HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-04-11, Page 8MINQR. LOCALS.
The Trews till the end of 1907 and
the Weekly Globe for one year for $1 00.
—A canning factory is to be started at
Wclodetook tbat will employ 75 hands.
.--Qourt Maitlaud, Canadian Order of
Foresters meets to -morrow (I'ziday)
—Sixty cents will pay for the TIMES
to any address from now nutil the lst of
January, 1905.
—The TnnEs will be sent to any ad.
dress froom now until the lst of January,
1908 for 60 cents.
--The Royal hotel and stables at
Ision's Heid were destroyed by fire on
Saturday morning.
—The bowling olubs at Seaforth, Liis•
towel and Harriston have beau re -organ•
iz' d for the coming season
—The Wingham High and Public
Schools re•opeued on Monday after the
Baster vacation with all the teachers in
their piacee.
—Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia,
Sons of Scotland will be held next Mon-
day evening. All members are request•
ed to be present.
—The many friends of Mr. Richard
Porter were pleased to see him down
town on Saturday for the first time
mince his serious illness.
—The printing and postage bill for
Southampton last year was $702.30. The
Councillors in that town believe iu the
liberal use of printers' ink,
—We have been having rather cool
-weather for Some time past. The snow
diurries this week should clear the air
and give us pleasant spring weather.
—The many friends of Mr. Sams.
Bnrohill will be pleased to learn that he
is making good recovery during the
past week. We hope to soon see him
able to be around again.
—Mr. George Baxton, until recently
proprietor of the Waverley hotel at
Clinton and formerly of the Colborne
hotel, Gooerich, died at Clinton, on
Monday, aged 54 years.
—Mr. Elford, an old resident of
Boimeeville, whose death is recorded in
another column of this issue was a
brother of Mrs, John Holloway, of this
this town. Mrs Holloway attended the
funeral last Thursday.
—Not the least important item in con-
meotion with a wedding is to have cor-
rect invitations. The newest styles and
latest types for wedding invitations and
visiting tarda are shown here, and you
will get best satisfaction by leaving
•avoir order at the nuns office.
—The collections at the port of Clin-
ton for the last nine menthe show a con-
siderable Increase over the corresponding
period tor the previous year, the figures
being; From July 1, 1905, to April 1,
1906, $13,273.86; from July 1, 1906 to
.April 1, 1907, $14,758.60, an increase of
—Dr. W H Drummond, author of
"The Habitant" and other poems about
French Canadian life, who was well
known all over Canada, died at Cobalt
on Saturday. Dr Drummond practiced
medicine at Montreal for twenty years,
but had recently been residing at Cobalt,
managing a mine of which he was the
chief owner.
Miss Carrie Stewart is visiting friends
3n Blyth.
Mr. R. Leatherdale, of Brussels was
in. town on Monday.
Miss Hattie Gannett
Goderioh this week.
Mr. J. H. Chisholm was
Sora few days on business.
Mies Walter, of London is visiting
-with her sister, Mrs A. R. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rush have re•
turned to town from Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Constable are
.spending a week in New York.
Mr W. F. Dulmage, of Toronto was
calling on old Wingham friends on
Mr. C. Dallas has been visiting for a
few days with his daughter, Mrs. Ham-
lin, at London.
Mr. F. Buchanan was in Toronto
yesterday attending the funeral of the
late Speaker St John.
Miss Gundy, of St Thomas, is the
guest of Miss M. Hammond, while visit•
ing friends in town.
11 Sr. R. A. Hutchison attended the
funeral of the late James MoGavin at
Ohesley bet Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and Mr. F. G.
Sparling were in Seaforth last Thureday
attending the funeral of late Dr, Camp.
Mr and Mrs Edward Bosman were in
Clinton this week attending the funeral
of their brother-in-law, the late Geo.
8 winbank.
Mies Mabel Miss lift on Satnrday to
resume her duties as teacher in Cayuga
public school after spending the Easter
Holidays with her parents in town.
Mr•U, Sherk Wa; in Aylmor last week
stttending the funeral of his mother, Mrs.
Jas, Sherk, who passed away last week,
*gad 80 years. Mr. Sherk lost his only
brother some four weeks ago, who died
front to severe attack of the Ia grippe.
Oisr towimman will have the sympathy
111 4021 friends in hie double sfllietion.
is 'visiting in
The Lord Biebop of Huron will visit
Wingham it is expeoted on Sunday,
April 28th, and will administer ooufir•
oration in St Paul's Churoh.
The aunual Sunday school convention
and Ruri Decenal meettng of the Dean.
ery of Huron will be held in St. John's
ohuroh at Brueseis on May 7th and 8th.
The last of the special young men's
services at St. Paul's church will be held
next Sunday evening. The snbjsot of
the spenial sermon will be "Deoision "
The Sunday School Anniversary of
the Methedibt Church, wlil be held next
Sunday. The Rev. D. N MoCawus of
Listowel will preach. Iu the horning,
the sellllars, and members of the Bible
°lasses, will occupy the oentre s ate in
the body of the church and the sermon
will he especieally ad,tressed to them. Iu
the afternoon, a mase meeting of the
school will be held in the auditorium,
wheu an interesting program will he
rendered, ineluding an address from Mr,
McOamus He will also preach iu the
evening. The pub io ere most cordially
invited to all the servieee.
The annual reunion of Mr F.
Buchanan's class in the Wingham
Methodist Church took place in the leen
tore room of the ohurch on Thursday
evening last, and proved indeed a very
enjoyable and profitable gathering to the
one hundred or more persons who were
present. Mr and Mrs Buchanan were
"at home" to the members of the class,
and proved themselves equal to the oc-
casion. ,Ourtain drapings and decora-
tions gave the class rooms a cheerful,
home -like appearance. Tables were
tastefully arrayed and supper served,
after which an impromptu program of
speeches, interspersed with vocal and
instrumental music, was given. This
being over, the company were free to
engage in social couversation, ani take
the opportunity of eooming better ao•
gaainted with each other. A very plea-
sant evening having been spent, the
hearty thanks of the members was ex-
tended to the host and hostess, for the
very excellent enbertaiument provided.
"Before I got Baby's Own Tablets my
baby was troubled with collo and vomit-
ing and Dried night and day, and I as
almost worn out. Bat after givihim
the Tablets for a few days the trou le
disappeared and you would .. t know it
was the same child, he is - . healthy and
good. natured now " T• s is the testi•
monial of Mrs. G:;•rg: Howell, Sandy
Beach, Que., and t ells other mothers
who are worn out acing for cross siolt-
ly children, how they can bring health
to the little one and ease to themselves
Ba iy'a Own Tablets promptly cure the
minor ailments of little ones, and there
are no cross sickly children in the homes
where the Tablets are used. Sold by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box front The Dr. William's Medioine
00., Brookville, Ont.
The Spectacle Pedlar.
All tramps are a nuisance, but the
spectacle pedlar is more, he is a menace
to the public health.
Usually, a foreigner -and a bold, blat-
ant braggart, he intrudes into the homes
of the people. Ignorant of the most ele•
mentary principles of optics, or of the
physiology or pathology of the eye, he
nevertheless undertakes to cure diseases,
where a skilled surgeon would hesitate,
but, "Fools rush in where angels fear to
Is is a well known fact that wearing
unsuitable or ill fitted glasses, not only
aggravates existing diseased conditions
of the eye and nervous system, but may
in Toronto - induce other dangerous and distressing
diseases. Bat the spectacle pedlar cares
for none of these things, of what con-
cern is the Public Health to him so long
as he can exchange his brass -looking
eye ware for the peoples hard-earned
cash? It is quite time that this question
was taken up by the Pablio Health
authorities and some scheme devised by
which the public might be protected.
The farmers' wives and daughters de-
serve some consideration from the
authorities. Living as they do in isolat-
ed homes they ars the special prey of
of these foreign looking gentry. Force-
ing his way into the home the pedlar
will remain, his tongue going like a
windmill, until the lady of the house is
compelled to buy some of his wares in
order to get rid of him.
There are a few points in this connec-
tion which are worthy of the attention
of the authorities.
In the first place wo would suggest
that no person should be allowed to con-
duct experiments on the public health
unless he bo properly qaalified for such
In the second place there should be
some plan devised by which the lonely
farm houses may be protected from the
intrusion of spectacle pedlars and other
We, in ()Meeto had but little trouble
with this nuisance and menace to the
public health, until hordes of foreign im•
migrants began to pour into the coun-
try. As there is no probability of this
torrent of undesirable immigrants los.
sunning, the safety of the public health
lies in immediate Iegislation to prevent
as far as possible these now comers en•
gaging in work disastrous to the public
health or morals. In the meantime do
not permit any sxetaclo pedlar to enter
your home.
I'in; WINWIA ► rims APRIL 11, L907
Dr McQaeen, an Edinburgh pb.ysieian
was found dead on the railway this ode
of Winnipeg.
Miss Norah Madden of 607 Pall Mall
street. London, Gat„ died suddeuly in
the Grand Trunk waiting rooms.
Mr. Thomas Crewford, M. P. P for
West Toronto, was eleoted Spsalter of
the Legislature,
The burned engineering building of
MIAMI University will be rebuilt at
once, better than before.
Dr. McInnes, M P P. for Brandon,will
be appointed Provincial Secretary and
Minister of Ednoatton for Manitoba.
The Grand Trunk Pacific will hnild
new elevators at Tiffin and Fort Will-
iam of two and a half million bushels'
capacity eaoh.
Why not get an Oetermoore matress
and a Heroules spring for real solid com-
fort and rest. S. GRACEY has them in
stook. Call and see them.
For parlor mites and fancy rockers in
upholstered and rattan goods, and at
special prices for the spring, sec S.
GRACEY's stook.
What Women want in Men.
It is so recently that women have been
allowed to think; or expected to think,
that it is not strange that they have not
expressed themselves upon the question
of what they want in men They have
been brought up on the philosophy, "Be
good and you'll be married," and it has
not been a question of what they like In
men, but what men like in them that
counted or was important.
There are many women, otherwise
fairly sensible, who openly say they
could not love a man who did not rule
them. To say that every man, by vir-
tue of his sex, is meant to be the master
of some woman is atter folly, The need
for a master is not a question of sex, but
a question of the lack of moral or men-
tal stamina in the individual,
What do women want in men? There
are women who prefer a man with the
ability to earn a fortune rather than one
who has inherited it. Being a good pro-
vider will sometimes cover a multitude
of petty faults in the eyes of women ob
liged to account for every penny spent.
Nor is generosity with money the only
genero,ity. Women want from men
what every normal human being craves
—commendation and approval, 9
Woman, normal and healthy, does
not want or need a master. Outside of
truthfulness, honor and courage in him,
what she prizes above all things from
him are kindness, generosity and sym-
pathy.—Belle Squire in the May Delin-
BREMIENRIUQE—In Turnberry, on t11n 5th
inst, the wife of Mr. Wm Breckenridge; a
SALTER.—In East Wowanosh, on .April 5th,
the wile of Mr W. G. Salter; a daughter.
CASEMOIta.—In Morris, on April 7th, the wife
of Mr. John J. Casemore; adaughter.
PLATT—PATTERSON—In Blyth, at the resi-
dence of Mr. John Carter, on Wednesday,
March 27th, by Rev. S. Anderson, Mr. Richard.
Platt to bliss Aliae P atterson, both of Buffett
SCOTT—MEREDITH.—At St, Mark's Episcopal
Church, Toronto, on April3, by the Rev. Canon
Inglis, Catherine Louise, eldest daughter of
Wm. E. Meredith of his Majesty's ..ustoms, to
Thos. W. Scott, son of Walter Scott, formerly
of Wingham.
SMITn—In Morris, on April 3rd, Mrs. Alex-
ander machin Smith, sr., aged 88 years and 3
CA'(iroELr,—In Wingham Town Plot, on
April 8th, William H. Campbell, aged 62 years,
10 months and 15 days.
BRAT/WIN,—Suddenly at St, Joseph's Hoe -
London, on April 4th, .r. E. Parry Brad -
win, son of Mr. Jos. E. Bradwin, of Wingham,
in his 32nd year.
FOTHERIN(iriAai —In Tuckersmith, on April
Gth, William Fotheringham, aged 12 years and
11 months.
DV:WAN—In Woodstock. on Sunday, April
7th, Elizabeth E. Duncan, relict of the late
Robert Duncan, of Blue rale, in her 78th year, -
After t 11 Junea 1 the See
tO itts that Clyde Driuminm B A. N K
fillies 'Atli have to seq to their
seleeti(•lta are, made with More o re be-
ing taken tie to p• diirecs The Clydes.
d ile Arasooiatt.•n deofd.,ri at a recent
meetinz' of the executive to stop the in.
fiux of p iter (.)! d mar: s that hlive been
comm. to Canada,
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value cf Cres•9enr
With too moth In; properties of slippery elm (111,114.r..
nee. Your dra; stet er from 1.a, 1'; • in e • r
tAataf)Ne, Mies Lu., Limited, Agents,1ioatre.eell. ,.
The undersigned will be prepared to supply
little in any quai,11tie'a duriu,: tee mining
summer Pe ties 1 equiring same should call
on or write to
Lot 12. Con. 1.2. East Wawnnoth. containing
108 acres is offereo for side or rent, '1 he fare,
is mostly cleared; soilgood clay •tam, end in
good state of r•uleivnt'on. 'hero ere on the
premises as ...end hank barn with siabline un•
aor•neath; a good Creme house. Plenty of good
sprint; water t about 8 sires of good bearing
orchard 11 not s. 10 at ones, will he rented
for n turns of years. For terms and particulars
apply to
Whitechurch, P. O.
In them itter of the 'state of G eo•ge E. Bing,
late of the town of Wingham in the County of
Huron, Merchant, deceased
Motive is h reby given pursuant to R. S. u.
1807, Chap 120, ileo 88. that all persons having
claims against the estate of the said 33eerge E
King. who died on or before the 10th day of
March, 1907, are required on or about the 25th
say of April, 11107, to stud by post prepsid or
deliver to .1 A. Morton. of the town of Wing -
ham, solicitor for the Executors of the said de•
ceased, their Christian and snrnarnes, address-
es and descriptions, the.Zull particulars of their
Elaine, the statements of tie-ir accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any, held by
them; and tent tatter the said last mentioned
date the raid Executors will proceed to distri-
bute the assets of the deceased watt¢ the par-
ties entitled thereto, h wine regard only t . the
claims of which they sh411 then have notice.
Dated this' 25th day of March, A. O. 1007.
Solicitor for the Executors of George E. King,
In the matter of the estate of James Coch-
-ane, late of the Township of Morr s, in the
County of Huron, Yeoman, d. ceased.
Notice is hereby Riven pursuant to R. O.
1807, Chap 129, Sec. 88, that all persons having
claims against the estat., of tee said Jaines
Cochrane, who died on or about the'23nd day of
February, 1:107, are required, no or before the
25th day of April, 1007. to send by post prepaid
or deliver to 1 A. Morton, 01 the Gown of
Win glum, 1-olicitor for the executors of the
said deceased, their C:hrist.an and surnames,
addresses and description', the full particulars
of their claim •, the statenteu is of their accounts
and the nature of the securities, if any, held
by then,; and that atter the said last mention-
ed date tee said Lexe(utors will proceed to dis-
tribu. a the assets of the deceased among the
parties entit led thereto, having regard only to
the claims of wit'• h theysliall then have notice.
Dated thus 25th day of March, A. U. 1007.
Solicitor for the Executors of Jaines Cochrane,
For Settlers
How Made and How Reached
Write for free topics of
I T TI lis' GUIDE giving Pill p:+r t i.e-
j ulama of 1Ce 1:1
rsin strvnce aursetthins travellinn, vri!;,lave
a-, n,•;t
1.1111 etfe,atti to the Northwe,t in :tl;n eh
an. April,, wtiith passenger and freight gab :.
iV STERN CANADA 'pto-ti.atedn,-
0rIipti.n of inn
w,,,t.,ud n( -tern tonditioh8. ani pares of
' it .rmation ret. h,able to settler-. Useful
maps and statistics.
TIME TABLES Arming double daffy
p t wager train service
to Winnipeg and Calgary.
Teavo '1', 00011) daily. nolefottabie, roomy
bertha at moderate rate; Fully eguieeed
wit hheddin elolting range at:devery r•on-
venienee. Berthe should be ie:ertcd
Ctbrnn lh nearest ( .P.11. Agent) utleasttwd
weeks before deptr tut -e,
Wi-ito today for fise 1100119 and an;c•tbing
7 o0 want to know about the West and how
to rcae;i it, . tddrt s
C. IN, roSTllr,
Inst. Pal..a. Agt., (',1',P,.; ot<otito
,.>.,•,'P or I't' �.,i.,<..
These papers are the very best to
' b3 bed, of the newest designs and
most fashian;.ble shades. Come in
and see them at the " BIG BOOK "
S Soto,
Pi Veritable
oan be made of your home by
having the walls end ceiling
fitted up with enc handsome
designs in Watl Paper, And
you will be surpru.ed and de-
lighted 'when you to •rzt what :t
lot of 1)ap;;ring you can do at a
small Cost.
Forder and Ceiling to match.
C;oitai paid up,
Resirve Fund and
Indiv,ded profits
Total Assets, over
$3,928 798
Farmers' Notes disoonnted.
Drafts sold on all pointe in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwr rd,.,
and added to principal quarterly— end
of March, June, September and Decem-
ber eaoh year.
0. T. HEPBURN, Manager,
R V sustone. Solicitor.
Wingham General Hospital
(Under Government inspecti.
Pleasantly situated. B=.ntifnl fur-
nished. Open to al re, . arly licensed
physicians. RATES .o• PATIENTS $3 50
to $15,00 per week ::.ording to location
of room. For further information,
Lady Superintendent,
Box 223, Wingham Ont,
Farm Labourers and
I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov-
ernment to place emigrants from the United
B•ngdom in positions as farm laborers or do-
mestic servants in this vicinity. Any person
requiring such nelp should notify me by letter
stating fully the kind of help required, when
wanted and wages offered. The number ar-
riving may not be euflicient to supply all re-
quests but every effort will be made to pro-
vide each applicant with help required.
Canadian Government Employment Agent
Winghain, Ont.
l j by mail is perfectly feasible ij]r
t through our special lesson IT
It system, Nothing like it now in r�
G, use. No big text books used. jjjjIr"""i
Clip out, sign this and receive tr
J sample lesson by return mail V�
if you want to learn to be au
J r
`]t accountant. Lv'
Name r
D iAdetreas 1i
Kt Mail to Shaw Correspondence firs
tJ4 school, 393 Yun a St, Toronto
g W.T.-1,
U 7 . 1`i� 5. 11r. -ir �C2.9�_ r 5'l�C-5Y�.�'tL Clt4
/�LIJ�G /�i��l t�J
Was established twenty years ago,
and by its thorough work and honor-
able dealings with its patrons has
become one of the largest and most
widely known Commercial Colleges
in the province.
The demand upon us for commer-
cial teachers and office assistants
greatly exceeds the supply.
We assist graduates to positions.
Students are entering each week.
Catalogue free.
B. E. WALKER, ?resident
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
A. H. IRELAND, Seperintendent of
Paid-up Capital, $ 10,000,000
Rest, - - - 5,000,000
Total Assets, - 113,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Business may be transacted by mail with any branch
of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits.
made or 'withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid
to out -of -to c .in accounts.
Shoes are a very important part of the Spring
outfit. Not only must your shoes be of good
appearance ; they mnet also be of A 1 quality,
perfect in fit, and of first•olass workmanship, so
as to give the beet satisfaction.
The shoes we handle have all these qualities,
and what's more, they are very moderate in price.
See our Spring and Summer
Footwear before purchasing
When your shoos need repairing bring them
here and we'll fix them right.
R. Johnston
Why not redusa that fuel bill by hav-
aying your engine put in first - class
condition ?
We do all kinds of Repairing. Send
us your work and get perfect satisfaction.
Bicycle Supplies always in
stock. We have some rare bargains in
slightly used mvltiecls—GOOD AS NEW
and TWICE AS C11EA,'. Try us.
Steam Laundry for Sale.
Thoroughly modern and np•to•date.
Terms easy.
THE MUTUAL LIFE Machine Shop et Chair Factory.
Assurance Co. of Canada. .
For 1906 shows substantial Increases
over the previous year, as ntay be
seen from the following figures:
ITEMS 1905 1005 gains over
Assets $ 0,290.002 $10,850,530 ,51,080,447
Income 1,050,518 2.073,423 115.005
surplus 032,001 1.203,378 240,377
Insurancein force 44,107,054 40,012,407 2,712,453
Expense ratio to
Income. 17.8 p.c. 10.34 p.c. 1.4G p.e
Agent, Wingham.
The Ontario Farmers' Weather
Insurance Mutual Company.
Tho first Company of its kind in Ontario
Organized May, 1904.
Incorporated August 18, 1904.
PRTSIDENT, - • - William Park.
VI('I:•PRes - W. A, Wansbrough,
• • - • John W. Rounding.
Policies in force, - - 2,200
Assets,- $75,000.00
Insurance in force, over $2,500,000.00
alis Company insures dwellings and out-
buildings against loss or demogo by 'Wind
etormn, cyclones and tornadoes. Vehicles, farm
implements and live stook are held insured
against loss or damage by the blowing down or
by this blowing
a of betegltin oriareund
any of the lntildings insured by this Company,
without being specially mentioned.
Purely a Farmers' Company.
rkITEIt C1! I'Iit'BELL
General Agent, - Wingham, Ont
Wit Me
0.'D. MCGREGOI., Manager.
NOW if
In order to make room for goods
coming in I offer some exceptional
values in Dinner Sots and Toilet
Sete, etc. Von oan judge for
yourselves. Just drop in and see
1 only 102 pieoe .Dinner Set, nicely
decorated gilt lined and stinting,
a decided bargain only - $11,50
1 only 97 piece Dinner Set, as
above, regular price $12, excep-
tionally cheap only - $10.50
1 only 97 piece .Dinner Set, white
with beautiful gilt design, see
this set, big value only - $11,25
Other Sets from $3,00 upwards.
< T1;AS AND co -i. E1, 3 A SPECIALTY
3 only Toilet Seto, latest designs,
very richly decorated and tinted
gilt stipling, only per set $3.75
3 only Toilet Sets, beautifully de.
mated (blue), gilt stipling $1,50
4 only Toilet Sets, assorted do.
signs and decorated, per set $4.50
Also at $4 .00, $5.75 and $6.50
A solid Train of Vestibule Cars
and Pullman Sleepers leaves
Toronto daily at 9 00 p in., ar-
riving Cobalt 8.45 a m., New
Liskeard 9.15 a m. Cobalt .is
the richest Sliver Mining
Camp in the world, and well
worth a visit.
on sale daily until April 30th to
pointe in British Colombia, Califon,
nia, Montana, Colorado, Washington, ,
For full information as to rates and =
tickets, call on L. HAROLD, Depot
Agent. J. D. MCDoNALD, D. P. A., _
2 •
Hour Mills
HenryJo e r
Grocer and China Merchant
Have your Wheat
gristed and get 78e. a
bushel for it, in Flour,
Bran and Shorts, as
follows :
33 lbs Star Flour at $2 . .66
10 lbs Bran at $1 - - - .10
2 lbs Shorts at $1 - .02