HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-04-05, Page 11THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 5, 1989 -- 11A Tweens win fold meds 8 at The Tweens came home from Chatham on Sunday proud winners of the Geld Medal ui the Western Regional Ringette Tournament for the second year in a row. The girls played and won five games of ringette throughout the weekend. For a small town teamthey proved they could play and skate as well as the next guy, The final game of the tournament for the gold medal was against Chatham at 4 pm Sunday. Seaforth had already played Sun- day morning in West Lorne and had to travel to Chatham to play. Minus an hour sleep the night before, an early rising and some entertainment at the Wheels lnu, the girls were tired but anxious to win and did so 7-5. Seaforth started the scoring off at the 13:48 mark on a goal scored by Cheryl McLl- wain assisted by Janice Rodney and Kim Rau Chatham came back nine seconds later to tie up the score. Seaforth scored two more goals as did Chatham to end the period 3-3. Cheryl McLiwain scored both goals, one assisted by Janice Rodney and Kim Rau. and the other assisted by Tricia Smith and Katie Craig. In the second period Cheryl McLlwain started the scoring off again assisted by Janice Rodnei and Kim Rau, Chadian. RECREATION PREVIEW by (Recreation Director) Marty Bedard Games events start sa® Don't miss the ERIC NAGLER CON- CERT on Wednesday, April 12. two shows at 5 and 7 p.m. Eric is a regular member on the Elephant show with Sharon, Lois and Bran; He plays many different kinds of musical in- struments and sings when he perform, Tickets are still available at various stores uptown, or contact any Rmgette parent Seaforth will be hosting a FASTBALI. UMPIRE'S CLINIC on Sunday• May 7. ii enough people are interested. The clinic will be for anybody under the age of 19 and have not umpired before. Il you are interested please call the Recreation Office at 527-0882 If you are already carded, but wish u, refresh your memory on the rules, you are also welcome, just call the above number and register COME MEET AN AUTHOR!! Sheila Mar- tindale will be speaking at the Seaforth Branch Library on Monday, April 17 at p.m. Free admission, everyone is welcome • Sheila is a well (mown poet, editor, publisher and radio host and now resides in London Four books of her poetry have beer published: "Darkness on the Face of the Deep" (1977 ). "A Moonbeam into Nowhere' (1979;. "Closing the Gaps' (1983 are; "Negotiable Assets' (1984,. Copies an available at the library If you are 18 years of age or older ane would like to play RINGETTE, please come to the arena on Wednesday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. Please bring all your equipment and try the game • out. If enough interest is shown, this could develop into a league for next season. For more information please contact Marg Dale at 527-0750 or Jule Kinsman at 263-5480 SENIOR SHUFFLEBOARD scares frons last week are: Ladies: Doreen Kelly 404- \fanastra centre Spring into Fitness at the Vanastre Recreation Centre. Join one of the many programs which begin April 10 and run to June 17. (10 weeks;, Registration for all swim and fitness classes is daily Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Spring Brochures are being sent through most of the schools in Huron Coun- ty. They describe the programs being of- fered, membership opportunities and facilities available. The Aquatic program offers somethini for everyone. Parent and Tot swims for babies up to two years, and Guppies and Parent for two to four years give a new lear- ning experience for the very young. The Red Cross Water Safety (learn to swim pro- gram) for all ages - youths, teens and adults is also being offered The Esso Swini Canada program,, which' consists of com- petitive swim training starts Monday, April 10 from 5-6 p.m. Swimmers can improve on strokes, starts, turns and build up en- durance. For a more advanced swim class the RISS Bronze Medallion course is being offered starting Monday, April 10 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. for 10 weeks. The course cost. includes materials and exam fee and you must be 13 -years -old to take the test. Also available will be AquaFitness (which is water exercises). This is a 45 minute workout to music emphasizing flexibility and mobility. This program is being offered on Tuesday from 7:45-8:30 p.m. or Wednes- day 9:15-10 a.m. starting April 11. "Fitness For Fun" exercises. Beat the winter blues and bulges by doing floor exer- cises to music. This program is planned for Monday and Thursday evening from 8-9 p.m. followed by a relaxing swim and sauna from 9-9:30 p.m. Want to ease your aches and pains. Join the Arthritic Water Exercise program. This program, which consists of shallow end ex- ercises stressing general mobility, is all done in the comfort of warm water. It is beneficial for people with arthritis or injury aches and pains. This starts Friday, April 14 from 9-9:30 a.m. Recreation Swim Times for this session are as follows: ADULTS ONLY SWIM: Monday to Friday 12-1 p.m. and Wednesday 8:30-9:30 pen. PUBLIC RECREATION SWIM (for everyone) is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30.9:30 p.m., Wednes- day 6-7:30 pan., Friday Fun Night 7-8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 3-4:30 p.m. FAMILY ONLY SWIM is Sunday from 2-3 p.m. Helen MacKenzie 378 and Marg Shea 238 Men: Gordon MacKenzie 355, Gordon Mur- ray 350 and Bert Walters 335 Shuffleboard will be cancelled on Wednes- day. April 12. It' anybody would like to comm out on Tuesday, April 11. from 1:30 to 4 p.ni.. you are welcome. Also, on Wednesday, April 19. it will be held m the morning from 9 a.n; to 12 noon. The Seaforth SENIOR GAMES will begin on Friday, April 14 with 5 Pin Bowling. The games will continue through until the end of May. Watch the Expositor next week. for a. schedule of events Any Senior 55 years of age or older is eligt• ble to play in any game. Registration fee is $2 for the first event. and $1 per person for any other event. Coffee and cookies will be supplied at each event. For information on the games, please call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. The SEAFORTH LIONESS club would like to invite all ladies to the annual "SISTERHOOD NIGHT' All ladies in Seaforth and area are welcome, you do not have to belong to a club. This event will be held at the Seaforth Public School Thursday April 20 starting at 7:30 p.rn. Admission fee is $1 per person and refreshments will be served For information call Mary Margaret Nast; at 527-1886 or Francis Teetero at 522-1979. Congratulations • to the Seaforth Tween Rmgette team as they came home with the- Western heWestern; Region; Championship last weekend. Team members are. Jill Wood. Andrea Gingerich, Kim Rau, Jodie Hugili. Tricir Smith, Carrie McLiwain, Julie Carter. Cheryl McElwain, •Katie Craig. Robyn Carnochan, Janice Rodney, Kristine Gemmell, Crista Clark, Marg Dale - coach. Julie Kinsman - assistant coach, Lois McLI- wain - manager and Tammy Nash - trainer. puts out brochure Admissions to swims. are as touows: (ef- fective April 10/89) CHILDREN (up to 12 years) $1.00, STUDENT (13-17 years) $2.25, ADULTS (includes use of sauna $3.25, FAMILY $7.50, SENIOR CITIZENS $2.25. Admissions to use the sauna is $2.50 daily and admission to upe the Fitness Room is $3.25 daily (this includes use of the sauna and you must be 16 -years -old or accom- panied with an adult ) Memberships are available for the pool. fitness room and sauna Ali of these programs will commence the week of April 10 and run for 10 weeks. The staff at the Recreation Centre extends an in- vitation to everyone to drop in anytime to view the fine facilities. If you have any ques- ' tions regarding the Spring program or would like a brochure mailed to you, please call 482-3549. astern r' eglonaB Ringe'tt,e came back again to tie it up. Proving they still could show their stuff Kim Rau put Seaforth again in the lead on a short handed goal, assisted by Janice Rodney and Cheryl McLiwain Cherly McLiwain again put Seaforth in the lead on a goal assisted by Kim Rau and Robyn Carnochan. Killing time to give Seaforth the win, Cheryl McLI- wain passed the ring to Kim Rau who put it upstairs to give Seaforth a two goal lead. With 19 seconds left in the game Seaforth hung on to win the game. Chatham was given nine penalties in the game and Seaforth three. It was a game well played b the Tween team In previous played games the scoring was as follows: Friday night the Tweens played Goderich in Glencoe and won 8-3. Scoring were Cheryl McLlwain with four goals and one assist; Kris Gemmel] one goal and one assist; (Kris's goal was scored from centre ice unassisted i. Julie Carter one goal and one assist: Robyn Carnochan one goal and one assist: and Kim Rau one goal. Also pick- ing up assists were Janice Rodney one. Tricia Smith three assists. Jodie Hugill twee and Katie Craig one On Saturday at 9 am the Tweens met up with St.. Thomas and won 8-0, No April Fool's Day for Andrea Gingerich played ex• cellent in net this game and got the shutout Scoring m this game were Robyn Carnochan two goals and one assist: Janice Rodney two goals: Cheryl McLiwain two goals and one assist: Carrie McLiwain one goal and one assist and Kim Rau one goal and two assists. Also getting assists were Katie Craig two. Tricia Smith one, Kris Gemmell one. Jill Wood one. Robyn Carnochan one. Julie Carter one and Crista Clark one, At 3 pm on Saturday the Tweens played . 9110111.1d Dorchester and hung on to their winning streak by defeating them 12-2. The Tweens had some anxious moments when Janice Rodney got hurt and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance when she fell and hurt her back and .neck. Janice came through with an excellent report and was back as part of the team Sunday morning. Kirn Rau led the scoring in this game with six goals. Cheryl McLiwain added three, Robyn Carnochan scored two and Julie Carter added one Getting assists were Robyn Carnochan two. Kris Gemmell two. Katie Craig two, Jodie Hugill one. Janice Rodney one, Cheryl McElwain one and Kim Rau one. Sunday morning at 9 am the Tweens had to pack up and travel to West Lorne to play Lambeth. This game proved to be a tough one for the Tweens but they held their com- posure and won 6-5 in overtime. Scoring were Kim Rau three goals and one assist, Cheryl McLiwain two goals and two assist: and Robyn Carnochan one goal and one assist. Also getting assists were Jodie Hugill one, Janice Rodney one Congratulations girls for s well played tournament. Special appreciation is given to the girls who gave up their ice time to the ones that were responsible for the goal scor- ing A very co-operative "Tween Team". Andres Gingerich, the goalie, receives special praise for keeping the team in the games when the going got tough: to the four great defencemen. Robyn. Kris, Jill and Jodie: and to the wingers Tricia. Carrie. Julie, Katie and Crista and the three flying centremen Kirn. Cheryl and Janice Con- gratulations also to Marg Dale. Coach : Julie Kinsman, Assistant Coach. and Lois McLI- wain, Manager. MoLa a 1>tr1 1 Chea -Oki Ltd. 13 'Main St. Seaforth 527-1140 m Service o Selection 0 Savings Satisfaction O Leasing Complete BODY SHOP Service e The Walton Area Sports Club BASEBALL. REGISTRATION at the LTOINILIBRRARY �JAToq AF'R11, L 15 FIEF - $15.00 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or phone 887-6464 or 88 7-9 79 7 SRODHy'°',GEN MINOR r ALL R'EEG ST( TI N Saturday April 8 9 a.m. - 12 noon at BRODHAGEN CCMMDNDTY CENTRE If you cannot attend Registration please PHONE: 345-2447 HOCKEY HUDDLE - Students from St. James School in Seatorth finished second last week in a floor hockey tournament hosted by the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board, and held at St. Joseph's School in Clinton. In this game, which pitted Seaforth against St. Joseph's of Stratford, Seaforth emerged the victor by a 4-3 score. Rudan photo ULT. GILF LESSO; .s will begin on THURSDAY, APRIL 6 7:30 p.m. At the Seatorth Golf & Country Club This will be an 8 week pro- gram for 3404°. Call the Seatorth Recreation Office to register or for more information 527-0882 OPEN FOR THE SEASON Come out and enjoy a coffee and browse through our new selection of clubs, bags,, carts & accessories. etAH:; tart On The '89 ,MEMBERSHIPS Now Available ABOUT WHERE YOU LIVE Can you answer these questions? 1IWhat does your municipal clerk do? CFIIC DAY 2When du you need a building permit? Hu W' (;ail yin /halt(' your views known 10 your council? 6 Who is your councillor:' Who is your 7 school le a/rl member" - What dues a (;ununirtee of Adjustment adjust' BALL REGI RA..J..JON We will be taking orders for DAV OLD IIIIE'T-TY :E O k (Roaster) 'CHICK$ Both mixed and sexed chicks available. TURKEYS, DU,GKS ,& :GEESE AVAI eu=- 'ORDERS PLACED BY :AL 10 -PICK..UP DATE:MAY 11 4 Ho 14 do zoning by-laws a1Yec1 you? Where does your local government t, get its money;' Dublin Community centre SUN., APRIL 9 1:0O,,p.nm. to .2:00 prim. boys ,anti Girls of All Ages Diilsbm..and District Athletic . Association I�l mININIIM. SRF 25 0100 WE CARRY A CQNIP)FETE LINE F SHHR,GAIN FEED,AND ,ANIMAL.H ALTH:RRDDiJCTS W.02 t9 5.5 Who Gan vole in local government telections? What happens if' you don't pal your proper() taxes? Find the correct answers, and much more about the community you live in. during L'GOVERMENTWEEK APRIL 10-15 it's the time to find out how your community works for you. Ministry of Municipal Affairs John E.akir, , Miran:' Ontario i xd k Vii(• ani' {41 In .support of your Loeal G;ovenunent Week Celebrations.