HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-02, Page 66
Ck11y WINGIttI'h T1MES MAY 2.
��c ��r,__,y, aC-Zr.--y —^s, R. R Uarr Hangs and John Hutton,
t•_ .� r• 1� � �'`' of the Guelph & Goderioh onrtiueuriuR
5 Cups of Tea 10.
Do you know that five cups of Red
Rose Tea (40c. grade) only cost one cent?
You can actually make 200 cups from
one pound.
It is easy to prove this. Buy a package and try it.
At your Grocers.
etuff, have received appointments on the
engineering staff ot the Uauton•Haug
Kow Railway and sail from Victoria, B.
C , ou the Empress of India ou the 13th
of this month
Faulty Kidneys.—Have you baok•
deb,.? Du yon reel drowsy? Do your
limbs feel heave? Have you frequent
heetdaohes? Have you failing vision?
Have `ou dizzy feeling? Are you do
pressed? Is our skin dry? Have yen
a tired feeling? Any of theta signs prove
k ideev diNHs i Experienne has provt d
that South Auioriorin Kidney Owe never
fails 6 S .ld by A L Hamilton.
An advertisement for a bandmaster at
Ohesley reads in part "No boozers need
apply." The publisher of tle Durham
Chronicle last week advertis: d for a
printer, winding np with: "Boozers
may save postage."
For Infants and Children,
g • The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ofOf
am• • ,Z�
Kernels from the Sallctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Conductor A. Burleigh of Sarnia was
killed in the Grand Trunk yards at Lon -
Joseph Niven, missing from Montreal
since October last, was found drowned
in the canal.
Eat what you like.—Give the di.
gestive organs some work to do. These
functions need exercise as ranch as any
part of the human anatomy, but if they
are delicate, give them the aid that Dr.
Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford and
you can eat anything that's wholesome
and palatable -60 in a box, 35 cents. -8
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Flowers, as a rule, are about 1-' de-
grees warmer than the surrounding sir.
Milk producers are asking an increase
IA twenty-five cents per can in Toronto.
RH CURE ... 250.
is sent direct t. the. cEse d
parts by tie Im;^vee answer.
Herta the ulemis, c:ea.s cite as
p'<'•':'"-SFr:r Cr.'s-rzet:t.:he
t` -,'..j e`: ^„e_^.t'2_n..: C7-.ZES
cZ=.z... fiacpe ,year
Stec- t.^d- =-c,r_C=+-w.dee,
A'*�ii G: rc:'-..i.-s a-3 E-yalo' .
The Toronto Beard of trade is to in-
vestigate the matter of conger wart on the
It is said that the Canadian Pacific is
negotiating for the charter of the Owen
Sound & Meaford Railroad.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and Well-Tried-Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been nsed
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It sootbes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
valve is incalculable. Be sure yon ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind. Guaranteed under
the Food and Drug Act, June 30th, 1906.
Serial Number 1098,
Austria's great salt mine at Weiliczka
has 600 miles of galleries aud employs
9,000 miners. It has been worked for
the last six centuries.
Itching, Burning. Creeping. Crawl-
ing Skin Diseases relieved In a few min-
utes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's
Ointment relieves instantly, and cures
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald head, Eczema,
'Ulcers, Blotches, and all Eruptions of
the Skin. It is soothing and quieting
rind acts like magic in all Baby Humors,
Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes during
teething time. 35 cents a box. -7 Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
The assessor's roll of Kincardine for
1907 will show an increase of $26,600 on
property, a decrease of $5172 on business
tax and a gain of $51ri on income tax.
The population is placed at 1,68i, An W.
crease over last year of 8 persons.
I► &Magi- of the Gospel Recommends
Michael Schafer, arrested at Berlin
for assaniting his wife, committed sol.
cide in the cells, strangling himself with
his necktie.
Dr. A;uew's Cure For The
Heart seta der, ctdv and quickly, stim
elates the heart's action, stops most acute
pain, dispels all signs of weakness, fint-
tering,sinking smothering or palpitation,
This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship
whi'h carries the heartsick patient into
the haven of radiant and perfect health.
Gives relief in most acute forms of heart
disease in 30 minutes. -11 Sold by A,
L. Hamilton.
Mcntreal Council has decided to ap-
ply to Andrew Carnegie for a grant of
$150,000 for a public library.
All men are liars, according to what
we have beard, but that's no reason
why some should make it a specialty.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co.,, doing business in the
C,t .of Toledo, County and State afore.
' said. and that Fetid firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Care. Fie ANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
D. 1886.
"For several years I have been in vary pose
health. La. t Fall I was advised by Rev. J. 8. Allen,
et Murray harbor, 1'. F: I, to try 'Oxygenator.'
$.fare trying it I hadao faltk in it, but last Octo-
ber I began its use and can truly say that before
*dog one jug I had wbndertully improred in toy
ueseral health. Since then 1 bare used several
are, as a result hare never'pent such a healthy
tater or Spring as I did Chir year. 'Oxygenator'
ter llama 'f"reebie, Catarrh. Purifying the Blood,
had ter Building np the System, I believe 1s not
*grilled to -day by any other remedy.
Several of my censreeation bars also need ll
with blessed reanitr. I take great interest In
'Oxygenator,' haritig given jags of it away, and
invEt sal it is A wO:4DCRFUf, IiltatCor.
lel regard to my eyes, Oxygenator' has dons
them more gnat than the Ocaliste or the treatment
1 received In the Ilcapitol.
Pier 1•.taracbe, I think 1t peerless, For pains le
the chest, longs or side, indeed anywhere, it
Weeks wanders"
AEY. A. D. McL11OD,
Want Stewart, P.Z.I
v., Mali b —
12 Harbord et. + - Toronto
(Seal x A. W GLEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
Iy, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of tha system. Send
for testimonials free,
F. 3. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Mr, Geo. Dale, of Alma the well-
known horseman, recently sold two
teams of horses for the sum $1,100;
pretty good price, bat pretty good horses.
Three deaths took place at the House
of Clinton, on Sunday, April 218t, which
lathe largest number inany one day since
the House opened.
moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and woollen throat,conghs,
etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cnre ever known, Sold by A , L. Hamil-
Mr. Daniel Knechtel, founder of the
Knechtel Furniture Company, Hanover,
has donated a free site, valued at $3,060,
to the Corporation of Hanover, whereon
to erect a town hall,
ITCH, Mango, Prairie Scratches and
everp form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel.
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton,
A young woman naught smelling
books in a London public library was
asked why she did that. Said she did tt
to see' which book smelled of tobacco.
If it did she knew it was a book meu
liked to read, aud, therefore probably a
good one
Pill Sense —It stands to reason that
Dr, Agnew's Little Liver Nile will
crowd out of the market many of the
nauseous old-timers A better medicine
at less than half the pride is all the argu-
ment needeu to keep the demand what
it has been—phenomenal-40 doses 10o.
They enre Sick Headache, Bilinusness,
and allay all stomach irritations. -5
Sold by A. L Hamilton.
The Court of appeal will have another
Lord's •Day not case from Guelph to
settle. A r•ilway newsboisold papers
there to citizens who boarded the train
at the station, and the Magistrate de-
cided that a higher court must settle the
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
` of
!i 2c e: J: -) /2"
Kincarding town council has passed a
by-law prohibiting spitting on side-
walks. All that now remains is to en-
force the bylaw by watching the pub-
lic spitters and bringing them before a
J. P., something that has never yet been
done in any town where an anti spitting
law has been in force.
A modern weapon in the battle for
health.—If drseabe has taken your oit
adel of health, the stomach, and is tor-
turing you with indigestion, dyspepsia
and nervous prostration, South Ameri-
can Nervine is the weapon to drive the
enemy from his stronghold "at the point
of the bayonet,";reach by trench, but
swift and sure, it always wins. -4 Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, General Secre-
tary of Sunday Schools and Epworth
Leagues of the Methodist Church in
Canada, left on Monday to attend the
World's Sunday School Oonvention in
Children are often attacked soddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, eto. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Editor Kerr, of the Brussels Post, has
been superintendent of
Sunday School of that
years, and B. Gerry has
or teacher in the school
ization some 50 years ago.
the Methodist
village for 26
been an officer
since its organ -
Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsnees, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Away With YYeartness
A very interesting event took place at
the home of Mr, aud Mrs. Thos. Pent-
land, Dungannon, during the afternoon
and evening of April lst., it being their
50th wedding anniversary. A remark•
able feature of the gathering was that
there has not been a break by death
Brace Up—Get Strong—Get
Fat. The Cure is Simple,
You'r nervous and uneasy.
Appetite to poor,
,Sleep is hard to get.
Still worse, you are thin and fagged
Wo k mn4 be done but where is the
strength to come from?
Make your blood nutritious and you'll
have lots ot strength. '
Yot-r only hope m Ferrozone, an in
stent blows maker, blood parifier,blood•
enricher. Is brings keen appetite, di-
gests food and supplies eutritreu tor
building np all the bodily tissues.
Ferrozoue makes muscle and nerve•
fibre, increases your weight, instils a re
serve of energy into the body that defies
weariness or exhaustion from any cause
For men who toil and labor, for the
office mon, the•nttnister, the teacher—to
these will Ferrozone bring a new life ot
spit it and robust health.
For growing girls, women of all ages
no tonic is more certain. Sold in 50o
boxes by all dealers.
Daring the late blizzard a rich coal
dealer in Pennsylvania had an order
from a poor widow for a ton of ooal,and
on delivering the order to his weight
clerk said: "Jim, make that ton of
coal for Mrs Smith 250 pounds short.
Mrs Smith is a poor, delicate widow,
and she will have to carry all of it np
two flights of stairs, and I don't want to
overtax her strength,"
The essential lung•healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated aud refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
At the last meeting of the Carrick
Council the by-law defining the duties
of pathmasters was amended so that in
f nture all those wishing to pay their
statute labor must pay the same to the
township clerk, who shall issue a re-
ceipt therefor. The money paid in
from each beat will be spent in the
same division, under the supervision of
the township council.
Many people say they are "all nerves,'
easily startled or npset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
The funeral at the R. C. cemetery,
Teeswater, on Sunday, April 21st, was
that of Michael Roach, who for many
years was a resident on the 6th line of
Culross. He died in Buffalo, N. Y. at
the home of his niece, Mrs. John Bert -
ling, with whom he went to live after
the death of Me brother a year and a
half ago. He had reached the ago of 85
years, and his death was due to the
natural decay of old age.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Joseph Harrison, of Mount Albert, re•
cently sold a horse to Henry Jones for
$75. He said it was 11 years old. After
the deal the purchaser had his doubt
about the animal's age, and on enquiry
had them confirmed. He laid an infor-
mation against Harrison, and h3 was
tried before Magistrate Hamilton,
Jones had present as a witness the man
who raised the horse and he said it was
16 years old, The evidence showed, too,
that Harrison knew its age. The Magis•
trate committed him for trial, but grant-
ed bail.
As a spring mediciuce Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones np the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Esther Elizabeth Ritchie, beloved wife
of Robert Irwin, passed away at her
home in Ripley ou Friday April t9th,
Mrs. Irwin was born December 30th,
1S69, in the town of Mt, Forest, At the
age of 7 years, she moved with her par-
ents to the township of Ashfield where
she resided until the time of her mar•
;among their children and grandchi.ldrfn, riage, inovitlg to Ripley twelve years
r. W. Stevens line aieposed of his e
Beane Kidney Pills act on the kicl- her death where 5110 has d;ar.f-ihsince eiided. vv3niBy
property at Alms, consisting of 4 £ereB
and dwelling, to Mr. Mann, for the sum
of $400; this property is said to have
cost him $600, and is the property that
at ono time Constituted the Alma hotel',
nays, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cnrebackacheo, weak back, rheum- a moat ardent member and a real Christ-
atiam, diabetes, congestion, inhumation j inn, Besides her husband she leaves one
gravel, Bright's disease and all other daughter.
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder,
A Pleasant Duty,—"When I know Mr. 'oseph Brick, who built the Von•
anything worthy of recommendation, X dome House at 'eeswater, is mowing to
consider it my duty to tell it," says Rev. Walkerton, having bonght out H. Y.
Jos. Murdock, of Hamburg, Po, "Dr. Iioonck of the Walker House, The
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has cured
foe of Catarrh of five years standing, It price is $7;000, and the new proprietor
is certainly magical in its effect. The will take posae'seion on May lat. Since
first application benefited me in liere leaving Teeswater Mr. Brick hag been in
minutes," 50 cents, -9 Sold by A. L.
Hamilton. Berlin where he ran a billiard and pool
The accumulation of to tthr on the
teeth makes them unsightly and is often El T O 2R. Z A •
the cause of a bad breath, If the teeth Beare the , lha Kind You Have Always Baugtl�
are properly brushed each day tartar 8+griatare
will not have the chance to accumulate,
but if it has already been allowed to do
so it can be removed 'by a very simple
treatment. Moisten 'the toothbrush in
warm water and dip it into magnesia.
Rub on the teeth, and after three appli-
oation the `falter #i11 have entirely dis•
etpp9 red.
There were 75,000 deaths from the
plague in India during the week ending
April 13, 70,000 of those occurred in
Bengal, the United Provinces and the
Punjab. The epidemic began in the
Punjab in October, 1897, since when
neatly 1,60,0:,000 deaths hove ocou ti.,
The Ha lett a-Fe,sor, Mt John Smith,
haft finished the work ot asstesing the
township The following is a summary
of the roll far 1907; •
Nunih'r of scree `613463
No t,t acres cleared .43902
No ot acres woodland . 2566
No of acres elashlaud 6995
Value of laud $1,489 9.10
V. los "t buildings 496,900
Total valve r'l prnp'ty 1,986,840
Business asseesment . , . 6,500
Tax hl- income 800
Teleuraph ,. ,110
Telephnee 1,600
Total assessment 1,995,840
Number of dogs . • 332
The total population of the township is
On Tuesday of last week the marriage
of Miss Grace Beal, younger daughter of
Mr, and Mrs William Beal, to William
Grey Thompson. of Goderich, was sol-
emuized at the residet,oe of the bride's
parents, St Thomas, the Rev. Mr, Pid•
geon, pastor of Knox Presbyterian
church, officiating. The bride wits
given away by her father at the altar
improvised for the occasion, which was
prettily decorated with smilax and daffo
dila. Mies McCarthy, of St. Thomas,
was matron of honor and J. East Jor-
dan, of Goderich, best man. The wed-
ding march was played by Miss Hazel
Carder, of Toronto.
In fifty-eight years there has been no
April that has developed weather so cold
as has characterized the past month. All
over the province the conditions have
been very similar, and as a result farm
operations have been greatly retarded.
This is in contrast with the month of
March, which was five degrees aboye the
average for thirty-three years. The
mean temperature for the first eighteen
days of the past month was 35.0 or 3 8
below the average in more than half a
century. Iu other words, each day of
the past month was, on the average, four
degrees colder than a similar number of
of days in April of all the years since
An old and most highly estimated re-
sident of Clinton died on Sunday, April
21st, in the person of Mrs Robinson, re-
lict of the late William Robinson.
Nearly 60 years ago the late W. Robin•
son came to this country from Yorkshire,
accompanied by his wife. They bought
a farm on the Huron Road, Goderioh
township, adjoining Clinton. Some
fifteen years ago Mr Robinson died, and
two years later the eldest daughter was
killed as the result of a runaway horse.
whioh left Mrs. Robinson with one son
and one daughter on the farm; another
son is living in the Western States, al-
though nine children has been born to
Hea-tl, and Vitality for Old People.
As old age creeps on vitality is lower-
ed, the heart beats more slowly, the
blood becomes thin and watery and the
power ot resistance is lessened. It is
the old people above all others who re-
quire the new life and energy, which
comes with the use of Dr Chase's Nerve
Food. Thousands of old people depend
on this treatment, because it calms and
quiets the nerves, gradually and certain-
ly enriches the blood, builds up the
system and instils new life and vigor in'
to their shrivelled arteries,
Railway passenger trains should bo so
lighted and heated that in case of a
smash-up they will not take fire. Even
when cars ate fireproof, trains should be
so operated on the block systetn that
they cannot overtake or oellide with
each other. It should be impotlsibie to
ittl4T@ motto' at 00 coat of lift,
am not very tall in inches
and weigh very little, bat though
I'm small, I'll work and serve yon
Best of references.—C. H. Ward &
Have a neat appearance, a quiet
. disposition, make no noise when I'm
about, seen and not heard. as a well -
made watch should he."Punctual."
Need but a little room in your
pocket, fitted in any case yon desire,
Wish you'd give me the chance—just
to let me show you.
I am a Webb C. Ball Watch.
Sold by
Co H1Ward &, Co.
374 Richmond St.
The death of Mrs James Brown came
unexpectedly to her family and many
friends on Thursday, April the 18th.
Three weeks ago the deceaeed was en-
joying the best of health and was end•
denly stricken down with membrane
meningitis from which she gradually
sank in spite of all medical skill could
do. Deceased was 69 years of age. She
was born in Nova Scotia and came to
this section in 1849. Her maiden name
was Harriet Stewart and she and Mr.
Brown were united in marriage 52 years
ago. For a great many years Mr and
Mrs Brown lived on the 5th concession
of Kincardine where they carried on
farming and where a large family was
raised. For the last eighteen years they
have resided in Kincardine enjoying a
well-earned rest.
Many Women Suffer
Very often they think it is from so-called
'' I'crnale Disease." There to less female trouble
than they think. Women suffer from backache,
slceplt•a,ness, nervousness, irritability, and a
dragging -down feeling in the loins. So da men,
and they do not have "femalo trouble." Why,
then, bls,rno all your trouble to Female Disease?
With healthy itidneys, few women will over
have "female disorders." The kidneys are so
closely connected with all the internal organs,
that when the kidneys go wrong, everything
goes wrong. Much distress would be saved if
women would only take
at ntated intervals.
Pt lee 30 tants perigee or three boxes for $1.23,
all dealers dr sent direct ou receipt of price,
The Doari iiidrioy rill Co., Tom to:OM.
The lower portion of a fire -pot is usually nearly
or partly filled with dead ashes, leaving the live,
red-hot coals in the upper part. The result is that
the upper portion expands much more than the
This uneven expansion causes a strain
��t \ too great for a one-piece fire -pot to statin. Sooner or later it will split, allowing precious
heat and sickening gases to
But the fire -pot of the Sunshine
is constructed to meet this ton-_
clition. It is in t\Vo sections. The
upper half expands, as much as
necessary, independently of thea;
lower. When cool, it contracts 'g;4
back to its original size, fitting
to the lower half perfectly. ��?S
And this strong, unbreakable,
gas and heat -tight, two-piece ;s
fire -pot is just one of the many
superior features of the Sunshine.
I£ • your local dealer does not handle the
" Sunshine," write direct to us for FRED
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. Josh; N.B.
+••••••••••••••••••s•••••• .••••••••4•••••••••4••s•4141.
• +
• Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44.
J. A. ' t cLean.i
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
Domestio Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand.
We carry a LH R H E
full stock of
(Dressed or IIndresaRl SHINGLES, LATH
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
Ear Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs.
44•40040•44..444••••••••••••• ,•••••••••.•••:••••4.44•••••••ri
••••••••••••m••••••••••••• 011140194•6•00,80111611011111111111•11111-
••••••••••••0•••••••• se-• •• •
O 01—
O 0'v
• •
• •e
' 0.
• . An AdverIisementin •
go a
• Brings Good Results
• aa
• •eV
The Wingham Times reaches : s'
o the homes of most of the people of '0.'
go Wi•ngham and surrounding country. It w
•• keeps its subscribers posted on all the 41,
• •
news of the day—local, political and °d":, <
foreign. r •
If you have anything to sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times. ie,
Rates on application. 's,
We Think printing
That's our business. We are
constantly on the lookout for new ideas,
and these are here awaiting your. accept-
ance. It's no trouble for us to eve you
information—to write or call—it will
place you under no obligation, and
perhaps we may suggest something you
can profit by. Prices right. Quality
ever the talisman.
The Wingham Times
• 111 • • •
01 •