od: friends 40Wilsts,nfiowersAndpardsAndpr, uinian farinas)e,'truthesatt trpt;fofdllerieraltk{osptial jar dheir,pare,"while I its ..a vpotient :.there. Altuvielittlfooten. 0*20.1 • NUM di* 0119,81A orf leneholre l; Shits JcrAngella4lereel salA P.tffeleeetore lestalfIlhofelif letter's 444. strilluilehr>le lhfelitn. AEPrelef rRtettl y 11: 4 URIkr'311IMl oll+R l Prnh tins 4J NVVel E In loving.Anettiory.,of ailessegran3 on John ' - iPitin.YSleolefh0eP.P,wed,AleaYcellglf y,nara.a,.go, 4E4,654981 Alrike 1l jg,leage the. aysgapy, eRe„ceiejer;Are can 0.(100$AlaYou• aye. pripw } oli,,�03.0rou h. Yefflll n rtl0 l 40,,12i1pfYl1-defed by ,S).144100-001KIMWAOMA-0; Pori wn hiip i=cif `i toile' ;:ret6ives want gattitn1175$1001/tateentlittirliatito'the TOwtikNp ytf lIttilett Tie fhelPrbgrAin `iOr itettleWal, Trnprovts'ment �eite ol"prtt'Oitt'acid Economic-retrftallza"tion The =grant 'WIU be 'used to'tiitip the -the Tcedsfrlgdtfdewslits-in Ihe1libl a tiThage Of Anbien. "The PRIDE gl'artts,Niiit itp'are iie- fngawarded to more=tttett"and cipaldiies across Ontario, iia'Ve iriC ` 14:8 million last year to mese t$i$41tt1ion liars year. The Towtfship of TiekeTstnitht6vlll'tteeelve a -similar .grant of *00;090 OI0 ';tolitilirOve munteipal'servfeessand ttheretro tlbn'een- tre in Vanas'tra. "PRIDE grants also help municipalities create jobs, strengthen municipal tax bases and foster, ,n envlranment forfnve lttnent". The•graiit ls+based on a muniripal/pt'ovin- eiaipartnership where the costs aretequally shared. It covers 50 per cent of improve- ment and land acquisition costs for projects 'which take into consideration the overall needs -of aspecific area. Projects eligible -for PRIDE fending include: -building, improving or replaefngsocial •and 'recreational facilities, municipal services, utilities -and parking facilities; - aesthetic improvements such as streetscape upgrading and landscaping; - acquisition and clearance of land and 'buildings; and - relocation -costs. "The PRIDE program is yet another reaf- firmation of the government's commitment to revitalize Ontario's commllnittes," said Mr. Eakins. Other local municipalities to receive a similar grant include, Zurich, Goderich, Ex- eter and the Township of Morris. Br-ucei ieVd scho,o .presents :piny, lm BRUCEFIELD - May 3 and May 4 were the days of the Huron Centennial School spring concert. "The play was Charlotte's Web. The main, parts are Charlotte, which was played by Kelli Itathwell and Cora Allan. Also, there was Wilbur, which was played by Mike Weber and Den Pardon. The students at HCS have been trainingfor tbe:traek and field meet. This -week in lA the super kid 'was Lori McKay. Erin McCowan is delighted That berth= to be super kid has finally.arrived. That concludes our list of super kids. We have enjoyed this program and hope all visitors have also. Thank you to -everyone who helped,ntake this a special part of our program. 1.13 has been doing the theme of Charlotte's Web. They have enjoyed the video, book and concert. Grade 2 Grade 2 went with Mrs. Kipfer and Mrs. Baker to London to see the Indian village on May 1. Both classes' were looking for- ••rlvard-to'seeingiCltatrlott4rs' Re'bnWe' en- joyed the dress rehearsal on Tuesday. Grade 3B has been learning email raps and presenting them to the class. In Kindergarten they are looking forspr- ing things, such as: daffodils, pussy willows, robins, robin's eggs, green grass. We welcome a new pupil - Jennifer Talbot. In 4B they have been doing equivalent fractions. In art they are drawing cartoon Characters. • On April 19 we -went on a Spring walk. We saw some Daffodils, Crocuses and Dandelions. In. a. tree,wesaw.a nest. There were buds growing on the bushes. We found green and brown grass. We saw lots of bird feedersand we heard birds•ainging, •'We saw -a spider -And some -ducks -swimm- ing ona blue pond. On April 27 the class of 5A .planted 350 seedlings that ,were purchased from the -Ausable Bayfield Conservation,Authority. They:planted'Norway, Spruee,,Mouutafn Ash, Silver :Maples, .Walnut .and Robite Ash. Theyseally,enjoyed their•day of hard work, because -they know it will help .the environment.and make the .school around attractive. Submitted by : -Bev Defaive Tina -Grainger Julie&teckle j40. IIN IVI[MiQRIAtin i MAkONE In •memory of my brothe, Gary who passed .away-four,years.ago.May 22, 1985. No Jarewells.were.ever applcen No time to say goodbye You -were gone-pefore I -knew it And only -God -knows why. A million times I;ve nesffed ypu A million tunes I;ve cried if -love peuldrbave„saved ,you You,nlitverrwould ba.ve•died. When laam,9adond.ionely .Aad:>pvaDibir isices mow, Iseem;10 heer,you„whisper, "Chop- of) •and Carry on.” .Evesytime tope,yogr;picture Ycu,epemtoot-site „and say "Ppn't cry Lin.oniysjeeping, , We'ILageet,agginaome.4lay.” .Sa.dly .mlased Out -.never .forgotten .:by ,your ;sister;Ange,Marle. 440-x1 - S9 L ARE4Y ,1.141MlNamith,a ririnkingprp)lpm9Al ;Anon ppn lelpKf27.1660 .41.20,x1 t- .110111 x !e Rl g n p r� a1 DI�a 1 !1t T�x!r ril+lp ed. EVAIRAttlARR mA100.7 agoktIMI fluRetY�:R00.1II1X411MlIlg>P:+?f. lir ISI!'le Af % salt kArai. + 9401A.I� ►;llaiftfENKi -001AL f t3 19A B.,01'lA' ..7% i gtCC(X11f► Q sdA F1f rulHl o dffl dY •i s 9ct, rY. ..,40 ,q• 44t4lN.f3Y grt ' A d�tl ¢ 9hr e •toren ltpiAYes-,pttar;�k+.g#Ila n,��e�h't ( "it lis,tImt.!.A;11,r I is ta,)1if.'111! 1S' sus nt's 11 i s %61.66)yttr ,N it-cgt,t ),cjja cts. P.t ; lil,,t tIPAP y'ti 1f