HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-02-22, Page 44A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 22, 1989 �su REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS R�1 2 15 MONTH RRSP All ',epoeite Insured Within Limits. Rates Subject To Verification. S:EAORTH STORE MADE, PLAIN OR GARLIC kEAT A. SAUSAGE 1 69 PORK BUTT CHOPS L. L59 STORE MADE BACON LB 1.69 BLADE or SHORT RIB GO ROAST1 1gg Le. CHICKEN BREAST ..2.19 Spectate in Effect Wednesday to Saturday, This'Week Only. More +:in4tore? Features 527-1821 Check 'Our 'Trim and Freshness Town approves SDCC budget LIBRARY RENOVATIONS Seaforth Town Council has approved the Terms of Reference for a feasibility study for capital renovatio at the Seaforth Library. The study 'esses possible renovations and improvements to the library building. Christopher Borgal Ar- chitect and Kyles Garratt and Marklevitz are to submit proposals for that study. Also in reference to the library, council passed a by-law authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Town of Seaforth and the Huron County Library Board. The agreement, drafted in 1986 but never executed, sets out responsibilities of both the Town and the Library Board. According to the agreement the Town of Seaforth is responsible for providing a clean facility that also meets health, safe- ty and fire regulations, has approved lighting for the provision of library ser- vice, and has an adequate heating system. The Town is also responsible for all repairs, renovations and improvements to the structure of the building, and for snow removal. In return the Library Board is responsi- ble for: approval of all space requirements for each branch library; establishing the annual rent to be paid each branch; mak- ing periodic inspections of each branch; establishing the hours of operation; hiring of the neceessry staff; providing a delivery system to all branches; providing library furnishings and equipment, in- cluding free-standing bookshelves; and providing library materionals, including books, magazines, records and audio- visual material etc.. TAX ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM Seaforth Deputy -Clerk Michelle Huard has been granted permission to take Unit II of the Tax Administration Program in accordance with the Town's policy manual. The cost of the unit is $275. ENERGY EFFICU NCY Town Council has agreed to register the Seaforth and District Community Centres, the Seaforth Municipal Building and the Seaforth Branch Library in the Municipal Buildings Energy Efficiency Program. The decision was . made following a review of information which indicates the program will pay up to 50 per cent of energy audits and up to 75 per cent of retrofit costs. There are three distinct components that form the basis of the pro - 72s 7. what's cookin •' ENTER THE "what's cooking!" DRAW FOR *Food Processor *Coffee Maker *Coffee Grinder HERE'S HOW TO ENTER: On March 22, The Huron Expositor will publish a new Cook Book - "what's cooking". It's your chance to share your favorite recipes and enter our draw for a food processor. a coffee maker and a coffee grinder. To Enter .... just submit your favorite recipe with an entry form attached. You may enter up to 3 recipes in each category. Deadline for entries is Friday, March 3. CATEGORIES: •Recipes For Kids *Appetizers *Candy & Confections *Cookies, Cakes & Pastries *Muffins & Breads *Soups & Salads *Quick Fix Casseroles *Vegetables & Fruit *Low Cal •Meat, Fish, Poultry •Pasta *Barbecue *Sauces & Preserves •Microwavable *Dinner For One EXTRA ENTRY FORMS WILL APPEAR IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER O 1 CATEGORY CATEGORY Name Name Address Address Phone Phone PLEASE PRINT PLEASE PRINT Additional Entry Forms Available At The Huron Expositor Office 'HEART' Y PARTY - Directors from the Huron County branch of the Heart and Stroke Foundation were present at the February meeting of Seaforth Town Council, to in- crease awareness of their cause. After presenting some facts to council, Directors Nico Peters, left, and Walter McClure, right, presented Mayor Hazel Hildebrand, center, and council, with a heart -shaped cake. The Heart and Stroke Foundation raised $77,000 in Huron County last year, 23 per cent up from the $62,500 they expected to raise, and was the second only to Lambton and Samia in terms of per capita giving in Southwestern Ontario. They foundation hopes to raise at least $72,500 in 1989. Ap- proximately 700 volunteers will canvass every home in Huron County during the month of February. Last year $6,700 was collected in Seaforth alone. Mcllwraith photo. gram. They are registration, energy effi- ciency audit grants and retrofit grants. LANDFfLL COVER A grant for the closure of the Seaforth- Tuckersmith Landfill Site has been ap- proved in the amount of $6,200, if $10,000 is expended prior to March 31, 1989 on materials for the closure of the site. Public Works Superintendent John Forrest is in- vestigating .all possible sources of materials. CREAMERY PROPOSAL Council was informed that two loads of oil waste had been removed from the Creamery holding tank, and that the wet well had been cleaned out as well. In an effort to further reduce waste the Creamery has altered its water cooling circulation system, and ordered additional skimming equipment. Construction began earlier this month to erect a building to house the new skimming equipment: CO-OP COP Seaforth Town Council has approved a request by the Seaforth District. High School to place co-op student Terry Gray with the Seaforth Police Department. Mr. Gray has indicated a desire to work with the local police. Police Chief Hal Claus has indicated he would like to see Mr. Gray sworn in as a by-law enforcement, which -would enable Mr. Gray to be more than a mere "tag -a- long". APPROVE DRAFT Seaforth Town Council has approved the draft of the 1989 Police Communication System budget, recognizing the total net expenditures may Vary from $130,543 to $139,354 depending on the course of action chqsen regarding dispatchers. The budget indicated there were many possibilities in the method of operation of the dispatch, dependent on the number of full time and number of part time employees, AUXILIARY RESIGNATION The Seaforth Police Department has lost one of its Auxiliary Police Constables. Sandy Broadfoot leaves Seaforth to begin training as a 'Cadet with the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force. "We lose an auxiliary constable, but Toronto gains a quality person," com- mented Seaforth Chief Hal Claus. "It reflects well on our Force that we have been a role model to a young person. Mr. Broadfoot has obviously benefitted from his time with us in his capacity as an auxiliary officer." JANUARY OCCURRENCES The Seaforth Police Department record- ed a total of 43 occurrences over the month of January, 1989 - 159 incidents were reported. Of those 43 occurrences, three aum- -nonses were given, three warrants ex- acuted, and five subpeonas served. Twenty parking tickets were issued, including three for no poarking, four for improper parking and 13 for overnight parking. Seven accidents were investigated - four involving property damage. RENUMERATION AND EXPENSES Seaforth Town Council approved the 1988 statement of total renumeration and ex- penses for council members at $40,977.31. Broken down further: Reeve Bill Bennett received a total of $5,375 ($4,620 stipend, $282.02 mileage and meals, $210 conference registration and $283.50 lodging. Councillor Peg Campbell received a total of $4,646.05 ($3,435 stipend, $315 mileage and meals, $370 conference registration and $526.05 lodging). Councillor Bob Dinsmore received $4,496.15 ($3,585 stipend, $333 mileage and meals, $260 conference registration and $318.15 lodging). Councillor Carolanne Doig received $2,935 ($2,880 stipend and $55 conference registration). Councillor Harry Hak received $4,702.90 ($4,200 stipend, $135 mileage and meals, $160 conference registration and $207.90 lodging). Deputy -reeve Hazel Hildebrand receiv- ed $2,916.75 ($2,160 stipend, $228.60 mileage and meals, $210 conference registration, and $318:15 lodging). Councillor Bill McLaughlin received a $1,605 stipend. Councillor Garry Osborn received $4,452.50 ($3,810 stipend, $199 mileage and meals, $160 conference registration and $283.50 lodging). Mayor Alf Ross received $9,847.44 ($7,850 stipend, $857.44 mileage and meals, $510 conference registration and $630 lodging . The total amount paid out in stipends was $34,145, in mileage and meals $2,330.06, in conferenneregistration $1935 and in lodging $2,567.25. COMMITTEE RENUMERATION Council also approved the treasurer's statement of renumeration and expenses .paid to committee members for services in 1988, in the amount of. $4,327.50. The majority of that figure, or $2,047.50, went to members of Seaforth's Recreation and Parks Committee, with Anne Adams receiving $157.50 for meetings attended, Terri -Lynn Dale $405, Trevor fortune $45, Heather Mcllwraith $450, John Patterson Sr. $225, Rick Woods $427.50 and Lisa Preszcator, Peter Vanslyke and Jennifer Watt each $112.50. Members of Seaforth's Local Architec- tural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) received $960. Walter Armes received $180, Betty Cardno $220, Cathy Elliott $140, Bob Fisher $200, Carol Leem- ing $40 and Tom Schoonderwoerd $180. Planning Board members received $720. Betty Cardno and John Ball each got $120, Ken Oldacre $160, Jack Bedard $100, Ken Brown $80 and Don Corbett $140. Members of the Committee of Adjust- ment received $600 with Betty Cardno, Ken Oldacre, Jack Bedard, John Ball, Ken Brown and Don Corbett each getting $100. JANUARY MEETING ATTENDANCE For meetings attended in the month of January 'the enrrent council received a total of, $4,195. Reeve Bill Bennett received $690 for one meeting of council, 12 committee meetings and one all day meeting. Deputy -reeve Peg Campbell received $600 for one council meeting, 10 committee meetings and one all day workshop. Mayor Hazel Hildebrand received $595 for one council meeting and 11 committee meetings. Councillor Bill Teall received $510 for one council meeting, eight committee meetings and one all day workshop. Councillor Garry Osborn received $480 for one council meeting and nine commit- tee meetings. Councillor Marjorie Claus received $420 for one council, six committee meetings and one all day function. Councillor Bill Pinder received $390 for one council and seven committee meetings. Councillors Irwin Johnston and Pat Malone received $255 each for one council and four committee meetings. MOTIONS OF COUNCIL Seaforth Town Council dismissed a mo- tion supporting a resolution from the Town of Paris, which suggests Cable Television Companies be required to make a payment in lieu of taxes (called a Gross Receipts Tax). The Town of Paris indicated it felt the Minister of Municipal Affairs should add a clause to the Municipal Act requiring Cable T.V companies to pay this extra tax because they are utilizing municipal right- of-ways and streets for their wires and plant, charge individual tesidents or pro- perties for the use of these cables, but do not have to make any payment to the municipality in lieu of taxes under the cur- rent legislation. Other utilities such as phone and gas companies are required to make an additional payment to the municipality. Seaforth Council generally agreed any move by the municipality to ask for fur- ther money from the Cable company would probably result in higher rates for the consumer. In another matter, council adopted a resolution from the Town of Fergus con- cerning rail service in Ontario. The Town of Fergus recommended the National Transport Agency through the Federal Government, implement a moratorium on all current applications and future applications for discontinuance of rail services by Canadian National Railways and Canadian Pacific Railways. It suggests no further track, trestles or bridges be allowed to be removed, or rail corridors be allowed to be assigned, or other rail properties sold, until a complete study has been done by the federal and provincial governments on the effect of rail service throughout the county, and the feasibility of instituting regional rall service. In a third motion members of council voted against a motion from the Town of Iroquois Falls which asks that the pro- vince of Ontario be petitioned to provide funding to assist municipalities to retrofit municipal administrative facilities to pro- vide equal access to all persons. APPROVE BUDGET The Town of Seaforth has approved the 1989 budget of the Seaforth and District Turn to page 7 • 1