HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-05-10, Page 26bB — THE -HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 10, 1989 Seaforth area girl performs well at music 'festivals An RR 5Seaforth girl has.done well in the Lindsay Devereaux, nine-year-old first vocal music competitions she's ever daughter of Connie and Bill Devereaux, entered. competed five times these past two weeks, DRIVING FOR THE BASKET - A participant in the SDHS basketball clinic wards off a check and drives for the basket in a fun game at SDHS. SDHS basketball players and coaches organized the clinic for participants from St. James, Seaforth Public, and Huron Centennial school students. Corbett photo. BASKETBALL CLINIC - The basketball players at Seaforth District High School put together a clinic for area public school basketball players this week. Seen here Katie Craig, and a teammate block an opponent's shot in a scrimmage game. Corbett photo. World War II vets remember significance of VE Day® May 8. Monday, May 8 was V.E. Day (Victory in Europe Day) and 44 years from the day when the warw'as over in Europe, one does not hear much about it on the news. For that matter, the Legion Magazine for May has ,made no mention of it. Vet to the second -war veteran it meant as much as November 11 did to the first war Jett.. an. In Holland the people still remember the freedom they received by everything coming to a stand still for several minutes. Flowers are placed on the graves of our dead by the school children in the Canadian Cemeteries. Next year marks 45 years since the war's end and Canadian tours to mark the year are being planned. In the Seaforth Branch the 508 - 60s dance is coming up this Saturday. Lunch is being provided and the price is right at four dollars a head. Let's support the Entertain- ment committee by coming out and having a night's fun dancing to the tunes of yester- day. Other dates for May are the mixed golf scramble for May 27 and the Legion Car Rally on Sunday, May 28. In June there is a steak barbecue on June 17 and on June 24 the Branch's men's golf, Water Weil DRILLING You'll Find It AL. . and collected two first, one second, and two third place finishes. Lindsay took first place in both the Female Solo Nine and Under competition, and the Female Solo 12 and Under competi- tion at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Strat- ford last week. She earned marks of 85 and 86 for her performances of 'Spring is Singing in the Garden' and 'A Breeze Came Dancing'. In the Female Solo 10 and Under competi- tion Lindsay was awarded a second place mark of 84 for her singing of the song, 'Piper of Summer'. She finished in third place, with a mark of 83, in the Female Solo 11 and Under competition. She sang 'An Indian Mother's Song'. A week previously Lindsay finished third in the Grade 6 Solo category of the Michell Jaycees Music Festival. She sang 'April's A Lovely Lady'. Lindsay began private vocal music studies in the fall under the direction of Joan Gaffney. Cromarty Scouts enjoy camp outing The Perth District Camporee was held on May 5, 6 and 7 at the Pinery Provincial park with approximately 60 boys and their leaders from the district in attendance. 1st Cromarty Scouts had 11 boys and three leaders present. All were kept busy with hikes, canoeing and orienteering. Special thanks from the District goes to Paul Desloges, who taught basic canoeing skills, and Troop Chaplain, Rev. Lucie Milne for Leading the Camps Scouts Own on Saturday evening. Both of these special peo- ple offer their services to the Cromarty troop regularly. As an added note the Scouts will hold an Auction and Bake Sale May 27 at 1 pm at the Dublin Community Centre. Proceeds from the Auction will be going to help send four Cromarty Scouts to the Canadian Jamboree in Prince Edward Island this summer. Anyone with donations for the sale please let us know so we can make arrangements for them to be picked up. Phone 345-2235 or 522-0947. Watch the paper for a list of ar- ticles for sale in the upcoming weeks. W M, hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell Dur) Jim 522-1737 522-0828 522-0775 GODERJCH 524-6901 EXETER AREA'S BEST SELECTION OF BOOKS! paperbacks • Hardcovers 235-2202 •Children's Books SHE -2 LEGION NEWS by Gordon Scott There will be an Executive meeting this Thursday at 8 p.m. and the monthly meeting of the membership on Thursday, May 18 at 8 p.m. This Saturday five couples from the Branch will attend the Provincial,Conven- tion in Niagara Falls. This Convention is held every two years and will mark the end of Provicial President Joe Kobalac's term of office. Nominations and elections will be held for the offices of President and Vice Presidents. The meeting will end on Wednesday when the newly elected officers will be installed in their new positions. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. Bar Roster May 19, . D. Medd; May 11, D. Smale; May 15, R. Wood; May 16, Glen Chesney, and May 17 J. Rose. WANT SOME HELP AT PLANTING TIME? EMPLO Y A PROFESSIOUAL! Ladies Auxiliary The May meeting of the Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary was held last Wednesday with 251adies.present. President Eva Brown chaired the meeting. Donations were made to Parkwood Hospital in memory of Com- rade Mary Chapple, and also to Zone Cl towards clocks being purchased for Packwood. After some discussion it was decided to keep to the ruling that the Auxiliary do not cater to any banquet on a Sunday other than those run by the Legion or Auxiliary. The price of the dinners now has been raised to $8 a plate. The first of the Sunday dinners catered to by the Auxiliary for the Public will be held on Mother's Day May 14. Please note the change in date. All the Ladies are reminded that desserts would be appreciated for this event. The joint installation of officers will take place on May 27. Lf you are to be installed please try to attend. President elect Jane would like a full turnout. The entertainment committee.,is having a Family Car Rally ,on May28. Come out with the family and support'them in this event. makes donation LEGION AUXILIARY r lrv. •i rt 11!*1,,• _z, r r • J:tto - ' 11.04 it V i. , , . Vit ,-,111;114 . If‘'i 1II/1/4hti(4 ...rr The Invitational bowling tournament is being held on May 31. Annie will need lots of help, ladies please come and participate. We will be bowling ahead on Monday, May 29 at 7:30 pm. All ladies please bring a loaf of sandwiches and donationssfor the•door prize and bingo tables. Nominations and elections were held and the slate of officers for the coming year is as follows: Past President Eve Brown, Presi- dent Jane Case, 1st Vice Mary Doig, 2nd Vice Pat Sehellenberger, Treasurer Marg Ungarian, Secretary Peg Coombs, Sgt, -at - arms Olave ;Little, Executive Conucnittee Janet Rice, Phyllis•Brown, Dilys Finnigan, Barbara Scott, Thelma Coombs. and Annie Malcolm. Committee chairmen were ap- pointed.•Congratulations to all our new of- ficers and good luck for the coming year. We know how busy you are right now. Applying fertilizer is just one thing on a long list of things you've got to do. So why not let us help you? Our "custom application" service will free you up to spend more time getting ready for planting. Our "Weed and Feed program" is available for pre plant or post plant applications. Have your herbicides and nitrogen applied in one trip over the field. The following services are also available: Standard and custom blended dry fertilizers * 28% liquid nitrogen - liquid nitrogen applicators *Micro nutrients * All major farm chemicals * Spreader rentals Give us a vall today - ;we'll lend 'you hand GREENHOUSEI IS PROUD I'OAIfli.NO��UNCE IMF aPN.IN OiFv, :m . .. GARDENtb Just adcfn;ao,Uthazif.Londe4ki0:wAtAkmllonhof;CliniocAirolJwy.4 Watch for alga) „AVf11L+ f1LE,Ai.L,BEgANARIETY,pF: M•.EEDPING.°PMNTS,na1HANOIt?).d?eAEKETS •AS WELL.,AS•GUT°FJ,'OWERS°P,ORMcYHentSs•I AY QIF'tS (No;1iNn trmosi AR" q,Mitohs it lo,ott r y tbert oHpn ll °S�..f. t n s affJrt . 93 '' 8 . ':t11 i 0 100,9q9,01 O1 afg 27 /�7o o 5 .. lTx 1w ..� �� �� N� r�Td���V- p,.