HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-04-25, Page 1THE WINGHAM
in grew) the best, per lb. .50
: STONE (for spraying)
Per pentad . .05
CAUSTIC SODA -1 and 5.1b tine.
Per pint bottle, - - .15
MINATOR, per bottle - .25
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Goderich Ex-Itudents' Re -Union.
A. re -union of 'Iortner students of the
Goderich High School and Collegiate
institute is to be held in Goderioh on
'Thursday and Feiday, , August 22nd and
23rd, 1907. Ex tudents are requested
to sepd their resent address to Mr.
Mr Win Lane, eoretary, Ci. 0. I. Ex.
Students' Re- ton, Goderiob, Ont.,
stating in who whaf year they entered the
school. On rejeipl of tbis the secretary
will forward ijformation in regard to
to the re•unio special railway rates,
eto. It is ex cted that the gathering
of Mr Strang' old pupils will be a large
and notable onb.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Wingham Business College
(Affiliated with Clinton B. O.
- C:4
- Individual instruction.
z>. Write for handsome catalogue. •
OEO. SPOTTON, PrIncipal.
A bright, new, clean
selection of
to adorn your home.
A Look Will Convince You
d4 pair of Labe Curtains in fine
patterns, beautiful laoey
curtains with floral and panel
offeCts, regular $1.00 per pair.
Saturday 790
63 pair of especially good Eng.
Ash and Swiss Curtains new-
est netts and patterns,regular
$1.25 perpair, Saturday - 990
Old Postoillce Store
Macdonald Block WIROHAllf.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Lawn ',Innis.
A meeting of the Wingham Lawn
Tennis Club will be Lend in the Council
Chamber on Friday eneuiug of this week,
at 8 o'clpck, for the p arpose of eleoting
officers and redirgau zinc the club for
the coming season ell those interested
are requested toettteid.
Good line of beavy Plow Boots at R
The Street Wtering.
Messrs D. M Gordo4 and John Kerr
spent Townley In gett g subscriptions
trona the business m n on Josephine
street to ateiet in payijlg for street wee.
e ring. The dust for he past week bas
been almost nnbeara le and the water-
ing cart should be b ought into service
at once.
Fon SALE—The Best Seed Peas, Corn.
Clover and Timothl • G E. MEG,
The New Scale
Mr. S. Gracerbas
agent for WIngbana
New Scale Williams
ed to be the finest to
its kind made in Om
bas a stook of these i
and will be pleased
purobasers call and i
the advt. in anoth
illiams Piano.
een appointed sole
d viomity, for the
iano, acknowledg-
ed instrument of
ads Mr Graoey
strnraents on band
o have intending
epect them. Read
r column of this
Go to Knoz's for he newest, styles and
latest American 9slgns in Wall Paper.
West Hu
The West Hur
at Auburn on M
applications for
complete their w
til Friday. In
tion o2 Mr Joni
Hill, for a licen
tion signed by
a petition sign
presented in
house has bee
about five yea
n Licenses.
Commissioners met
nday last, to consider
his year, but did not
ork, and adjourned un-
npport of the applica-
han Miller, 01 Smith's
e was presented a peti-
onie 80 ratepayere, while
d by 60 ratepayers, was
pposition to it. This
• without a Donee for
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen Avenue, London,
3rd door East of 'St. Andrew's Chitral,
Property ransfers.
Thos Cassels has isp0sed of the Go'.
ley office and stable roperty, on Victor-
ia Street to Chas Su ton, James Ander-
son, formerly of NV' gham, and recent-
ly of North Dekot , has purchased the
D. A. Campbell kjmestead ou Frances
street, from Geo Wraith. J. H. Chis-
holm made the par hese of the Wm H.
Donbledee, jr., p operty on Francis
street. Tbese tr wafers were made
through the Ageno of .1. H. Obisholm,
real estate agent.
Dr. Ovens, Ocul et, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo.
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, April 30
—all day. Glasses properly fitted.
Furniture Stc
Five business pla
were totally destroy
nesday night of last
Pattison, a former
of this town lost hes
was engaged itt the f
taking business and
burned. The lose w
insurance. The old
sorry to hear of Mr.
hope it will not bali
established in basin
re Burned,
s in Port Elgin
by fire on Wed -
week and J. W.
11 -known resident
ily. Mr. Pattison
rniture and under -
is stock was all
s partly covered by
friends here were
rttison's loss and
g before he is again
1 Plead Not Guilty.
The story circulated freely last
week in reference to so thipg terribly
small that I had one in keeping with
the yarns that we e .1d last spring and
summer about II • actions in, taking
back my store, et. me told to gain sym-
pathy without any regard to truth.
When I have to resort to mean . and un-
gentlemanly notions in my business ca-
pacity I hope I will have sense enough
to step down and out.
S. GRACEY, Undertaker,
An Hour With tProf. O'Brien.
The editor of the Fnras on Monday
spent a most delight 1 hour with Prof,
O'Brien, who is eta • g at the Hotel
Brunswick. Thew W4lter, like many an-
other mart thought rehrenology a huin-
bug and Palmistry a iurvileal of the sap,
erstitioue belief that supported gipsies
and witches in re den days. Prof.
O'Brien, however, co ivitieed ns that the
profession of the Phr noloftist and Palm
reader is very near o exact sciences.
Prof. O'Brien must ot be teased as a
fortune-teller. His ork IS the result of
long and patient Mu and he has mast-
ered it well. The riter of thio Was
amazed to have char titer, temperment,
disposition so well a clearly delineat-
ed and More Moat able still, salient
points in past lite an conduot aoourftte-
ly narrated, and the eatanMI Why shown
in the marks of the nd, killfully, in.
t3lligently and scour tely read and dein
°Abed. Many of t prominent people
of Wingham ban called on Prof.
O'Brien to the mini r of over one hone
• nkelt laV4,"
Ontario's death rate tor Motoh Wu
154 in 1,000.
The New B k Building.
Mr A:. E. Smit , manager of the
Wingham branch o the ()mains!). Bank
of Continent,, thfr4 week receives the
pious and speoiftc-.tions for the new
hank building to let ereoted in Wing,
ham. By adver inement in another
column tenders a: beteg irked for all
the work in cone otion with the e?ec,
tion of this building and contractors can
gat all necessary _ntormation from Mr,
Gro E.
o, Butter 28o,
Purchased 9acing Stallion
Mr V R. Venue an bas purchased
from Messrs Bake4 Bros , Springfield
Stock Farm, Gueip , their fast pacing
etalliou, "Lord D !Idea" Tbis is a
handsome bay hot sel sixteen hands and
weighs about 12C0J He is bred from
the most fashionable blood—that noted
Wilkes family. Jintendivg breeders
should eee thie bore, He will be at the
Queen's hotel stab s after May lst.
WANTED—Saleswo e a nd bookkeep
er ; experience preferr P O. box 368,
W Ingham,
1, 0. 0. F. nniversay,
The members o the Independent
Order of Oddiello of this town will
celebrate the anniv nary of the Order
by attending divine ervice in St Paul's
Church on Sunday ternoon, May 12th,
when Rev. T, S. oyle will preach a
special sermon A umber of the local
members of the 0 :. er will attend the
anniversary setvic with their brethren
at Wroxeter nex Sunday afternoon.
Members of the 0 der wishing to attend
the service at Wr xeter will please leave
word at Elmer M ore's restaurant or J.
W. Hewer's bar • :r shop,
We have the nest stook of Window
Shades at mode ate prices. R. Kxox,
A Bus; ess Change.
. This week Mr. J. H. Chisholm, who
bas for the past y ar been engaged in
the real estate an insurance bv.einess,
sold out to Mr, Abner Oosens Mr.
Chisholm bas bee very successful in
this business, m ny properties having
changed hands th ough his agency. We
have not learned hat 3Ir Chisholm in.
tends doing in 2 ture, but understand
tend leaving Wing.
ham. Mr. Oosene las had considerable
experience in the it summit) and real es-
tate beeriness and n well known to the
People of this dietr ot. He should do
well. The office will be in the same
rooms in the Vanstone•Griffin block.
JUST ABRIVED at the Bi: Book Store,
Sanitary paper for B th r oms, Burlaps
for dinning rooms, 0 , kitchens, eto.
Oak Veneering, for y r floors, old far-
nitnre, eto. K. M. FISHER.
Building Gnerations.
The more seasonable weather this w eek
bas allowed p:ople ti commence build-
ing operations and nOw there is a bustle.
Contractor Nicholson has Mr. F. Hill's
new residence on th way and has this
week completed the new verandah in
front of Mr. Geo. R se' reeidence. The
cementwork on the oundation for Geo.
C. Hanna's store wil be commenced in n
few days. Work has min oommenced on
W 1) Pringle's new r Bidet:roe on Leopold
street. John Wile° , V.S., now has all
the frame buildings ft' his front street
property and excavat gforthe new block
of stores bas been co menced. W. H.
Green has comment d work on his five
new cottages, to be b itt near the 0.P.R.
Dr. Nelson Tait, i 498 Spadiva Ave.,
Toronto, will• be at the Queen's Hotel,
Wingham, on Fridan, April 26th, from
8.30 a.m, till 3 p.m., for consultation in
diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat.
Glasses fitted.
C. P. R. Suareyors Here.
Sureeyore for t Canadian Pacific
Railway were in to n for a few days
last week looking ver the ground at
the south end of Jo ephine street, and
this revived the rum r that the'C. P. R.
station was likely be moved to that
part of the town. t is the opinion of
many of our towns eople that connec-
tion is to be made from Wingham to
Blyth. The movin of the station to
the south end of the own would great-
ly help that section the town and the
railway to build the road from Wing -
ham to Blyth wont gine us good con-
nection with Guelph • nd Goderioh. We
would like very nui h to see this work
carried to completi n, but nothing de-
finite can yet be rep rted.
Close o Contest
On Tneeday even g a very enjoyable
time was spent inc.. neotion with Coun-
cil No 114, R, T. of ., being the closing
event of a contest which has been in
progress during t e winter months.
Through the gener linty of Bro P. Buch-
anan, who has alw tete the best welfare
of the Connell and temperance came at
heart, a prize of a beautiful solid gold
eMbleraatio pin wets offered to the
member receiving llgheSt marks for at.
tendan0e, program progranu4ie, andeeenring new
members for insure oe, sick and funeral
benefits. After the ordinary routine of
blieiness and short rineramme the prize
was awarded by Jn Kart, in a genial
way on behalf of M Buchanan to 1•Tor.
man Brandon, Wh replied in his ordi-
nary unesettreting relItteging
the Presentation, 1 nolt aud !fait Was
served atid ati en gable social hour
Donations t
Dr A J. Irvitn, tr
hau. General Eiospi
D Gordon. Luokno
men, $24 00; P
en 00; Rev tt
Aodereou, $5 00;
R Memnon, *5 Ro;
Welk erville, chair
minter of the Wirg.
I, reports the fob
con tributions : —Dr
r.tabje for operating
Feeler, postmaster,
•rrie, $25 00; A R
. Van ormau $5 00;
perial Rattan Co.,
$5 00.
s acre farm,
two tunes 'rem VVingh All in gruss.
Get particulars from H Davis.
Funeral Large
The itureralem Fri
ot daster Peter Carr
Mr and Mrs. P. N
death from drownin
our la tissue was ve
The floral offerings w
the heartfelt eyropat
Tansley in their atilt
at the house and gra
by Rev. D Perri.
ay afternoon last
11 Tansley, .On of
Tansley, wbose
was reported in
largely attended,
re lovely, showing
y for Mr. and Mrs
tiou. The services
e were conducted
Shingles :—Parties req irin shingles
sheuld call and get p ic A good
supply of tnest shingle ow on hand.
A. letoLteen.
Epworth Leagu Officers.
At the meeting of th Epworth League
on Monday evening, t . following offie
cers were elected tor t or ensuing year: -
President, 'W. T Hall vice-presidents,
G Liddy, Jeo, Kerr, Wilbert Weliwood
and .11.;Seph Guest; re oording seoretary,
Miss Dulmage ; coffee gelding secretary,
Ira Parker; treasurer, Miss Fessant;
organist, Norman L randon ; assistant
organiet, Miss M Ha mond.
Misses' Dongola and
Patent and Sell Tip, s
lar price $1 60, 81.75
sale Saturday for $1,
GAINS— r Pairs
3o 0 f Boots,
es o 2. Rogu-
e d $1.90. On
0 a pair. W. J.
A Serious ccident
Mr Will Lott me; With an accident
last week that mist) t have easily cost
him his life. Hewas at a farmer's
barn assisting in seting up a seed drill.
In helping to carry the box of the drill
the young man (el through a trap door
and the box folio ed him. His face
was very badly outland bruised, but we
are pleased to rep t that Mr Lott is
able to be around a ain, but will carry
the marks of this fortunate aooident
for siome time.
Holmes Su day School.
At the annual 'meting ting of the Sunday
School Committee 1, held iu Holmes
School House for th election of officers
and the transaction *other business, it
was decided to enlar re the library, also
to purohase the ver n beet and most up-
to-date Sabbath Scheel papers and helps
for each departmen ;. This school will
be well equipped, tend hope to report a
successful year at the close of 1907. Mr.
Jno Kerr has agaiq been elected Super-
intendent, and 31r King assistant Supt
The opening of Se bath School for this
season will be on Sunday, May 5th.
r .
Death of Ms J. A. Youhill.
The following from the Winnipeg
Telegram of Ap .1 3rd, refers to the
death of a former inghamite: "The
death occurred yes erday at 5 o'clock of
Mrs Joe. A. Youhil at her residence, 36S
Sherbrooke street, n her twenty-foarth
year after a some at extended illness.
A peculiarly sad in ident is the fact that
she was a bride less than a year ago, aud
she leaves behiiijl many sorrowing
friends, not only id Winnipeg, but also
in Toronto and Pc.et Hope, Ont., and
Portage la Prairie, klanitoba. Deceased
was the youngest laughter of the late
Wm Marshall, of Wingham, Ont. and
was a sister of Rev. T. W. Marshall, ot
Prince Albert, Sask." Mr Yonhill is also
a former well.kno
ham, aud a sad fea
death Wag the fat
who is in the mail
the road, and did n
death until his retu
bereaved hesband
pathy of many old
n resident of Wing -
are of Mrs. Youhill's
that her husband,
service, was out on
t know of his wife's
n to Winnipeg. The
will -have the sym.
lends here.
Ashes W 11 Burn,
All consumers of c al in 'Wingham are
intensely interested ii the new formula
for saving foul, disccfrered by a cobbler
in Altoona. The n wspapers for Some
days past have conta ned many columns
on the matter, given the experiences of
many people who hjtve been successful
in the burning of as es. The Toronto
Globe of recent dal dat1 says :—"The day of
heavy coal bills is passing—is past in
faot. It has becn uhcessfully demon-
strated that ashes , ill burn, and the
secret of it is every.enan'a. Moisten with
either salt water on salt water containing
oxalic acid in solution a mixture consist-
ing of one part coal and three parts ashes,
place in your furnbce or in the kitchen
range, and as yon ithut the door you will
have visions—visi ns that are of true
prophecy—of you coal bill shrinking,
losing its ciphers, nd in the end, if you
save up enough a hes, vanishing." A
number of Wingh raites have tried the
new way of maki g fent and have been
very successful. Prof. W. H. Ellis, of
the Toronto University in speaking on
the raatter Pays ee-"It is an absointely
fixed equation Lind aithes, or the resi-
duum left after .complete combustion,
have no heatingower whatever, and no
possible treatme t Oat% make them pro-
duce heat, whether in conjunotiOrt With
fresh coal or oth retied." He admits One
benefit !rem the: &thee theory, that 10
that Aroma' Ma be More careful in the
nee of O. A to the ase of (Alt With
feul, the profeoit eitya the remit may
be cierrOderl and atnagod bonen!.
—More like spri g this week. '
—Housecleaning is itt order this week.
—See Prof. O'B en's new advt, in
another column of 'this issue.
—Heavy adverting tbis week bas
orowaed our reading matter columns.
—Quiet in town elm week. Parmere
and others are bus: with -their epring
—The watering .art could have done
good service on tne front street this
—Sixty oases of smallpox bane been
discovered in the Townships of Hay and
—See Griffin's a lvt. in another col.
Ur= of this issue f ir price quotations on
—& large stock of hone outs at the
TIMES office, Gee your route cards
printed at this offise.
—Clinton's total assessment for this
year is $756.986, being an increase of
$12,500 over last ye tr.
—The regular mating of Court Mait-
land, Canadian Foresters will be held on
Friday evening of t ais week.
—Horsemen will
route cards printe
Good work at the 1
—Mr. Wm. Kerr
tbe late Jame a 0
home near New H
o well to have their
at the TIMES office.
west price&
a brother-in-law of
icbrane, died at his
mburg on Tuesday.
—Mrs. MoNeil, Gunder and first Pre.
sident of the W. 0 T. U. is dead at her
home in Dunkirk, N. Y., aged 94 years.
—Vancouver ba finally been settled
upon for the meting of the Grand
Orange Lodge of British America in
—Postmaster Ferber and family have
this week moved to the beautiful and
convenient rooms in the new post office
Edward of Fordwioh, who
underwent a seri us operation at the
hospital, bas full recovered and returns
home to -day.
—Mrs Henry 'nn, whose husband is
well-known to any of our readers,
died at her home ewer Listowel, on Sun-
day, April 1.4th.
—Mrs. Jos. E. Bradwin was taken
se iouslv ill on Sunday, but we are
phased to report ehat she is now im.
proving nicely. t
—The Bee }live co announce big bar-
gains in a large ed•vt., in this issue.
Read advt carefully anti visit the stereo
and share in the bar anis.
—Judge and elm.
Ont., announce the
eldest daughter, M
F. S. Bourns, now
—The trotting s
owned by Mr. W.
will return to this
01 1907, and will
Robt J. Day.
Doyle of Goderich,
engagement of their
y Oorolin, to Major
f Seattle, Wash.
allion, "Sir John,"
ulkinghorn, of Elora
oinity for the season
e in charge of Mr.
—Mr. Taylor, tather of Prinoipal
Taylor, of High Sc ool, died at hie home
in Morns township near Blyth on Thurs-
day last. Deooase4 was one of the pio-
neer residents of t township.
—Mr. John F. Linklater, of East
Wawanosh has p rohased Mies K. M.
Fisher's frame deviling on Victoria
street. Mr. Link". ater will move his
family to town in the near future.
—The annual exo irsion to Sarnia and
Detroit, under the eespices of Minerva
Encampment I. 0. ) F. will be held
this year on Saturdtes, June 8th. Parti.
orders will bo given in future issues.
—On Tuesday e'ening Mrs. 0. P.
Smith and Miss Ma Smith entertained
a number of them fr ends in the commit
chamber. Dancing vas the pleasure for
the evening, the arc stra from London
furnishing the music.
—The band concer on Friday even-
ing last, the last indo r concert for the
season, was very well attended, and a
good program was re dered. The re-
ceipts amounted to up arde of $30, and
the Citizens Band boys wish to return
their hearty thanks for his liberal pat.
ronage. The contributions to the pro-
gram besides the nine° of the band,
were solos by Miss G Min and Mies
Manu; a duet by Mem G. Cline and F.
J. Hill; piano trio b Masters Frank
Galbraith, Vernon Shott and Melvin
Milne, and duets by , asters Lon and
Joe Harold. Mies 13 relay and Miss
_ Houghton, prattled at he piano. The
Harold boys are rapidl developiug, and
their singing was much appreciated.
Choice Buildi
Mr Jas Angus has hadi
E. Belton, Surveyors o
pioyed in surveying abot
of hie farm property i
Whioh he is now Offering
lots are pleasantly situ
dettirable for residential
Hee wishing to secure th
on Mr Angus, at his pre
the tewn. We underet
tendert to have an aucti
Iota in the course of a
date of whioh Will be giv
Messrs L. and
Listowel, em.
t twenty acres
to town tete,
or sale. Those
ted, and most
utposes. Pate
m should call
Vies adjoining
d it is his in-
n sale of these
eve Weeks, the
in later.
Hotel Licen es.
East Huron License lOmttiissiononi
have granted hotel liconsd for the next
near tie follows :—Be1m0 , J. Kirby;
Fordwioh, Henry Otto: pornie, A. G.
nowise, Geo. Cook; Wrdretet, A. A
Esty, W. 0. Currie 3 mont s extensiOn;
Jamestown, T. MeEwen(wi e and beer);
131teeettlee .T. (3. Johnston; 1 * T
General Mercha t of Wingham.
Among the well -k own people of this
district few are bete r known than T,A.
Mills, whose pbo o we give above.
Many men have b en in business in
Wingham since the lace was incorpor.
ated as a village, b the subject of this
sketob is the only o e of the old guard
still in bneiness. r. Mille was born in
the township of B80 with, Lanark county
and speut his early li een Eascern'Ontario.
In 1863 he located n Elora, where he
clerked in a genera store for eight years
and he oan recall s many experiences
of hardship, low ages and long hours
of titmice, worein from early morning
until lite at night, For three years,
from 1870 to 1873, ie was engaged in the
general store bus neer for himself in
Elora. The new nountry opening up in
Huron county att .aoted Mr. Mills and
in the fall of 1873 le located in Wing -
ham and purchas the property and
opened a general a ore on the same site
where his business is now located. Mr.
Mills has been a g od business man and
has always enjoye a good trade. He
has the oldest este, lished business in the
town and can eaei claim the honor of
being Wingham' pioneer merchant,
Few men contin e steadily in business
in the one stand r thirty-four years.
Mr. Mills is one of our leading real
. E state mimes, ant while not always
' agreeing with his ellow townsmen on
matters pertainin to the welfare of the
town, he bas nev theleee been a good
oitizen. He hasj seen the town grow
from a mere ham t in the swamp to one
of the most prospe ous towns in West.
ere Ontario. Mr. tthls has always been
au active Liberal ind has assisted his
party in many a herd fon ht battle. In
municipal life he never took much inter.
est, but was for same time one of the
town auditors e has a large circle of
friends who will hilt him many more
years of residence jiri Wingham.
Wingham Horse Races.
The Wingbam horse races will be hold
this year on June oh and 61h when *2..
000 will be given iji purses. Mr. J. E,
Swarts has been appointed Secretary.
treasurer of the T a Ciub and has al.
ready had many dnquiries from horse-
men for partionlas of the Wingham
races. Several hems will be here next
week to be treble 1 on the Wingham
track, Mt. John Rembo. of New York,
I is bringing six and; Mr. Walter Burnside
of Kincardine, evil. be here with a nnm-
Tenders will be received lie. the under-
signed up to May 1 th fere all branches
of the work in o n mien with the
building of the Ca ian Bank of Com-
merce. Plans and specifications may be
seen at the office of the Win glum branch
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
A. E. SMITH, Manager.
Mr, Thos. G. e'er, of Forest has
taken a position on the Tents.
Mrs. Whitehead Oilmen is visiting
this week with Mr Percy Hill.
Mr, M S.L. Hom th, of Toronto, was
visiting with his pa enta for a few days
this week.
Meters. Hugh Ro and Wesley Vintik-
er, of Clinton, we • visitors in Wing -
ham for over Sund y.
Miss Millie Jo b vias visiting over
Sunday with he miole, Mr. G.
Mooney, at Riede
Mr. and Mts. T s. Games and family
have :returned fro Michigan and will
again make their ome in Whigham.
Miss Robson, w has for sortie time
been bookkeeper with the Western
Foundry 0o. has turned to her home
in Barbara,
Mr, Frost, of th Union Bank, Nor-
wood, aceompanie • by hie mother, wore
visiting for it few aye at the home of
Mr, W. J. Neil.
Mit Moorehead a Mr. Thos. Moore.
head, of Toronto w re town attend.:
ing the funeral of Master Carl Tans -
Hill; Benssels, Geo, Brow4, J. Que'rin, Mr. W. 0. Thomp
H. jamas; Walton. Wm. B igh; Dnb- representing the Oan
lin, LeWolfe; Oritubrook,Jk ng:Ethel, was looking up old f
j. A. Slump; Moleaworth, kirs. B. Se. Sundey. He Is now
haver. to the West.
An Carpet CO.
nd s in town over
business tour
When you fled your eyes canoe
you trouble, it will pay you to
have them tested properly and
fitted with proper spectacles.
We make this a special business
and guarantee all our work.
We can snit yen, so come on in
Walley's Drug Store
Phone 100. WINGI1A11I.
m a, . 11figilINN 10;
I beg leave to announce that I
bave disposed of my good. wilt and
interest in the Real Estate, Loan-
ing and Insurance A genoy hneiness
which I have so successfully con-
ducted in the Town of Wingham
for the past year, and that I have
transferred my interest in the saute
to Mr. A. Cogent', who is we and
favorably known as a.pright
business man. I beep for him
the confidence nd • ppert of the
general publi , om I wish to
thank for th • liberal patronage
they bave given me.
I will be found at the old offiCe,
with Mr. Cosens, until May 15th.
Notice to the Public.
take pleasure in advising the
public that I have n over the
Real Estate, Loaning and Insure
ance .Agency husiness of Jas EL
Chisholm, of Winghana, turd that
I am prepared to negotiate the
sale,purchase or exchange of farm,
town or village property.
Any person having business iu
the above lines, please call and we
will talk it over, at the old °facie,
Vanstone Work, next the Batik of
Hamilton, W Macao.
Fon SALE. —Erick house and lot; also
a good brick house with all modern
conviences; hard and soft water, good
barn, and from one to four acres of
land. Get particulars at the Tinne
• 5 0
We haven't a thing
against our /neighbors.
We are simply selling
splendid Shoes for
They are the best Shoes
for the money we ever save
or sold, We have them. for
Men or Women
Best leathers—new lasts —
Well made — nothing the
matter with the Shoes.
The price is a little weak
—that's all.
Take a leek at these won.
derfnl Shoes. They'll do
their own talking.
See te for Trunks and Valises.
W. J. Greer
nit atom