HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-05-10, Page 151 THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR. MAY 10 1989 14. tATITiCLES FOR SALE 14. 'ARTICLES FOR SALE 22- WANTED 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE 1-28. 'PROPERTY FOR SALE 15A BOX TYPE trailer, new tires new lights Phone 522-0196 atter 6 14-19-x 1 CASES OF EVERFRESH JUICE. both 175 mL and 300 mL servings in many flavors Con• tact any member of Seaforth GM Guide Move- ment or Joyce Ribey Proceeds to SEAFORTH GIRL GUIDE MOVEMENT 14-19-1 TWO BLUE Raleigh 5 speed bikes 26" frame one man's one lady's Phone 522-0276 14.19-x' GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners • Get the best selection and prices In Canada plus tree shipping program Buy from the same source as local stores Free catalogue Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St Vancouver B.0 V6B 3N9 (604) 682-6636 14-19-bc SOLA BALLAST Pro Ark and Sylvania Lamps Hydroponic kits and books plus much much more Send $2 for catalogue Greenhouse and hydroponic Store 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont N5W 5W7 (519) 452-3919 14-19,bc BEST BUILDING BUYS - Compare - Com- plete Commercial Quality straightwalls 40 x 64 x 15 $8840 (Not quonset type) similar savings on various - limited steel - Serious buyers only PARAGON 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours) 14-19-bc TOLEDO ELECTRONIC Scale 30 Ib, capacity electric pallet lifter. stainless steel freezer dos' and frame Opn to otters Phone 524-9211 9-6 pm or 524-4240 atter 6 pm 14-16-ttn HONDA ATC, Big Red, only used In parades. 52,000.00. Phone 522.0178 14-18x2 NOW IN STOCK 7 PLANTS Strawberry Raspberry (Red, Black, Yellow) Japanese Wineberry Tayberry Blueberry Gooseberry Currants (Red and Black): Grapes ROOTS Asparagus Rhubarb TREES Apple Cherry Peach Pear Nectarine WANTED - Pasture for 6 yearling heifers for the summer Phone 345-2065 22-18-2 23. REAL ESTATE FISHING LODGE - 4 fully equipped modern cottages, 8 boats,`8 motors, main lodge with restaurant kitchen. dining room. lounge. fami- ly quarters 35 ft service boat (705) 841 1045 24-19-bc YOUTHS 3 piece navy suit. waist 33". Inseam 28' , also youths 33" Baintons brown leather IacKet zip -out tur lining worn twice. both very reasonable. New picnic table fully assembled 550. Phone 527-1876 14-19.1 MIKE SPENSER and Nicorette Hollander are looking t0 move to the Seaforth area this sum• mer Nlcolette will be teaching en Walton Public School in September We are looking for 10-40 acres of land, preferably bush tor about 527.000 If you have anything available please contact Mike Spenser at 821-9235 In Guelph 23-19-1 VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 taws 5t., Clinton 482-9333 Canada ada Trust Reactor The Canada Trust Company This is the one you have been looking for! Just on the edge of Egmondville, close to golf and mother nature, renovated 3 bedroom with possi- ble lot to sell, check out price, call Canada Trust first. MLS9-498R John Segeren Ree. - 393-6638 Office - Mitchell 3464734 Stratford 273-3350 145 Ontario St. Stratford 23. REAL ESTATE 50 ACRE farm -frame house implement shed 'Hensel! area Phone 522-0458 after 24 17-4 ti e MODERN PROFESSIONAL OFFICE or Albert St Clinton Available June 1st $400 0( per month includes all utilities Cal' 482.9210 2e 18-1, '- PROPERTY FO; RENT 1 1 REAL ESTATC= LTb. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 13 1:00 p.fl1. to 2:00 p.m. 4O 1 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment Available March 1 Phone 527-0877 Also two bedroom apart ment Available April 1st Nc pets References Phone 527-0877 26-18-1' SPACIOUS one bedroom apartments it ton Rent includes heat hydro fridge stove and shared washer and dryer Availahle im• mediately Call Liz or Pat 482-3981 26-18-tt 23. RE, L. ESTATE NORTH MAIN - 1764 sq. ft. ranch style home, master bedroom with ensuite, gas heat, main floor laundry, maintenance free exterior. Hardy KIWI vines tor sale. Plant these unique vines and harvest exotic tasting fruit. For tree catalogue write: Paul Klassen, RR 3. Niven Rd.. Niagara -on -the -Lake, LOS 1J0 14-19-bc MAUREEN WILDFONG 527-1577 8 Main Street, Seaforth "SUDDEitILY IT'S SOLD" BAILEY fr R!EALESTA•TE•LTD. STEEL BUILDINGS Clearance Sale - Quonset 19 x 9 x 24 $2,149: 40 x 14 x 50 55,699: 50 x 17 x 60 58.499: with Endwall and andwall with sliding doors Straightwall 30 x 10 x 30 $4.399: 40 x 12 x 45 56,799: Wood steel with endwalts Limited otter Call Pioneer/Econospan 1-800.668-5422 (24 hours) 14-19-bc ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching Back? Stift Joints', Sleeping Hands? "BEULAH OIL" helps!' Send 51 for brochure/information• Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man. R1 N 3C5. 14-19-bc STEEL BUILDINGS. Beat the price increase. we have a limited amount of steel lett over at the old price. Let us make you the building of your choice and save thousands, Call Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. 14-1943c 15. RV'S FOR SALE OPEN ROUSE Friday, May 12. 1989 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. tiered backyard to river. Must be seer: Taxes 5622. in 1988, Turn west onto Front SI. lust betore Egmond- ville bridge. 3rd on let: 1981 FRONTIER truck camper comes with propane fridge, stove and furnace, mounting and tie down hardware, sleeps 4; 4 hydraulic corner posts for easy on/off access. Phone 482-8223 15-19-1 ' HARDTOP TENT trailer in good condition Asking 5800 or best offer. Sleeps 6, fridge, stove and furnace. Phone 527-0746, 15-19-2 GRANDPA'S TOY 1988 Suzuki Cavalcade Touring Motorcy- cle,.electronlc cruise, 1400:coahan drive, AMIFM :casastte stereo, ,air adluatablo ahocka &.pilssengerasrd. Newer prsmlum rubber. Serviced -ready to go. $8495. CALL GRANDPA at 236-7142 MAKE AN OFFER: Vendor's have purchas- ed another house. Come see this clean, well kept, 11/2,etorsyframe. home ..3.bedrooms . many possibilities for a house like this. Taxes were *322.81 in 1988. Survey is available -Brick shed & more. Call Sharon Medd 527-0580 COUNTRY DREAM: Minutes from Seaforth Large beautiful brick ranch style home with attached garage. 4 bedrooms, 31' x 26' rec room with wet bar & fireplace, office apace, drilled artesian well, air conditioning, central vac and much more NEWLY LISTED: Affordable 3 or 4 bedroom home, low taxes, 11/2 storey frame home Ideal starter home. Listed 453,000 CLOSE TO UPTOW & SCHOOLS: 11/2 storey vinyl side t t. 3 bedrooms, main floor laundry, farrifly room. Lleted *49,000.00 FULLY RESTORED 11/2 storey brick home on'101/2 acres with barn & shed. Located on paved road Serving Western Ontario With All Sharon Medd (Seaforth) 8111 Steenetra Aileen Craig NEWLY LISTED: 2 •semi-detached 4 bedroom units in 1 parcel, 3 floors of usable .living space In both unites -8 yr. old furnace,• mostly new windows & much more NEWLY LISTED: 11/2 storey John Mansfield sided home, 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, double attaohed garage featured on lot 105' x 1431/2'. Listed *69,000,00 NEWLY LISTED: Qesemercial property building 29' x 5E1epbe yours tor only *15,000.00 DREAM COME TRUE: New ranch style home with all the amenities plus more, too many to list, nothing else like it in town. Call Sharon Medd 527-0660 tor more details COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Downtown Clin- ton, 2 retail storea,2 offices,' apartment plus space tor more Present gross income *27,300 Your Real Estate Needs Since 1953 Peter Domaine 8111 Shackleton Clinton Office 11 Vlotoris St. TRAILERS •'MOT.OR•HOMES 6th Whole, Hard Tops, NEW & USED .:Crjrrs,eruis Hltohec, Truck Gape SALES • RENTALS • REPAIRS m Wwlwoa CAMP -OUT TRAILERS 393-5938 Hwy. 8 1.MIle West of Stratford 16. MOBILE HOMES .1......; i. WORKMAN REAL :ESTATE L.TD. REPRESENTATIVES HENRY tiME a27-8438 NEIL 11401104GL 527-0089 NEW LISTIN 3 bedroom brick cottage style home. Beautifully located beside Munn's Bush. Full. basement & carpe-' are some of this home's features. PRICE REDUCED: Nov. $127.000.00 tor this quality built 3 bedroom brick, 1 year old home on N; Main S1. Very impressive. NEW LISTING: 135 James St, A beautiful 4 bedroom 2 storey -home with main floor fami- ly room, formal dining room, high efficient gds heat and more. all on 2 full well treed lots. 5120,000.00 NEW LISTING: McKillop Twp. 3 acres with 4 year old, 4 bedroom split level home. 9 stall horse born, on paved rood. $144,00040. 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with full - finished basement, carport nice area. 5115,000.00 DAIRY FARM near Seaforth 100 acres with quota GODERICH ET. ve. We're offering this beautiful 3 bedroom home at 594,500.00 with many features including -on inground pool. INCOME PROPERTY: Goderlch 51, W. 1000 sq. ft. commercial plus 3 fine apts. Totol income over 525.600.00. Excellent investment opportunity 3 BEDROOM brick split level, full finished basement, carport, nice location. $110,000.00. KINBURN: 2 bedroom frame home, 'er acre tot, fine starter home. $40,000.00, .tOMONDVILL8: Prime building lot. 516,000.00. 31 ACRE HOBBY PARM: With trout ponds. horse born modern 3 bedroom ranch home. Close to pavement. 5145,000.00 EOMONDVILIA;' rcil treed building lots. $25,000.00. `J�.l�.0111.1,0,0 166•ACRES: In McKillop. Vendor says sell. 150 workable. newer 3 bedroom home, double frame born & much more. Coll now OODERICH ST. W.: This beautiful 4 bedroom home Is on a commercial lot, has a large modern kitchen, ornate woodwork with French doors, fireplace, garoge, full basement and is priced of only 562,500.00. 2 RESIDENTIAL LOTS in good area. 60' x 148 each. BEAUTIFUL: 3 level split on well treed 1 acre lot. 1200 sq. ft. shop. Must be seas. BUILDING LOTS: We hove a very good soles - tion of lots in Seaforth, Egmondville and area. Call for your choice. AREA FARMS: We hove many area forms and country homes available. Coll for your choice of a good selection. Mason Bee bey 4F12-9357 ) BROKER (24 Hour Servicer Gordon HiOE 233-3307 SALES REPRESENTATIVE SD ACRES - Farm near Auburn. good frame home lots of buildings idea' to• par,.time forming or horses COUNTRY VIEW - TOWI'i SERVICES - 2 stores . home with 2 extra. lots double detached garage. 309 Albert Street Clinton iRRUCEFIELD - Very modern brick bungalow on spacious corner hat Many extras include stonefireplace covered patio satellite dish with 45' TA,. and much much more .CLINTON • 1'4 floor frame home' Ontario Street Large hot low price MYTH - Unique one -of -a -kind converted railway station. 3 bedrooms 2 baths large workshop 1 4. acre nicely treed lot BRICK BUNGALOW • ,King Street Blyth fireplace attached garage finisned base mens. paved dovelike new 25 ACRES - Har t.s,busn Morris. Township. . ��'" 000.asELS - Commerci" with apart mens above !� National Realty inc. 8 Huron St., P.O. Box 1060 Clinton 482-3981 tit rr1, 1; ,gyp resat, I CLINTON: Close to uptown, brlcll4 bedroom home with attached double car garage and inground pool, large kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 bathrooms, family room, rec room with bar in base- ment, gas furnace, attractively decorated and carpet throughout, fireplace, gas barbecue, ell on 82' x 108' lot. Call Pat 233.8911. n s" REAL ESTATE LTD, FOR SALE - 50 x 12 house trailer, two bedroom. Phone 522-1671• 16-17-3 MOBILE HOME for sale, 52' x 12'. •2 bedrooms. Phone 527-2328. 16-18x2 19. PETS SIAMESE KiTIENS for sale.'5100.00. Phone 529.7a62.18-184tnxe NINE WEEK OLD friendly lovable puppies ready for good homes. Mother medium size dog :and .good ,with children. .Must be.aeen to be appreciated. Please contact 345-2534 for further details 19-19-x1 '21.WANTED 'TO OI'W ANTIQUE :glass,paperweights,and •other,anti- ques. ;$$$,call Steve ,527-.0211-Fridayaven- ingsocwaekends. 21.37+x52 WANTE0 Etunklliedsrilltg conditlon..Alao a•goodtusedffddger•Phone:527 108..21.7.9 -xi NT hits •sarapertladetan,-,rgtary -mower, ,must 1be •,rgapandille,.4anytcondItion •considers& heinet527,4167,41fetU9. ;t'214»•1 Seaforth Office: 5271577 8 Main Street, Seaforth NEW LISTING • Vacant building lot in Golf Course area. Excellentbuilding. site. GODERICH ST. • 6,unit, 21/2 storey brick home .wlth:potential for 2 more units in at. tic, One of a kind property. LOUISA STREET • One floor, 3 bedroom home with -attached -carport. Nicearea,dose to schools EGMONDVILLE - 'Tudor style home, fireplace,-ecntral.vac, 2V2.batbs,.heat pump, double ,lot.. 1.83 ACRES - Completely renovated: home, family roomipluscuetom,desigaed,kitchen, 21/2 ,bathe„ I.ormal dialog. EAST WILLIAM ST. New.oneiloor:brfck home, 3 ,epaeiaus.,bedrooms, ,laundry on -main floor„attaohed;.garrgeeExceUentloca- tion •close to.echools.&,uptown. 2 COMMERCIAL ;9u1LDINGs - ,Main Streetdocations. f-,,'alL, or;details. IMPRESSIVE c$BMMAI•ENT :ENTRY reteleirbgme;feertIT E r3beiliN inerleMile , goiuriOen,dnRrldryrslrlcaritleSeehedAntlble 18aSRIP3r4Pitxazl Be,ld19100ea 6-eird e EGMONDVILL ed home In floor laua• price '55+ ey moderniz- sphere, main of. Well treed. List ST. COLU-MBAs: - home, Crop - • main, gam::., double gars: ranch style ily seamen room. Attached E I'M a DVIIIIR • Cookint befit 3 bedroom xaneh,etyle home,,gas,beat,enain •floor Aeupdry,.,open,poreh,at.58ar •,Attapb• .ed,gairego,,;paved•drive. Situated; on: nicely landscaped, ;large lot. YiVT,ffROP • ir' emer,Ipelleoe oma, :3rd be leeent AriseAl*y rl•r a )kept ,home.'t$itgatsd Aa f ti3 :t`cop},oupi y Us' depth. 'Oetgched; game. Sua£9rth ;St -Clinton 1ep&e$eltat'iVfeS Maureen tWil(lffang A82,1234 4. Other 'Moos Mitchell -off* aayfield-Offa e 4Wingbilrrr0 348'0355 13,5111AV TOHigh Street, 4 bedroom aluminum and brick split level home, kit- chen, dining end living rooms, rec room in lower level with woodburning stove, fulllaundry area,and.atorage on bottom floor. Single car attached garage with .paveddrlve. Well landscaped lot. Call Liz 4827944. STANLEY TWP.: 10 acres on paved location with 2 storey 6 bedroom brick home, kitchen and large dining area,dlving room,.porch at front and side of home, cony. bank barn, shed with 2 horse stalls, new fences. Call Bruce 233.3120. S. 'MAITLAND RIVER: 10 .acres with bush, river and aplit level 3 bedroom home. 2 fireplaces, combo wgodIGll•he8t, large abed as well as dou- ble car garage with heated workshop. Very:Private. Call Pat 233-9911. -DASHWQOD AREA: 100 acres ,with•96.workeble, no buildings *1400.00 per acre. Call Bruce 233-3120. ;aAYFI;ELD: 8 yr. old Brick .Bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 1-4 pc, bath, at- ,gched single or .garage with paved , Ifrivo,.wplltreed. Drilled well and septic , rA-YAtpm• Gail P 233,9911. :6AYF.IELD: Gpkne St. 117' x 99' lot With 3,1a0090m13gargia0c18aitenhome, ,lfftchen, .Irving .and dining room, front ;ppech,,.aleetd¢h6at,plus,wpodatove, 290 , mPLARPI P,Ariled,Weltooptle.aystorn ASK . OUT QW INS QME,P ..RQiPERTIES faitrIORTI9nieelfeker 233.9911 J„Iz f1pplarolif1p. .482.7544 ry004101tI /011.4Re9.:flfl9• 233-3120 !ti