HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-04-25, Page 5THE BLUE FRONT STORE, - WINGHAMI 20th Century GlothinA We call particular attention to this brand of Clothing. It is 2Oth Century in character as well as name. Three things you will find iu it, viz,: STYLE, FIT, QUALITY. The two first points of style and fit may be de- monstrated at once- all that is required is to try on a garment, it will speak for itself, Come in atld make the experiment ; it will cost you nothing. You may not want to buy now, but you will want to buy sometime. We like to show the superior merits of this brand of Clothing. As to quality, of both material and make, you will be convinced upon careful examin-ition that they surpass all other makes. The real test may be to wear a suit, but these goods will stand all tests. They are made to do this, and they carry the guarantee of one of the oldest .st and most reliable clothing houses in the Dominion. EGGS 7[ ALIEN AS CASH. CGOO 14'w....11Zer47.1: aide CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS LEHIGH VACOAL trvlW�11;WiybYdWY.L.�sit1Y,�.a.-u.,.�.r`:.J4,4q.w.LILL+, - Come with the crowd al leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. I fogies '1t':Li 111.11:1,,,11.1,11 11,:11.1:1'11.1 ., 01.1. 1 iil'.4'e. •.I_4. _ CNE WIN4IIAi TIMFS APRIL 25 1907 :401040000000004040000001)414000:1 • , A New Orleans woman was thin, 40 'a' Because she did not extract sufficient '•' 101 nourishment from her food, 101/ 041. She took Scoit',' Emulsion Result: 0 CIL IN rON. Mre James Duaford, • wife of Under taker Danford, died very suddenly Sat day morning. She had trouble with her heart, but was apparently in good health and attended a concert in the town hall Friday night, bat while dressing Satur• day morniug dropped dead, Mr. Dan- ford and the family of four children have the sympathy of the community. Like u Thief in the Night That's how pain comes. We sit near an open window, get' stiff neck or sore bank Perhaps cool off to quickly .after exertion --rheumatism develops. Spend what you may, but money can't buy anything better than Poison's Ner• viline. Its penetrating power enables it to reach deep tisanes, -that's why it cures aches that all also can't touoh. For outward application we guarantee five times more strength than in any other liniment. Inwardly it's harmless and as Bute as the hereafter to ease at once Don't accept a substitute for Poi- son's Nerviliuo which is the one great household panacea ofto•day. NEST 'IELD. Mrs. Henry Morrish, of Gederich was visiting for a few days with friends in this Election. • Mr. J. H. McClinton has gone to Regina with a car load of horses. Mr, Jaokson Wightman and son, Gor- : don, left last week for Regina. Ma. and Mrs, Hardesty have returned home after a few weeks visit with friends in Montreal and Tor into. W ILOXETEIt. Wednesday evening, April 17th, sad. nose rested on our village when it was learned that Isabel Gibson, beloved wife of W. S. McKorohor, had been called away. She had been in failing health for some time and the end came peace- fully. She was 46 years of age and was married to ber now bereft husband in September 1891 and leaves 2 sous (Ste- wart and Robert) and a daughter, (Agnes), to mourn the loss of one of the kindest of mothers. Funeral took place Friday afternoon to the Wroxeter ceme- tery, Widespread sympathy for the bereaved is expressed, • Great Distress in her Throat Not an uncommon experience was that of Mrs H. S Wilmot of Shuler, N. S. Doctors failed, still a quiok cure was found in "Oatarrhozone." Notice this statement: "I have been a most dreadful sufferer from bronchial trouble and catarrh. On damp days I would hawk and suffer great distress in my throat. I used all kinds of nodicioe bat didn't get permauent relief till I used Catarrhozone. It has strengthened my throat. oared my cough end made me entirely well." Refuse substitutes for the one reliable bronchial and throat euro, All dealers sell "Oatarrhozone" in 25o and $1.00 sizes. cVLRoSs. To fill the vacancy in the Cuirass Council caused by the resignation of Mr S. L. Purves, nominations will e e held in the Town Hall, Teeswater on Mon- day, May 13. Mr John McKinnon, 5th eon., has purchased Jos. Meye-s' 100 acre farm Meyer is going west, and McKinnon al ready had the farm rented for a term of years, but lately' decided to go further and become permanent owner. This is the farm that for many years was owu• ed by Mr Alex MoMullen, now of Tees - water. The pride paid was $3,600, a figure that proves that despite the emi• gration to the west there is no shrinkage in the price of Ontario farms. Mr Jesse Johnston, assessor for the township of Calross has completed his task for the year 1907. The total assess- ed valuation of the township is $1,756,- 700, made np as follows: land $1,369,• 625, buildings,$,383.025, business assess- ment assessment $4050. The acreage of the township is $66,692;4, of which 38,- 82934 are clear, 3990 in wood land, 1682 in slush, and 12,191 put down as waste. The number of children in the township between the ages of 5 and 21 is 741; the number between 5 and 16 is 593 and the number of males between 21 and 60 is 2188. The number of births during the past year was 37 and the number of deaths 12. a,dilt.0 HlfJAJ .O.,.i.0 did, 0L.111iLLlW 112S11011��,WL�L�i1Yuf.1,� c � •A�, �md.� v x..� �gL5kYi10�Y'lSd��:iltfYtltl�ItitW,Li.1lE .4111,l THIS EEle Axle Greasy, regular 10 cents a box, now 6 boxes for .25 Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7.00, at - 5.50 Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7,00, at - 5.50 Daisy Churn, No. 2, regular $6.5o, tor - - $5.50 Daisy Churn, No. 3, regular $7.00, for - 5.75 Large assortment of SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS. Woodyate Lawn Mowers i®rr ail sizes. Large assortment of Sherwin-Williams', Robertson's and Beaver Ready -Mixed Paints. Church's ,Alabastine. White Lead and Linseed Oils. CARPET FELT AND CARPET WHIPS FOR HOUSECLEANING. If you intend building, It will pay you to call and get prices, at Young's Big Hardware. Inl She gained a pound a day in weight. 0060600600000000000424410 ALL DRUGGISTS: See. AND sumo ST, IIELEFNl . MORE/ti. Mr. G. Asquith, of Minnesota has Robt D. Curry, formerly of the 5th been visiting at Mr. T, B. Taylor's. line, Lute lett Echo Bay, Ont., and gone We are sorry to report that Mre. Jae Durgin is laid np with inflammatory rheumatism, The managers of the Presbyterian Chnroh have decided to have the base- ment of the church decorated and have the manse cellar properly drained, While attending the funeral of the late Mr. Asquith, Gilbert Vint, of Lanes- Ville, lost his driver. through a hole in the read that the horse stepped info, causing him to fall and break his leg and had to be killed. Owing to a break in the engine the saw mill was closed down for two weeks. Ott, For a Clear Complexion! A clear complexion is the outward evidence of inward cleanliness. le bad health the face bee :meg a sign -board, telling of disease within. If yellow, bile is not properly secreted; if pallid, the kidneys are faulty; if skin is murky and dark circles beneath the eyes, look for constipation. Whatever the cause, no remedy compares with Dr Hamilton's Pals which are mild, safe, purifying and vitalizing in their action. They give a marvelous rosy tint to the cheeks, brigh • ten the eyes and establish health that defies age and disease. Sold everywhere in 25e boxes. BLUEVALE Mr Jimes Burgess is able to be around again after his illness. to Sault Ste Marie, where he has accept- ed a position in Speir's grocery establish- ment, Mr Thos Laidlaw of Blyth received the sad intelligence of the death of his brother, Mr John S. Laidlaw, at Van- couver, B 0 , on Thnrsday, April 11th, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, at the age of 78 years The deceased wee one of the seventh family to settle in the Township of Morris, settling on the 9th line as early as 1851 when that now well populated township was an unbroken forest. Mr Lai.tlaw, of Blyth is the last sure ving member of the original Laid- law family. The meeting of the creditors of Wm Kt-ity and his sons was largely attended on Monday of last week In addition to local creditors the following gentlemen were in attendance from outside places•; R Vanstone, representing the Domiu ion Bank, Wingham; Dudley Holmes, the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham; A, E Smith, manager of the Bank of Com- merce, Wingham; Jas Mcalurchie, re- presenting Blyth oreditors. F. S. Scott was retained as assignee by the credi- tors and atter going into the matters of the different estates the following in• specters were appointed: -Wm Kelly estate, Messrs Fawcett and Smith; Jno Kelly estate, Messrs Hepburn and Hef- fron; Frank golly estate,.Messre Row- land and Mo.iurchie; Martin Kelly estate, Messrs Fawcett and Olcalurehie: Patrick Kelly estate, Messrs Smith and Hepburn; Wm Kelly jr estate, Messrs Rowland and H*•ftron, The liabilities S Plastow, of Rockton is visiting of the different estates amounted to over Mre with S Plastow, friends. $9.000 apart from the mortgage in the real estate with the local assets made Rev J. W. W. Rivers, B A., 13. D., of $3,000. The creditors decided that the Belgrave preached ednoational sermons assets should be realized as expeditious. on the 13lnevale circuit tact Sunday. ly as possible. Mr Ralph Ballagh, of Bad Axe, Mich. and two chil- dren, salad goo p by his wife w 'f have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with his sister, Mrs Jos. Higgins of Tarnberry,and other friends. It is 29 pears since Mr Ballagh left Turnberry. • BELORAVE A veru pretty wedding was solemnized in the Presbyterian church at Stavely, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clook,when Mr John Ili Robertson of Brandon, Man., was married to Miss Isabella, daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Brand of Stavely, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Darling. The bride was given away by her father, and after the ceremony the guests, numbering about thirty, repair- ed to the Brand hall, where they par- took of a sumptuous wedding dinner. The presents, which were costly and numerous, showed the high esteem in which the bride is held in the vicinity. Mr and Mrs Robertson will reside in Brandon. The above from the Nanton, Alta. News of April 11th, refers to the marriage of a son of the late Donald Robertson of this village. Prior to his marriage Mr Robertson was tendered a farewell banquet by his bachelor friends of Nantonand among the speakers was Mr. Wm Robertson, formerly of Wing• ham. This Tonic Bands Up Many medicines stimulate, break down, leave you worse than ever. For- rozone is different -it's a blood former, a nerve -strengthener, a body-builder. Pale anaemic girls are given color and vigor. The tired and sleepiest; are strengthened and restored. "Better than all tonics I found Ferrozore." writes Mrs E. F. Oastleton of Wood- stock. "I was completely ran down, cheeks were blanched, Iips white and had every sign of anaemia. Ferrozone added to my weight, gave me strength, ambition and good health." Nothing better, try Ferrozone yourself, 50a per box at all dealers. GREY. The 50•aore farm of the late Joseph Knight, East $ j lot 15, con. 10, has been sold to Wm. Smalldon, who owns the adjoining 50, for $2,500. This will give the parohaser a fine 100 acres now. Miss Elia McKinnon, 7th con,, left on Thnrsday of last week for Brace Mines where she takes charge of the primary department of the pnblic school. Wednesday afternoon, April 17, W.H. Baker, Oth con ,and Miss Susie Rowland, of Henfryn, were united in marriage and will make their home on the farm recent- ly pnrohased from Edward Campbell, lot 33, con. 9. May their joys be many. On the same day Jno. Ellacott, 14th con. Elma, took Miss Ester Baker, con. 10, Grey, as a sharer of his joys and sorrows. They will reside in Elma. Monday, April 15th, Cora Sanders, be- loved wife of George Robertson, 16th con., died in her 24th year, leaving an infant. They were married three years ago. Deceased was a find young woman whose demise is sincerely regretted. The lady was a daughter of Jno Sanders, 10th con. MOTHERS FEEL SAFE. Mothers who have used Boby's Own Tablets for their little ones say they feel safe with the Tablets at hand, for they are a never failing cure for all t . inor ills of babyhood and childb r . . Mrs. Urias Creasman, New Ha.. urg, Ont., says: "I have use B ib: s Own Tab lets for stomach t oue and constipa- tion with marked u ess. I always teel that my little one s safe when I have a box of the Tablets in the house." Baby's Owu Tablets are sold under the gear• antes of a Government analyst to con- tain neither opiates nor oth-r poisonous drugs. They always do good -they can't possibly do harm, For sale at druggists or by mail as 25 oents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville Ont. Don't Go Chasing Trouble. The Book says :"Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards," nevertheless there are people who are always on the hunt for more than their allotted share. A man has not to go far nor hunt long to bag plenty, and that is probably what makes the game so popular. You can get all you want across the back fence with your neighbor, or, if yon are more fastidious,yon can run up against enough to satisfy the most ambitious along this line in a church meeting. Those pugs who go about trailing their coat tails on the ground and flourishing a shillalah in the air, whether in an Irish fair, a town council or a Methodist conference are the despair of those to whom life means aomethiug more than a continuous round of physical, intellectual and spiritual conflict. The kicker is a useful mem• ber of society until his kicking becomes captions, narrow or personal, when he loses the sympathy of right thinking peo- ple. There are some people who would rather fight than eat They prefer a business row any time to bit: iness success and would rather stand up to a religions controversy than sit down with their neighbors at the Lord's Supper. This is a spirit fatal to everything that goes to make a man full, trite and round in char- acter. It takes infinitely less ability to find fault than to fiud worth is anything. The merest fool can make more mischief in a minute than seven wise men can un- do in a lifetime. The wisp man says: - "He that searcheth after mischief it shall come unto him," and it does. Just look aro mat yon and see the fate of the quarrel- some men that you have known. -Car- berry News. Mrs Mattie Perkins was acquitted of the charge of poisoning her husband, at the Cayuga Assizes. H W. Briok was committed for trial at Perth on a charge of robbing the Wampole Drug Company. A female immigrant, with four small children, arrived in Belleville on Sunday, without a cent of money. Over 4,000 immigrants passed through Montreal on Sunday, en route for Wekit- ern Ontario and the Not'th-West. A fund, 'contributed:, last winter for the four snr'viving Sanaa of the Ghillie wreck on Lake Superior last fall, will be titled ill providing them While learning traded, G. F. Marter, for a time leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, during the Ross Administration, who has been very ill for some time. is at present in a very precarious condition, and little hope le entertained for his re. °every. Established rS79 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresoiene is a boost to Asthmatics 11oeq h n e seem more effective t.t breatbe in a remedy to cure disease of the lhe.tthirg organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air tendered strongly anti- septic is carried Deer the dise3.ie:1 surfa.e with every breath, girir,g prolxtged and constant treat. meat. 1t is invaluable to mothers with rmall children. tendency Tha,e ora ronsumpt ive find immediate ,41 $ r*C relief from rough, of in- = 110 flamed conditions of the -, thrn,,t. Sold by rine Lsta Send postal rot booP let. i tcenttxc, Gi n es Co., Limited, Agents Zest. teal, Canada. ; oy 1 New Idea Patterns Only 10e 1ge teiix THELE DING STORE Agent IN7ew Idea. 11. E. Isard ac. Go. r j /11�fjgii5 Carpets, Linoleum, OileloPh. Everything in Floor Coverings. Our large Carpet and Housefurnishings Department on Second Floor is ready for the house furnishers' busy time. GREA.T ASSORTMENT Floor Oilcloths, new patterns and colorings, all widths, per sq. yd .25 BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY Forty-seven rolls of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, fine variety of patterne. Prices are, per yard, from - .25 to 81.00 Twenty-nine rolls of Wool and Union Carpets, bought right at the mill. Our prides are the lowest, ART SQUARES S We have a complete range of Rugs and Art Squares, in the ri f- ferent sizes. Prices begin at - - - - 85.00 ROLLER BLINDS-•Isard's Extra Special Blind, Complete, in green or Dream, only - - - - - • .35 New patterns in Lace Finished Blinds, mounted on rollers, two colors, size 3 x 6, price only .50 LACE CURTAINS -If when housecleaning you find you need new Lice Curtains to brighten up the home, visit our Our- tain Department Here youwill find a wealth of choice. Remember we import our Lace Oartains, thereby doing away with the middleman's profit, so you can depend on saving money buying curtains here. Prices begin at .25 See our leader, 3'_ yards long, at - - - 1.00 4� PHONE 68. 1 WING -HAM. a+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++a++++++++++++++++++++++4; s + + P REMEMBER, VIE GIVE + A 4 G 4- orocery. 1 +- •t - t 4.- a +ir 4► 4, +44444444464444+4444.4+4464 Ab444*64►+6+0••1•e•+SA•6•441., 3 OANS SUGAR CORN fo 3 CANS STANDARD P 2 CANS SIFTED " 3 OANS PUMPKI 2 CANS TOMATOES for - 6 BA1tS COMFORT SOAP for 3 PLUGS TOBACCO for - 25c S for - 25e IT POIS " for - 25c for - - - - 23c - 25c - 25c 25c t GRIP 9 5. VVQ.AAMVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVWl "AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA A+ 1 �SNGu�lrM1}���1 ,> D etAAAAAAAAAAA AA/VthAAAA1AAAAA Ao'oeor+never,AAAAAArNAAAAAAAAAA OSI Special Quality Footwear For Ladies. AT rorrLAR PRICES. We term this footwear 'r special quality " because the quality is. specially fine for the price, and the styles are more attractive than are c usually sold for the money. < Oxfords in Patent Kid, Grun Metal and Kid, with tura or welt soles. Repairing neatly done R. SHOE DEALER Johnston VSIVGAA6S WINGFHAM # { Heating Stoves AT COST FOR CASH In order to reduce oar stock of Ooal and Wood Heating Stoves we are offering some excellent inducements. When Yon flee the goods and learn the prions yeti will be eonvinood that it will be money well spent to bay now. See what we have before purohasing elsewhere. We can save you moat1 Sap fads, Milk Pall% tte., on At*nL. ugg Son.4 l�Al�f. STONE IMOCIK, WIN 6s X11 .. ..