HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-02-22, Page 1444A - THE' HURON E'X'POSITOR, -FEBRUARY 22, 1989 1. COMING EVENTS 5. HELP WANTED BLYTH LIONS Dabber Bingo every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m Blyth and District Community Centre, $300.00 Jackpot must go Over $1000.00 in prizes 1-05-tt DABBER BINGO Vanastra Rec Centre Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m $1000.00 in prizes Lucky Ball remains at $100.00 1-05-11 • KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingo $2,500 ,prize money, $1,000 Jackpot to go. at Saltford Valley Hall every Thursday night Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p m 1-05-11 CARD PARTY Wed. Feb 22 In the Odd - fellows Hall, 8 p.m. Lunch provided 1-7-x2 SOUTH HIBBER4 Athletic Association Snowmobile Poker Rally Sunday. February 26, register I1 a.m to 2 p.m at - Hibben Township shed. Mike Parson's trailer or Jact Britnell's shack. Share the Wealth. Entry tee $4.00 per hand or 3 for $10.00 1-7-2 OLD TYME FIDDLE Jamboree, Seaforth and District Community Centres. Sunday. March 12, 2 p.m - 8 p.m.. Hot dinner served $8.00 per person, admission $3.00 1-8-1 SINGLES DANCE White Carnation Halt Holmesville Saturday. February 25 Music by Norm Dunsmoor. Dancing 9 to 1 1-8-' HURON PROVINCIAL LIBERAL Association Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday March 9, Goderich Township Hall Holmesville. Reception 6 p.m. dinner 7 p.m Honorable Lyn McLeod, Minister of Colleges and Universities guest speaker. Election of of- ficers. selection of delegates to Ontario Liberal Party convention to be held Tickets at $15. each and $5. for students available from municipal chairpersons. All welcome to meet Jack Riddell 1-8-2 5. HELP WANTED TOPNOTCH FULL-TIME HELP REQUIRED We require a permanent and a temporary (AprlI-Sept.) person for various feedmlll duties. A farm background or mill ex- perience -with strong mechanical aptitude are preferred. Apply In writing to: OPERATIONS MANAGER TOPNOTCH FEEDS LTD. BOX 370 SEAFORTH, ONT. NOK 1 WO 'SEASONAL HELP REQUIRE® (may lead to fad -time position%) Truck drivers and labourers. Truck drivers must have minimum class D license. Must be mechanically inclined. On the job training provided. Application deadline March 15, 1989. Send resurtie 10: EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We offer an exciting career in the water treat men, industry. Full training program. Equal opportunity for male or female Program includes. *Salary & commission *Car allowance *Full Company Benefit, *and the opportunity to earn an excellent income FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL HANOVER 3641894 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Stuff envelopes at home. Earn $600,00 weekly Free supplies Rush self-addressed stamped envelope H H Enterprises. Dept B.8, 24, 171 Rink St. A Suite No 263 Peterborough Oni K9J 2J6 6-7-x2 LADIES. Earn up to 560,000 trom home pan• . time making gift baskets Call or write Boun tiful Baskets, 6-60 St W Toronto; Ont M4\ 1M7 (416) 922-8979 6-8-bc 4. FOUN FOUND heavy chain with hook on Victoria St Friday, to claim. 527-1302 4-8- • 5. HELP WANTED Operations Manager Nensall District Co-op Box 219 Nensall, Ontario NOM 1XO START NOWI An exciting career in fashion awaits you. Earn extra money! Meet new peo- ple! Be independent It's fun. easy .and pro• fitabie. Call Collect (416) 632-9090 6-8-bc START your Own business with Tone "O Matic toning tables Extensive suppoc package, 5 -year guarantee No franchise tee Call collect (519) 925-2057 6-8-bc. TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your ' Class "A" licence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. •Courses start every Monday. Tax deductible, weekend courses. =job 'assistance no -experience required MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-800-265-3559 Cambridge and London 5-05-1! FULL r TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours Call tree 1-800-265-3034 5-05-11 EXPERIENCED Bartenders. Waiters /Waitresses. full or part time.. Apply Exeter Tavern. 235-2773 5-4-tf GENERAL LABORERS wanted Apply Morello Manufacturing. 48 Wellington St. Mit- chell 5-7-2 RELIABLE person to work on swine (farrow to finish) operation, hens, and field work involv- ed, also maintenance. Must be self motivated and capable of working alone, wages -negotiable, call (519) 522-1498 at noon or after 6 p.m 5-7-x2 RELIABLE experienced person to work on dairy cash crop farm full time employment Henry Grobbink, Walton 887-6708 5-7-3 A NEW CAREER! Congratulations! You are about to loin an elite group of individuals that never have to worry about money, they are making $1,000 to $1,500 plus commission * weekly! 1989 is your year to make a fortune! It will not happen if you don't act now. Limited positrons available) (416) 756-7796 or (416) 756-2111 - 5-8-bc NEW ZEALAND: An opportunity is here for any person between 19-28 interested in dairy- ing. Experience milking 120 to 450 cows in TWO HOURS! For more information contact 206, 1501 - 17th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alta T2T 0E2 5-8-bc COOK or PART-TIME, good starting salary Now hiring at the Blyth inn. Apply within. Call 523-9381 5-8-2 CLASS "A "DRIVERS For loading and transporting poultry, nigh) work, experience helpful. Phone Meadows Poultry Ltd. 1-828-3461 5-8-3 Required QUALIFIED ECE TEACHER for part time - full time - positiorl, commencing September 1989. SEND RESUME by March 15, to MITCHELL & DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL P.O. Box 1176 Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1N0 7. SITUATIONS WANTED ALICE'S CLEANING SERVICES I m available to clean your house, your office or your reception or .meeting hall, call 527-0975. also available to do painting and wallpapering lobs Reasonable rates references available 7-22-2 9. FARM STOCK ARABIAN STALLIONS at Stud starting at $100."'9traiglit'Egyptian available at :$500 Guaranteed prices, booking now, Horses for sale, reasonable. Triple Show Arabians (519t 923-3260. 9-8-bc 11. HAY & STRAW 14- ARTICLES FOR SALE MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS Work shirts $2 75. work pants $3 50 work boots 515 Send $3 for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order) Military Surplus. Box 243. St Timothee Quebec JOS 1X0 14-8-bc GUN BARGAINS • Save up to 40°n by subscribing to "The Gunrunner' The Cana- dian monthly newspaper fisting hundreds of new used modern and antique firearms for sale or trade Subscription $20/yr to' Gunrun- ner Box 565T Lethbridge Alta T1,1 3Z-4 Sample copy $1 75 14-8-bc POWER SHEAR 3/16 x 10 ft. Press Brake Niagara 6 11 by 25 ton. Generator for Sap Shanty Martins Metal Shop RR 3 Wallens- tern. NOB 2S0. (519) 669-8400 14-8-bc STEEL BUILDINGS from our Factory Farm Equipment Show. many sizes to choose from Additions for 40 wide quonsets from $777 "S" Model 30 x 56 $6995 Call Future Steel 1-800-668-8653 . 14-8-bc BUILDINGS, - Miscellaneous Stock Clearance We have a limited amount of steel ,lett over from our winter. works program Save thousands while supply lasts PARAGON 1-800-263-8499 24 hours , 14-8-bc COMPLETE Hairdressing shop equipment In good condition Phone Holly 527-2333 14-7-3 EXERFLE X.. Unique Silicone exercise material - provides gentle stimulation that hand muscles require aids circulation. coor- dination agility and dexterity Improves strength in hands and forearms, 'Available Soft. Med or Firm. Send $8 plus $2 P & H to Exerflex• Box 477. Feneton Falls. On: KOM• 1N 0 14-8-bc ONE STEEL clad building. approx.. 35' x 40 located in Seatorth. Phone 522-0717 tor more details 14-8-2 SHAKLEE - Independent Distributor. None 482-5357 14-8-3 NORTHERN FOOD TREES Old fashioneo Apples. Pear. Apricot. Nut trees, Shrubs Evergreens seedmgs. Guaranteed delivery Reasonable prices.. Catalogue $1 Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank. Ont. KOK 2L0 No phone 14-8-bc TREES - TREES - TREES Austrian Pine. Red Pine, Japanese Black Pine, Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce. White .Spruce )etc. High quality from containerized seedlings to one gallon potted stock Cal" 527-1750 • 14-7-2 STRAW FOR SALE. Phone 527-0897 11-7 2 2,000 bales of Wheat Straw. Phone 527-01,05 11-7-2 12. USED CARS COUNTY OF HURON 1975 CHEV BEL AIR, 350, body in good shape, good mechanical, needs battery. Ask- ing $200. 522-0717. 12-8-2 1979 BUICK Lesabre $700 certified Call 482-9931 12-8-2 The County of Huron Department of Plan- ning and Development is receiving applica- tions for summer student employment. The successful student(s) wilt be challenged with a variety of planritnt and economic development projects Applicants must be enrol ed in planning, geography, or a related university program and must be returning to university in September 1989. Please forward a cover leder and resume 10 the address• below before March 10, 1989. County of Huron De Ir znt of Planning & Development Court House GODERICH, Ontario N7A 1M2 13. USED TRUCKS Pre -Spring Sale 25 OFF DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS tS 4130 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A.M. 22 words - one week, $4 50 two weeks. $4 00 three weeks. $3 50 Additional words 18 cents BIRTHS - No charge ENGAGEMENTS - Rai rate of $7 with picture $12 prepaic MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date or wedding After this time, photo and outline only $15 Complete write-up $25 IN MEMORIAMS - S4 50 plus 35 cents per fine Oi verse CARD OF THANKS - 30 words 54 50 Each ao ditionai word 06 cents 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3 00 each additional week - $1 00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Coming Events 23 Real Estate 2 Yard Garage Sale 24 Property for sale 3 Lost Strayec rty re 4 Founc 2625 ApartPropementsfor torn:rent 5 Help Wentec 27 For sale or rent 6 Business Opportunity 20 Wanted to rent 7 Situaflons Wanted 29 For rent 6 Custom work 30 Room end Boarc 9 Farm Stock 31 Notice 10 Farm machinery 32 Vacations 11 Hay and strew 33 Educatlone' 12 Used cars 34 Auction Sales 13 Used trucks 35 Tenders wantec 14 Articles for sale 36 Legal notice 15 R V,s for sale 37 Notice to creditors 16 Mobile homes 36 Service directory 17 VCRs for sere 39 Cards of thanks 10 Compuopi ter ne: 40 In memoriam 19 Pets 41 Persona 20 Swap or trade 42 Engagements 21 Wanted to buy 43 Marriages 22 Wentec PHONE 527-024® MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9100 a.m. to 5 p.m 22. WANTED WOULD THE person who borrowed a Lighting' Fixture Catalogue trorr Sills Hardware - please return 22-8-1 23. REAL ESTATE 100 ACRES, well tiled farrow -to ftmsh Ashfield Township. Capacity for 100 .sows 1000 hogs, liquid manure tank. two silos, Far. matic mill. driving shed. 2 storey. 3 bedroom home, large deck, carport. nicely treed. new drilled well four years ago .529.7607 after 6 p . m 23 -49 -Mix "SUDDENLY I8 S SOLD" CUSTOM -VENETIAN BLINDS -VERTICAL BLINDS -ROLLER SHADES -PLEATED SHADES MANUFACTURED BY MARDEL Window, Floor and Wal! - We Do 1t All CAMPBELL'S HOME Daonr 9 CENTRE MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, 527-1420 4984 FORD RANGER with cap or withou $4000 or best otter. Phone 522-0038 13-8-1 15. RV'S FOR SALE Mason Baliey . 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) SALES REPRESENTATIVE Gordon Hill 233-3307 50 ACRES: Form near Auburn, Good frame home, lots of buildings. ideal for port time forming or horses ' 100 ACRE FARM: Near Auburn, brick home frame born and drive shed. Under '90,000,00 NEW BUNGALOW: Blyth, 3 bedrooms, elec- tric heat. Under '80,000.00 BEST OF TWO WORLDS: 2 storey home on '+ ocre. Nicely landscaped lot. 309 Albers Street, Clinton BLYTH: Unique one -of -o -kind converted railway station. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. fireplace. large workshop 1 5. acre nicely ' 'treed lot. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING: Vonastrc 12,000 sq.' ft., on 1 ocre. Ideal for manufacturing or service building INVESTMENT PROPERTY: Brussels, commer • cull with apartment above. Very reasonable price NEW LISTING: Blyth, King 5t. 18605 restored frame home, 3 bedrooms, oil heat. Ideal us bed and breakfast or family home HELP KEEP RED CROSS Jim READY! 'lir EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY TOWNSHIP OF GREY The Corporation of the Townshipof Grey is -accepting applications for a full- time position with the Road Department. This position reports to the Road Superintendent with duties to include the following: - grader .operator -- truck driver (Class D license or -better) -- snowplowing and ice blading -- maintenadte of.equipment - manual :tabour Qualified individualsare.lnvited •to,gppiy,providing a complete resume of ex- ,perienceeeducational:backgroundandreferences. Applicationswill be kept con- Mdential and-will:beirecelved-at the:Municipat Office ,until -Friday, March 3rd .at 4:00 pan. Ploy Williamson Road Superintendent Towastifp of Grey .0:R. 3 €i reittutis, Ontario LRCM IWO 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE FACTORY PRE -SPRING Sale - Steel Buildings: Quonset 19 x 9 x 26 $2,099 with endwalls and sliding doors. Straightwall 40 x 14 x 60 $8,899, Wood -steel - with endwalls Discounts on other models. Pioneer/Eoonospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours) ' 14-8-bc LARGE QUANTITY of new lumber - dressed spruce and red pine - 2' • x 4", 2" x 6", 2" x 8" and 2" x 10" in various lengths. Very reasonable Phone Lucknow Discount Lumber, 519-528-3047 • 14-05-11 A FREE Hunting, Fishing, Camping Catalog ($6 value) Send your expired hunting or fishing license (Photocopy acceptable) and S.I.R. ,will mail a free 388 page (over 6,500 items) Annual Sportsman Catalog, S.I.R. Mail Order, Dept. 243, 1385 Ellice Avenue, Win- nipeg, Manitoba'ifi3G 3N1. Offer expires March 31, 1989 14-8-bc GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Store. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, .Ont (519) 452-3919. Pro Ark Lamps. Allanson Ballast. Hydroponic kits, plus much much more. Send $2 for catalogue 14-8-bc GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic Gardeners - Get the best selection and prices in ,Canada plus free shipping program. Buy from the same source as local stores. Free catalogue. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 (604)682-8636 14-8-bc FACTORY JANUARY SALE -Steel Buildings. Quonset 40 x14 x 60 $5,899; "S" Series 3O x 15 x'40.$4,499, inciudesendwalls.and double sliding doors. Stra)ghtwall wls 30 x 12 x45 :$5,499; 50 x 12 x 45 $7,999. Includes -end- wa11s.1,it71ited supplylat=.theseriowsprjccs: "Oat) 1-800466815422 (24bours). 14-8-bc 1979 KAWASAKI 340. $850.00: 198 YAMAHA 340. $1250.00 Call 482-7564 15-7-2 16. MOBILE HOMES BONAIR R.V.'s and Trailers. Utility, Hardtop. Tent, Travel and Park models., Also awnings. Add -a -rooms, Air -Conditioners, Trailer - Hitches and Accessories. New and Used Large selection, low prices. Royal Trailer. and R.V. Centre Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2123 16-8-bc 19. PETS PUREBRED Bouvier pups, shots, dewormed, tail docked. Phone 529-7273 19-8-2 21. WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUE glass paperweights and other anti- ques. $$$ call Steve 527-0211 Friday even- ings or weekends. 21-37-x52 OLD PAPER ITEMS - postcards, advertising, Victorian scrapbooks, catalogues, tetters and stamped envelopes, photographs, paper nostalgia and business directories Call 238-2780 Grand Bend. 21-7-2 aAb For serious buyer. Up to 160 acres, must have barn suitable for 200-300 bogs. House not drapol artt. Contact Mason•8ailey-aeal•Estate Ltd., Clinton. 413201.: 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED two bedroom home in Seaforth, available March 15, $450.00 per month. Gall Stratford 271-5820. 25-7-3 FOUR BEDROOM house 3 miles east of Hen - sail, no pets, available March 1st, References required, Ca11263-5958. 25-8-2 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT SUNNY, brand new bachelor apartment. Utilities and appliances included. Available immediately. 527-08.10 daytime, 522-1323 evenings. 26-7-2 ONE BEDROOM apartment, Main St. (oce- tion, fridge and stove, newly decorated. $225 per month. No pets. Phone 527-1720. 26-7-tf AVAILABLE April 1 - Large main floor One bedropm apartment, private entrance Gose to stores 040.00 per month, heat and hydro in- cluded. Phone 622-1607. 2518-11 t NE 6EDRO liA, tine lent. ,4vaitetile {larch 1. Phone 627-0877. 26+8.11