HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-02, Page 5THE BLUE FRONT STORE, , WINGHAM. *• BRAND FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN May Days Are Here. The gladdest season of the year, Nature is no spendthrift. But she dons a new g irb every season. What about your new suit? 20th CENTURY BRAND. Is the kind you would appreciate, we can give any man a perfect fit, either from stock or by speci it measure, and besides ht, we give correct style, the best of tailoring and "Fads it you want thein." 2' Clothing Leaders. Men's Tweed Suits in ap!eradid range of patterns, well made and trimmed, all sizes L'hey are very bpeuial at • - $8.00 Men's Stylish Feeley Worsted and Tweed Suits, latest cat, new- est ehadee and patterns, single and boable breasted, all tutees, special at - 810.00 Special in Men's Shirts and Boys' Knickers. 3 doz. Men's Working Shirts, black and white and navy and white, made of rook -fast drill, good wearing quality, sizes 14 to 17i2, regular 60o, special price 3714c 1 doz only Boys' Corduroy Knickers, lined, sizes 22 to 29, while they last - - 3734c t'NE WINGHAM TIMES MAY 2. 1907. wIRITscr#Uii VB. Farmers are busy with the seeding Oensiderable wire tome has been built this year. The creamery will commence opera• tione next Monday. The Midses Chive have moved to Wingbam this week Mr. E Phillips has moved to Auburn. He bas been our blacksmith for cam- ber of years. We understand that Dr. Jamieson has - pnrohased Mr Taos. Kew'd house. ear Kew moved to Wiugham last week. Next Sunday morning, in the Presby- tt.riau Oh eruh, the pastor, Rev G P. Dunoao, will preaoh on "Giving." The quarterly meeting of the Bethel Methounit Church was held; on Suuday - morning last. The sermon was preaoh- ed by Rev R W ItIillyard, of Luoknow, and there was a large attendance at the service. The Misses Clow have le t the village and taken up their residence in Wing - ham d'ney will be greatly missed in Whiteohureh, Miss Arnie Clow wits tor some time President cf the W, F. M, Society Rev R W Atillyard, of Lucknow preached in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening. taking hie text from St John 12:82. It was a splendid die- course and was listened to atteutively by the large number present, The service in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening will be devoted to the Suuday sehool. Mrs Onyler, the Superintendent, will read the report and give an address. Rev Mr Finlay will also deliver au address. BLTTB Blyth L. 0 L , No 963 is making ar- rangements for the 12th of July cele- bration to be held is this town. The family of H. Bradford has moved to town and are settled in their new home recently purchased from Mrs. R. R. Douglas. Mr. T. W. Scott, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton, has teen granted a six months' leave of absence owing to i11 health. Mr. Scott will visit for a time with relatives and friends near London. Daring the past week L, Hill, our local contractor and millman, bas been getting ready for the erection of his new factory which he is to ereot this sum- mer, The foundation on the south side is nearly laid. n = y�y Blue Pills No Longer Used. We sell the Star Shirts, American Collars, Men's When the stomach needs cleansing, the bowels increased activity, the liber Fine Wool and Balbriggan U nderwear, The newest styles ddttional power, don't use meroural in Hard and Soft Hats. A fine range of Spring Caps. pine, try Dr Hamilton's Vegetable in composition, extremely mild, yet sure to flush out all impurities and waste, no remedy is sd well adapted for family use. Positively a cure for biliousness and sick headaohe, unfailing in ooneti- petion and bowel trouble, exceptionally good for indigestion, no medicine is so universally needed in every home as Dr Hamilton's Pills. Good for the young, the old, the sick and the well ones, the benefits of Dr•Ramilton's Pills are mani- fold. Sold everywhere in 25o boxes. EGGS rA AKEN AS CASH. c jjU-: CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS t1OKB,)S, Mrs Bennett, of Detroit, has been vis- iting her father, James Clennan, 7th line. Mrs Burke, who has been keep- ing hone ' for Mr. Clennan for some time, will accompany her father to De trait where her home is. Recently R. J. Soott, 6th line, dispos- ed of four horses to a Seaforth buyer for the tidy sum of $1,225. He received $900 for 3 of them the last one reaohi'ig $1325. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well is an old adtage. Mr Scott evidently believes in it. Tuesday afternoon of last week Jas. Clennan, an old and well known resi• dent of the 7th line, held an auction sale of farm stook, implements &c., as he has decided to cease from active farm- ing. The farm has been leased to Mc- Lean Bros., of the same line, who are now in possession. Mr Clennan will make his home in Detroit where he has three daughters and a son. He has been a resident of Morris township over ISO years, his father taking up this farm in the pioneer days. GREY. Miss Julia A., eldest daughter of Mr. L. Frain, of the 3rd concession, was married on Wednesday so Mr. Jas. W. Hogg, of Milverton, James aloLauohlin, of Langdon, North Dakota, and Wm, Campbell, of Cypress River, Manitoba, both former residents of Grey township, are here on a visit combining business and pleaenre. They expect to take back a bad of horses. The people of this community were shocked to hear of the sudden demise of Mrs. Geo. Robertson on Monday, April 15th, she having been in her usual health the previous day. She was united in marriage to her now bereft partner over three years ago and leaves besides her sorrowing friends an infant son to be oared for. She was a loving„ faithful, energetio wife and will be greatly mis- sed among her relative and friends on account of her amiable disposition. An application will be made to the At- torney -General to issue liquor licenses in the town of Midland. CULROSS. Mr. Joseph Moir, ex -Reeve, who was confined to his home for some time through illness is able to be around again. The wedding at the R. C. Church, Teeswater, Wednesday lnorniug, April 24th, was in connection with the mar- riage of Mr. Edward King and Miss Kate Kelly, both of Cniross, The groom's home is on the 2nd line west, . and the bride is a daughter of Mr. Wm. Kelly of the same line east. Father Corcoran performed the ceremony. '1 he bride was accompanied by her. sister, Miss Aggie Kelly, and the goom was support- ed by his brother, Mr. Patrick King. The coal miners of the West have made an agreement wit h the operators. The Government may refuse to grant licenses in muntoip alities where looal option by-laws are upset on technicali- ties. Mr. Frederick G. Cox, Vice -President of the Central Canada Loan & Savings Company, and second son of Hon. Sen- ator Cox, passed away at his home in Toronto on Monday. R T.f, r,.,.-fi [[K'S RG Axle Grease, regular 10 cents a box, now 6 boxes Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7.00, at at Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7,00, Daisy Churn, No. 2, regular $6.5o, tor - Daisy Churn, No. 3, regular $7.00, for for .25 • 5.50 5.50 $5.50 b.75 Large assortment of SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS. Woodyaft Lawn Mowers Isar all sizes. Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams', Robertson's and Beaver Ready -Mixed Paints. Church's Alabastine. White Lead and Linseed Oils. CARPET FELT AND CARPET WHIPS FOR HOUSECLEANING. If you intend building, it will pay you to call and get prices, at Young's Big Hardware. 4 0 i 01000.000000000000.00.00000000 Scott'.' Emulsion strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. 400 ALL DRUGGISTS; 500. AND $1.00. 4.0"0/000000040/41000000060.3 BRUSSELS. Walser Lowry' hag invested in a well b ed Chestnut ooaoh a,tellion. He par• chased it at A1eaford, Grey Oo. Simon Grant has burned the 'brush frnrn the poplar trees be not down around Victoria Park and diff a tidy j'>b. It makes quite an improvement. Mrs W H Kerr has been under the doctor'', care owing to an attack of pneumonia. The members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, Brnsselg, will attend eervioe iu St Johu'e chnrch on Sanday, May 5th, at 7 p.m. Rev Mr. Lang Ford will preach the annual sermon. Jno 0 Little, who was recently mov- ed from Brnsselg to Durham in the Standard Bank, has been appointed tel. ler, at Bloomfield, Oat , where Harris Hamilton, formerly well known here, is the local manager. Why Chest Colds are Dangerous. They lead to pleurisy and pneumonia. Follow the advice of W. H. Powles of Powle's Corners, Ont., who says: "I used to be subject to attacks and al- though I used most everything nothing relieved quickly till I discovered Nervi - line. I have used it for pleurisy and sure chest and found it just the proper thing For Lumbago or Neuralgia it's quick as lightning.. I cheerfully recom- mend Nerviline." Strongest, cleanest, most pain destroying liniment cm earth is Polspn's Nerviline, 25c bottles sold everywhere, JAME TOWN. Frank Lattimore ie working in Brus- sels at the salt works. Wm. itIacDonald and two lady friends spent Sunday with friends in Moles- worth. Mrs. Aroh. Robertson has returned home after visiting at the home of her sons, MacDonald brothers. Rev. Mr. West, of Bluevale conduct- ed the service in Vietpria Hall last Sab- bath evening. Mr. Jno. McAllister will preach next Sabbath evening. Geo. Hamilton goes to work with Mr. Johnston drawing cream for the Blue - vale ouster, factory for the season. He begins work this week. Jas. Strachan, who was home for a short time after the Dental College exams, has returned to Toronto where he will be engaged in practical work far it time. Wednesday of last week an old and highly respected resident of this com- tiunity passed away in the person of George 11. Rattan. He was in his 91st year. Wm.MoKelvey has disposed of his 100 acre farm on 2nd coo. of Grey, to Frank Wright, jr., Morhisbank. We have not heard as yet where Mr. Mc- Kelvey will remove to but his health has been so poor he was compelled to take a rest. Joseph Ooombes, who is a well-known resident of this locality, and was dan- gerously Otos able to be abour, once • more we are pleased to state. He was ' 75 years of age Monday, April 22nd, bat is wonderfully spry for a man of his years. Mrs. Coomber, who has been an invalid for some time, does not change very mnoh for the better but we hope she will continue to gain. She will be 77 yoare old next July. EAST \VAWANOSSIi, Mrs Geo Naylor, sr., who has been in bed all week with pneumonia is, at pre- sent doing nicely and she expects to be around again in a few days. A very enjoyable "taffy -pull was giv- en at Robert Harrison's of the 6th line, on Wednesday night, April 17th. In- stead of having it in the bush this year it was held in the house, as the night was rather coldeand the air chilly. While the ladies were preparing the taffy an impromptu debate was given by the gentlemen on the subject, "Resolved, that the taffy was better in the house that night than in the bash." With the delicious smell of the sweet liquid, which was being rapidly reduced to the right thickness, all around them, it was little wonder that some of the speakers distinguished themselves by the evidence of their oratorical ability. After the judges' decision, which was given in' favor df the house, all were served with a good supply of the maple taffy. The remainder of the evening was pleasant- ly ',pent in games and vocal and instru- mental music. The following is the standing of the pupils of S S. No. 11, East Wawanoeh, for month of April ; — Sr. 1V—Birdie Robertson, James Cur- rie, Mary Ferguson, Herson Irwin, Lonelia Shiell. Jr. IV—Adam McBurney, Edna Mo• Neil, Sr. III ---Bernice Shiell, Pearl Auld, Roselle McNeil. Jr. III—Milton MoBarney, Edna Robertson. Sr. II—Mary Currie, May MoBurney, Russel Walker, Intermed II—Charlie Shiell, Eddie McBnrney, Anna May Doyle. Jr. II --Sandy Young, Willie Fitzpat- rick, May Shiell, Christie Robertson, Sr. I—Ella MoBurney. Willie Young, Rhea Carrie, Flora MoNeil. Jr, I --Della Doyle, Johnnie MoBar• nay, Phemia MoNeil, Rena Deacon, Alba Walker. Names in order of merit. ayhvIA Seat., Teacher. Connell met at Belgrave on April 26th pursuant to adjournment; members all present. The minutes of last meeting, on motion of Messrs. Parks and Taylor, (with the exception of a ohange in statute labor 'Male, as outlined in min• atom of March 22nd last) read and passed. Resolved, that the following scale for the performance of statute labor for 190Y be adopted, vis: ---Assessed np to $500.1 day's work; from $500 to $1000, 2 days work; from $1000 to $2200, 3 day's work; teen $2200 to $3400. 4 day's work; from $3400 to $1600, 6 day's wor., ; and for every other $1200 assessment, or any fraotionat part thereof, one addition- al day. By-law No 7, 1907, nmpowertng the trustees rf tl e new Union school sec tion 17, Fast Wawanoeh and Morris to issue debentures by way of loan for the snm of $1600 for a tern of ten raw'', for the purpose of building a naw school house, and for renovating and improv- ing the grounds of Raid sohonl section generally, duly read and passed. The treasurer reported cash on hand at date, $690 95, On mntir,n of Coons Gillespie and Parks, the following accounts were or- dered to be paid: --Edgar Pattison, re pairing culvert at lot 35, oon. 12. $3 00; Fred Rath, repairing culvert at lot 42, con. 4 $4 50; George Potter, repairing culvert at lot 41, non. 1, 16 00; (East Wawanosh share) ; Alex N Leishman, 2655 feet elm plank, $66 62 Moved by Mr. Cumming, sec. by Mr. Gillespie—that the oonnoil now adjourn to meet again at Belgrave as a Court of Revision and appeal on Monday. 27th of May next, at 10 o'clock a m., and also for ordinary municipal business ALEx. PORTERFIELD, clerk. PEEVISH AND CROSS• ' Peevish, cross babies are sick babies— the well baby is always happy. Par- kaps there may be nothing to indieat' just what 18 the matter, but you may depend upon it there is something troubling the little one or he would not be cross, A few doses of Batyy"s Own Tablets will remove the pan 6d and make baby happy, They are certain cure for the minor file of bab hood. Thons- ands of mothers It ep them continually against the sodden in the house to gn _ illness of baby. A tablet now and again will keep the little one well, Mrs Jas Jewers,,Beaver Harbor, N S , says: "I have given Baby's Owri Tablets to my baby as occasion required since she was a /lay old. They have always helped her, and now at a year and a half old she is it fine healthy child, The tablets, I think, are indispensable to mothers of young children," Sold by druggists or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brookville,Ont, MORRIS. Tne following Pathmasters have been appointed for the current year : —North Boundary—Wm Henderson, W. J. Henderson, P Fowler, Jno McCracken, Geo McDonald, Jno Messer, N. Tooru- ton, R Messer and P Moffatt. lot Lute —D W Campbell, J D edoEwan, D H Campbell, Jno Spence, A MoEwan, Wm Thornton, John Johnston and R Miller. 2nd Lino—Wm Findlater, Jno Pardue, L Jewitt, J Sellars, W Turvey, Jno Mustard, C Forrest and L Eokmi r. 3rd Line—R Maguire, ;no Hopper, O Garnies, Wm Knox, Jae Hawthorne, 0 Campbell, J D Sellars, W Farrow and 3 Ireland, 4th Line—W Corbett, W C Proctor, Witt Stubbs, J Nicholson,. C Wheeler, Wm McCracken, Ed Brewer, James Sherrie and A Crooks 5th Line —J H Vanoamn, 5 Irvine, Wm Watson, J Clark, A McNeil. T Clark, Wm Cook, Wm Keys, M Cardiff and Jno Manning. 6th Line—Geo Armstrong, Jae Kelly, R Young, T Russell, Jno Douglas, Jas Kernaghan, J Smith, F McCatcheon and Wm Thuell 7th Line—Wm Tay- lor, Jno Phalen, Jno Craig, Geo Pierce, Thos Pierce, A Howlett, Gee Readman, R Bewley and F Smith. 8th Line—H Fear, D Laidlaw,Jes Scott, Jno McCall, Win Phelan, Juo Oolchongh, Geo Jack- son, G McCallum, Jan Bell and A Knight. 9th Line--Jno Potter. F Long- man, C Ta) lor, A Taylor, J W Short - reed, D Laidlaw, T McCall, P McArthur Wm A McCall and T Marshall. South Boundary—Geo Grigg. East Boundary - A Bryans, W Yonill, Wm Dark and 0 Pollard. West Boundary—J Golley, J Taylor, W C Grasby and D Denholm. Walton—T Waghorn. Belgrave— W J Geddes. W. CLARE, Clerk, W ROXETER. Oddfellows were here on Sunday from Winghem, Listowel, Brussels, Teeswater and Clifford, attending the anniversary service with their Wroxeter brethren. See account of auniversary in another column. Mr. C. 0. Stnart came up ,from To- ronto and spent Sunday with his family in the village. The extending of the Gofton House license for only three months has been the topic for discussion in the village for some days. Wroxeter will feels he loss of this hotel• if the license is not again Established zS7 9 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not scent more eti'ertiv" tbreathe in a remedy to core disease of the bre tthing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach' It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving lwalonged and constant treat. meet. It is Invaluable to mothers with small Thoseofaronsumptive f icrtchildren.dency find inmediote ' eto react from cout+lis or into - Ihroamt. Aacd caadiiiouc of ti e Said by dnyeites. Send postal toeboaklet. Lttematt :, Altt.aa Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. -o7 Os" i 8 r 1 Now Idea Agent fax °P THE THE LEADING STORE ngter: 11. E. Isard ak Go. I MI a Ste' 4471 tew� few " y Carpets, Linoleum, Oilcloth, Everything in Floor Coverings, Our large Carpet and Housefurnishings Department on Second Floor is ready for the house furnishers' busy time. GREAT ASSORTMENT Floor Oilcloths, new patterns and colorings, all widths, per sq. yd .25 -, BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY - Forty-seven rille nt Brussels and Tapestry Oarpets, fine variety ' of patterns, Prices are, per yard, from - .25 to $1.00' _ Twenty-nine rolis of Wool and Union Carpets, bought right at the mill. Oar prioes are the lowest. D 0 ART SQUARES We have a complete range of Rugs and Art Squares, in the dif- ferent sizes. Prides begin at - - - - $5.00 ROLLER BLINDS-1?sard's Extra Special Blind, Complete, in green or cream, only • - - - - - .35 New patterns in Lacs• Finished Blinds, mounted on ro.lera, two colors, size 3 x 6, price only .50 LACE CURTAINS—If when housecleaning you find you. need new Leos Ourtaics to brighten np the home, visit our Cur- tain Department Here yon will find a wealth of choice. Remember we import our Lexie Carcains, thereby doing away with the middlemen's profit, so von can depend on Raving money baying enmities here Prices begin at .2' See our leader, 31a, yards long, at - - - 1.00 PHONE 68. WINGHAM. Lan Lin. -a N ` gar;aioutir.i"mod.w.di ualil akiro.oiuk.uouu...auut JmC armr. .11111111111.11111111111111 renewed at the end of the three months. Landlord Currie has kept a good house and he has a clean record as a hotel. keeper. No doubt if a speoial census were taken, Wroxeter would show enough population for the two hotels and if this be shown and the stables in contention with this house put in proper' repair, the license will be extended. In our way of thinking the cutting off of the one license will not decrease the sale of liquor. At the meeting of the Quarterly Of- fioial Board held last Monday the fol- lowing resolution was carried bye, u uani - mous standing vote:— "Whereas we learn that onr pastor, Rev Mr Osterhout is soon to leave onr circuit. And where- as, as a result of his peepit ministry, which has been of a very high order, his faithtul pastoral work, and his tact- ful and resourceful ministry, the circuit has made marked advancement, reach- ing the highest position that it has at- tained for a number of years. There- fore be it resolved that we, the members of the Quarterly Oficial Board of the Wroxeter circuit desire to place on re• cord our high appreaoiation of our past• or and his faithful and devoted wife. We wish them abnudaot and continued enecee9 in the ,taster's work. Daring his three years pastorate, notwithstand- ing the fact that there have been a large number of remnvalo, the membership has inorea•ed from 152 to 188, The salary has increased $200 and the mis- sionary and other connectional funds have increased acoordingly. Nearly $900 has been spent in property improve- ments all of which has been paid." Doctor8Change their Methods Years ago they fought catarrh by in- ternal dosing. They saw this ruined the stomach and changed to the ozonat- ed air ours, better known as "Oatarrho- zagle." This treatment ie sure to onre. It goes to the source of the disease; it: destroys the oauses that maintain ca- tarrh and even in the worst oases per- manent o ire is guaranteed. Failure with Catarrhozoae is impossible. Anti- septic, healing and far-reaohing, it's bound to ours every time. Endorsed by more than twenty thousand physicians in America alone and sold in 253 and 31 00 sizes by all dealers. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 oyal grocery. Remember Broom Corn has advanced to double the last year. Our Brooms Purchased three months ago still selling at Try one for 25 Con's. 4- 4- 4- 4-4. + + + + price it was the old price. +_ At G IFFIN'S. ,e+++++++++++4++++++++++++4 + + + + + +4++++++++++++4 Heatinis Stoves AT COST FOR CASH In order to reduce our stock of Coal and Wood Heating Stoves we are offering some exoellent inducements. When yon see the goods and learn the prices you will be convineod that it will be money well spent to buy now. See what we have before pnrchasing elsewhere. We can save you money t Sap Philo, .Milk Pails, etc., Ail .hand. Bugg Som STONE BLOM WINGi'TAiM.