HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-05-02, Page 44 ('HL %A/mNGII.A.14 FIMES, .MAY 2, 1907 TO ADVERTISERS ea of changes mist be loft at this! ,j not later them Saturday noon. r'be copy for o1>auges must be left Wit later than Monday evening. final advertisements accepted up #o noon Wednesday of each week. frAL bili was introduced iu the House of 'mons last week to provide for the neaten of salary to the Postmasters of s D..' minion, Solaries in all brannhes trade have been increased during the y1, five years and it would not h • reason le to ask Postmasters to continue at e old rate of ealarv. Unifier the new w the rainimnm salary to rural Poet- asters will be $F-0 instead of $35 If Sir Wilfrid Laurier wishes to con• rnp tt n C n a a a ad crowning benefit from p o n in g 1,t extraordinary control of periiame nt, s will not delay the steps neoessary to lake the Senate a truly reoresontative edy As it is, it serves only amintmum urooae, and the country could get along athoat it ea well as with it; but Oan da ig not quite rea ty for the control of e affairs to a single chambered Parlia- tent and there is no doubt that the Tuner Chamber might be made veru saint if its membership was more truly epresentative of the people.—Victoria 3. C. Colonist. The results of the polling last January. ,nd more partionlarly of the attempe at 'e'wal, show that the three fifths (lame s utterly without justification. and that ;he law is maintained quite as effinient- ,y in municipalities which originally ?seised the act with the nenessary handi• cap as in those where the necessary three-fifths was not reached. In fact. the Premier himself abandoned the Government's position as untenable When he advised the temoeranee people to achieve practical prohibition on a majority basis by raising the linense fee to a prohibitory figure.—Brantf.:rd Ex- positor. The attempt of the Conservative party to save Mr. Foster at the expense of its own honor and usefulness must fine. vieably resat disastrously to the party, but that is not the whole of it. In so fee as the Opposition by its own reck- lessness bas separated itself from the confidence of the country, it has de- prived the country of one of the neces- sary guarantees of good government During the recent eessiou of the Ontario Legislature the country had as exhibi- tion of what a small, but alert and capable Opposition might do. A rood Opposition is second only to a good Governmeut. An Oo o ttion, therefore, that by its own act deliberate- ly destroys its usefulness, inflicts a seriona wrong spin the whole country. —Woodstock Sentinel -Review. The third session of 'the tenth Par. Hat/lint of Canada was formally pro- rogned at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon by his Excellency the Governor-General. The time-honored and elaborate cere- monial of the loud three knocks on the Oommone door, Blaok Rod's solemn summoning of the Commons to the up- per Chamber, and the giving of the Royal assent to legislation passed, pre- ceded in usual course the reading of the speech from the throne. concluding with the expression of his Excellency's fer- vent hope that when Senators and Com- moners "meet again at the next session an equally prosperous condition will prevail throughout Canada " The last word of the five-month session voiced by his Excellency, was a reminder to the weary legislators that they should "not forget to express gratitude to a kind Providence for the many' blessings conferred upon our country." STABT.ISRED 1872 `IIIc WINfitnAll TIMES. a S ab:LOTT. 2Z BLISUHR AND PROYRI&TOP TIFIIIRSDAY, MAY 2. 1,907. NOTES AND COMMENTS. CHURCH NOTES. The May meeting of the Methodist Chur;:hes of the Wiughani District will be held at Lucknow on May pith and 36th. sweionary addressee will be delivered in the different churches of the Deanery of Huron next Sunday. Rev Wm Lowe of London will preach in St. Paul's church and Rev T. S. Boyle will be at Seaforth. The last Quarterly services of the pre- sent ohmren yeas, will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday, the pea - tor ofilciating. General services at 11 a m and 7 p, m , after which the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Sapper will be die- peaeed. Mr Howson's snbjects will be; 11 a. m., "We are not left as orphans;" p. in., "Why I hke to go to church," • oes our Mae Fay Morton and Miss M Eng - C 11 left hi where take ffi • Rev Wm MoDonogh, of Stratford, well known to many of our readers was recently honored , by the Senate of Vic- toria'Jollege, Termite. by having the degree of Dootor of Divinity conferred open him.. The Deanery meeting and anneal S.S. Convention of Huron will be held in Bel:mele on Tuesday and Wednesday, Kay the 7th and 8th. The S S. Con vent an will meet on Tuesday the. 7th and Dr Tucker, general secretary of the M S. 0 0 , will address the Oooven- tion and speak at the evening service on the work of the Missionary Society he represents The Salvation Army week of Self D+nial this year dates from May 4th to llth The public are appealed to for contributions towards the support and extension of the Army's Home Miesiou ary and Social Work; the amount of good done in this town alone through their agency is well known. Collectors will be calling from house to house, and it is hoped each and all will give their aid to so worthy a cause. The Bishop of Heron last Sunday evening at St Paul's Church, confirmed eleven candidates, who desired than to bit received into full communion with the church Bishop Williams delivered a powerful address, depicting life as a stewardship. Stewardship siguified a ••oufidence reposed;dn sac made it necessary the rendering of an account: it was never permanent,and might at any mom ent end. Life was a Stewardship in hsse respects, and in a graphtc and eloquent manner the Bishop urged hi hearers so to managelite's stewardship, its time, it's talents, its all, so that they might • nder their amount with joy, The church was crowded, ohuire being needed in the aisles. Does Yonr,Heart-Flnttert Yon know heart flattering means you're not as well as you should be. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and mus pular power. To obtain care, try Fer'ro- zone; it has a speoial action on the heart as seen in the case of Thos Grover of Cole Harbor, N. S , who says: "If I exerted myself it world bring palpita- tion. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs oomple ely knocked the out. When bad attacks name on I lived in fe sr; of sudden death. Ferrozone gave my heart the very assistance it needed, and now I am quite well." For kart or uerves its hard to expel Ferro - zone, 50c per box at all dealers. PERSONAL. Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton was in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Spotton are spend- ing a few days in Toronto. Mr Murray Wilson of Tarnberry, has returned home from the West Mr, Bert Jordan, late of the Truss staff has taken a position in Huntsville. Mr and Mrs De Ling, of Teeswater were visitors in Wingham on Tuesday. Miss Laura Homnth, of Toronto is visiting for a few days at her home in town. Mr. R. R. Davis, of Toronto was visit- ing for a few days with his brother, Mr. H. Davis. Mr D. T. Hepburn, manager of the Dominion Bank, was in Seaforth over Sunday. Dr. A. S. and Mrs. Gifford, of Lon- don are visiting for a few days at Mr. J. J. Homnth's. apes Ruby Rothwell, of Listowel, has been visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. Abner Covens. Mr. Thomas MoOraoken of London was visiting for a few days with Wing - ham relatives and friends. Mrs. Aroh. Robertson has returned home after a visit with her sons, Messrs. MacDonald at Jamestown.. E. W. Orvia was oalled to Pickering on Saturday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs Will Puckering. Rev T 0 Morris, Mrs Morris and little eon, of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr J. 3, Homnth for over Sunday. 1)r T. Olitshdlnf, M: P., iirii 'returned home from Ottawa, tLb business for the session having been compiCfed en Satur- day. Mrs. Pani, of the Grand Central, Listowol, was a guest over Tuesday of Prat, and Madame O'Brien, at the Brunswick. Mr John Allenby, who has been living in California for toe past two years re- turned last week and will again reside in Wingham. Mr. J. 0. Carrie returned home on Monday atter spending several weeks in the West He sold two oar loads of horses at Indian Head. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Batton left on Monday for their uew home in Lack - now. They will have the beat wishes of many Wingham fr.enda. Mre W Dickson of Hamilton who has been v.siti.:g at Mrs Tervit,s, in East Wawanoah, for a few weeks, is visiting friends in town at present. Heart Beat land, graduates of the Wingham Busi- ness College,c s week for Toronto, they willa e office positions. Mrs. Valens of Gagetown, Mich., was visiting with Mrs, Jas Weir on Tues. day. She was returning home after a six weeks' visit with her sister near Teeswator. Mr, and Mrs. C. Edwards, of Lake Linden, Ali. h ,are epenaing their honey- moon with Mrs Edwards' parents, Mr and Airs Thos. Hill, Lower Wingham, and her brother, Mr. Frank J. Hill, John street. Mr Hugh Roes was in town thiel week and shipped his household effects to Clinton. Mr and Mrs Ross and Miss Jean Rosa left on Tneeday afternoon for their new home. They will be missed by many friends here, but will have the hearty good wishes for success at Clin- ton. Ur. R. Ii. Crowder left on Tueadav, for Halifax. where he will sail on Fri- , day on the Empress Of Britain forLiver- `d pool. Mr. Crowder will visit at his old I home near Manchester, England. He 'Land and eete to will be d two ccompanied by hs in the Mr, I A. 0. 0itrey, formerly of Winghain. We Wish these gentlemen a pleasant trip. Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And _ you know precisely what to take for bad ,blood —Ayer's ':Sarsaparilla, Doctors have endorsed it for ,60 years. elrie frequent wiles of.bad.blood is a alugglsh liver. This products cohallpartfou. Poisonous substances are then absorbed into the blood. hese the bowels open with .Ayet's rills. swabr..cis by� 0.'yet 00., Lowell, Uses. Also roarlateoturez* es ger, awn MOIL Join ctnth. G ctiray.peculltAt,. Ws iters no secrete t We prbnsh r„,......,100 .+n+mnasstasr. . , TORTURING RHEUMATISML✓ i+ Suffered for Five Years --Cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills. Agonizing paine, sore times in one part of the body, sometimes in another, more often in the back or joints—that's rheumatism. Do not delay in finding a cure. Bach day makes the torture worse-inoreases the torture Dr Wil- liams' Pink Pills have oared thousands, They cured Mr Her ice Plante, of Sorel, Que , of a moat aggravated ease of rheumatism, What they did for Mr. Plante they can do for von He says 'I was seized with rheumatism I walk ed as it my boots were filled with pi•b tiles The pains, starting in my feet spread to all parts of the body, my book and j oiuts became affected For up. wards of five years I soft -fired the great est agony. Often I was o•inflned to bed, hardly able to move Nothing seem4et to help me. I despaired .1,1 ever being well again By good chance Dr 'Wil- ltams' Pink Pills were brough o my attenttou and I droided to try/ them I got six boxes —before they yvere gone I felt a great improvement.• I conduit d the treatment and y t>,ealth gradually came hack till now do not feel the least path—I am totally o red It was a air rte n vd� a to 1 frien to se me on tee pe street again well and strong atter five years of torture. They wanted to know wbat brought about the change I told tnem Dr Williams' Pink Pills, for I took no other medioiue once I began their use. Rheumatic saff+rers give Dr Williams' Ptak Pills a fair trial, they will surely do for you what they did for me " It is in the blood—poor blood—that such troubles as rheumatism, indigos. tion, dizziuess, heart palpitation, anaemia. weakness and a host 1,'f other diseases find their root It is the blood that Dr Williams' Pink Pills act on They make it pure, rioh, red and health - giving That is why they cure al the common ailments of everyday life. Sold by druggists or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50, from the Dr Williams' Medicine Oo., Brookville,Ont. Mr G B Borland, Presideut of British American Bank Note Company, is dy- ing in California. Thirty-one industrial oonoerng with an aggregate capitalization of $1,615,000 were incorporated last week The Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and London is meeting nt Ohatham, Rev Wm Martin, of Exeter was elected Moderator. idve Stook Markets. • Toronto, April 30—The run at tb.e City Oattle Market today was 43 loads, with 770 he td of cattle, 22 sheep and lambs, 530 hogs, and 244 calves. The light run steadied the market, which closed with quite a firmer feeling, though quotations were not materially changed from last week's figures; ex- cept perhaps for the very choicest butch- er oattle, which in a few oases sold at a higher figure than they would have fetohed•the latter part of last week Good butcher cows were very firm. The export market is still very quiet, owing chiefly to delayed sailings of boats from Montreal, and to the lower prices now ruling in the cattle market in England. Hoge are unohauged, but market is easier. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 400 Stockers choice 3 75 " bulls 2 75 Butchers'— Picked Choice Medium Cows.. . Bulls ilogs— Best 6 40 Lights 6 16 Export erve6 Backs,... ,,,... 4 50 Onlle Spring Lambs, Calves, each $4 90 4 75 4 00 3 50 4 00 4 75 4 00 4 25 3 50 3 25 .3 50 eaoh„e3 8110 85 10 4 90 4 25 3 75 4 50 4 40 400 300 6 00 4 50 4 60 4 25 3 50 SUITS! SUITS. SUITS. There are a great many kinds of Salts, and h would take too long to go into detail. But THE SUIT THAT SUITS is the one made by MAXWELL & HILL. • There is also a difference in Tailor-made Salts and TAILOR • MADE SUITS. Every suit on the market is in a sense tailor-made, but the phrase is sometimes misleading. The only truly tailor-made suit is the one made by the individual, made by hand andfashioned into shape, instead of being rushed through what we call a " sweatshop," from one machine to an- other, without any real tailoring being done on it ; and the material inside is not intended to keep the garment in shape any longer tnan to sell it. We have the lines and styles of material that will inter- est anyone who is wanting an up -to date Suit. We always keep in touch with the latest New York styles, although we do not advocate extremes in style, bat leave that to the customer. We :ire here to make YOUR SUIT TO SUIT. Our Men's Furnishings Department • is filled with good things for Men and Boys. We wish just to mention a few lines, such as : HATS, SHIRTS, TIES, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR. We have the ELLIS SPRING NEEDLE RIBBED - UNDERWEAR. This underwear is different from all others, because the spring needle ribbed' machines on which the Ellis fabric is made are the only ones used in Canada. We handle this make. CJ fAX ♦ ♦ }3LL & HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. t 9, vyvVYVVVVyvyvvoVVVYVVn'YV vvovvvovovvvv'YYYVYYYVYVVV 4 1 • 4 i 4 -' 4 ,A ► ► ► ► I i► Ito b0 500 la 4 00 P 800 a. 6 50 to WIPI mtiti 11IARHET° RICPoRT8 Wingham, May 1st, 1907 Flour per lakf'lbs.... 2 00 to 2 60 Fall Wheat: -. -. 0 70 to 0 70 Oats, ,,,•, • 0 35 to 0 35 Barley ....• .. 0 45 to 0 50 Peas0 76 to 0 76 Buckwheat .,,..,.. „• 0 50 to 0 50 Butter .... ........ 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per dos 0 16 to 0 16 Wood per cord 2 50 to 800 Hay , per ton 8 00 to 11 00 Potatoes, per bushel new0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per lb ..., 0 5i to 0 06 Lard ••• - 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 06i to 0 07 Live Hoge, per owt. 6 10 to 6 10 issaassesearetatieressaliateseesasaalaielitatiaitiloassal SOMETHING NIW IN WINGl1AM the New Sc . e Williams PL rte Go. Have requested me to place their Pianos in my store and have appointed me their sole agent for Wingham and vicinity. A special invitation is extended to everyone who wishes to see them and test their tone and design, to call at my furniture store. We specially invite the ladies. Come in and bring any of your friends along and fay on them—the more they are played on the better. We charge nothing, but will consider it a favor to have you visit our warerooms and give your opinion of what is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be one of the finest toned Pianos made in Canada. And after you have satisfied yourselves as to their high quality, we will be pleased to quote you prices on them. Don't buy until you see the New Seale Williams— they are certainly of the very highest grade, tone and finish. S. ACEY FURNITURE DEALER THE "BIG STORO," mamotompositif ▪ WINGHAiVI, ONT JOHN KERB. 1 NEW GOODS FOR THE CHINAWARE • DEPARTMENT Assorted Fancy Decorated China, all New Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Special Sale for Ten Days 1 doz,Mustards and Spoons, reg, 15o 1 " Spoon Holdora, reg. - 200 1 " Oval Pickle Dish, reg, • 100 2 " Cream Jugs, reg. - - 15o 1� " Candle Sticks, reg. - 15o 3 " Hair Receivers, reg. - 150 ;z " Fera Pot and Lining • 20o 1 " Bowls, reg. - - - 15o 1 " Olive Dishes, reg. - 15o 4 doz. Cups and Saucers, reg. - 20o 1 " Coffee Caps & Saucers, reg. 20o 1 " Pin Trays, reg. - - 10o 1 " Large Mugs, reg. - - 15o 1 " Shaving Mugs, reg, - 15o 1 " Tea Pat Stands, reg - 15o 3¢ " Card Boxes, reg. - - 20o 1 " A.D.0 Cups & Saucers, reg.lOo 1 " Spoon Holders, reg. - 15o All of the above assortment in our north window for 10 days. 10 Days Only - SPECIAL PRICE 10c EACH - 10 Days Only ADDITIONAL BARGAINS IN CHINAWARE DEPARTMENT 37 Plain Glass Pitchers, 34 gal. size, regular, .35 doz., for 10 day at 46 doz. G ase Tumblers, assorted styles, " .60 to 75 " " '10 " Cut Glass Tumblers " " $2 00 " '! " 23 " Colored Tea Plates, stone china " .90 " " now 18 " Colored Breakfast Plates " " $1.00 " " " 47 " Clover Leaf and Gold Line Bread and Batter Plates .60 1,t 1,t Tea Plates,reg. 76 " Dinner " " $1,00 " Porridge Bowls - - " $1,00 " " 26 only " Salad Bowls .25 eaoh 1,t " 16 6 •; 3 -4 Yr 4 �. . 4 .. 1 � (t 4t t, 4t 41, 't 4' 41, t. it 41, CI - .25 • 45 $1.48 .70 .78 NEW DINNER SETS, PRINTED AND GOLD TRACED .45 .50 .76 .75 .17 A large orate of Handsome Printed and Gold Traced Porcelain Dinner Sets just to hand. We import these goods direct from England and can therefore give you very close prices. These New Goods are the very newest shapes pieces to each set. Prices $12.00 to $13 00 a set. and decorations, 100 WANTED—Good Butter, Fresh Eggs, Good Apples, Potatoes, Oats, Tallow &c. Good Prices Paid. CASH PAID for BUTTER .and EGGS. 4 a ';'•4 it SEEDS 11 4 IP ► at • E OFARM 4 v 4 + i 41 4 41 .41ti AAAAAAk@AAL4AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA\AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +++++++++++++++++++++++++. ++++++++++++++ 44+++++++4+4 seldom yielding less than 40 BARLEY: —Black, a limited quantity on hand, bushels per acro. Mensury, a well -kaon AN FOR 4 . D GARDEN1 iA, ':4LLS' CLOVERS : —Common Red, Mania loth, Red, Alsike, Lucerne, and White. 4' Also Timothy. These needsare inspeoted and approved by the De- partment at Ottawa for park\ 'and growth, and are all house grown OATS : —We have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel,4 wonderfully productive, yielding' as mach as 85 bushels to the sore. of large plump, white grain. • Tat tar King, highly recommended by the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, free from rust. 1 White Russian, has been grown ext ensively in Perth County. $1000 Oats, very highly endorsed by the later farmers, by whom it has been largely grown. :YOUR F�RNffURE WANTS � € Lthl11hIaei ' NORSE SHOW TORONTO May 1st to 4th TIOEETS ON SALE AT SINGLE FARE for round trip plus 500 for admission coupon; good going May 1st. And at FARE AND ONE-THIRD for round trip, plus 50c for admission con- pon; good going May and, 3rd and 4th. All- tickets valid returning until May 6th. Low rates to Norfolk, Va., daily until Nov. 30th, on accOnnt of the Jamestown Exposition, Choice of routes. For fall information as to rater/ and tickets, call on L. ILAReen, Depot Agent. J. D, McDozALD, D. P. A„ Toronto. + With the coming of Spring and housecleaning time, there will be new furniture required. Per- haps a new Parlor Suite, Diningroom Suite, Bedroom Suite, or an Odd Piece just to fill in. Whatever your wants may be, we are prepared to supply them, and the prices you will agree are very moderate. You're invited to call when wanting anything in the line of Furniture, New Baby Carriages and Carts to Hand. n variety, strong and heavy �• -••. _ - 9r Grass, well-known in JAPAIN1ESFJ T<3iL1:T: C i --z isd called Mition itr11 Ontarii;,+lttntiid fdr green fodder and hay. JAPANESE BUOgh'ftJEAT:—One of the best and productive. It I RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:—So nl0tlliriies 15 inches irl ilio le ver handled. i el GOOSE WHEAT :—The 0I000681 f<'oin foreign seeds I haVo t CORNS W h ,k of finest varieties O 1, d ♦ ▪ a.extra early, Oroeley's early, Sng corn a'tid Clonntry C#enth and garden peas. EARLY POTA�.'OL`S:. W 18 e have Nought Six' very ea �r + , Variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Fare. + • ▪ BE lUTY' OF' IIEBI'IOI9';---Sncceasfnlly gr©;gn in this vicinity varieties, very early i •muter. • —• o have coming, the largest to. art ee , for n, orsilage eyana ♦ Maturing purposes in the conn ` Sweet Table Cox *man, field 4 Walker's FiIrnitIIrA Store. Undertaking promptly and satisfactorily attended to, Z ALSO GROUND OILOAtCE =.Bibbeys Cream Equivalent, Apia 6ylty'" neib to tare Food, and Pare Ground Flax Meal, + All kinds of farm produce token, T. A. MILL,S4 ++++f1++44e++++++++++++♦++ :;+++++++++++:++++++f+4+++4+4ui ecuaL ulnar pizrmigz c rraw sir,riicsassalsa 1 1 111 film 111 Y te