The Huron Expositor, 1989-05-17, Page 13ThE14URON EX'P ?SBZOR'iflAA'Y 17 11:189 — ISA
Iteiidents'Ii v r oin g o er% Day
'Welcome oto=Queensway'' News. `Weihope
all ttheanothers'among our-readere had a
good ":Mother's Day". At current events
this past'week residents discovered -this of-
ficial 'recognition -of -mothers 'started in
'1907 and was suggested `by Anne Jarvis of
,Monday 'morning Father Hayes said
mass 'for the Catholic residents. In the
afternoon games'were played 'by several
Reverend' Gaskin of Hensall
Presbyterian ehurch ted the worship ser-
vice -Tuesday afternoon. This was his first
service with residenteand they are looking
forward to hearing him 'again. They all
visited over tea 'following the church ser-
vice. Thank you to Joyce Pepper for being
the volunteer pianist.
Fun and Fitness started the day Wednes-
SOUTHERN EXPOSURE - Residents of Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall were
-exposed to the sunny climes of Bermuda on Friday, when they were treated to a slide
show and mtormation session on the country of Bahamas Following the show. Elva
• Forrest right shows John McCowan, formerly of Seatorth. and Margaret Fremlin
formerly of Seatorth-Clinton. some of the artifacts brought back from that country Also
offered to the residents were some of the foods from that country - coconut as in
coconut cream tarts. and bananas. Queensway residents are enlightened about a de-
ferent country every month. Mctlwraith photo
Court W
ociione e
Cranbrook Correspondent
Court Woodbine M100 of the Canadian
Order.00Foresters met in Cranbrook Hall on
May 9 with 13 members present. The Court
was told they had cleared $802.65 on their
card parties this winter. As this was Na-
tional Nurses' Week, the Court decided to
send cards to the local hospitals and nursing
homes congratulating the nurses on a job
-well done, The annual barbecue is m June
and it was decided to buy the meat and buns
from the funds. Jack Conley, Nancy Jean
Craig, and John Vanass served lunch. The
5050 draw was won by Isabel Craig.
The May meeting of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society of Knox Presbyterian
rs $800
'day morning. Following 'exercises -some
eidventurous'residents"tried their hand at
Charades. Everyone'had fun.
Thursday evening the featured movie
was 'Walt Disney's "Swiss Family
The 'Bahamas was the location focused
on at international Day, Friday afternoon.
Elva Forrest and Eileen Rennie con-
tributed several artifacts and some
literature from visits to the Bahamas and
Elva showed slides of the country. Coconut
ru-cie s:e i d sc'hoo '`h,, .s
Church was held at the home of Mrs. Stuart
Stevenson with 10 members present. The
leer- was I-virs.Stewart Steiss. Several
readings on "Mother" were given. The
scripture from Proverbs Chap. 30 was read
in unison followed by prayer. Mrs. Steiss
gave a reading "Wanted, a Worrier". The
president, Mrs. Stevenson presided for the
business which included minutes,
treasurer's report and roll call, "a verse on
Readings on Africa were given and Mrs.
Murray Crawford led in a discussion on
religion in schools.Plans were made for the
W.M.S. Sunday service on May 21. The
garage sale has been set for June 6 at the
Community Centre. A booth will be spon-
sored at a sale on May 30. All repeated the
Mnzpah benediction. Lunch was provided by
Mrs. Margery Knight and Mrs. Mac Engel.
womar`» recogruzec
Walton Correspondent
The first annual Nursing Excellence
Award" of University Hospital Department
of Nursing Service, London, was presented
to Dianne Godkin, R.N.B.Sc.N., on Friday,
May 12, 1989 in recognition of outstanding
clinical practice by her peers. Dianne is the
daughter of Lavern and Marion Godltin.
R.R. 1,'Walton, Ontario.
Communion -was. observed.Sunday, morn-,Dtiff's.United Church in Walton, along
with Pentecost and Christian Family Sun-
day. Several children of.the.Sunday School
participated with Cindy McCallum giving
the Call to Worship. Prayer of Confession
was given by Sharon Godkin, Shannon Craig
read First Lesson and Andrea Gingerichthe
Gospel Lesson. Rev. Bonnie Lamble gave
the Meditation and conducted the
Nine. members of the Walton Women's.In-
stitute attended the Hluron.East District 87th
annual,meeting for .the day session, Tues-
day, May 9 at Melville Presbyterian
Church, ,Brussels.
Walton put on a .skit during the morning
entertainment and taking,part were Marion
Godkin, Helen Craig, Viola Kirkby,
Margaret:Shortreed, Leona McDonald, and
Maxine Marks. The theme for the day was
".Let's 'Produce .Less Garbage.", Next year
the annual meetingrwill beheld in Fordwich.
The church basement was beautifully
decorated for .the shower of Jeanne
McDonald, bride -elect of this month.
Bensali Correspondent
South Huron Youth For Christ held its
final rally Saturday, May 6. at the Brucefield
Public School. It was an exciting evening as
the Exeter, Goderich and Zurich quiz teams
entered the finals in competition for the
trophy. The Goderich team, coached by
Rayanne Scotchmer, won the trophy and
team members included Array Albrecht.
Rachael Dube, Philip Gower, Joanne Mer-
rell, Kathy Mizen, David Watt, Steven Watt
and Jeff Westlake.
The trophy, which 'was donated to South
Huron Youth For Christ in 1960 by Dr. Bern
Corrin of London, and formerly of
Wingham, was presented by Dr. Corrin to
the winning team as part of the organiza-
tion's 40th Anniversary celebrations. Top
scorers for Exeter, Goderich and Zuricl,
teams were Eli2abeth Coates,:Jeff Westlake
and Tina Grainger respectively.
The Switzer Singer from London, who
have travelled across Canada and the
United States. shared in music and
cream tarts and pineapple juice `seemed
an appropriate'snack tofinish off the after-
noon program.
Corning events tire: 'May'20 a trip to -see
the 'RCMP Musical Ride in Clinton; May 27
a visit to -Queensway Corner at Hensall's
Community Yard Sale; and 'May 28 'at 3
p.m. Thames Valley^Kennel Club Dog Obe-
dience demonstration, 'Queensway lawn.
Any Seniors from the cotnrnunity in-
terested in the Foot Clinic' please contact
us at 282-2830.
e of YFC
Don't miss Connie Scott and the Spirit
Mover Band live in concert at the Goderich
District Collegiate Institute, Thursday, May
18 at 7:30 p.m. Connie Scott comes from
Vancouver and is one of Canada's top con-
temporary music recording artists. Tickets
are available at local Christian bookstores
or by calling the `Radiant Life Centre,
There was a good attendance at the May
meeting of the Three Links Senior Citizens,
with 28 answering roll call. Members are in-
vited to Huronview for lunch and a concert
on June 2. Please let Evelyn or Hilda know if
you wish to join us. June is senior citizen
Irene Davis installed the executive at the
Zone Rally. After the meeting was closed,
euchre boas played. Winners were ladies
high, Pearl McKnight, second, Gertie Moir.
Gent's high, Elsie Canlile, second, Vera
Smale. Lone hands, Pearl Taylor.
Nominating Committee, Pearl Taylor and
Eileen Rennie.
Results of the May 9 shuffleboard in Hen -
sail were : highest score of the day. Emma
Campbell with a score of 470; Dave Wood-
ward next -with 396, Dave Kyle 338, Will
Rogerson 330, Percy Campbell 326 and
Hughena Kennedy 313.
Don't forget Participation Day on May 31.
It's a one day mass participation event -
an opportunity for the Hensall community to
demonstrate its support of a healthy active
Ali participants may piek up maps at the
Hensall Village office, then register and
"walk about town", May 31 from 6 to 9 p.m.
The Hensall Kinette Club will be compar-
ing the percentage of participants from the
south side of town with that of the north side.
Come out and join us - "Just for the Health
of it."
The Hensall Nursery School is having an
Open House on Thursday, June 1 between 9
a.rn. and 11:30 a.m. Parents and children
contemplating fall enrolment will have the
chance at the Open House to observe the
school program, meet the teacher and tour
the facilities. All are welcome.
Relatives, friends and neighbors signed
their names at the door. The guest book was
in charge of Kion Fritz and Jo -Anne Van
Vliet who put names on a cameo luncheon
cloth presented by Phyllis Mitchell
A warm welcome was given by Barb Fritz
and she also announced the program. Kelly
and Leanne McDonald did stepdancing
numbers, Marie McGavire had a - contest
followed by Sherri Huether playing the.sax-
aphone. Joanne Knight gave a reading and a
lively sing -song was led by Marie McGavin
assisted by Marjorie Humphries as pianist.
The guest of- honor, Jeanne, her mother
.Marilyn McDonald and sister Pat Bremner,
'i%vere presented with corsages
decorated chairs at .the front. 'The groom's
.mother Joyce Dionne of Oshawa was unable
to attend.
Cathy Malady read the address of con-
gratulations from her many friends and
neighbors and gifts were brought in by her
Jeanne thanked everyone for her
beautiful gifts -and those who prepared the
shower for her. Jeanne will be living in
Stratford. A social time during lunch served
by Walton II unit brought an enjoyable even-
ing to a close.
'This Wednesday is the pork luncheon at
the Walton Hall starting at 11:30 a.m. The
regular meeting of the Institute will be the
same night starting at 8:15 p.m. The 4-11
members are invited. Institute members
are reminded to bring at least two articles
for penny sale.
Mr. and Mrs. .Rae Huether were supper
guests on Sunday with her mother, Ruby
Webster.. Mother's Day guests with Ruth
Thamer (were John and Kim Thamer and
family. of London.
St. C:ohimban CW ol�l..s�� officers
St. Columban Correspondent
St. Columba(
The May meeting of the St. Columban
Catholic W,omen's.League was held on Mon-
day, May 8 in the rectory meeting room,with
25.1adies; present.
The ladies attendedmass in honor of Our
Lady of Good Counselduring>which,time,the
new -executive was . installed by Father J.
,Membership fees,will,be ,collected before
and -:after: mass;on.the weekend .
Convenors were ,picked for events ,as
follows : , June Social, „Maria V.ogels; , parish
picnic, Patsy Crowley and Ann Cronin;
parish dance, Mary Coyne „and Catherine
Ryan; Federation ,supper, Carol Ryan;
Christmas:party, Theresa Cronin andKaren
The ,new president ,Many Ann Feeney
rpreseuted sAiarg • O'Reilly, ,past ,president
,with;the„post'president's• pin.
'The Cl•W.L. (ill.look,after a .coffee hour
after,the,SuuclayJuasa,once a„month.
arol,Ryanrwill;,be,the CiW.L.:sepreaen-
tattve- ethic:A.dvisory,$oard,mieetjngs.
SDtrtdaYeK11oo1,rwasj,diecussed,for,three, to
sis yeathold,children.
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AG,' 1 I'any
,Marie Hich hell informed the C.W.L. that
McKillop Township will be giving spoons
and pins to all newborn babies in the St. Col-
Sister Jean Moylan of Windsor visited
with :her :mother, Mary Moylan on the
Guests :with Gerry and Karen Ryan on
Sunday on ,the occasion of their son Jason's
First Holy Commtunion,.were Jim .and Pat
Subject, Carrie, Ryan, Jeff and Nathan of
Kitchener, Gary ,and Ann Cronin, Brent,
Jamie.and;Melanie of St. Columban,-'Helen
Warren of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan and Fr.
Sympathy of,the eommunity goes,to,Sister
:Rita Coyne:,on the;.death of:her sister, Sister
:Matilda Coyne .at Mount St, Joseph,
Motherheuse, London last,week.
McKillop No. 4 (north) 4-H Club will
.hold.lts,firstmeeting onrMay30,at 7 p,m.,at
.the „home .of..JannekeaMurray. The club is
,called "Let's landseape. ”
Young ,people, 11-yearseeld ,.or older ,by
January 1, .1989, ..who ..,would like ,to ,learn
raboutpiants.and,iaridscapingeareasked , to
pll,detlneke,at.3.45&2407.:or Cora,a045.2184
Moi lUap ,No. 4 •,taquth) 1-H ,Club, .with
'Maria 'V,ogels„andtMary c, oyne„as,ieaders,
will alsobe:utarting•mugn.
nRAbll r,CoRegoi ,dent
l silloN jY1dn A
D.o ,you -havte ;papers, -orders, tiocurnents, that "have :to be in -Toronto,
Vancouver, New York, ..d;o Angeles, Paris, 'Rome, -or .1..isto,weil today?
:Right -now
.,Ever faced with -:deadlines?
.taLor'ey, iroul;QUtnton oseti arlwld 71ami,
Gant found d ei ur�rswk, : StIatfurrd;
1"c' Nara;Ari(, c.Uert ifrpm•ANadvame,
And, dbeJr Eckertsand•4 .end:Tfrom
c d Murie;Cieary,fruu 4o ndomtyere
ti - ' 1.1Ij1Ue� fur.M4t1ier's; Pia •.
:a�idv ysnsai,s f ilm: iagata' #t
ered.k410,iipaltioug, eaweed, eed
lJiorat oin ovuntton hoc's a�
vialant of
viNK' a Ell Pini: tAcIlegrAfther > jy.
..". Aasyinpothy- of tiie eP.Mill iity.gues;:gld
,to,xGeorge ,,Goettler,.onr.1her dezthopf,.bis
i�b1'lltlet't tweelr.
e . tj;olis,tsag:03 Oily, d> ,.Yaan
l�pb l .wiiu re 4k�0>la rah AaYem
".Pd lckk',s,UJMLreh A�
' JIgilador M. tbe3'•' .Da tll'IOlpa # d Joe
,, Wsertr,;were;. Npney nr.J (cIt,t ind.. r is
Stan Document Tr r smi rion
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