HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-04-05, Page 19THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 5 1989 Hensall committee to review handbook Hensall Correspondent SUSAN HARTMAN 262-2449 Worshippers at Hensall United Church on Sunday were greeted by Audrey Christie. The children's story was about how happy we can be if we are busy and do the things that please God. Jeff Reaburn read the Old Testament and Gospel lessons and Rev. Wright's sermon was from Acts 5:27-40. Ushers were Gerry Drysdale and Grant St. John. The Explorers were in Stratford at Central United Church on an exchange visit. The afternoon Ladies Group will meet April 6 at 2:30 p.m. LIBRARY CONTEST The Hensall Branch of Huron County Library announces a contest as Dart of Na- tional Book Festival Week; April 15-22. Enter your name in the draw every time you borrow a Canadian book or magazine. The winners will receive Quality Canadian books that have appeared on the short list for The Governor General's Awards. The two winners will be drawn on Saturday. April 22. LAST EUCHRE There was a good attendance at the last euchre of the season for the Three Links Seniors with 12 tables in play. Those winning prizes were: ladies high. Emma Campbell, second Ruby Bell. men' high Joyce Wilert, second, Mary Broadfoot and lone hands Hugh McKay. There were also the usual draws for door prizes. The Seniors from Three Links would like to see you all in the fall and wish everyone a great summer. NORTHCREST NEWS Easter weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKnight were Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKnight of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gravett of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gravett and Ashley of Port Elgin, Mark Gravett and his friend Cathy Williams of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Batkin of Clinton. Visiting with Sadie Hoy over the long weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Piekos (formerly Kim Fink) of Oakville, Michael, Marybeth, Aaron, Alyson and Jordan Hoy of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fink of Goderich, Eileen and Bill Hoy of Kincardine, Bob and Blanch Socket of Edmonton, Bernice Socket of Palmerston and Sadie Socket of Fergus. Nan Britton was in Kitchener over the holiday with her son David and Jane Britton and family. Doug, Karen and Bryon of Tavistock visited last Sunday with Doug's mother Mrs. Mabel Shirray. Wayne and Iris Payne enjoyed a pleasant visit with Wayne's parents, Carl and Hilda Payne on Saturday. SHUFFLEBOARD SCORES Highest scores at Shuffleboard in Hensall ne March 28 wprPWilma T)avic 491 Lorne WESTERN ONTARIO ROCK MUSIC SERVICES 527-0560 Shelton 3114, Harold Davis 379, Glen David- son 340, Dave Kyle 325 and John Pepper 317, SCHOOL NEWS Hensall Public School welcomed spring last week as did most of us. The staff and students would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Crerar and Mr. and Mrs. Koehler for their special cleaning efforts over the March break. There will be a meeting of the Parent-Teacher Committee on Wednesday, April 12. A Volunteer Committee of Kay Gardner, Shirley Thomson, Marilyn Bengough, Marlene Taylor and Janis Bisback will review the Code of Behaviour handbook over the next couple of months. The Science Fair for Hensall Public School will be held on the 11 and 12 of April with an open house on April 12 from 7-8:30. On Wednesday, April 19 there will be a meeting of next year's Kindergarten Class's parents at 7:30 at the school. The children will register at the School and receive their Health Screening on Thursday, April 27 from 9 a.m. till noon. The Spring concert is approaching on May 4 and May 5 will be a Professional Develop- ment Day. YARD SALE The fifth annual village wide yard sale will be held Saturday, May 27 beginning at 9 a.m. Anyone interested in participating should register by April 28 at the village of- fice. Rafe date is June 3. Hibbert Township raises $1 ff766 for campaign Mafia Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Alice Gardiner and Marg Van Bakel would like to thank all their canvassers for the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Hibbert Township, who gave of their time, namely. Floyd Stewart, Valerie Scott. Betty Anne Christie, Glynis Rice,,Barb Pullman, Jean Carey, Dorothy Dow, Marjorie Drake, Ruth Laing, Robert Hamilton, Bernice' Norris, Cindy Miller, Freda Kerslake, Sharon Fell, Isabel Elliott, Nancy Dearing, Ruth Ann Gray, Judy Jansen, Peta Van Bakel, Louise Leslie, Reba Brnsens, Mary Ann Snowden, Donna Paratchek and Marjorie Moore. Through their efforts $1,766.00 was raised in Hibbert Township. Joan Daynard highlighted our Interna- tional meeting of the Staffa Women's In- stitute, held in the township hall last Wednesday afternoon. Joan showed some fascinating pictures of the countryside and wild animals in the Nairobi, Kenya area of Africa, where she, Robin and children had spent four weeks camping: Joan also had many interesting souvenirs on display. She was introduced • by Freda Kerslake and thanked by Marion McCaughey. Freda Kerslake presided for the meeting opening with a poem. "When Things Go Wrong" followed by the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Thirteen members and one visitor answered the roll call by naming a food from another country and naming the country. Grace Kerslake gave a humorous reading on "Panty Hose" Kay Smale gave a report on the recent Perth South District executive meeting held in Kirkton. reminding Walton communityy holds shower Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALL 887.8677. Friends, neighours and relatives were welcomed by Doreen Hackwell to the com- munity shower for Cathy McGavin on Mon- day evening, March 27. She will be married to Pat Melady on April 15. The basement of Duff's United Church was prettily decorated in the spring colors and everyone had their names written on a cameo cloth as they arrived, by Sherry Hoegy and Nancy Godkin. The program consisted of Sharon Godkin and Shannon Craig singing duetsaccom- panied by Marion Godkin at the piano. A couple of contests were conducted by Doreen Hackwell. Margaret Whitmore favored the large audience with a piano solo, "In my heart for you". Olene Dennis gave an amusing reading, followed by a con- test. Marion Godkin led in another contest. Cathy McGavin, the guest of honor, her mother, Marie and the groom's mother, Cathy Melady, were presented with cor- sages and asked to come to the chairs at the front, when Jeanne McDonald read an ad- dress of congratulations. Gifts were carried in and presented to Cathy who later thanked everyone for the' wonderful gifts and an- nounced her mother was having open house, April 8 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Lunch and a social time closed the evening. • CANCER DRIVE April is cancer month, and the village will be canvassed so please give generously. PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pryce and family, Winthrop were recent Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marks. Brian Whyte, Ben Driscoll and Blaine Marks visited last weekend at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. American Top 40 Music for Buck & Does, Dances and other Special Occasions 19A ma xnecialip BEACH PARTY DANCE Dublin Pavilion SUNDAY, APRIL 9 8:30 p.m. - 12:00 Music by "Worms" 94.00 ADVANCE 95.00 AT THE DOOR For tickets call: 345-2942 345-2878 345-2172 ACROPOL RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE ANNOUNCING WEDNESDAY'S SENIOR CITIZEN DAY 2 OFF — EVERYTHING 4 DON'T FORGET OUR 'RIDAY NOON SMORGASBORD 5 Main St. Seatorth 527-2254 QUEEN'S 1ORThSEA everyone Staffa is hosting the District An- nual on May 16 at the Main St. United Church in Mitchell with the Theme to be "Preparing for the"90s" Roberta Templeman presided for the business, with sec. Verle Mahon reading correspondence regarding the Home Craft Display in Exeter April 8 and 9 and the Daf- fodil Tea in Mitchell April 1. A motion was passed to raise the membership fees to $5 per person. Donations were made to Staffa 4 H Club, South Perth Athletic Association and Mitchell Agriculture Society. Members were reminded of the annual meeting Tuesday evening April 11. This is when secret pals are revealed and gifts ex- changed. Following the meeting a social time was enjoyed with lunch prepared by Verli Mahon and Orpha Norris. • PEOPLE Art and Esther Srnale have returned home from the sunny south. Family members visited on the weekend with John and Roberta Templeman. We welcome Lynette Elaine Kerslake to our community, a new daughter for Craig and Peggy and a sister for Heather and the boys. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT — EVERY THURS., FRI. & SAT. THURS 6 I FRI. 7 I SAT, S THURS 13 1 FRI. 14 I SAT. 15 .n TRIBUTE TO PINK FLOYD Beck By Popular Demand! D©� �riff ONE NIGHT ONLY u ® THURSDAY, APRIL 20 JUST BACK FROM WESTERN CANADA TOUR! IN CONCERT ... THURS. 20 FRI. 21 oLF C TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE BAR $2.00 ADVANCE (83.00 AT THE DOOR) SAT 22 THURS. 27 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TALENT GN''c IROX FRI. 28 SAT, 29 PARTY HEARTY WITH US ThOMPSON'S OFFERS A COMPLETE CROP SYSTEM Knitters ignite woo The final meeting of the Tuckersmith Glit- ter Knitters was held at Sharen Park's house. The meeting began with the recitation of. the 4-H pledge, which was followed by learn- ing about the ignition of wool. Two of the members, Sharen Allan and Leanne Dolmage, ignited wool and acrylic samples to show how fast both burned, then explain- ed why one takes longer to burn. After that Sharen Park explained the pro- cedure of grafting, the darning of the underarms and shoulders. and acrylic Everyone then took their turn at judging different knitted articles, looking for pills, loose threads, dropped stitches and tension changes. All of this was learned in the past six weeks. The ' Glitter Knitters would like to say thank you very much to the leaders•for spen- ding time teaching them knitting skills. They would also like to thank Mary McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Romanik for sharing their hobbies. Thanks also to the Women's Institute for sponsoring Tuckersmith No. 1. There's Something for Everyone at The 4th ANNUAL �'Baf�ii/Ilgw�o To help you obtain Maximum Economic Yield let W.G. Thompson & Sons Limited lend a hand. Qualified personnel can make recommendations on marketing, soil tests, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer blends and application methods. Experienced operators provide custom application of 28% and 32% nitrogen solution, U nitrogen and herbicide "mixtures, Q urea, j ammonium nitrate, micro- nutrients, and B custom blending to suit your fertility program. 6 A complete selection of quality Hyland Brand Seeds are available. - I Our accredited Germination Lab of 4 years, is recognized for germination testing of wheat, barley, oats, com, soybeans, beans and peas. Thompson's provide complete crop production programs and E efficient service for all -your spring needs. ri Come in and talk with us today. oTEA GARDEN •DDOR.PRIZES •FREE ENTERTAINMENT *FASHION SHOWS *DEMONSTRATIONS *and•MUCHMORE! #? Adolfo... a* Ailsa Craig Mitchell Port Albert Hensa I Granton Seatorth 293-3223 348"8433 529-7901 262-2527 225-2360 345-2545 en StmbntaGenlore...41 . (Under 11..PREE wlth.aduu)