HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-04-05, Page 1444A - THE HURON EXPOSITOR APRIL 5 1989 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 1. CONING EVENTS FIDDLERS Jamboree at the Township oI Stanley Community Complex Varna on Sum day. April 23 1989 at 1:00 p m Hot meal available. Everyone welcome 1-13-4 ADULT RINGETTE • 18 and over. April 5-7:30 Arena It Ice available Bring equipment Share ice cost For information call 527-0750 263-5480 1-14-x2 ee: , T n LivhiS Dabber Bingo. every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m Blyth and District Community Centre $300.00 Jackpot must go Over $1000.00 in prizes 1-14-t' DABBER BINGO Vanastra Rec Centre Tuesdays at 7:30 p m $1000.00 in prizes Lucky Ball remains at $100.00 1-14-4 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo $2,500 prize money, 81.000 Jackpot to go, at Satttord Valley Hall every Thursday night Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p.m 1-14-tt SEAFORTH WOMEN'S Institute will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, April 11 at 2 p.rr at Ginette s Restaurant. Mrs. Lorne Lawson' and Mrs. Jesse McGregor convenors. Roll cal'. - payment of fees 1 -14 - CPR CERTIFICATIONS Next CPR Sat. Apr. 22. 8:30 a.m - 4:00 p.m To register call Seatorth Community Hospital 527-1650 and leave name and phone numbe• 1-14-e 1. COMING :EVENTS SINGLES DANCE White Carnation Hall Holmesville Saturday April 8 Music by Blue Roses Dancing 9 to 1 1-14-1 ANNUAL SISTERHOOD Night Thursday April 20 7:30 p m Seaforth Public School Auditorium Admission $1 Refreshments served "An Evening For You" Cosmetics Hairstyling, Jewellery Acessories Colors etc. etc More information call Frances Teeter() 522.1979• All women welcome 1.14.1 ALICE .CERAMIC CLAS'SE'S Openings TUES., WED., THURS. 7-10 p.m. Greenware Supplies Available Custom Orders CALL 527..1041 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 13. USED TRUCKS START NOW' An exciting career In tashior awaits you Earn extra money! Be Indepen dent It's fun easy and profitable Call Collect (4161 632-9090 MA CHERIE Home Fashions S-14-tx LAWN CARE Franchise available' Up It 1000ro financing full training can start par' time while working from home Up tc: $100,000 a year (4161 876-4545 6-14-bc ADVERTISE ON WHEELS' The secret Is the message doesn't go round! and Is readable a: any speed Representatives needed Distributor's inquiries welcome Adwheel Inc (4161945-001 1 6-14-bc 5. I-IELP WANTED TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest •training centre Courses start every Monday Tax deductible weekend courses tor assistance no experience required MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge and London 5-14-t' C.P AND Annual Card Party and Draw FULL TIME work available immediately April 12 at 8 p.m. at the IOOF Hall. Lunch pro • loading chickens) Also part time and specie! video - 1 -14 -Xe student hours Call tree 1-800-265-3034 • • 5-14-t' ST. JOHN'S First Aid Course. May 15. 17.29 31. Minimum number of participants requireo tor this course Contact Art McNaughton 522-1389 1-14-4 SEAFORTH Horticultural Society meeting April 12. 8:00 p.m. at Seaforth Public School The. Webbs of Blootnmg Bog will speak on water gardens, plants and orchids 1-14-x 1 CLASSICAL MUSIC for a Sunoay Afternoon Join the Great Lakes Brass at Blyth Memoria Hall on Sunday, Apr! 16th at 2 p.rr evervthtng trom Bach to Bernstein. Call me, Blyth Festival Box Office at 523-9300 fo• ' tickets 1-14 WHEELCHAIR REPAIR ano maintenance clinic, Clinton Legion April 29. 10 a.m - 4 p.n. Free service and cleaning, small parts at cost - Estimates on major repairs. Persons Unites tor Self Help, tree information workshop. Ap• pointment or information 482-7943 1-14-4 BACK AGAIN! Don't, miss Ill A Craft lover Paradise The 10th Annual London Arts n Craft spring Show & Sale returns to the Canada Building, Western Fair Grotund, Lon don, Saturday, April 8, 12 noon to 9 p,m, Sun day, April 9. 11 arra - 6 p.m. Admission $2 Well over 90 quality cratt people. Olga Irene, (519) 679-181C 1 -14 -be SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Home and Garden Show April 25 and 27. 4:59 to 9:59 a! Seatorth and District Community Centres Sponsored by Seatortn Agricultural Society 1-13-2 MEET ARTIST Muriel Hughes of "Searchtng tor Gold" (figure skating collector plate series' at Middaugh s Collectibles' booth, Godertcn Home Show, April 22. ENTER DRAW FOR FREE PLATE 1-14-2 ANNUAL MEETING of the Van Egmond Foun- dation, Thurs. April 6, 1989, 8 p.m. at the Van Egmond House Everyone welcome Refreshments 1-14-1 FOURTH ANNUAL Stanley Twp Canoe Poker Rally, Sunday, April 9. Registration 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. For more information call 233-7103 or 233-5876 1-14-1 AN INVITATION to former staff, students and then parents to the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Kew Beach Public School Date: Saturday, May 27, 1989. Time: Noon to 4:30 p.m. Place: Kew Beach P.S. Registration Fee' $5 To register, please phone (4161 393-1807 or write: Reunion Committee, Kew Beach P,S., 101 Klppendavie Avenue, Toro's. to, M4 L 3R3 1 -14 -be Breast Cancer and Breast Self Examination INFORMATION NIGHT Tuesday; April 11, 7:30 p.m. Seaforth & District Community Centre Duke St., SEAFORTH Film and Discussion • No Admission Charge To register please call 482-3416 or 1-800-265-5184 presented by. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ST0 THOMAS A.C.W. ,(IEC i� d 1 ■;�M. O l'VM.!fl. 3UPRR PARISH MALL APRIL IL ;500 :pry .tc -7 OO4pr CHILDREN ,AD,UL' TS 44x50 UNDER 12$200 ALL Y.OIJ CANS:EAT IVICE'I'SarANAI1 jt ILEAT 0016OR® FARM HELP to 'work on large sow and cast crop farm hourly wage Phone 887-618' 5-13-2 MECHANIC Class A or 5th year apprentice re- quired year round in Muskoka. Alignment ex perlence an asset. Rental accommodattor• available Call (705) 765-5864 Days., (705• 765-5618 evenings 5-14-bc • CREATIVE CIRCLE NEEDLECRAFT am bitious representatives needed tc, sell needlecraft through home demonstrations. No dehvenes or inventory, Earn $50 - $100 tor 3 hours work! Join tor 810, $20 or $30. (705; 435-6316 ' 5-14-bc MATURE and Student applications being ac cepted tor summer employment at CHATEAU WOODLAND, Haliburton. Cook baker, dining room manager. social director waiter/waitresses, bartender, housekeepers office and children's program. Accommoda- tion available. Write 1 Sulgrave Cres.. Willowdale, Ont. M2L 1WE 5.14-bc WINTHROP BALL PARK requires Booth At- tendant for the 1989 ball season. Send ap- plicattons to Jim McNichol, P.O. Box 984 Seaforth by Apri. 15 0e inquiries phone 527-2177 5-14-x1 PART-TIME Help required al Archie $ Sunoco. Seaforth, Apply in person or call .527-0881 5-14-1 PROFITABLE AGR .BU:SIN:ESS FOR SALE 1977 lir ton 4 x 4 FORD truck with 5th wheel hook up 8 x 16 ft double axle hog trailer Cor Dorssers 622-0656 13-14-1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE Ideal tor individual with farm background to be owner/operator. Equipment and long term customer fist all tor sale. This is a local business, serving Huron County. ALL INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL REPLY TO DRAWER #55 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, now, NOM 1L0 STUDENT to work Saturday mornings in local office. Please write to Box No. 3925 c/o The Huron Expositor Seatorth Ontario NOK 1W0 ' ' 5-14-1 i EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career in the water )real• meni industry. Full training program. Equal opportunity for male or female. Program includes; •Salary & commission •Car allowance •Full Company Benefit, •and the opportunity to earn an excelienl income FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL HANOVER 364-1894 HELP VVANTEL Crop spraying company at Mitchell, requires summer help to operateseifi-propelled, high clearance field sprayers. No experience is necessary, but some fawn experience would .be on asset. Successful applicants will be required to obtain a class "D" drivers license. .We .will help you obtain this. Work period is from epprota- imately-May 1 to September 1. for further information call: 8013 FRENCH 3484211 'FARM -EQUIPMENT MECHANIC We have an immediate opening for a service technician. • Year round:employment • 1W,ell:.egylpped shop • Good benefit package Apply.In confidence to -BILL 'TALBOT SERVICE,MANAS1lER 7. SIT(!!ATIOi,1t S WANTE KEN'S DUMP SERVICE. Big or small - I' haul It all. Phone 522-0155 anytime, 7.13-x MAN with a small truck will do spring clean -u of basements, garages etc. Reasonable rates Phone 527-1085 mornirigs or atter 5:00 p.m 7.13•x2 WILL DO custom housecleaning or weekly cleaning. Phone345-2746 7-14-x2 EXPERIENCED secretary with computer wishes to assist with office overload/typing such as bulletins, resumes, reports. Tetters etc. Reasonable Rates. Strictly Confidential Call 5271'687 after 5prrr '7.14•x1 9. FARM STOCK GILT FOR SALE, open and doer, also brec sows. Phone 522-187' 9-13 REGISTERED and N,I,P Holstein heifers ready to calf. 345-2209 9.13.2 STOCKER SALE T O OC HEAD Ot Flensall Livestock Safes Ltd. on SATURDAY, APRIL 8/89 at 1:00 P.M. CONSISTING OF: Steers, Helfer & Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves 519-233-75111 (Clinton) Barry Miller 519-235-2717 (Exeter( 519-229-6205 (Kirk ton) Greg Hargreaves 519-263-2619 (Hensafl) 519-262-2831 (Henmll) AUCTIONEER Larry -Gardiner 10. FARWVW IVMACHINERY 930 CASE tractor with cab, Phone 233-3257 10-14-x 1 11. HAY & STRAW 2000 70 Ib. BALES of second cut alfalfa. Ken R. Campbell Farms, 519-527-0249. 11-14-2 FOR SALE Loose straw, dry very reasonable. Apply to box 3923 c/o The Huron Expositor Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO 11-13-x2 STRAW FOR SALE Call Nick Whyte at 527-0349 or Bill Whyte at 527-1289 11-14-4 1.2- USED CARS 1983 LTD, 4 door, mid -ser 4 AM/FM, cruise controls it • uu,• t• ur certified. $3295.263.6602 elle. 4 par - tg�ti CHEV - Nova - Excellent condux,i -Phone 527-1686. 12-14-x2 CFIEV Caprice - FSNers. Rhone •627 86 rafter 5. 12-141 LARGE QUANTITY of new lumber - dressed spruce and red pine - 2" x 4' 2" x 6' 2" x 8' ano 2' x 10" Ir• various lengths Very reasonable Phone Luoknoe Discount Lumber. 519-528-3047 14 -14 -ti GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners Get the best selection and prices in Canada plus fret- shipping program Buy from the same source as local stores Free catalogue Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour Si Vancouver B.0 V8B 3N9 (6041 882-6636 14-14-bc BICYCLES FOR SALE - New and recondition, ed bicycles all sizes All adult three whee bikes Phone 482-5698 14-11-x6 SOLA BALLAST PRO ARK & Sylvania lamps hydroponic kits and books plus much much more Send $2 for catalogue Greenhouse and Hydroponic Store, 63 Clarke Slderoad London Ont N5W 5W7 (519, 452-3919 14-14-bc BUILDING Factory Inventory 28 5 40 • 83986,00 40 x 60 • 85450,00. 46 x 90 $8900.00:.60 x 120 - $17.000.00. Clear Spar Widths trom 20 Feet to 240 Fee; •Call now 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 792-2704 14-14-bc 20' 6' x 12' f" GARAGE - Best often To be removed. Phone 522-1126 14.13-2 BARLEY, mixed grain and oats. All suitable tar seed .Contact Rober, Fothermgham 233-9196 14-13-2 MEN'S 27" 12 speed bicycle, 21' trams good dondition. Askmg $110. Also boy's 24' 3 -speed racer anc boy's 20' bike Call 522-0895 after 4 p.m. weekdays. 14-13-2 CHESTERFIELD, love seat, 2 end tables, cof- fee table, 2 brass lamps, contemporary, ex cellent condition, phone 527-2543 14-13-4 OFFICE EQUIPMENT eight tractor trailer loads of used desks, chairs, filing cabinets storage files. book shelves, room dividers. priced to sell K,A, •Hammond and Co Limited. Moorefield, Ontano (519) 638-306e 14.14-b3. BUILDING SALE - Clear -out of various sizes and types - clearing out miscellaneous stock for spring - limited steel - save thousands while supply lasts PARAGON 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours) 14-14-bc BUILDINGS FOR SALE by manufacturer Pioneer quonset 19 8 9 8 26 $1,999: 40 x 14 x 60 $5,899 with endwall and endwali with sliding doors. Econospan straightwall 24 x 8 x 20 $2,999. 40 x 14 x 60 $8,999. Wood -steel with endwalls Limited stock Call 1-800-668-5'422.(24 hours) 14-14-bc FOR SALE - New "Demo" or Used Toning Tables. Start your own business o't ADD to ex- isting! No franchise fee!! We train, Call now (519) 925-2057 14 -14 -be NORTHERN FOOD TREES Old fashioned Apples. Pear, Apricot. Nut trees. Shrubs Evergreens seedings Guaranteed delivery Reasonable prices Catalogue $1 Golden Bough tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0 No phone 14-14-bc GALLAGHER High Power Fencing. Complete electric fencing supplies 5% discount for cash until April 15 Call Evert Van Sligtenhorst. 262-6208 14-14-2 CAKES - do you have ars occasion that needs a cake, well I have cakes for all occasions Call Anita Lammerant, 527.0035. 14-14-xl 'PATIO SETS' 40% OFF OR MORE! Three showrooms. New lines include Wicker and Rattan. Warehouse open Tuesday to Satur- day, 71 King West, Forest, (519) 786-2180 14-14-4 SINGER sewing machine, good condition. hardly used, $150 or best otter, also 24" Hard- wick gas stove suitable for a cottage. Phone 263-5048 14-14-x MENNONITE OAK FURNITURE SALE Savings galorel Katie's Country Crafts Is over stocked and more furniture is arriving! Now is the time to take advantage of this great sale with up to 75a/o 0111 8 miles east of Kincardine (11A miles east of Beryie), on No. 9 Highway. Monday to Saturday 10-6, and Sundays 12-5. 395-3461 14-141 POWER CLEANED Timothy seed at reasonable price. Phone 627-0748. 14-14-x2 205 LITRES or 45 gallon steel and plastic bar- rels. Sold at Winthrop General Store, Win- throp, Ont 1414-4 OFFICE DESK 80" x 80" in excelli tion. Phone e63-5988 4 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:90 P.M.MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M. 22 words - one week 54 50 two weeks $4 00 three weeks $3 50 Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7 ,with picture $12 prepalo MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after dale o' wedding After this time, photo and outline only $15 Complete write-up $26 IN MEMORIAMS - $4 50 plus 35 cents per line of verse CARD OF THANKS - 30 words $4 50 Each ea dltionel word 06 cents 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 83 00 each additional week - $1 00 CLASSIFICATIONS Coming Events 23 Real Estate t Yard Garage Sale 24 Property for sale 3 Lost Strayer 25 Property for rem 4 Fount 26 Apartments for rent 5 Help Wantec 27 For sale or ren' 6 Business Opportunity 28 Wanted to rens 7 Situations Wantec 8 Custom wort 9 Farm Stock 10 Farm machinery 11 Hay and stray, 12 Used cars 13 Used trucks 14 Articles for sale 15 R V.s for sale 16 Mobile homes 17 VCRs for sale 18 Computer come. 19 Pets 20 Swap or trade 2' Wanted t0 buy ,22 Wantec PHONE 29 For rent 30 Room and Boarc 31 Notice 32 Vacations 33 Educetlona, 34 Auction Sales 35 Tenders wanted 36 Legal notice 37 Notice t0 creditors 38 Service directory 39 Cards of thanks 40 In memoriam 41 Personal 42 Engagements 43 Marriages 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 ern. to 5 p.m. 15 QP9S FO SALE BONAIR R V 's and Trailers Utility Hardtop, Ten, Fiftn-wheel Travel anc Park models. Also awnings. Add -a -room. Atr-Conditioners, Trailer -Hitches and Accessories. New and Us- ec. Large selection,. low prices. Royal Trailer anc. R. o Centre Tevlotdale Ont (519) 343-2122 - 15-14-bc 1968 17 ft. CITATION. sleeps 6, fridge, stove, turnace and 10)161 $2000.00. Phone' 233-3133 • 15-14-1 M gaol 'Si-AS.•P,ULS •PATIO-FURNITIIRE 2,,343MAIN ST. N. af:AFQRTH 21 . WANTED TO 'EIILDY ANTIQUE glass paperweights and other anti- ques. $$$ call Steve 527-0211 Friday even- ings or weekends. 21-37-x52 23. REAL EST .' TE 50 ACRES • 21/: miles east»of Brucefield. Phone 263-2545. 23-12-3 HOME ILLUSTRATION A beautiful rendering of your home A per- sonal original art work by a protessional com- mercial artist Give me a call, Bernadette Kowalchuk - 527-2427 23-12-3 HIGHWAY 8 CLINTON 3.34 acres 3 -bedrooms. secluded in woods. new roof, new well, driving shed, barn, great commere col exposure.. $74,900,00, 233-5039. 23-14-41 WORKMAN A REAL ESTATE LTD. REPRESENTATIVE HENRY HERO 527-0430 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with full finished basement carport nice area. '115,000.00 DAIRY FARM near Seaforth, 100 acres with quota NORTH ST,: A lin 0-oom 1'., storey frome home on drge lot offered at $59,500.00 GODERICH ST. .01.: We re offering this beautiful 3 bedroom home of 594,500.00 with many features including an mground pool EGMONDVIL40ge building lots '30,000.00 INCOME PROPERTY: Goderich SI. W. 1000 sq. ft. commercial plus 3 fine opts. Total in- come over $25,600.00. Excellent investment opportunity NEAR SEAFORTH: 185 acres prime cash crop land. Call for details KINBURN: 2 bedroom frame home. :. acre lot, fine starter home. 540,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: Prime building 101. 515,000.00 31 ACREHOBBY FARM: With trout ponds. horse born. modern 3 bedroom ranch home, Close to pavement. $145,000.00 FARROW TO PINI RATION: On 112 acres In McKlll $168,000,00 INCOME OPPORTUNITY: In this duplex in Egmondville. Well rented and financing in place. Call for details. EGMONDVILLE: 2 well treed building lots. 525,000.00 166 ACRes . iys well. 150 v. «a, a- ame, double " see . , . C. 1w. GODERICH ST. xd. . a. .i. 4 aom home is on o comma, c,al lot, bus nodern kitchen, .,, nu,u .vuudwork with trench doors• fireplace, duluge, full basement and is priced at only 542,500.00 1.RES(ENTIAL LOTS in good area, 60' x 148' each. ,;IIhAUTIF,IIL: 3 level split on well treed 1 acre lot. 1200 sq. ft. shop. Must be 5.000. rI3UI.401140 £015: We hove o very good selection of Tots in Seaforth, Egmondvltle and area. Coll for your choice. cA41EA CAWS: We have many area fprms end country homes available. Call for your choice of a good selection.