HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-05-10, Page 1414A - Tt#E HURON EXPOSITOR, 10, 11989 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1. COMING EVENTS BLYTH LIONS Dabber Bingo, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m Blyth and District Community Centre $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $1000.00 in prizes 1-1841 DABBER BINGO Vanastra Rec. Centre. Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m $1000.00 in prizes. Lucky Ball remains at $100.00. 1-1841 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo $2,500 prize money, $1,000 Jackpot to go, at Sanford Valley Hall every Thursday night. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p,m. 1-18-tf SPRING LAWN SALE, Sat., May 20, 7 a.m.. St. Thomas Anglican Church, comer of John and Jarvis St., Seatorth. Food, collectables and pie sale Proceeds to church restoration. 1-16-5 THE FAMILY OP Gordon and Helen Blakes in- vite you to help celebrate their parents' 40th wedding anniversary on Saturday, May 13th from 9-1 at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre, Brussels, Best wishes on- ly 1-17x-3 LEGION LADIES Auxiliary"Branch 156, are having a Smorgasbord for Mother's Day, Sun. May 14 at Seaforth Legion Hall, 5-7 p.m. Adults $8.00, Children $4.00, 12 and under. All you can eat. Everyone Welcome. Come and bring your mom for a Sunday'treat. 1-19-1 S.T.O. PERTH -HURON Superannuated Teachers of Ontario Spring meeting Tuesday, May 23, 1:30 p.m., Mitchell Public School. Speaker Pat Quigly. Stratford Festival. 1-19-2 SINGLES DANCE at White Carnation Hall, Holmvesille Saturday May 13. Music by "Tif- fin's". Dancing 9 to 1. 1-19-1 ON TUESDAY May 16, 1989, The Christian Heritage Party of Canada invites everyone to hear our national leader, Ed Vanwoudenberg at the Lucknow Community Centre 7:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m. 1-19-x1 SEAFORTH HORTICULTURAL Society Spr- ing garden tour and meeting POSTPONED till Wednesday, May 17, Car pool at Seaforth Public School at 6:15. 1-19-1 CANADA HEALTH DAY. Seaforth Community Hospital celebrates Canada Health Day by recognizing volunteers. To show our apprecia- tiomof the many volunteers providing service at the hospital, we are hosting a luncheon for them on Friday, May 12 from 11-1:004pm. All hospital . volunteers . and canvassers tare welcome. 1-19-1 . . COMMUNITY SHOWER for Laverne Nigh, Thursday, May 11 at 8 pm at Seaforth Orange Hall. Pantry Shower. Please bring a recipe. Everyone welcome. 1-19-1 PORK BARBECUE, Egmondville United Church, Wed., May 24, 5-7 p.m. Adults $7.50, Children $3.50, Pre-schoolers Free. Take- outs available. Tickets call Bill Durst 522-1455. 1-18-3 SEAFORTH Agricultural Society presents Lowdown, Friday, May 12 at Seaforth and District Community' Centres, Dancing 9 till 1. Advance tickets $10, at the door $12. Tickets available at Bob and Betty's or phone 522-1300, Age of majority. 1-19-1 BOOK SALE "Huron County's Largest Used Book Sale. Proceeds to Blyth Festival. Saturday, May 27, 9•- 5 p.m. and Sunday, May 28, 12 noon - 4 p.m. Books galore, bake sale, refreshments at Blyth Memorial Hall. New book corner. Children's story -telling at 2 p.m. each day. 1-19-3 FLEA MARKET For Vanastra Turn left at Hwy. 4, Red,Maple Inn. Furniture, appliances, produce, etc. SATURDAY, MAY 13 8 A.M.: 14. KELP WANTED TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses, job assistance, no experience required MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-800.265-3559 Cambridge and London 5.1841 A CREATIVE OPPORTUNITY! FOOD SPOT coordinator needed from June through mid- September. Serving light snacks and refreshments, Some cooking and bookkeep- ing required. Call or write Joel Harris, General Manager at the Blyth Festival, P.O. Box 10, Blyth, Ontario NOM 1H0 (519) 523-4345 5-18-2 WANTED TO HIRE an R.N.A. to work the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift on a permanent part-time basis. Phone 348-8861. 5-18-2 PART-TIME Hair Stylist Position available at All Styles II. Please apply in person or call 527-0780. 5-19-1 FULL TIME cook-waiter/waitress, maid re- quired for the Walton Inn. Call Annie at 887-9517. 5-19-1 PLANT EMPLOYMENT available for reliable workers, male or female. Apply at Durisol Materials Ltd., 218 St. George SL, Mitchell. 5-19-2 HIGHLY MOTIVATED and energetic person required for Seaforth Slender Concept Health Centre. Send resume to: Box 1096, Seaforth. Ont. NOK 1 W0, 5.19-1 OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying positions. Attractive benefits. All oc- cupations. Free details. Overseas Employ- ment Services, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7. 5-19-bc 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SALE $17,000 one set of seven toning tables in excellent condition. Originally $38,000 (902) 538-7588. Mrs. Craik, RR 1, Bentley Road, South Berwick, Nova Scotia. BOP 1E0 6-19-bc GRAVEL CRUSHING Business For Sale In Southern Saskatchewan. A going concern with like new equipment, 1987 1213 EI Jay cone crusher, Cat equipment, stockpiles and contracts. Phone (306) 773-7600. 6-19-bc AVON - We now have 3 ways to earn $$S with AVON: Cosmetics, Jewellery, Lingerie (small to XXL sizing). Free training. $10.00 starts your AVON business Call today, Sharon Stephenson, 887-6305 6-18-3 GROW For It! Raise Bailworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless. Low invest- ment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251. (705) 435-7463 Alliston Area, (705) 776-7084 North Bay Area 6-19-bc BE WEALTHY! If you're serious about your future, consider calling one of the Lastest growing companies in Canada. Our average salesperson makes $950 per week! If you're not successful with this job, you shouldn't be in sales! (416) 756-2111 or (416) 756-7746. 6-19-bc MAKE $200/Hr. Part time or Full time. Open your own STOP Smoking Laser Centre. Only. $5,000. Write: Lightlaser Technology Inc. 900,840 - 7th Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 3G2• 6-19-bc 6. "BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RESTAURANT, hotel, deli, bakery, butcher, grocery, submarine and pizza equipment for sale or lease. ARCTIC REFRIGERATION Store Fixtures, Est. 1945. Hamilton (416) 528-8528. Toronto - (416) 283-2600, Welland (416) 788-3433 6-19-bc 7. SITUATIONS WANTED SPRING IS HERE - Need a hand? We have equipment for most jobs. Lawn cutting, gar- bage removal, tree cutting, painting and cleaning Alt at excellent rates 527-2563. 7-17-3 B. CUSTOIVI WORK CUSTOM BALING, 14 x 18. Thrower and wagons available. Also cutting and raking Reasonable rates. Call for arrangements. 345-2434. 8-19-18 9. FARM STOCK PULLETS 20 weeks old, ready to lay May 19, place your order now by calling 522-1641, 9-18-2 WANTED PASTURE for 15 cows. Call coflect 1-229-8742 after 6 pm. 9-1 B-1 ALBERTA JOBS. Subscribe to Employment Update, a biweekly magazine listing current. employment and business opportunities in Alberta. $14/2 mths; $27/4 mths; $3916 mths. MCNISA (403) 381-7757 or send cheque to Employment Update, No. 200, 410 Stafford Drive South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 212. 5-19-bc COMMISSION Manufacturers Representative recycling machines. We need your skill to sell baling machines to all kinds of business that need to recycle. You .determine the commis- sion. We provide leads, territory, ,machines from stock and prompt payment of commis- sion. Send your resume to: Viking - Cives; Ltd. P.O. Box 1120, Mount Forest, Ontario. NOG 2L0. 5-19-bc E. HELP WANTE Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. Career In Real Est to Presently. Culligan Real Estate Ltd. in Seaforth has an opening for person wanting to develop professional sales career in real estate. We offer training and marketing techniques to assist you in developing a full time and very rewarding career. You must be a self•sterter.and determined to succeed in sales. Formore=information call Howard Culligan at 527-1577. 10. FARM MACHINERY DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M. 22 words - one week $4.50. two weeks, $4.00 three weeks. $3.50 Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rete of $7 with picture $12 prepaid MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks atter date of wedding Atter this time, photo and outline only $15 Complete write-up $25 IN MEMORIAMS - $4.50 plus 35 cents per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 30 words. 54.50 Each ad- ditional word .06 cents 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3 00 each additional week - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming Events 23 Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale ' 24 Property for sale 3 Lost, Strayed 25 Property for rent 4 Fountl 26 Apartments to, rent 5 Help Wanted 27 For sale or rent 6 Business Opportunity 28 Wanted to rent 7 Situations Wanted 29 For rent 8 Custom work 30 Room end Board 9 Farm Stock 31 Notice 10 Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and straw 33 Educational 12 Used cars 34 Auction Sales 13 Used trucks 35 Tenders wanted 14 Articles for sale 36 Legal notice 15 R.V.s for sale 37 Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38 Service directory 17 VCRs for sale 39 Cards of thanks ' 18 Computer comer 1B Pets 20 Swap or trade 21 Wanted to buy 22 Wanted PHONE 40 In memoriam 41 Personal 42 Engagements 43 Marriages 527.0240 MONDAY TO.FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14. A.=;-I-IfCLES FOR S -'`.LLE 468 MASSEY CORN PLANTER excellent condition (always stored inside), set of dual wheels tor Massey tractor. 16-9-28 with hard- ware, 2-8' double packers. Phone 522-0319. 10-18-3 1H-1460 DIESEL axle flow combine, plus ex- tra bean rotor, 151/9floating cutting header and 6 row corn head and pick up head 527-0716. 10-18-2 CASE FARM wagon in good condition. Phone 345-2856. 10-19 3 12. -ISED CA , -,S NINE PIECE Dining Room Suite - china cabinet, buffet, table and six chairs Goo° condition. Phone 527-0892 14-19-2 FARM FRESH BROWN EGGS By Case or By Dozen - Large and Extra Large 263-2139 SCREENED TOPSOIL Delivered as weather permits 482-7644 evenings also available in bads, picked u ' 'Help Wanted! •Cook (20-25 hours/weekly) •Waiters and Waitresses •Bartenders Apply in person to: Commercial Hotel .Seaforth Hoffineyers Mill SEAFORTH Requires an individual for GENERAL YARD DELIVERY and STORE :DUTIES Apply in .person - 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.daily HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR MOWING GRASS AS FOLLOWS: Four Cemeteries in Hallett Township Auburn Ball Diamond Londesboro .Ball Diamond Applicants to provide own mower and all costs associated with same. May apply for one or all of the above. Please send applications stating the following: (a) Type and size of mower. (b) What cemeteries and/or ball diamonds to be cut. (c) Price per hour. For further information, contact the Cierk at the Township Office. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by 2:00 P.M., Monday, May 1st, 1989. 2. YARD / GARAGE SALE EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Yard and Bake Sale, Saturday, May 13, 8:30 to 1 p.m. For pick up call 522-1021 or 522-0699. 2.17-3 GARAGE and Bake Sale Saturday.May 13, 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. at the Walton Library. Large items will be accepted on consignment. Spon- sored by the Walton Area Sports Club in sup- port of Minor Ball. 2-19-1 HUGE YARD SALE Saturday, May 13, 67.Jar- vis St. Seaforth, lawn chairs and miscellaneous items, Garage Door Opener. 2-19-xl MULTI FAMILY Garage Sale ,Sat. May 13, 1.989 - 11/4 miles west of Seaforth, 118 mile south, follow the signs. Starts at 8,am, 2.1'.9-x1 YARD SALE, Sat. May 13, 10 am -5 .pm, .38 West William St., ,Seaforth. Ohildren's clothing, household goods .and lots -of •mist. items. 2"t0-1 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 13 8 ,am.4 pm,'Mlil St. Egmondville. .2'19-x1 .B- ,I IELP WANTED Beverly M. Shaddick, Acting Clerk -Treasurer, Phone: 523-4340 ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR 1985 CHRYSLER New Yorker, choc. brown exterior and interior, excellent condition, no rust, power steering, power -brakes. power windows, air, cruise, . many extras. Asking $8900 certified, Call 524-9211 between 9-5 pm, after 524-4240. ' 12-16-t1 1986 MAZDA 323 DX 1.6 automatic, excellent condition, AM/FM radio stereo cassette. digital clock, reclining seats; 33,500 km. Lois Hodgert 527-0046. 12-19-X2 Available At 44,1 Lawn & Garden CFNTRE EXt TER (519)235.1115 BLYTH (519)523-4244 13. USED TRUCKS 1988 CHEV one ton cargo van white, V8 low mileage. Take over lease $376.00/month or • buy out 814,500. Phone 524-9211 9-5 pm or 524-4240 after 6 pm. • 13.16 -tin 1973 CHEV TRUCK C/W 18' insulated box. new 366, ten speed, 10.00 x 20 tires, best of- fer 527-1767, after 4 13-19-1 Middapaal •SPAS *POOLS •PATIO FURNITURE 234 MAIN ST. N. SEAFORTH 527-0104 The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority is inviting applications for the position of Engineering Supervisor from responsible, mature individuals, Under the direction of the Water Resources Manager, the Engineering Supervisor will be responsible for 1. operation and maintenance of the Authority's flood monitoring and warning system including data acquisition .and stream gauge network; 2. provide engineering services to all departments of the Authority's operation; 3. assist with the development, review and supervision of water related projects of the Authori- ty including engineering'studies, design and contract administration; 4. Operation and maintenance of water control structures including the preparation of opera- tion reports and maintenance records. Qualifications Graduation from a recognized university in civil and/or water resources engineering. Knowledge of and experience in hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, computer programming, project management.and contract -administration. Excellent written and oral communication skills, related experience and 'knowledge of conservation authorities are definite assets. Salary Salary will be in the range of •25,836 to+32,974 commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications clearly marked Engineering Supervisor must be received by May 19, 1989. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority P.O. Box 2410 Exeter, Ontario NOM 160 (618) 235-2810 f lbolioreCoun y loard}of noation requires '? E HER :ASSISTANTS Thefloard.isanticIpatingmecancies 1n.several areas ',fthe county for the 1989/8Dschoolyoer. Indlvlduals,4ppjying•1pn1ttOBe pos!tlons.will be required to,work,withexwoptionalistt dsn:8,am/ should have training lathearea of child development. Normally, this type.o/ fralnlgggds,rpFBiv- edatdhtrf+ommunltyCollege:orJn/versity/evel. Pas(.axperJence /n .working,WJth chIJdren.wpuld be a'defnlle.esset. $gccesstul,,4pplicants.wilkbucome members o1 COPE, Local 1428. Interestedkfplleantstareopmeleetoforward,aniappl'icatIonlnclud/ng aresume arld ferences. Appllcatlons.w/libe-i44celVsdby the underalgned prior Mown on Wednesday, May 24, 1989. ,daanne,McPonald Pereonrtet414enager 'fO3 AIP9rt;$/t,eet CLINTON, 'ONTARIO NOM 1i:0 FULL TIME .work available immediately (` loading chickens! Also.partlime;and :eReciai ,student hours. Call ,free 140Oi265,: 034,It ,dawlt 54841 , Baron Flub io ,,Education 140111111 pe r1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOL Sale. Top quality inground and above -ground. Professional installation or kits. Custom wood decks and fencing. Book now and save. Riviera Pools (519) 747-4399 or (519) 6558-8091. 14-19-bc WHITE 30" G.E. stove. Phone 522-1671. 14-17-3 LARGE QUANTITY of new lumber - dressed spruce and red pine - 2" x 4", 2" x 6", 2" x 8" and 2" x 10" in various lengths. Very reasonable. Phone Lucknow Discount Lumber, 519-528-3047. 14-18-0 TRUCK CAP with walk in back door, with lock, for 8 foot box, $260.00. Phone Blyth 523-4717. 14-17-5 BUILDINGS - Factory Inventory 28x40 83,886; 40x60 $5,450; 46x90 38,900; 60x120 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 792-2704. 14-19-bc MOTHER'S DAY SALE May 13/89 2 0Off All Sleepwear at BLIT -HERS in Blyth Gift Certificates Available "The House" 159 Dinsley St. E. BLYTH 523-4988 "MOTHER'S DAY' IDEAL GIFTS! Patio or solarium furniture, loungers, teacarts, ac- cessories, at GREAT SAVINGS. Warehouse" open Tuesday to Saturday, 71 King West, FOREST. (618) 7862180. 1418-2 FOR SALE: NEW WALKER, car seat, baby sitter, buggy. Also change table to give away. Phone 627-0406 14 -19 -xi 281/2 FT. WILKER Cruiser, 1986, stand up head, full galley,.aft cabin camper top, loaded with options. 260 Marc cruiser, sleeps 6. Reduced $35,000.00 or best offer. Consider trade smaller boat/property. 624-9900.14-19-1 BABY NEEDS -.girl's dresses, sleepers, jogg- ing suits and lets more from neWhorn to 18 months, .50 to $5. Playpen, .walker, 3 -in -1 baby awirfp, 090tien highchair and carped. 235.0959. 1419-1 410 W :S'. peed bike :for approximate .age .8-10,.•In4t0od condition..Asking 180.00.'0al1 ,213,3-7196. 1419.1 , tNill f) r 11 , EED .1grgurn -in 408 :from hli1A tted',8&ad,a►tion,10,, 4gh 00g:02 .14492 „t ,�0,`r00-0 IP ,f 4(d.flnrf etf;$1 + r 8• -Ex- odlient, nditiAn• Ptione;527.1Q32. 14-19-x1 PITTSBURGH PAINT SALE EXTERIOR OIL White and tlntable base REG. 32.95 21 22-764 4L i■ EXTERIOR LATEX White and tlntable base REG. 26.95 22.600 4L 14 495 WINDOW, FLOOR.& :WALL - WE DO IT ALL CAMPBELL ' HQ -.ME Deovd CENTRA MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-1420 PAINTING DECORATING PAPERHANGING Interlylr;gnat Exterlpr -P.REE ;ESTIMATES GARY BANNON !RHONE 527-158;2 9r-Oamlpbell'a Marne •Cpntre:527.1420 a