HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-04-05, Page 1616A - THE HURON EXPOSITOR APRIL 5 1989 Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4A 1 W 4 4 34. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine; 2 tractors; boat and troller; farm mochlnery; etc. to bo held 41/2 mites •south of Bayfield on Hwy. 21 for JIM CLEAVE on SATURDAY, APRIL 15th AT 10:30 A.M. NOTE: Machinery sells ct. approx. 12 noon BOAT: Mason 16' cedar boat with con. vertible top, Evinrudo big twin 40 HP outboard motor, complete with trailer, water skis; Ski doo trailer; Skl dao snowmobile; 16' canvas condo. COMBINE: Massey Ferguson 300 self propelled combine with 11' cutter bar head, bat reel; Innes straw shreaddor, 9' pick-up rasp bar and bean cylinder, (REAL SHARP) SWATHER: Massey Ferguson 44, 10' self propelled with pick-up reel and water cooled engine. TRACTORS: John Deere 4020 diesel, with cab heater, 16.4 x 34 tires, out,. Illary fuel tank, 16.4 e 34 clamp on duals; Nuffield 4/63 with Leland diesel engine front weights, 16.9 x 30 tires. MACHINERY: 2 Turnco 5• packers; Cockshutt 4 furrow n 16" semi -mount plow; Allis 12' trail disc; Glencoe 12' trail cultivator with harrows; MF 33 15 run seed and fertilizer drill; 12' trail fond leveler; Triple IL 4 row rowcrop cultivator with rolling shields (nearly new); 2 - 3 drum rollers; 5 sectlon.dia- mond harrows and pole; John Deere 494 4 row planter; 3 PTHItch fertliizer spreader; 7' heavy duty 3 PTHltch blade; New Holland 67 hay baler; New Holland side rake; New Idea 7' mower; old hay crimper: 30' pipe hay elevator wth undercarriage; MLT 36' hay and grain elevator with electric motor (good one); Cathie 3 PTHatch sprayer with hypro pump; 3 gravity bins on Martin wagons; 2 wheel trailer; farm, Ing mill; 2000 Ib. scale; Heim 7 snowblower; 2 hydraulics cylinders; 3 hydro fencers; approx. 50 eiectrie fence posts; horse drawn cutter; 2 iron ket• ties; small barn lack; lack ail lack; log" ging chains; 220 electric heater; wheelbarrow; radar cans; phis a wagon dead of misc. and other Items. Costner retiring. Lunch booth TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper LO. OWNER: Jim Cleave 519-565.5241 AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton, Ontario 4 4 4 [4, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 V 4 4 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Combine; 2 tractors; large farm machinery; Lincoln car; riding lawn mower; grain buggy. etc. to be held 35 miles east of Winthrop for MARTIN MURRAY on THURSDAY, APRIL 13th AT 12 NOON NOTE: Machinery sells at 1:00 p.m,. COMBINE: International 915 hydro static turbo diesel combine with cab. heater, air monitors, straw shredder, 23.1 x 26 drive tires; IHC 863 six row narrow corn head; IHC 810, 15' cutter bar heed with pick-up re& and 14' In- nes pick-up; IHC 810 16.5 love bar, cut• ting heed with pick-up reel. SWATHER: international 175 13' with hay conditioner and Wisconsin motor. TRACTORS: Case 2670 4 wheel drive diesel tractor with cab; heater etc., 23.1 x 30 tires, 4 sets of hydraulic outlets, 15 x 34 clamp on duals; Inter- national 1066 turbo diesel tractor with cab heater, air, front weight, 20.8 x 36 tires (REAL SHARP),' 20.8 n 38 axle duals. RIDING MOWER: INC 80 Cadet hydrostatic with new 12 HP engine. CAR; 1978 Lincoln 4 door Town car, ful- ly loaded, good candition,selling,as is, MACHINERY: Tandem truck with 20' steel grain body pole hoist and tarp 10.00 x 20 tires; INC 7 furrow x 18" spring reset •ball plow; INC 4700 36' Vibrashank cuitivator with harrows; INC 810 18 run double disc seed drill with grass. seeder; Lukes grain buggy on 23.1 x 26 tires; Nardi 500:galion tandem axle sprayer with 45' self level. ing boom. electrical controls and foam markers; Kilbros 375 gravity box with extensions on truck frame wagon; Bea- ty meter mill; MF81O hay baler; Westfield 46' x 8" auger with PTO drive; Speed King 40' x 6" auger with 5 HP electric motor; ,Gehl 7200 crop chopper, 6 yrs. old; Kool blower; George White 28' hay and grain elevator with electric motor; 4section diamond harrows; 11 tooth 3 •PTHltch anhydrous applicator; 12' Danish cultivator; 3 PTHltch 12 row drop noz- zle boom; 3 drum rollers; Cose 4 bar side rake; 2 fiat racks and wagons; 2 - 1SO got,. aluminum ,saddle tanks and frame;' 300 gal. aluminum .tank on 3 PTHltch frame; logsplltter;.alder..gravi. ty box on wagon; 11' grain .auger; wooden pig feeder;; 10" I. beam 15' long; belt pulley fits 4000"Ford; .farm. Ing mill; platform scale;,anowmoblle trailer; fiberglas truck topper; .barn jack; 20 round bales of hay; .approx. 1000 brains of red clover hay, 3 _yrs- old; 2000 gal. tankfor scrap; plus a wagon load of misc. Farms are. sold Lunch Booth TERMS: Cash or Cheque. with. proper 1.0. OWNER: Martin Murray.Seaforth,.Ont. 519.627.1609 AUCTIONEER Richard ,:Lobb t_519-482=7898 Cunton,.°marl. IIA%*OMNtf YOU88GOS :AGAINST •CANAf1AS r/1 KILLER. 35. TENDERS WANTED 35. TENDERS WANTED Its i Cab & Chassis for 3/4 Tor Truck Specifications available at Clinton Public Utilities Office, Clin- ton, Ontario or by writing to P.O. Box 520, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1LO. Tenders must be in at the Public Utilities Office by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 1989. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 34. AUCTION SALES ESTATE AUCTION OF TWO FARMS; TRACTORS; OMPLEMENT5; VEHICLES; SAWMILL; ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 70 BE HELD 5 MOLES NORTH OF MITCHELL AND 1'/ MOLES WEST OF BORNHOLM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 8 AT 9:30' A.M. . PROPERTY: Parcel 1: This *arm being 10D acres more or less has 90 acres workable with random drainage and 8 acres hard- wood bush. On the farm Is situated a 1'.-, storey brick home; large L-shaped bank barn: cement block shop with overhead door and a drlveshed. The farm Is In o good state of cu0tfection. Parcel 2: This parcel is 25 acres more or less with 18 acres workable being drain- ed at random and 7 acres hardwood bush. TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% downpoyment by cash or certifiable cheque day of sale. 8adance in 30 days. Sailing subject to reasonable reserve. To view farms con- tact Larry Muegge at 347-2789 days or 348-6770 evenings. TRACTORS & S.P. EQUIPMENT: J.D. 0 1936 on rubber is*eel lugs & road rims sold separately); Ford 860 gas tractor; Ford - son Major diesel tractor: Case 0 rowcrop with loader; M.F. Super 92 with pickup, straight head & straw chopper; Owaton- na 10 ft. swather with conditioner. IMPLEMENTS: Ferguson 2 furrow plow; .1.0. one-way disc; 8 ft. trail disc; .1.0. 10 ft. troll cultivator; Sandrum 9 ft. 3 pth cultivator; .1.0. 4 x 14 mounted plow; .1.0. 3 x 12 trail (dew; flat rack & gear: dia- mond harrows; McKee 6',, ft. double auger snowblower; Waled 3 pth rotary grass cutter (used twice); 3 pth buzz saw; H.I. 201 pto spreader; gravity bin on J.O. gear; Mount Forest threshing machine; J.O. 14 in. hemmermlil; circle saw. MISC.: Dynamark 1136 riding mower; steel hen nests; fanning mill; grain augers; quantity of lumber; grinder and motor; hand tools; steel gates; trailer; homemadetablesaw; cement mixer; evaporator pan & 300 gal. holding tank; sap pails; scale; steel siding; cant hooks; SthiI & Homelite chainsows; bench grinder; grain aerator; walnut siabs for table; 11/2 hp compressor; walking plow; cross -cut sows; magnetos; quantity of scrap & several wagon loads. SAWMILL: One man stationary sawmill with 50 in. inserted mill saw; G.M. No, 4043C diesel power plant; 39 in. Li, 46 in. inserted saw blade; Cowan 24 in. planer with 5 hp electric motor. VEHICLES: 1981 Chev von, V6, 30,000 km., Certified; 1977 Oldsmoblie Delta 88, V6, 17;800 original miles, Certified; 1974 GMC .4 ton standard, 4 speed, V8. 'As 1s. FEED: 300 bales old hay; appron. 3 tonne mixed grain. ANTIQUES: Large 2 door wardrobe with raised panels; flat -to -wall cupboard bot- tom and top; matching washstand, dresser 8. high bed; drop -front desk; pine chest of drawers; high -back sideboard; press -back chairs; spinning wheel; wool winder; ,old cradle; bench; washstands; dressers; high -back organ stool; blanket box; six spindle -back chairs; wicker rocker; rocking chairs; parlour tables; wooden extension table; harvest type table with drawer; apple peeler; apple press; butcher kettle; quantity of carpenter's planes; copperboilers; coal oil lamps; crocks; 3 wall phones; large cabbage cutter; scala; quilts; trunks; mats; Ingrahm mantel clock; old window mortising -machine; sausage press; wine press; whetstone & stand; old glass cylinder gas measuring unit; two cutters; pine butter box; blacksmith drill .press; Enarcooll bottle; rope maker;.White Rose & Enarco,palls;.partlal.dry sink; six Kuntz Breweryqt. betties in original case; cut• ting.box and ninny.more collectibles, HOUSEHOLD: Karn piano with bench; 3 place. Waterfall,bedroom suite; Hoover apin,washer;McClary deep freeze; nine piece; dining room suite; fridge; wringer washer; Grand .Jewel parlour stove; dishes; .etc. AUCTIONEERS'. NOTE: Plan to attend This large Intecesting,sale. Two auctioneers ,selling<ot the same time. Auctioneer's ,decision final in case ,of ,dlspute. Auc- tioneers &;Estate.not responsible for,ac- cidents,day,,of .sale. SALE ORDER: 9:30 A.M. - .Wagon load; 10100. A.M. -,Property & Household-Ef- .fects, .implements & ,Misc. *o follow -wegonaoads. TERMS: Cosh .or Cheque with I.D. .PRPPIfIET,OR:.Estate of the ,,Late Harry ;Muagge. AUCTIONEERS :'D ug..,Jacob - 27127894 *Wallie'<TRoss -,5394077 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS • AND OTHERS In The -Estate of GWENDOLYNE RUSTON All persons having claims against THE ESTATE OF OWENDOLYNE RUSTON late of the Village of'Dublin in the County of Perth who died on or about the Bth day of February 1989 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th cloy of April 1989 after'which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received Dated at Seafortr. Ontario this 15th day o' Marcn 1989 McCONNELL, STEWART 8. DEVEREAUX "Barristers, &c.. Seatorth, Oratorio Solicitors for the executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS A OTHER, ir1 the Estate of LLOYD ALPHONSDS BEDARD All persons having claims against THE ESTATE 'OF .LLOYD.ALPHONSIS'BEDARD, late of the Town of Seaforth invhe County of Huron. who died on or about the 26th day of December 1988, ore hereby notified to send in full poi titulars of their cloims to the undersigns on or before the 19th day of April 1989, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received Dated at Seaforth. Ontario this 22nd day of March 1989 McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers. &c,. Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of MARY ALICIA COYNE All persons having cloims against THE ESTATE OF MARY ALICIA COYNE, tote of the Town of Mitchell in the County of Perth, who died on or about the 9th day of March 1989, ore hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of April 1989, alter which dote the assets will be distrib}iled having regard .only to cloims then received Dated of Seatorth, Onlano this 22nd day of March 1989 McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors. 35. TENDERS WANTED TOWN OF SEAFORTH POLICE CRUISE TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5'00 p m local time Monday April 10th tor a 1989 Police Cruiser Tenders must be submitted on Town tender forms Specifications for vehicle and tender forms available at the Municipal Office Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted M. Huard AMCT (A) Deputy -Clerk Town of Seaforth Box 610 Seatorth Ontario NOK 1 WO. 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY FARMERS WANTED ' who are paying tot much tax or who are not using all the tax breaks available When we prepare your tax return, you'll receive every break coming to you You'll pay the least tax possible Home appointments available now' Call toll-free 1-800-265-1002 F.B.0 • your tarm tax experts for 36 years' 38-14-bc • 0. KIRBY VACUUM Supplies and Service Call Lloyd Eisler 527-2364 38-14-3 LAWN ROLLING. Phone 527-0873 38-14-2 LAWN ROLLING calt Gary Osborne 527-0642 38-14-2 Fuel OSB Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 HENSALL LWESTOCK SALES Ever\ 1nursdav a' 1.230 d,ni Alt classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter h 229-6205 Kirkton V -EA LS . Abattoir and Meat Market Hwv, 83 - 31/2 miles east of Exeter .'try us to' CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Lia‘,.. • 1uesdav' OUR SPECIALTY Home Lured and smoked meat, processed exactly the was you like I( t De You Need Your Lawn ROIIIec FOR REASONABLE RATES Call Rorr Janmaat 522-0148 Call after 6:00 P.M. PLEASE HOWATT CONSTRUCTION Concrete and General Contracting •Foundatons •Sidewalks •Driveways •Flooring R.R. 1 AUBURN, ONT. (519) 523-4338 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the .Estate of GLENFORD FREDERICK ROSE All persons having cloims against the ESTATE OF GLENFORD FREDERICK ROSE, late of the Township of Tuckersmlth in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 17th day of January 1989. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of April 1989 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to cloims then received Dated of Sealant.), Ontario this 22nd day of March, 1989 McConnell, Stewart 8 Devereaux ,Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor Ff CALL NOW FOR SPRING •LAWN ROLLING STAFFEN'S AWN CARE i• Lawllt Cutting li r4 -v •Shrub Trimming •Landscape Design St 7'', FREE ES'I'IAAATES CALL''' ' 52'7-228G JOHN STAFFEN r, 39. CARD OF THANKS" 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY KELLY'S SEWING SERVICE • All wardrobe making bridal wear, dressmaking, children's clothes, alterationeetc. Call 522-0529,38-14-tf READY FOR THE SPRING SEASON - Call Now M -B Paving -Lawn rolling, special, prices on large lawns, ,,we use extra .heavy rollers Professional asphalt paving and sealing. We specialize in farm lanes. parking lots. driveways. Please call 527-2328 or 522-0939 38-12-4 SMITH We would like to thank neighbours, friends and relatives for, pest wishes, cards, gifts, money, and the surprise supper on the occa- sion of our "25th". Special thanks to Kevin and Laurie for the trip to Nashville Easter weekend. Many thanks to all of you. Murray and Olga, 39-14-x1 CHURCH We wish to thank the members of Cavan United Church, Winthrop for the beautiful Easter Illy, It was gratefully appreciated. $III and Mary Church 09-14-1 39. C;' RD OF THANKS SALLOWS I wish to thank the nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for excellent care Special thanks to Dr Wong and Dr Malkus also to all for visits cards and flowers Special thoughts 10 my roommate Mary Alice Lillian Sallows 39-14-51 HEINBIJCK Perhaps you sent a card Or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece If so. we saw it there Perhaps you spoke the kindest words As any friend could say Whatever you did to console our hearts We thank you so much Whatever the part The Helnbuck Family 39-14-1 CONNELL I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for their cardsflowers and gifts while I was e patient In Seatorth Hospital Special thanks to Dr Malkus and Quinlan and nurses for the support and kindness Helen Connell 39-14-1 EEDY We would like to thank all o+ our friends. relatives and neighbors for cards. flowers. gifts and visits during our stay at Clinton Hospital and since returning home A big thank you to our parents for their care of Dann and to all the OB nurses for their excellent care during our stay Special thanks to Dr Salsbury. Rosie Boyce and Martha Cralg for their fast and efficient care of Jenniter in Emergency Your kindness Is very much ap- preciated and will never be forgotten' Robert. Sandra. Dann and Jennifer 39.14.1 McGAVIN-MELADY • Thanks to all who attended the Buck and Doe held tor us Your friendship and support is ap- preciated A special thank' -you to those who organized it and helped out with the evening Sincerely. Cathy and Pat KEYES I wish to thank Dr Rodney, Dr Wong, nursing and other department staff. my roommates. for their concern during my stay at Seatorth Hospital. For the efficient ambulance service Special thanks to Dr T,McLarty his doctor and nurse teams at 4 East Victoria Campus To my 89 year old roommate who wasso helpful, and to Miss Fox tor her words of encouragement and Care Bear who stuck close by To my relatives, friends, and neighbours for prayers. • the many get well wishes, letters visits. gifts and Garfield Love Struck and other floral ar- rangements and plants I received. Also thanks to Rev. Lorne Keays for his hospital visits. also to Rev Donald Jones and Unit No ' Brucefield UCW tor their cards Thanks lo Fern and Nelson McClure and their tamily an6 Marg and Tom Carter for their special care shown to my mother during my stay in hospital. Last but not least thanks to Merton for his moral support and visits To those whc drove to London, to those who spent short and, extended visits to help pass the time more quickly for him, for phone enquiries, both local and from Florida. Thanks to Barb for Home Care, for all the meals on wheels, home bak Ing, Porky Pig surely hit the spot for Easter lilies, potted plants, visits to our home and In• vitattons out. since my return home all this has been greatly appreciated. May God Bless Sincerely, Elsie Keyes 39-14 40. IN MEMORIAM MILLER In loving memory of a dear clad, Russel!, who passed away four years ago. April 1 1985 His smiling way and pleasant face Are &pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for east And died beloved by all Some day we hope to meet him Some day, we know not when To clasp his hand to the better land Never to part again Lovingly remembered by Donna and Tom 40.14-x1 VOCK In loving memory of a clear daughter-in-law sister-in-law and Aunt Cathy whc passed away one year ago April 8. 1988 A family member is a special gih One you think will stay You never dream the day will come When God takes her away Life has not been an easy road Only those who have lost a loved one Know too well the heavy load We think of you Cathy, in silence We often speak your name • He gave us, her love, in fullest memories Care and devotion and memories tor us to treasure We thank God for those few precious years Because it hurts us so much today As it did one year ago Sadly missed by your mother-in-law Betty, sisters and brothers-in-law Joyce. Dennis, June, Ken, Wanda, Mark, 8t11, Nieces Kimber- ly, Melissa. Stephanie and Samantha. and Nephew and God Son Elliott 40-14-1 VOCK-SCHRAM. In loving memory of a dear daughter and granddaughter, Cathy Vick who passed away one year ago April 8, 1988, and a dear aunt and sister Margaret Mae Schram who passed away 18 years ago April 12. 197.1 Cry not for me For I am the dew that glistens on the morning grass, I am the wind that spreads laughter through the trees, I am the golden wheat on a prairie field, I am the sunshine that warms your heart when you are alone, Cry not, for I am your courage, your strength and your love, And I will be with you forever Always in our thoughts, Gord and Marg Sallows, Janet McArthur 40-14-51 arasarastre 41. ;PERSONAL ,RELIABLE Canadian and Oriental Ladies (alt ages) eek housekeeping opportunity, ex - Change for shared accommodation, new loca- tions, companionship, etc. Request further in- formation (804) 547-2020 anytime (7 days) 41.14-bc ase