The Huron Expositor, 1989-04-05, Page 1212A — THE MORONI IMPOST/OR APRIL 5, 198
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ANNE MARIE ROCK, iRNI, has -graduated
from the Nursing Diploma program of Con-
an/Km Cedlege. Anne Mane received her
registration from the Ontario College of
Nurses and has acceptea position at
Listuwel Memorial Hospital. Proud of he -
accomplishment are. husband Robert
Rock; parents. Ray and Eleanor IVialoriej
and in-laws. Ken and Carol Rock
and Mrs] Garfield Baker of Etatpurcej
eiveilkier Certified General Accotmmein
degree on November .5, 1988 at tne Perspec-
tives 88 Graduatihr. Herniae- Last;
Westin, Torimto. Jayae is a fanner ea-a:Mate
fof Seaforth PabliceSchool, Seatrath.Disthict
High Schohland F.ansiewe College, 'endue .
She received her degree fronethe Certified
Genera] Accountante Associatior. of
Camelia. Jayne is presentiy employed witr
Peat Marwick Limited, Chartered Accoun-
tants, London.
Bunny campaign keeps members hopping
The March meeting of the Seaforth
Lioness was held nt Ginette's Restaurant
with la members and three gowns present
The roll call was to make and wear ar
Easter bonnet Everyone modelce thee
Easter ereatians. The ndantas were mac
and appreved
The chanolate !Easter Bunny casemate;
was a hugesoccess. It kept members hopp-
ing tokeep up with the orders. Thank you te
everyone whet purchased a aonns. for
your support
The euchre on March 2 at Maplewooc
Manor was a great success There will be
more to follow.
Our condolences to Betty Hulley on the
toss of her brother and ta Dorothy Hays on
the toss of hertnishancl. George flays was a
fellow Lion, a good friend and even Sante
Claus for a number of years He will b€
missed very much
Thank mins were received from Lipman
Dorothy Hays for the donation made to the
Leans Park and Pool on behalf of George
the Ringette Association for the donation
the Heart and Stroke Foundation ] the Sun-
shine Pounrintion
Ineeneenetren I for elonalthen the'
An invitation was received from the
Goderteh Lioness Club to help them
celebrate their 5th anniversary on June /6
Lioness Dorothy, Melees) and Heather well
be attending the convention in Toltiermorj
on April 28, '29 and M
Sisterhood night wilibe held on Thursday,
April 20 at the Seaftoth Public School. Come
out and enjoy. . The theme will be "All For
You ' ' . Also, the amine for the Cancer Socie-
ty will be held on Tuesday , April 18 at the
Seaforth Legion Hall. The euchre, which is a
dessert and tea euchre 'sail begin at 7 p.m
There will he door prizes, as well
Lioness, don't forget the meeting for April
will be on the "10,11- Same time, same
Grain drive response exceeds expectations
The slogan of the Canadian Foodgrains
Bank (CFGB ] is "A Christian Response te
Hunger' -and Christians in this comment,.
have certainly responded
$19.077 was donated to the lacal gran
drive by the following congregations
Bruceftelc] 'United Churr_te Duffs Iinitec
Chewer. Walton Egmondville linitec
Maureen Hensel, Unitec .Churen
filobene United Ounce: Kippers Unitec
Church Northside United Church
Seafurthe Ontano United Omen Clinton
St_ Andrew's United Marren. Bayfteld
Themes Anghean Church, Seaforth anc
Wesley-Walis United Muria. Clintore as
well as hy other interested individuals in the
The funes raised were used to perch:an
two boxcar Warts +with 1.00-69 kg. bags n -
each car ] of corn. The Hensel' Co -Op agatr.
graciously offered the use of their staff anc
than facility in support of thus effort
The local effort wail be matched three tt
one by the Canadian hmernatinnal DeveloptAgency resulting in a total of S76.000 -
name directed toward the work of tin
CFGL That work ITIVOilTES emereenc,
page 2
discussion of deektilnic Made at previous
meeinags" section of the inenetne agents
Mr. Chapman said he had been imam
from people in Ms itonnicipalip,• about tie:
transfer of Bruce Shaw, and made a motion
re re -open discission on the prmeipal
transfers so their views conk be heard
tnoaee Norman Pickett of Gaietich. limit-
ing a suniier statement', seeded the mo-
tion. The motion to re -open discussion was
dehaated, and the only two trustees noting
. fern einere,lik two entaitionneil above.
I don't seithowany .other trustee with core
stitttants attending either Ember or Gunter,
high schools amid have voted against this
motion, but they did.
1 wouldn't mind the hoard del:Wing te,
stand by its original intention, But conic
food aia. and 2. the the of food for work in
long-term development projects. A carefa.
and exact accounting is made of ah
shipments with less than three per cam of
the funds raised being aced for administra-
tion costs This is passible ttP,PAILCP the
CFGB relies on the overseas networks and
connections of its nine, partner churches
Without congregations faithful support of
their own denomination's missile] fund. the
work of the CEGB would be seriously
But. as the participating congregations
concluded at their evaluation meeting. the
CFGB drive raises people's 2W2INIREESS of
the needs of the world and encourages then
to eansider the many ways in which they car,
respond. Such a mammies response far ex
ceeded the original dream of a commitudtt
grain drive: and it gave birth to the hope
that next year even more congregations ant
individuals will choose to be a part of this
project Congratulations to all WhC, par-
tunpatei in tins year's drive.
"Wel, done good and faithful servant
(Mat. 25:23
trustees not have lillSelLSRPO the issue IT
while SPAS7011. and voted to nedikam"
No doubt each of the tritigtee.5 tlaS re-
thought tips issue several tunes. No doubt
trustees dammed tins issue as a board in
then private session before the student
deiegatine. And no doubt trnstecess have an
cess to information the general public eat
not have. and they are confident their
reasons for the trainsiers are solid
But after all the hoopla, the board stipule
have acknowledged public minim. This
the entire hoary:, and not just by the phair _
man reading from a prepared statement
Otherwise the board sends a message that
the opinion of the people -the same people
who voted the board inte eRice- doesn't
s from page
$6,500. takbeg „ 3,590 out o us proposed
$8,000 Christmas budget, ana reducing the
General Advertising budget iron the pro-
posed $4.509 to eL5tlit. Last year Vieth was
spent on General Advertising. and where
$7„214 was spent on Cluistmas 1988 promo -
tons., there is $4,509 budgeted nom
The merchants cut a further $1,500 out of
the budget which had been allotted for
business recrintinent, took an extra $2,000
out of the BIA reserve tuna, ana achieved
ther $10,000 tax cut.
Included in the Midget winch was passed
is $10,000 the BIA is contributing le the
Streelscape program in 198S, and will be
contributing again in 1990
'The Lanai budget passed was for $43,000
rather than $51,000. Merchants also agreed
to strike up a committee te work toward a
summer 13.1A soda] event. suet, as st
barbecue, isa Loins Park. Jim Sibs will be
working on the committee
in other business at the annual meeting it
was decided to have a BIA directory printed
giving information on BIA members and
telling nee BIA members what the
organization does.
Brian Ferguson of the Queens Hotel asked
if the Seaforth BIA has taken a position or
Sunday shopping, and suggested the BIA
decide where it stands on the issue.
There es one vacant position ieft to be fill-
ed on the BIA executive, created by tiie
retirement of Charlie Campliell and Jean
The BIA is AITLIAIALAg for topics for business
seminars eisa 4vairitsliups. Wale suggest/ea
topics are store windows, bad cheeks -how
to deal with them and their authors (shoot
• em suggested one businessman .
marketing and staff motivation. Other
topics will he considered.
in reviewing 1988 the BIA saw e suc-
cessful year, and noted that the street was
filled, and there is now a hack of anumercia]
"I think the iast tinee years we've been on
a roll and we want to keep that going.' ' com-
mented Mr. Fisher
On the meeting's adjournment clerk -
treasurer Jim Crocker said that in the se
years of attending BIA general meetings
ibis is certainly the hest ve ever attended
as secretary, just by virtue of the discus-
sion. 11 11 ean continue we should be strong
in the future'
1111111 page 1
must ,be complied. Approximateli. $14,000
must he raised locally for this project. Owe
ea(ahlished the centre plans to be self -
sufficient and able W meet the childcare
needs of many area families.
Chmunity support is being sought in o
number of ways. Peitionalletters of support
for this venture would be welcomed, as well
as donations of new or good used equipment
or toys. Receipts for income tax purposes
are available to anyone making a financial
nahmemon. Foodnheingprojects are also
underway. Cheques should bepayable lo the
Seaforth and District Preschool Learning
binaries may be directed to the Seaforth
and District Preschool Learning Centre or
any member of the Daycare Committee, as
listed Gayle Coleman, Mary Verbente,
Joanne Papple, Helen Southgate. Mary
Nigh, Beth Hagan, Beth Van Boorml,
Dorothy Medd, Mary Margaret Nash.
Cheryl Phillips, Marlene de Vries, Janice
Verschuere and Cheryl Wilkihson, all of
Seaforth „mid area. Correspondence may be
sent to Box.645, Seaforth.
Rimer Inigher--
• from page 7
was three hours and five minutes
There wase tangle of Vetoes at the star-
ting line as 11 entreats ie the Maa's
Amateur clans Irielteeell for poollice, and
ended opsiarlingtbe race going backwaids,
forwards altll ,Sideways. Vdied /deflate and
Nonn,Wpoillieektif Clitithanti Nisi this tiase
hufalatattleOf We boar kl alioutes.
4ad tse 42 Mixed, ,a priteusipaal 4ass,
was opm by gal AAA gebooaa 0011714w Of
1**Obtirg, n aUMW Of Atte bey Aticl
nierehierenohatriesell theJuniter chaes
:Rife year
Ile *WPM A ,gR€ StAsbgki,
4010:0 -.r.,rAd
of4A45eafPiih' of. ACP] AN4n