HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-05-10, Page 19Ontario's --441 'tpregram wall be • re- etivenatet'tetoebettererneet heeneedseof-do- elaay!s- uralyouth. "`ePteeXisedzehaegeeztettheeprogramtave teenieliscussedeWithelocal4Heassociations rind heyehaveagreedethatLhe,'Ontarkepro- =gram swill benefit if ehanges.stre .put jinto "practice," said Ontario Minister of :A�t3cultureand Food-Jackeeiddell. `«The4-11tprogram n•Oanada+9s -years- old. It is a-wellcestablished 'organization, stillpopular With auralyouth, "IVIr. Riddell <said. "'These changes well ensure it •has a solid pfollowrng -in Ontario for -years to come." Theo-IIpropram'spurpose isthepersonal cdevelopment of youth in 'rural Ontario. There Gare currently about 170300 4H 'members_ and 3;6004-H leaders in'Ontario. Rereview of Ontario's 4-H program; whiich u ie -have new St. Cohtmban Correspondent MRS. 'CECINA RYAN 345=2020 Congratulations to Francis and Marie Hieknell on the.birth oftheir granddaughter Traci Marie, born to Joe and Mary Ellen Hicknell of Bradford on May 2 at York Coun- ty -Hospital, Newmarket. Mary -and Barbara Feeney of Stratford spent the weekend with Ferg and Teresa Feeney. Garyand Joanne Schleen and baby son of Londonvlsitedetrthe weekend with Roy and Angeline Swart. Helen ' Warren of Moose Jaw, . Saskat- chewan is:spending a couple weeks visiting •withherparents Clarenee and -Cecilia Ryan mrd-CeciLand Betty Warren of Shakespeare. Other family members visiting with the Ryans during the past week were J.D...and Marg MacRae, Jenny and Ian of London, Les, Laura and Shannon Ward of Kitchener, ;Duilpin " residents attend wedding Dublin Correspondent MRS. DON MACRAE 3464842 or..345-2140 A number from Dublin and district attend- ed the Rowland and Jackson wedding in St. Patrick's Church in Dublin on Saturday, • May 6th, including Mrs. Katie Murray and Mrs. Millie Evans. The reception was held at the Mitchell and District Community Centre. Shirley and Rennie Van Loon fpm Newmarket were home on Sunday with Joe and Olga Eckert. - Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger and Ben and Mary Lynn •from Waterloo were in Palmerston on Sunday with Mary Lynn's parentseedr. and' -Mrs. Bert -French. Keith and Audrey -Davidson, "Eileen MaeRae's. brother:and sister-in-law, fcem .Kitchener and their son Jim from Toronto were -up en Saturday to visit, and also stop- ped in tosee Mrs. Ada.Davidson at the Ritz Villa, who has been in.failing health. Hen :S-01 ,finedfor i enade'eseggehtions for ,Strengthening -On- 4ario's- FY rogram sand ,•attracting 'more atetitbers, was 'released Blast 'IDeeetnber. ;Sinceithen, stheanitdstermet Wlthpresidents eaf loea144I ovgaltizations.'Theirsugge'gtions "for autentiments -and additions shave' been eonsidered and many have been Incorporated. "Local -4-H •organizations will be -able to adapt -these 'suggestions for change into :thefrkpregramsetettheyyseefit," Mr. Riddell said. `Some oftheetevw dfrectionsforthe4Hpro- gram=wilebe: eto=establish-an elected Ontario 411 coun- cil'within'three years. The eouncilwill have expanded responsibilities in formulating and implementing policy, proposing and *valuating projects and allocating funding for leadership 'development. •to broaden the scope of membership in , •randdau `h'f r Pat, Carrie, Ryan, Jeff and Nathan Subject of Kitchener, Don .and Brenda Ryan, Mat- thew, Stephen, David and Angela of London, John and Mary Jo Nelson of Lueknow, Louise Ryan of Kitchener and Gerry, Karen, Jason, Amanda and Jeremy Ryan. eloealeell assec1altIonsitotenhance••ceirmitttn- ty .lnvolvement.'Vhis wouldencludetivdlve- 'ment eof ainnleader volunteers, t members eanauteleparenteandepnsors:Theassoela- • �Llon <xoolilldebe responsible Tor ele'flning' its enembershlp and local "bylaws, in :accor- danee • with 'the constitution and overall poifeiesaetrbyehe•Ontario•44R Council. ••to include 'Wand 11 -year-olds in the pro- gram. Atpresent, ro- gram.'Attpresent, yotithsennst'be 12years- old to' oin. This year, 'the program•'started accepting 11-year'olds. In 3991, it wllltegin accepting e0 -year olds. This will`require'the =development of junior and<senior level+pro- ject rmaterlal. •to organize a provincial campaign 'for revitalizing the image of 4-11 in the 'Antal community and to develop resources and workshops for local 4 -11 -associations. A for- mal marketing plan 'will be developed to communicate a strong image of 4-H as a youth development program that is educa- tional and -fun. •the ministry's rural organizations and services branch will further strengthen its support of the 4-11program byeamong other things, providing leadership training and meeting resources for 4-11 leaders and enhancing indepth orientation and contact, particularly for new leaders and members. Reel4DRONeE ZPOSTIOR, itiekY 'a . , 1989 — 14A Spectate In Enent'Thursday `feliyay, dturday—'°Vehlte*ililp'Res-bleat OLD FASHIONED DELICIOUS 8 INCH CHERRY -1E •,''NQS hila Skirt y f'�`� . -A Wide Variety bf ,e %r Cahadlan'arid imported SSES HE Fresh Off Thesi9tock 'MAPLE LEAF PROCESS 1 n SLICES LB. El Great For Cheeseburger's 'NORWEGIAN •JARLSBURB 5 CB.` e , 9 .DANISHi ESRA'M i } tI 'a Try'ournewEuropean'etyle Sourdough and lavarian Aye Bread. Atso!Whoie`WheatKalsereems 'FDA THE DSO 'Enjoy -our FreshBaked Kaisers, 'Hamburg 1& -Hot . Dog Rods, French 8: •Garlic Breads DELICIOUS DONUTS 'FRESH 'HOT COFFEE TASTY -NU SLICED BAKERS SPECIAL 567 g ANNIVERSARY TREE PLANTING - To celebrate the .20th anniversary of the Huron County Board of Edcuation trees were planted at each of the public system schools in thercounty. •At.Seaforth.District High School a spruce and ,a =pie tree:were.pianted, and seen here are Dick Burgess, Ed Feiss, Dave Onn, students council president Ben Driscoll, Alex Stephen, Principal Jim Empringham, Ali Farag, Steve-Hook=and'students council vice presidenteenne Robinson. Eaeh of the teachers have been with the board since it was formed 20 years ago• One missing 20 -year teacher is John Ball. Corbett photo Pub h ii S h:oo to receive four :computers Blensall Correspondent SUSAN.BARTMAN • :262-2449 A large, number of proudparents,, grand- parents and-friendswere.onband atHensall Public:School iast'Thursdayevening.to en- joy the ;Spring Concert "Spirits of '69". Many en the audience remember well the year 1969 and -were thrilledatehe.chance to revisit the time of..their youth. On May 17 thererwiJJ be a -Pre -School -Bus .Safety Program for NEXT year's kindergarten class, followed by asstory:time with Mrs. Preszcator in the Kindergarten room. 'On May 24 at 7:30 pen.. all;,parents are welcomed to the -Parent-Teacher Meeting. Guest speaker-willhe John Penn from the :Huron County Family .and Children's Services. ,FLAY.OROUND$',.ItOGK M Theiiensall Village:Stunmer'Playground Program mill be: held; this year July l0 :throttglt.toAugust.l8. Ackick-off;fund-raiser is -being„held. •First•prize,:is arthree;minute rsshopping-spree,at ,Knechtel's,and,second 'prize is a ::$50 ,gift ;certificate -from Knecbtel's. Ticketsearea$5apiece aandare ,availablefrom,membera of:theaparks; board attthe V, ge-office•orrattheLibrary. xSpecia1ithatiks to Abe' :Grades 3, 4,and 5 students who •conducted a cleanup of ,the e aehoolyardand neighboring'atreeta•onexiay :last-weekaW.ellDone ! /liensull Ritblic,,Sobool seeently :,held a ,ceremony.to-raise:ttheenew',liuron•_Golwty icUoardrof;E.ducation:fltig•' Twoatsees:ewere .s;,als4 lanted.toneonnmeworateathe29thran- FJtivegsary'oftthe,Roard. ItHensall—biblic,S,abool.laas:beet,,info, ed •vithhat it,wli execefying a nbankof:Atttr IC.G1N roputers arorbe;iu,piace:in',thenschool,by ::September. • CIRCLE '^TheeFellen P:w.it• IttmeltAastaaop4ay * taming:itr,the Fj3,uited-lburpil 'dorv-'at ' rltok wj 'red ,the .megtsingd ;,l ornthy .-.PArkensa6,iit argeetthe, eayp on. leleguestatipeafterAyasXrifyiiMiletnith. GVINSPokeaubout 44:talents '.09s ;,4.011;,ns r�•a•trIertr•Ir reading many interesting excerpts from her book "Hear the Pennies Dropping." Pat shared some humorous readings and closed with prayer. Hostesses were Hazel Corbett and Shirley McAllister. 'The' next meeting will be held June 5 at the United Church. CHINESE AUCTION There will be a Chinese Auction at the Horticultural Society's next -meeting on Monday, May .15. Everyone is welcome at the Fellowship Hall of Hensall United Churchat 7:30 p.m. Membersare reminded to pickup their annuals. The,flowers for the village bedswill arrive onMay 16.;Members.please.pick:upas soon .aspossible: at. Sheila Iiaeburn's home.tMore volunteers:are still needed tohelp plantand care.for;the lovely flower:bedain the village this summer. :SHUFFLEBOARD RESULTS 'The highest six game scorers at Hensall shuffleboard-.onMay 2 were Pearl•McKnight .362, Dave Kyle .933, Helen Anderson 319, Dave Woodward 312 and Lorna Spenser205. Fiver amewinners were Lorne. Shelton 304 and Glad ,Livery Den't.forget:the Yard.Sale,May;27randthe +Mooawalk:.againstCystic Fibrosis on May :28rl1ensall4pripg Fair,this.yeanwill;belteld June:l5-and it The^Workboot Olympics ism •innne:24,and.25. 4IENSALL UNITED:CORCH ;$ill Hayter, junior :minister at Bengali llnited'Church, read the Old Testament•and ,gospel Jessons. 'This week, Judy Kyle >;greetedtthe wor..pers. RevWrighttook a 7Picture rof <the •, dreeen at .the -front sof ;the -thurckandrahowed it;to:thientna4;eoprt,<ss-ft •was,taken.6Hele, ►lained;,that itat4ea;time for4heahildren,totome4nt4the pigture:and :phawedhow it.Jackeddtfter•4wo•zliddi tes'of . postfre. ts;point. 'ae that�Uhat's,,the.,way ,o ,aur]iviesjitthe,StglduKSChoolend.Church ,as,God;:seesmus. 4,alidniAieteachs tgAwo,,ljp1os :'',Airt:Thou TOlubled":by l andelrartd giow,lovelyare ' N ETTE RESTAURANT iSEAFORTWS'FAMIFLY RESTAURANT 'RESERVATIONS :RECOMMENDED 7 BONE STEAK DINNE Includes '.Coffee or Tea and Dessert as .� SUNDAY, -MAY 121-5110 pinto-'rOD.;prr !Daily ,.;Luncheon :Speciais !Litenced.Under,LIBD•eniors'1'5%:off i 41O1`O. SAT.:6 OO RA:M.=7100fdt. ",SUN.7400 A:INr'7:OOlPM. f 5 vI® our :dwellings" •by Liddle.The New Testa- ment lesson was •from3Acts 15:129 and the sermontitle was "liow we do; things". Grant St. John and Cecil Pepper were ushers. Therearestill applicationiormsavaiiable to GampBiminiandCampalenesetung.-Tlte officialboard-meets-Thursday, May 11 -the executive rat 7:30 pan. the committees:at 8 p.m. and the lull.boardat 8.30 p. -m. • SE,AF.RTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY .pres nts STAG FOR IGREG a YAN ririay, :For information calf:34:5023 Aryl i l s Di W x;41 1"risiay, May 1:2 at 4he :SEAFD'RTH,AND DISTRICT :COMMUNITY 'CENTRE Age of,Majority- iequired roceeds -To: :Fair Expenses 'Tickets: S1D11D TICKETS AVAILABIX AT ODD = LETT+Y''; VARIETY 6224300 "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, "JAM"t Aiohn, ML' ,alregor SEAFORTH (OPTIMISTS ,.e • • Ai ate• es19ader,461Chlway &t ygd' - z'F.raum Now rotallo vr.ersg_ MOIMPAORKSHORS RLealti tS. MAN- 40 toeI .#144A1". '7 3r, 9004 .IIIA. step 'own• tonivt ? lee sJ4 nee', NAte, rn•?+a+' >. a Lc ,tetithOW040 Qiie'.ust 0fie .samterithanAeAlitet ,ORP . % 77;,;i p03.A1. Amilocth O P't*...0 +1 7 y A labt !l4drifi116t Ere'