HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-05-10, Page 66A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 10, 1989 PROCEEDS TO MANOR - Ron Johnston of Seaforth looks over the homemade ceramic ware on display Saturday at a yard sale held by the Seaforth Manor. Eva Mc- Cartney and Mamie Ross manned the booth. Proceeds of the sale of the ceramics went to the Residents Fund, while pro- ceeds from some of the larger items on display, went towards the hospital building fundraising. Mcllwraith photo. Notice is hereby given that the Public is invited to the Annual Meeflna of SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HASM'• will be held --.'lesday, a 27, 198 at 8 p.m. in The :;oare9 Rooves of Seofort&n ComrmunIty 6tosolten for the purpose of receiving the annual reports of the Board of Trustees and of the officials of the Hospital and to elect Trustees. The by -lows of Seaforth Commynity Hospital provide that the Board of Trustees shall include 12 trustees to be elected by members of the hospital corporation. By resolution of the Board the annual membership fee has been established at two dollars. Membership fee must be paid before 4:30 o'clock p.m. May 26, 1989. No membership sold after that time, on that date, will entitle the purchaser to a vote at this Annual Meeting. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. Don A. Smith, Secretary BIG FUND RAISER - Gladys Ruston of the Seaforth Manor raised $125 herself in a Bike-Walk-a-thon held by the Manor on Saturday to raise funds tor the Seaforth Community Hospital expansion. Mcllwraith photo. Maplewood Man This week at Maplewood Manor, residents spent one afternoon looking at spring and summer outfits. On Tuesday afternoon, residents played euchre in the dining room. This is a favorite way to spend any afternoon but especially on rainy and cold ones. Wednesday morning Rev. Cheryl Anne Stadelbauer-Sampa conducted the ministerial service. She was accompanied by members °of the Egmondville United Church. These faithful volunteers help with the singing of hymns as well as visiting residents. Thank you to Minna Scott for playing the accompanying music on the piano. Wednesday afternoon Shinen's store came to Maplewood. A display of clothing was set up in the front lounges. After a demonstra- tion by Bea and Ron residents were invited to try on any of the articles of clothing. It was an excellent opportunity for the ladies to try the spring and summer outfits on and then have their friends give their opinion. At supper that evening, three draws for gift certificates at Shinen's were made, com- pliments of Shinen's. First prize went to An- na .Sherrin, second prize to Eva Mills and third prize to Ethel Coleman. Thank you to Shinen's for their thoughtfulness. ue to operate as Dublin Feed Mill We will continue the same services to Ltd., and will be supplyinge accustomed which you have becom e the office and Therese will continue toc � �e °f the elevators. Frank Flanagan will be in seed and We will continue to handle feuclr wheat, mixed chemicals and will receive Y° rain & barley, white beans, soybeans and corn. g We will also offer feed and related services, at in conjunction with the our new Dublin location, Mitchell Feed Mill. We look forward to serving you and promise ou have come to know in th o erate with the same integrity that y to P ears that we have been the 29 land the surounding area in business in Mitch DAIRY-ING THREAT - Chad Lamont threatens Mark McNichol with a squirt of whip cream, while Steve Mclnally stands a safe distance away. The boys participated in a 10 km, bike to Kippen on Saturday morning in an effort to help the Seaforth Manor raise funds for the hospital expansion, In addition to biking, other fundraisers chose instead to make a walk to the Seaforth Hospital and back. All participants were treated to ice cream sundaes on their return, Here, Hazel McGonigle, helps the boys prepare theirs. Mcllwraith photo. Manor residents fundraising At the Manor throughout the past week people from the community, participated in residents had the chance to do some spring either a walk-a-thon.to the hospital and back shopping. For those residents able, there or a bike-a-thon to the Kippen curve and were opportunities to go shopping uptown back, in efforts to raise money for Seaforth and make spring clothing purchases. Community Hospital. Sundaes were On Tuesday morning several Grade 6 thoroughly enjoyed by the participants upon students from Seaforth Public School made completion of the walk-a-thon/bike-a-thon. their weekly visits to the residents. A garage sale was also held on Saturday at The movie, "Retin-n to Snowy River" was the Manor to raise funds for the Hospital's shown on Wednesday afternoon. The Building Project. A special thank you to the scenery and adventure in this movie was participants, sponsors and volunteers who thoroughly enjoyed by the residents. assisted with these events, Rev. Greg Gilson of St. Thomas Anglican Get well wishes are extended to Madeline -Church took charge of the weekly church fry presently Cassie patients inon and Norma Jef- service on Thursday afternoon. Communion Thfry pou3ht of the week: hospital. was also served at this week's service, the mostoghmp the week: Your expression.is On Saturday several residents, as well as important thing you can wear. Sid Ascher. or residents outfitted for spring On Wednesday evening Anne Downey and their luck. The winners were Ethel Col- Marj Maloney helped the residents play eman, Walter Somerville, Ed Johns, Pete Lion's T.V Bingo. Many tried their luck but Tremeer and Minna Scott. all will have to wait until neat week to be Saturday morning Dr. Hoke podiatrist lucky. from Stratford came to Maplewood to give Thursday evening a large crowd gathered foot care. His specialized equipment is very to watch a movie. It was a comedy about beneficial in looking after any foot camping, entitled "In search of a camp- problems. site". Thank you to Seaforth District Happy Birthday to Ethel Coleman and Highschool for the use of their projector and Agnes Hunter. Both ladies celebrated their screen and to Kathy McNichol who was in birthdays this week; Ethel on Tuesday, May charge of the presentation. 2 and Agnes on Saturday, May 6. Friday afternoon Ruth Bock called the Maplewood residents and staff welcome numbers for Maplewood's Bingo. It seemed Minna Scott. Her daughter Helen Garrick as if everyone came out to the bingo to try helped Minna get settled into Maplewood. 1 QUEENSwAy Queensway residents whip up squares The Zurich Nursing Home residentsoined noon with Mon- Agriculture oClub Pepper met t. Several Queenswayfollowing day evening for bingo. Residents enjoy this choir and reviewed some literature they had game because everyone wins at least once. received. The movie "Sylvester" was shown Fun and Fitness helped everyone get the in the evening. It was a story about a girl kinks out Tuesday morning es they worked and her horse. their way through the exercise routine. Rev. On Friday, due to a malfunction in their Kuepfer led the worship service in the after- van, Geri Fashions was forced to reschedule noon speaking from the Psalms. to June 22, Several games were played by On Wednesday afternoon the baking club residents instead. met and whipped up dellcious date squares. Coming events are: May 12 at 2:30 p.m. The DeHaan Singers entertained in the International Day featuring the Bahamas; evening with a beautiful musical program. and on May 20 a trip to see RCMP Musical Residents appreciate these men finding Ride in Clinton. time in their busy schedule to perform for Community seniors are welcome to attend them. the foot clinlcs. If interested please call the Choir practice took place Thursday after- nursing home at 282-2830. Club to sponsor VIP program Eight Seaforth students returned home last week after a brief stay in West Branch, Michigan, where they attended school. Thanks to teacher James Howard and Rev. Greg Gilson for driving and sharing the experience with the students. The Op- timists would also like to extend a thank you to Ross Rtbey for his van and Bob Dinsmore tor Ms car. Both were used to transport the students. This exchange is hoped to become an annual event and an extension of the West Branch-Seaforth summer games. At the meeting it was agreed the Optimist will again sponsor the VIP program by sup- plying T-shirts for the programs. It was also agreed to sponsor Scout Leader Gord Phillips in the annual outing for the Scouts providing he catches a fish. The Seaforth Club has donated $60 to Huron County Crime Stoppers. Optimist Queen Leanne Whitmore will be the Club's entry in this year's Fall Fair Contest. OPTIMIST NEWS The Annual Mardi Gras is in its final stages as Chairman Tony Arts reported tickets are now available with separate tickets to the barbecue and to the Dance, or a combination of both. Reports were also heard about repairs needed at the park and arrangements were made to make the repairs. The new executive for the fall was elected at the meeting with: President elect being Don Hoffman; lst Vice President, Ken Miller; 2nd Vice President, Mel Cooper; 2 Year Directors, Wayne Scott, Don Millard, and Gerard Ryan; and 1 Year Directors, Bob O'Brien, Dennis MacCaulay and Ron Stewart. Ladies Aid produces Roll Call Poetry The Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian some wiu servo weal Lea Church held a noon luncheon on Tuesday, As each her time and talents share, we'll May 2 with 116 tickets sold. never disagree." (Second) Rain, or shine oh happy day, the Ladies Aid go on their way Down the street and to the church, where their little backsides perch They quilt and sew and sing and ray, And then go on their merry way." (Third) `When you belong to the Ladies Aid, work with all your might For the money that we earn, will be spent just right. Each received a lovely coffee mug for her effort and congratulations to all the members who composed a verse. They were judged by Rev. Mica Peters. After the luncheon, a short meeting was held with President Mary Riley presiding. Finances and redecorating at the manse were discussed. Four quilts have been quilted this year, with four yet to be quilted. Winner of the April roll call verses were Marge Dale, Dorothy Scott and Mary Riley. Their poetic version of the Ladies Aid follows. (First) "We call ourselves the Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian Church And when It comes to making "dough" we're not left in the lurch! Now there are some who quilt all day, and Cain Haber or Neil with your news tips. 52700240.