HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-05-10, Page 17yvniton coupie ‘c; WSitounDerrespondend TNMRS: ETFV MCCALL •.8875677 iOninVednesdays'evening,'Walton's United ChurehAWornen :members .gathered y in ithe r,hurch-basement ,for the :general ' meeting, and - :njoyed the '.guest speaker, Eva •Buchanan-of.Atwood. Shehadspent aimonth • at>Bella Coola where sheevorked as a nurse in British Columbia on the staff of the General :Hospital el ;the United Church of ..Canada. The:pictures-gave:many views of'the-dif- ferant.buildings:1nBella Cools, a town with a population of 2;000. It is completelyesur- rounded by mountains and the eagle yrs •its symbol. "The airport is 12 miles -from the townand'80miles inland. The picturesofnthe reserve- and valley show the people' there live ad ifferent.life-thenthe busy cities, but have lots of entertainment. Eva's commentary was interesting and followed with:manyquestions. The 'speaker was introduced by Olene Dennis 'and 'thanked by Dorothy Sholdice presenting herwith an envelope of money on behalf of the U.C.W. Devotions were led by Kathleen William- son, Edith Wey was pianist for hymns. Karen Hoegy read scripture from Luke 19:1-10. Kathleen led in prayer followed by meditation. Offering was received by Doreen Haciewell and dedicated by Kathleen. It was followed by 'the .elosing prayerfor this' part. Business was chaired by Olene Dennis, opening with a reading on Stewardship. Minutes and cards of thanks were read by Marjory Humpinies. Thetreasurer's report was given byleona McDonald.-TheDaffodil Tea and Bake Sale was very successful the week before. Coming events were announced. September 10 is Bluevale's Anniversary, Walton -on September 17. Communion, Sun- day May 14. Coliectingwas done for a couple of showers. Bluevale church ishaving a sup - Tela t anniversary Tier tan'iMay;"30.:Gountryiatlpper= at'tVValton, June118 Bale telesfareitebetintnoGlater thanAMay 14. A>sociat'rftuititiontmehting is Balled for ItIonday,Mey 510catkMaryIum- phries' 'tome tat 9 .arm- rCleanllig +of tthe church .kitchen - to the 'left till itrext mouth. June meetingwi 1have;guestapeaker,f tally laude ofxhellomemakersdn'Wingham. A social=time kwastheld xfith=Speaker and daughter.of Goderich :during -lunch served 'brMarie ;;McGavin, Edith `Wey, `Margery Ritebieand"Malinda-Johnson. ;CLUitHOLDSME+ETING 'TheWaltonArea'Sports Glubbelditsmon- :thly'meeting .at the `-library on 'Wednesday evening. Final %plans were made for 7the :Bake Sale and Garage Sale this coming .Saturday'from tann.rto 3 pan. rain orshine .down,by:the library and hall. Twoltemsfor *hebake.table fromimethers ofanyoneplay- ing_baThthis summer would•be:appreciated. If you • are unable to -be there tin Saturday droptthemofEFriday Witheither JoyceMar- euceioior Judy 'Timmer. Also bring for the garageltable. OnSaturday,May 27 a'pitching dltnie wvill 'betheld=at IMBUE park. "The-4=II'workShoo for "bet's Landscape" will 'be held this -"Wednesday evening in Bayfield. 40'1f4 WEDD1NG•ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Emerson .and Phyllis 'Mitchell °•who celebratedtheir40th°wedding ,anniversaryonSunday, May 7 when friends, relatives and family members gathered at ;their home on the 'ninth line of -Morris Township for a delieious supper andsoeial time, Thelllitchellshavefoursons who were 'present - Gordon and Julie'and son Doug; Ross and Julie Ann, daughters, Erin and holly; Doug and Janet, Robbie and Amanda and Neil. There were 30 present for the happy occasion. ltranbrook ` U collects $911 Cranbrook.•Correspondent •MRSeMAGENGEL 1887645 Mr. and .Mrs. Will Perrie and daughter Margaret of Halifax visited with.hisparents Mr. and Mrs. John A. Petrie .and :family members recently. .Kim Starr, Chatham, visited Don and Mrs. Cotton. Mrs. Jim Keys. and Mrs. Gladys Wright, Seaforth, visited Margaret -McBrien at the Collander Nursing lHome on Friday -and -rail- ed on Mrs. Mac.Engel. 'The .Cranbrook?Women's Institute reports that$911 was collected:in-theeommunityfor therecent.caneer.•driveeonvenedby Yvonne Knight. On behalf of theW.I: sheis.grateful to;thefollowingpeoplewhadid2he job, Aime Bragg, Karen Uhler, Olga Speiran, Betty Knight, Beryl Smith, Wilfred and Laura Strickler, and Karen Bowies, "The last. euchre of the season was spon- soredby the Foresters on Friday night with 18:tables:in play. The winners were; high - Audrey Adams, Beryl Smith, low - Dordthy Dilworth, Harvey Adams, lone hands - Margery AMcCourt, Ross Stephenson, lucky tables - Lorne Smith, Roberts Sirppson, Ver- na Crawford, Lloyd Smith, Ross Stephen- son, Lois .Bart, Roma Nicholson, Gordon Hanna, tallies - Adrian Versteop, Bill Craig, Shirley Versteop, Cora Smith, Margaret Adams, Bea Ott, Annie Wight, John• Van Sickle, :Bettie Hood, Margery Ritchie,'Merle 'McIntosh, Ruby Steiss, Bill Eckmier, Bill Beirnes. Harry Jacklin thanked everyone for supporting the card games throughout theseason. 191 ON•-• PittStIOR,°°M'AY '10, 7089 — Arnold and Jean-Taylor•are•celebrating'thegrand opening oftheir marketthis Prldayand welcome you to come In and meet them. Arnold, Jean, and -staff look forward to -serving you. BEEF CHICKEN PIES 200 GM SMALL 'FRY CHIPS SHELBOURNE POTATOES 10 LB.,] 2l2 50 LB.. •S!9 CHECK OUR SIGN FO al� MORE SPECIALS . CHECKING OUTTHE CASE - Debbie Van Bake! checks out the condition of this golf ' ,.bag .Saturday,..whilewattending a .yard. sale .hosted .by the Seaforth • and District •Preschool Learning Centre.`The sale was held at.Lions F'ark. Mcliwraith photo. ,OHECKING OUT THE GOADS - •Allison Brown looks over the toys.available for re ,sale at a'yard sale held brthe.Seaforth,and ,District -Preschool Learning .Centre on Saturday. Money raised by the sale. will go towards expansion of the .learning centre t building. Mcllwraith photo. MARKING THE GOODIES - Gayle Coleman. and Mary Verberne put the purchase prices on these goodies offered for sale at a yard sale•held Saturday by the Seaforth and District Preschool Learning Centre. Proceeds for, the sale will go towards the ex. pension of the present building. Mcllwraith photo. • apt ,. CHEAP E -BALLET —ALUMINUM VENETIAN BLINDS --. ltc FROM "^09 ;112ii x[38"1 JAW - a4"1 ROCK BOTTOM PRICES -- rFABRIC VERTICAL SB.LINDS -- ,StanderdiSfzes t "o FROM • , 4 a 3e" x ®"1 xSUNDS ,BLINDS jam\ BLINDS SINCE 1977 SHOWROOMS,IN LONDON, STONEY CREEK BRANTFORD, KITCHENER„GUELPH,-CAMBRIDGE, ,. r(,AI-0IA131,1NAATr1N i 9,® 1144” x.94°11 ,P.A.US,VAaAtices FOR• FREE SHOP•AT-HOME,S£RVICE ,CALL OUR•HURON COUNTY DEALER AR. :BILL .'DON 482.4a151) ONIIRIA IN RESISTANT :RIGWEBD L. AMBS UPR'. R.S • :Adgeieentrois.'ttuazine-reslsitant'p�; g- weed,andllamb.s:wg tarters.4?ius„Esjge eentiloleamid &tame,ofan ualgrasses and broadleaf weeds ..Tsi e• delivers,a11 this colntrrlat,a;;pllice;tbat iustI> light 'ibe less t1i an Touzre iused . towing. ge,lsrreglster.,ed.for :use: in ,,soybeans amwbite,�b ans, kfidney. Paeans And;canolaald;geLleliverkpetfor anbe das n need, i nd9out none, oday fr nt f, rrh : 5 3,2HoMgitil $1 /0 3 .1=R3 i2Rtg0 tell 21:2 Victoria St. (Hwy. 4 South) Clinton OPEN: .MON.-WED. S-06 THURS., FRO..8 9 WHOLESALE SAT, :5-Z SYJPI, 10-6 RETAIL. Penny Sale results The Hospital Auxiliary's Penny Sale was a success again this year. Winners as listed below should contact a member of the Aux- iliary Inc further details about prises. All win- ners are from Seaforth, unless stated otherwise Coca Cola& Mug, Katie Wood;.Cep,-Howard Backwell, Walton; -Read -Pen ,:Dan-Rozell; Multi Driver, Phil-Hoggarth;.SandSlow San- ding Tool, Don Tunney; Grease -Refill, Ina Finlayson; Hasty Notes, Jennie McArthur; Tractor (Toy], Gerald Marten; Sheets S. Pillowcases, Donna Miller, Box 1107 Mit- chell; UIN Driver, Bea Kale; Emergency Light, Cecilia Leeming; Jewel Box, Ethel Heist; 6 Cans Chicken Noodle Soup, Claire,Brugger; Tea Pot, Lloyd Hoggerth; Door Knocker, Margaret Sharp; Sweater, Mrs. Shirley Preszcator; Calculator, S. McMillen; 6 Cans Chicken: Soup, .Stephen -Eckert Sr.; Emergen- cy Light, Carol Baker; Smoke Alarm, Linda Wilson; Tractor [Toy), Chris Souter; Gift Wrapping Paper, .Alicia Dick; Clock, Mike Sullivan; 3 Jars Salad Dressing, Helen Williamson, Walton; Underwater -Pool Game, Helen McLaughlin; Cosmetic Set, Many Jane Snowdon, Dublin; Hasty Notes, Ruth Stewart; Tea Towel, :Planner :& Greeting Card, Marilyn Horne; Cep, , Vernn Dale; Emergency Light, Anne Copeland; •Desk Set, Howard-Hackwell;.cep, IsabelAnnis, Mitchell; CIL Paint, •Isabel.Scott, Brucefield; Tractor (Toy); ChrisBuchan, Dublin; Deer Ornament, Phyllis Cusack; Plate (Seaforth Town • Hell], LenArnaton; 3.JarsSalad Dressing,•Barbere Cook; Swim Wings, Colleen Ryan; Road Atlas, Florence -Rock; UNI Driver, .Helen. Nolen,'Dublin, Clock, Dr. Melkus; Tea .Pot, Lindsey Shannon; Pillow; Steve .Hildebrand: 3 .Jars Salad Dressing, E. Mayer, Dublin; Message .Centre, Corrie Snowdon; Water Softener, Ross •Ribey; Case Pop A&W Rootbeer,,Phyllis:Brown; Rniahing Compound, Lloyd Hoggarth; -Emergency Light; Baatmoe Storey; 2 Rolls .Wrapping Raper, George Simpson; Hsirltems,•Berbshenoon; Creetive Moose, Debbie Leframboise, Anti -freeze, Jean Keyes,•Rpint•Edward;Popcorn, Susan Dick; 3 Jars Soled Dressing, John Crioh; Flour, Hattie.DBle,.0linton;Box Groceries,•Ide Leiper, Clinton; Candleholder, Chrispuchan, Dublin; -Meir -Mousse, Osrol-Bowker, :Clinton; Two Oil -Biters, LeonaSedard; Gaulking,fdabel Earle; Two, Jars•HOMY. .J.orpthy Hays; Wind- .ehietd .WaalerBerylNichsleomR .,Picture, Margaret Whitmore; .Blatiaer ;A.Regal .Cutouts, Chris elegies; Track (Toy), Gordon Murray; Teddy Beer, Steve 1-tuseey; Suriglaases, ;Mary ,Money; Mirror, Wendy Grjdxak; ireese (,T,e aeo3, Mary F,other ir� gham; T,addy.;p�er,,Wendepietz; 4 L. Dil (flletor], Gordon Murray; T -Shirt, Lydda Heard; 4 L Jil (MgtorJ .Patri is Watson; l etup, George Brredbegen Mitchell Retro Canticle Truok, Kevin;gornenik;.Picture, Lind- aeY•tShannpn ,I jack.eS.tein,sWilde Gudnlore l~lipton Woolefej ietprn ••Kar n •,Nh]gh; Tee T ttiel &-tJanper,&.laegal ,r Eating, Jeb Cslallello; :Cisme, Marloniie Agetarson; P4ippyChow pariesa,kaygpx.;,�akirt$fiarter, ingrid- err,tt0,li �n;..Pitituke,.,Judy4 , an; h,"ipoey, .•penPteeElaog�gga.n ,Alupigufn Troy, ,Marg;ggeisrlen ed; eiter:SsP a('fe g :Vile viefissca1M..a0Wil. 1uPgprt°� >IlliVert h �ff1 .Fn's 9ka,:girtlar pedis, a a. ar MevieeMeleyeesolerccl �r 't I , wr- YNJtar Iiarrva(P!Q at, idia,,Spr,irngepur sOyth; Atie PJeg,itor tie s''4,L 0 Jtotto mm :AK iw lir Omfight: iahing` ,ger ssJVI ours, l g 1p li w,': ora, it . 1914 ''fir wa �13u..jt�11]e en; il wa^bgron ivelah, urgay;:3 Ian tln- Dolmage, 3 Jars Salad Dressing. Laurain Oliver, Fire Extinguisher, Jeff Tremeer. Basket Foot Care Items, Marione Rock; Pen- cil Sharpener & Stapler, Laurie Mills; Pie Plate, Linde Alin; Golden Trivia, C.M. Brady, Curling 'iron, Linde Brown; 3 Jars Salad Dressing. Dorothy Dillon, 'Dublin; 4 L Motor Dili Ted Cosford; Anti -freeze, Annie Reid; Tricycle, Barbara Cook; Dog Food, Teresa Laycox;.4 LMotor Oil, Ralph Fryer; Gat Fetid, Mr. N. elubley; T -Shirt, Nigel Pilkington; Rust Remover, Norman East; Honey, Frances Maloney; Child's Che,r & Teddy, Neil Hodgert: Lady's Sweater, Beth Philips; Floral Arrange- ment, Mona Ceche-Bath Bath Towels, Baseline Higgs; Case Coca Cola, Helen McLaughlin; Jacket, Marie Kelly, Case Sprite, Cheryl Fehr; Pillowcases, Lorraine Dale; •Bantle Doll, Marilyn Thomas; Beginners Roller Skates, Laura Platsch; Sweater, Teri Campbell; Fan, Doris Ryan; Lawn Chair, Bun Armstrong; Crokinole Board, Margaret Mennell; One Man's Haircut, Carol Bowker, 2Y° Dozen Eggs, Mabel Nesbitt; '65;00 (Five dollars), Jane Johnson, Kipper; 015.00 (Fifteen Dollars], Jeannette Bannon; Gift Certificate Merchandise 85.00, Laura Murray; Lubrica- tion, Oil Change, Oil Filter & Car Clean, Lin- da Allan; 5 Video Certificates, Bill McClure; Gift Certificate Value 810.00, Gerald Marten; 2 Toning Sessions Value 019.00, Marjorie Anderson; One Reflexologie Treat- ment Value °25.00, Steve Hussey, Gift Cer- tificate Value°10.00, Heather Nigh; Vecoina- tion for Dog Value •°30,00, Bertha Love; 5 Loony Dollars, Howard Backwell; Gift Cer- tificate Value 810.00, Rika Van Bakel; 2 Tan- ning Sessions Value 813.00, Garf Cooper; 9 pieces Chicken, Michael •H.ugill; 5 Video Gift Certificates, Jean Keyes, Point Edward; Gift Certificate.Food Value'815330, Hill Kelly 11” x 14" P,ertr.,a,t, Joanne ,Albert; 1 Year Subscription, Helen Deroche, Gift certificate Value 810.00 food, Ruth Thorburn; Gift Cer- tificate Value al0,0D, Gordon Murray; 2 Tan- ning Sessions Value 013.00, James M. Scott; Gift Certificate Value 810:00, Mary Trpn; Food Voucher Velue815.00, E.•Klaver, Dublin; Gift Certificate Value 815.00,• Kathy Coombs, Mitchell; Cat Vaccination Value 827.00,.Kyle Devereaux; nine Deep Muscle Therapy Value 805:00, Jpen Settles; Two Tanning Sessions Value 019.00, Margaret Beuerruann; Waah & Set, Johan Verberne, •8.20.00 ,worth of .Product towards tProduct or Service, Sharon Wilbee; 5 Video Gift Cer- tifioates, Jpne Austin; .2V0 Dozen Eggs, Margaret ,McIver; A Special, Large Pizza, Chrissy ,Gordon; Gift certificate Value 810 00, Robert Reid, Gift Certificate Two Smorgasbord Dinners, Jean cairns; Meet Voucher June .Rivers; Maple ,Syrup Mandy Melooe; Qne Mpn.s H9ircut, Li da Gridzak, 5 Vdeo,Grft cerlifipatas, Attie Dick, Shampoo & Set, Amanda cullitpn; 5 Y .pegs .of Milk slAson.ltartderapn, Gift cer- eif Bete Value•815.00,.Be en I ane, 1.0 Loony (J,ollars, • E. -Klaver, • Dubin, :Drycleening, L. ,Melageen, 2 iJeele eleek'a Fish ;& Chips, Jeanette anon Making Vopoher, Value X1.0 p0, L elle Murphy; 5 (Hags Milk, Malin 1a suerrpan 10 hooey tApIlars Sandra : ridegu DpejAdy a pmcut & FeetelSerab, j ar,olt,6pwker p T,enping scions Vetoed Let; ie.;Meepon0ld 'poke [A.allpver draw] AngieRpld .NATIPLW3 in �retery �. yrs JaU r ant Ltd. GpSlerich; sae tikl, tieeepe: r;p, er L,td,,Mleconpell, 'fa1tq1'1fe 91fet0610 11413419.4.Stfi co. ; Drs r ndlTilornes a . a er Travel eiMpe; a hyl PBI lilinio ,JJA Spoilt; x.Euriatal lee el t ph, rn th f, r rI or; pforthrr otos;-, r C poo rJphn c YyJ1 n' i� uotee Lid ; qn ;yr!!; Viotti; PO,cea ,Wayttai ,flprp :n + ya,e rta,Yt... . ul on; •�pwttry. ePejeseferaiebee wt.,,$oo al or1�(V�arite r; eete Oen Ltd., ijn, xlet . T Fspprt. pafl Qpiothy-0l pys, 1