HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-04-25, Page 44 rH� WINGHAM TIMES, APRIL 2.1. 0O7 TO ADVERTISERS NOLO of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for ohanges must be left not later than Monday evening. Qasnal advertisements aooepted up to noon Wednesday of each. week. EST1i.BLISEED 1872 THE WINCIIAM TIMES. L- B. ELLIOTT. PIIHLISH ER AND PROPRIETOR • THURSDAY, APRIL 25. t907. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Provisions will be made for an ex- tension of the free mail delivery system to eines of 10.000 and 12 000 population throughout the whole Damiuion. The temperance people of West York are disgusted with the attitude of the Whitney Government on the three-fifths clause, and are anxi.ln•i to put a candi- date in the field in the cousins bye elec- tion. Hon W. S. Fielding announced in the House that Parliament may prorogue on Friday or Saturday next. He also mov- ed an extension of the iron and steel boanties for three years and a half, nu. der eamewhet different conditions, which w.as carried. The Senator Fulford estate has already contributed a quarter of a million, in succession daty, to the Ontario treasury, with more to come. It may be that Sir Oliver Mowat built not better than he knew, but he certainly balls more than he snspecte : he was building-Humil. ton Spectator. The supplementary estimates, brought down in the Rouse of Commons on Fri- day, amounting in ibe aggregate to $10,- 241,538, brings the total expenditure tor the year for all purposes, up to $126.601,- 463 In this amount we notice a revote of $3,000 for the Wingham post offioe building and $7,000 for a new post office at Kisioardine. The Legislature of Ontario concluded its 130? sasston at 2 a m Friday morn- ing, atter meeting sines Jan 24 The last day was a busy one, being marked by hot debates on the spoils system, the treatment of New Ontario settlers, and the three-fifths majority for local op. tion Mr Graham demanded that the thresefitchs local option clause be re- peated, and that a majority vote be suf- ficient. Air Graham's motion was lost on division. His Excellency, Earl Grey, in speak ing at the National Peace Conference banquet in New York, oa Wednesday, referred to the recen ly enacted law in Canada which made it au offence for the forcer of iabor and capital to resort to a loci oat or a strike, without first having a preliminary investigation into the sab- jaet 3nto o8 3 ce only oute lnh Ma chh the 22 itct came had averted oa three occasions an industrial war. He asked why we should not ap- ply t-1 international diaputes the princip- le of this Canadian aot, which forbids mots to draw the sword until after a roan 1•table conference has taken place. Let the Legislature of the world, he sail, who wish to promote peace decree teat .t shall be illegal to furnish a war loan -o any nation which begins hostili- ties without first corning to the round table of The Hague tribunal. CHURCH NOTES. C.lnfirmation by Bishop Williams next Sunday evening at St. Paul's. Ray Mr MoInnie, agent for Queen's University, of Kingston preached in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sun- day evening last. Mr McInnis will spend this week in town soliciting sub- scriptions from members of the congre- gation. The collection taken Iast Sunday in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in aid of famine sufferers in China amount- ed to $63. This is a very liberal contra. batiou for one congregation. Last Thnreday Rev J, L. Small, late pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Auburn was inducted as pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at Blyth. Rev Dr McLean, now of Goderioh was pastor at Blyth for forty years, having resigned last November. Next Sunday, the Epworth League anniversary will be held in the Metho- dist Ohurch. The sermons are to be prem-tted by the Rev. T. 0. Morris, B.A. of Toronto. He is a young man of pro- i•ressive spirit, and the pnblic may ex - peat excellent services Strangers al- ways welcome. Rev. Mr Howson will take Rev Mr iidorriq' work in Clinton street church in the Queen City. WOMAN'S TRIALS Can be Banished by the Rieb, Red Blood Dr Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make. The health and happiness of growing. girls and women of mature years de- pends upon the blood bapply, There is a oriels in the life of every woman wheu there are dis.ressingheadaches and back- aches; when life seems a burden and when some Women seem threatened with even the loss of their reason It ie et this period that Dr Williams' Pink Pills prove a blessing to women. Every dose increases the richness and the red- ness of the blood supply, and this new blood straugtlle is the organs, enables them to throw off disease and banieht s the he •daohes and backaches and dizzi- nese and secret pains that have made life a burden. There are thous- ands and thousands of growng girls and women in Canada why46we their health and happiness to Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs Jame 11fcDonald, of Sugar Camp, Ont , is e of these. She says: '-I was bad y an down, felt very weak and had nte pp I suffered from headaohes and backaches and a feeling of weakness. I oonld scarcely drag myself about and felt that my con- dition was growing worse I decided to try Dr Williams' Pink Pills and got a dozen boxes, bat before they were all used I had fully regained my health, and was able to do my housework with out She least fatigue. Dr Williams' Ptak Pills have been a great blessing to me " You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People from any medicine dealer or by mail from The Dr Wil - hams' Medioine Co., Brookville, Ont., at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 If you are weak or ailing give these pills a fair trial -they will not disappoint yon. Ten Licenses Cut Off. The So :th Huron License Commis- sioners met at Hensall last Friday. They decided to out off five licenses, whioh with the five affected by local option, will make a reduction of ten in the riding. The licenses to be cut off by local option are two in Hensall, two iu Stanley, and one iu Usborne. The commissioners also refused licenses to Albert Maser, of Corbett; B Canning ham, of Shiva (in Stephen township); the Metropolitan, of Exeter; and there will be only one shop liceuse in Seaforth, instead of two as formerly, and Duty one tavern license in Bayfield, instead of two. Difference in Salt. The seasoning value of different brands 0. salt varies widely. Tris statemeut is easily proves Take five slices of ripe tomatoes; apply Equal parts of five makes of salt upon the separate slices Eat as soon as salted The difference in flavor, permeation, rapidity, and eqaal- ity of dissolution, seasoning value, are readily detected. A table salt should be fine, the orystals.of equal size, gniokly soluble, and free from ingredients which, absorb moisture from the air. Large and small crystals will not disolve uni• formly, consequently the full salting et - feet is not obtained until the large crys- tals are dissolved. The quickl soluble salt diffuses itself through the food at once, and gives an equality of savor. Sticky salt is an intrusive nuisance. I` .lures in salting are largely due to changing from one make of salt to an- other. Get the best grade, grow accus- tomed to its use, stink to it. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice. rice. Tour druggist or from us, 10c in stamps. i aaxtxc, limns Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 400 Live Stock lgarkets. Toronto April 23rd -The run at the City Cattle Market today was 84 loads, with 1,406 head of cattle, 1,194 sheep and lambs, 500 hogs, and 432 calves. Trade was a little slower to -day, and on the whole the tone of the market was easier, though quotations do not show very material changes. Buyers, how- ever, seemed to have it slightly their way, particularly as regards the almost fancy prices which have been demanded and have been paid the past few weeks for very choicest butcher cattle. The feeling seems to be that general condi- tions do not warrant the co .tinuance of such high prices, and that for some time past the farmers have been getting alto- gether the best of it. The export trade ie not particularly active, though there is a steady demand for well -finished cattle. Common ,to ordinary good butcher cattle, espeially good butcher cows, are steady to firm. Hogs are unchanged, bat the market is a little weak. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice .... .......... $.5 00 $5 23 Medium 4 75 4 90 Balls 4 00 4 25 Light 3 50 3 75 Cows 4 00 4 50 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 00 4 40 3 75 4 00 ' • balls 200 300 - ] Stockers choioe ale, in, Bukhked ar- Pic 4 75 500 Choice 4 00 4 50 Medium 4 25 4 50 Cows. - ...... ... 3 50 4 25 Bulls 3 25 3 50 Hogs - Best 6 40 Lights 6 15 Sheep- Export ewes 5 25 Bucks,,,, 450 Calla . , . ... 3 50 Spring Lambe each.. 300 Calves. each 300 nervous Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it--Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. if you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This Is Ibe first gaeatiet1 your doeter would ask: 'Are your bowels regular, Its knows that gaily action of the bowels is sbsotateiy essential 10 rteoflry. Peepp your liver molars aid your bowels regular by taking iaxatite gesso of dyer's pins. lititderstlatillmi"eCfastivinore.2"" itttlr tqerL P sat 5 50 500 4 00 8 00 6 50 WIXGH.At S[A21 ET RETORTS 'Wingham, April 24th, 1907 Flour���per 100 lbs. a,. 2 00 to 2 60 Fan Wheat .... 0 70 to 0 70 Oats . 085to035 Barley .... 0 45 to 0 50 Peas 0 76 to 0 76 Butter Buckwheat eat+ 0 222 to 0 2(1 2 Eggs per dos 0 15 to 0 1 Wood per oord ,. .250 to 800 Hay, per ton.., ...8 OO to I1 00 Potatoes, per bushel new.. 045 to 050 Tatlow per lb ............ 0 5} to 0 06. THE BUSINESS CF TIE MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Co. of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT.. • For 1906 shows substantial increases over the previous year, as may be seen from the following figures: ITEMS 1005 1900 gains over Assets 169J S 9,296 002 51.366,680 c1,059,447 Income 1,056,618 2,073.423 116.005 Surplus 952,001 1.203,878 249,377 Insnranceiuforce 44,197,954 40,912,407 2,712,453 Expense ratio to Income 17.8 p,o. 16.34 p.c. 1.46 p.c ABNER COSENS Agent, Wingham. The Ontario Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Company. The first Company of its kind in Ontario HEAD OFFICE, • GRAND VALLEY, ONT. Organized May, 1904. Incorporated August 18, 1904. PRESIDENT, - - • William Park. VICE PRES , - W. A Wansbrongh. MANAGING DIRECTOR • • - - - John W. Rounding. Policies in force, - - 2,200 Assets, - - - - $75,000 00 Insurance in force, over $2,500,000.00 This Company insures dwellings and out- buildings against los§ or damage by wind storms, cyclones and tornadoes. Vehicles, farm implements and live stock are held insured against loss or damage by the blowing down or Partly blowing down of any building insured by this Company, th. same being in or around any of the buildings insured by this Company, without being specially mentioned. Purely a Farmers' Company. PETER CAMPBELL General Agent, - Wingham, Oat. WING -HAM flour Mills FARMERS Have your Wheat gristed and get '7 8c. a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran and Shorts, as follows 33 lbs Star Flour at $2 - .66 101be Bran at $1 - - .10 2 lbs Shorts at $1 - - .02 .78 HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANKI iyiti !�Lif �!i�i HORSE SHOW TORONTO May 1st to 4th. TICKETS ON SALE AT SINGLE FARE for round trip plus 50c for admission coupon; good going May 1st. And at FARE AND ONE-THIRD for round trip, plus 50c for admission cou- pon; good going May ;and, 3rd and 4th. All tickets valid returning until May Oth. Low rates to Norfolk, Va., daily until Nov. 30th, on account of the Jamestown Exposition. Choice of routes. For full information as to rates and tickets, call on L. HAROLD, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDoNALD, D. P. A., Toronto. MANUFACTURERS LISTER ! SUITS! SUITS! SUITS! There are a great many kinds of Suits, and it would take too long to go into detail. But THE SUIT THAT SUITS is the one made by MAXWELL & HILL. There is also a difference in Tailor-made Suits and TAILOR - MADE SUITS. Every suit on the market is in a sense tailor-made, but the phrase is sometimes misleading, The only truly tailor-made suit is the one made by the individual, made by hand and fashioned into shape, instead of being rushed through what we call a " sweatshop," from one machine to an- other, without any real tailoring being done on it ; and the material inside is not intended to keep the garment in shape any longer0tnan to sell it. We have the lines and styles of material that will inter- est anyone who is wanting an up -to date Suit. We always keep in touch with the latest New York styles, although we do not advocate extremes in style, but leave that to the customer. We are here to make YOUR SUIT TO SUIT. Our Men's Furnishings Department is filled with good things for Men and Boys. We wish just to mention a few lines, such as : HATS, SHIRTS, TIES, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR. We have the ELLIS SPRING NEEDLE RIBBED UNDERWEAR. This underwear is different from all others, because the spring needle ribbed machines on which the Ellis fabric is made are the only ones used in Canada. We handle this make. MAXWELL &. HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. 4,401,1%1044"0"”40410411 GoP•qt#0D 4 •'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 4 4.4 ► 4 ► 41 to 4 ► 4 a ► a 4 .4 4 4 4 A a 4 4 i ► Is ► PIANO ► 0- lo► lo to► to ► ► 0 lo1010C P ► ► to to 8'- 0- ti- t- 0- 0. - t- ► 8" 0- ; ;► ► ► iy 8,. I► 1► ► I. ► b ► s • x:14.1.11r,yaic.,i al..is.iair��,Iii:r,.'YI:Y,:'i!:�JVa1'ncwai'L�it.s,.1�...unf.t,v,+sWw+, SOMETHING NEW IN WINGIIAM The New Scale Williams P1 Co. Have requested me to Dlac their Pianos in m q y store and have appointed me their sole agent for Wingham and vicinity. A special invitation is extended to everyone who wishes to see them and test their tone and design, to call army furniture store. We specially invite the ladies. Come iu and bring any of your friends along and play on tliem-the more they are played on the better. We charge nothing, but will consider it a favor to have you visit our warerooms and give your opinion of what is'guaranteed by the manufacturers to be one of the finest toned Pianos made in Canada. And after you have satisfied yourselves as to their high quality, we will be pleased to quote you prices on them. Don't buy until you see the New Seale Williams - they are certainly of the very highest grade, tone and finish. S. GRACEY FURNITURE DEALER 4 i 4 1 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 s 4 .4 e 4 4 t 4 4 4 AAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ++++++++++++++b+++++++++++ ••+ + ••+ + + + + + + •+ •+ + 4. Why not reduce that feel bill by hav Z ing your engine put in first - class + condition ? We do all kinds of Repairing. Send i as your work and get perfectsatiefaction. Bicycle Supplies always in i stock. We have some rare bargains in 4 alightly used Wheels -Goon es 1 EW and TWICE AS CHEAP. Try De. 4 + Steam laundry for Sale. Thoroughly modern and up -t0 -date. 1 2 Terms easy. 5 i torn . 0 15 to 0 16 Machine Shop at Chair Factory. W. O. PATO N $ YOUR FURNITURE WANTS With the coming of Spring and housecleaning time, there will be new furniture required. Per- haps a new Parlor Suite, Diningroom Suite, Bedroom Suite, or an Odd Piece just to fill in. Whatever your imnts may be, we are prepared to supply them, and the prices you will agree are very moderate. You're invited to call when wanting anything in the line of Furniture. New Baby Carriages and Carts to Hand. Walker's + I Furniture Store. Dried Apples patFreprieter Undertaking promptly and tatistaotorily attended to. ib to 1t+ ; ririiwwtWilra 1x11 MIAs, per ttrft.1 R G Cls T1. ItOGRAIGORI lin g4r• 4+9+4++4++++4$4+1444++4+4 4.444+44+444+t+++++44•4:+4 1 THE " BIG STORE," - WINGHAM, ONT. JOUN KERR. You'll find it to your advantage to buy your seeds at the "Big Store." New, good, clean Seeds at low prices. Field Seeds. Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, May's Flower and Garden Seeds, 15 five -Dent packages for - 25o Simmer's Vegetable Seeds, 12 live -cent packages for - - 25o ,Ferry's Flower and Garden Seeds, 6 five -cent packages for - 25o MANGEL WURZEL SEED. ALL NEW CLEAN SEED. Not a pound carried over from last season. Giant Yellow Intermediate or A ammoth, half long - Mammoth Prize, Long Red or Gate Post or Giant • Imperial Giant Beot,•half sugar • 15o lb 15o lb 15o lb This new type is a cross between the Sagar Boot ani the Long Rid Rangel, combining the superior sugar qualities of the former and the large size of the latter. It is intermediate in shape. Stands upright, and at least three-fourths of its length oat of the ground :EI®ME MADE MAPLE SYRUP and PURE MAPLE SUGAR In abundance at the "Big Store." We guarantee the gaality. Royal Crown Cream Cheese 25c A LB. TRY IT. RED BELL TEA RED BELL TEA ! RED BELL TEA ! Our Red Bell Tea is gaining favor with the people. It's The Tea of quality and flavor. Nothing on the market to equal it for the money. 28o and 40o a lb black and mixed, If yoa're a lover of good tea try Red Bell Tea You'll like it. If you use Japan Tea, try a pound of our Uncolored Japan at 25o, 30c, 40o and 50.. We claim to have the oleeriest, purest, best Japan Teas on the market. Try our 50o Japan, It is extra good value. CASH PAID for GOOD ROLL BUTTER and FRESH EGG3. We want large quantities of Batter and Eggs. Bring us all yon can. We'll"pay good prides. vvvvvvoevvevvvVvvvvvvnv.!v veVVVYVVvvvvviv7vy7v,VV_vMEM W to ► ► ► D lm ► ► ► FOR ► ► ► t 4, EDS ! SEEDS !i . FARM AND GARDEN -- AT - to. P ► ► ► ► 8' ► ► ► i N CLOVERS: -Common Red, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Lucerne, and White T. A. MILLS' 3 Also Timothy. These seeds are inspected and approved by the De. ® partment at Ottawa for purity and growth, and are all home grown. OATS: -We have several varieties on hand, for instance: White Marvel, Pe wonderfully productive, yielding ae much ae 85 bushels to the sore. 111.of large plump, white grain. Tartar King, highly recommended by IP the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, free from ruet. j White Russian, has been grown extensively in Perth County. $1000et- • Oats, very highly endorsed by the American farmers, by whom it has been largely grown. tes ► BARLEY: -Black, a limited quantity on hand, seldom yielding less than 40 ► bushels per acre. Mensury, a well-known variety, strong and heavy JAPANESE MILLET:--Aiso called Million Dollar Grass, well-known inIte Ontario, splendid for green fodder and hay. ta► JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT: -One of the best Ils 80 and productive. = RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:-Somethimes 15 inches in diameter. varieties, very early GOOSE WHEAT :-The cleanest from foreign seeds I have ever handled. CORNS: -We have coming, the largest stock of finest varieties for eilage and: { Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet Table Oorn, Corley's extra early, Orosley's early, Sugar Corn and Country Gentleman, field 4 Pe and garden peas. f ' EARLY POTATOES: -We have Nought Six a very early and productive variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Farm Ottawa RE taUTY OF HEBRON:-Successfully grown in this vicinity'. -: ALSO GROUND OILCARE:.-Bibbeye Cream Equivalent, Twin City Herb Food, and Pare Ground Flex Meal. All kinds of farm produoe taken, T. A. MILLS