HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1907-04-11, Page 51
LLI O ool'ot iY'J.L'.141.1‘k
and you haven't time to
keep studying. style all the
time. The safest thing for
you to do is to buy clothes
made by people whose very
business existence depends
on producing absolutely cor-
rect styles each season.
20th Century
Brand Garments
for men have an established
reputation for correctness.
We can assure you that it
you put your faith in them
and in us as sole agents, you
will not he disappointed.
11 Boys' Navy and Black Serge Snits. 3.piece, good quality.
sizes 25 to 33, regular 25 5u to $5.75, Special price $2.93
12 Youths' Navy and Black Serge Suits, 3 piece, long trons-
ere, good heavy quality, sizes 31 to 35, regular prises
$7.50 to $8.50 Special price - - - - $4.33
Our stock is most complete, and the quality is the
best for' the money in the following lines : Overalls,
Working Pants, Working Shirts, Smocks, Heavy Shoes,
Socks, etc.
THE `V1N►:IIAM TI . N APRIL 1 a, 1907
Consumption is less deadly than it used to be.
Certain relief and usually complete recovery
will result from the following treatment:
Hope, rest, fresh air, and --Scott's
. Ftp
ne xTn
DSohool reopened on Monday,
Mr. Wm Robertson has sold his res
staurant and bakery busiaeee to Mr.
John Bloor, a former resident of this
The house and blacksmith shop owed
by the late R. R Douglas, has been sold
to H. M. Bradford, of Dungannonvoeho
has been runuiug the shop for the past
Our sincere sympathy is extended to
W. and Mrs. Eaton in the sudden and
somewhat unexpected death of their
little son, George, aged 8 years.
i1.,uarU:�+• +u►ea, ,a.'.dia&t mi,, .i,, i, n, ,f.:.au 1tmN.tru+1 _
ST. 13 1LENs.
The anneal Easter Vestry of Christ
Church, St. Helens was held on Monday
afternoon, April let, and there was a
large attendance. The general business
connected with the church was attended
to. The report showed the financial
condition of affairs to be very satisfac-
tory. Mr Edward Haines was elected
Lay Representative to the Synod and
Mr. Jas Durnin, people's warden. The
Reciter appointed Richard McQuillan
his warden. After the vestry meeting
was over all repaired to the home of
Mrs J. Gamut, where a large number of
the ladies had gathered and spread a
enmptuous lunch, which was much en-
Subsoribe for the TIMES.
(Intended for last week)
Some of the farmers have commenced
spring plowing.
Mr. J. MoAllister conducted cervices
in Victoria Hall on Sunday.
Donald Richards has bought a horse
from Mr. MoEwen, 2nd con. Grey. It
is a good driver.
A. Fraser McDonald spent his Easter
holidays in Moorefield.
Dugald Strachan is visiting under the
parental roof. He comes from Arcola,
N.W.T. It is seventeen years since he
left Grey.
Mr. Ruttan, sr. has been on the sick
list for some weeks.
Subscribe for the TIints.
Growing Old Before Your Time.
Brokea in spirit, weak in body, nerv-
ervious and discouraged, Something is
wrong, and each day sees you failing
away Just one thing to do -BUILD UP
To do this, use Ferrozoue. Whet a
tonic It is! Appetite, why it makes you
eat tremendously. Digest, indeed you
will. Rioh red blood will carry nourish•
ment to every corner of your body, tired
organs take nn new life. color, spirit and
ambitiou are restored Perfect manhood
and abounding health is the unfailing
product of Ferrozoue-try it. 50o per
box everywhere.
On Good Friday Malcolm Lamont, an
old and well-known resident of thi'
community, passed away from time in
his 82nd year. He was only ill for two
weeks, pneumonia being the pause of
death. Deceased was born in Mull,
Argleshire, Scotland, being one of nine
sons. The family Dame to Canada iu
1852, sailing.from Glasgow on June 19
and reaching Toronto in six weeks
Three months were spent in Pickering
township, Ontario Co„ before coming to
Grey township where 600 acres of bush
land were taken up on the 7th and 8th
cons. They were th.e first settlers in
that locality, 60 years ago Mr. Lamont
was married to Miss Betsy Sinclair and
moved to the fine farm, lot 15, con. 8,
upon which the deceased died, then a
bush lot but under the industry of the
owner and his family became one of the
best farms in the township. 11 children
• were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lamont.
Monday of last week Mre, George ! As was mentioned in last week's issue,
Patterson, 13th con., died in her 75th an old and highly esteemed resident in
year. the person of James McNair passed away
Michael Reynean ehippee a ow of , Srhbath morning, March 24th at the ad-
housel:old eirecte from Ethel to Palmer. f vanoo i age of 83 years, 6 months and 20
sten where he and his tawny purpose days. Although in failing health for
residing We wish them prosperity. some time past, he retained his faculties,
The auction sale of James Hanna at-
traoted a lar*;e crowd and prices ranged
high, his team selling for almost $500.
F. S. Scott wielded the hammer in hie
usual good stile.
Dr W E. Bryans, who spent the
Winter in charge of a large staff of
men in a lumber camp at Parry Sound
was home for a few days last week. He
went to Toronto where he has a position
in the W. stern Hospital.
We are sorry to record the death or
Ethel Louisa, daughter of Loftus and
Mrs. Stark, 17 Hayter street, Toronto,
which occurred re eutly, The bright
little lassie, who was nearly 3 years old,
was only ill 00 hours and despite all
that could be done passed away es etated
above. The cause of death was aso ptio
Overtaken By Nausea.
You don't know whether it's going to
stay down or come up. Yon feel like
thirty cents and look even worse. If one
thing is quicker than another, it's "Ner-
viline." Ten drops in sweetened water
gives relief instantly. Almost like ma•
gni is the change you experience. The
cause of the nausea ie removed, every
symptom of vomiting and indigestion is
cured within ten minutes. Wnen Pol.
son's Nerviline as so trusty and ecomical,
a bottle at home wouldn't be amiss.
Large ones for a quarter at all dealers.
Township council met on Monday.
Minutes will appear in our next issue.
We are sorry to hear that Wm Kelly
and sons, of the 7th line, who were large
farm owners, having become involved
in the payment of the sameand have
handed over all their possessions to their
creditors. F. S. Scott, of Brussels is the
We have pleasure in stating that Jas.,
son of Quintin Anderson, 3rd line, was
successful in passing his final exam., at
the Ontario Veterinary College,Toronto.
He captured honors iu four subjects m
his difiloult examination. We have not
learned where he will locate but in the
meantime is assisting a Veterinary at
The 0. P. R. have found the Lord's
Day act unworkable, as far as their
yards in Winnipeg are concerned, and
will ignore the law in future.
Almost Dead of Bronchitis.
Few people have suffered more than
John P Paylor of Dyment, P, 0 , Ont.
To -day he ei well and writes: -"I must
tell you how much Catarnccz.tue has
been to me. I wee Po baa with bronchit-
is sometimes I thought it would be over
with me A sp-ll of choak ng would
Dome on that left me prostrated and
weak Since using (Jetarrhozeue I have
had no trouble et all. It strengthened
my throat, stopped the cough, ;revs me
free breathing and entirely cured " Just
the usual experience Oaturrhozoue in
variably cures whether bronchitis, asth-
ma or catarrh. Two sizes, 25c and $i,
at all dealers.
to a marked degreo,an attack of la grippe,
with other complications, being tl e
cause of his demise. Mr. McNair was a
native of Kintyre, Argyles -lire, Soot -
land, being the eldest sou of the late
Nett MoNair. The family came to Can.
ada in Jane, 1852, crossing the Atlantic
on the sailing vessel "Marion," of Glass
gow, the voyage occupying 5 weeks,
On arriving in this couutry he, with hie
parents, resided in the township of Vang•
han until the spring of 1854, when with
his brothers Dunoan and Donald, he
came to Grey township and took up land
on the 14th and 15th cons the deceased
taking lot 22, con 15, where he contin-
ued to reside until 6 years ago, when he
retired and came to live in Cranbrook
In 1853, ho was united in marriage to
Miss Mary McTaggart, of St. Thomas,
who predeceased him by three months.
Out of a. family of 6 children 2 survive.
Good run of sap on Monday.
Frost in elleground yet in spots but
sod ploughed well on Saturday.
Mr. J, M Oreight's sale was well
attended lee ;,,xhureday. Lumber, cedar,
pigs and her es'sold llvell. Young cattle
went cheap.ie
Mr. Hector McKay is putting his
house in shape for occupancy.
Rev. Mr. Finlay is indisposed and
there was no service in the Methodist
church on Sunday,
Mr. Editor, not much news this week.
I will tell a yarn. Mr. 0,, a friend of
mine, paid a visit to one of his old
neighbors. Both are pioneers of fifty
years Rj;o. The day was cold. The
oven door of the stove was closed. Pre-
sently the wife opened the oven door
and took a stick of maple out and put it
iu the stove and taking a stink out of the
wood box put it in the oven. How
is it D., you always could get your wood
out a year ahead when we had to swing
the cradle and the sythe. Yes, said he,
but since my boy took possession and
the introduction of the sawing machine
we don't seem to ever get any wood
ahead. This is the state of affairs 'on
many farms to•day.
�y',td,.,,mt*:' ,c.�:a;s� �.a.,xttui,Lw:y,Ir.. i,\%:.ln.+Y.irLidvWacaC'IiiWt,�,.l.a..;,i"-..- ry; .�.•.�. nim A. Suggestion of Rare Value.
A deceased condition of the surfaces
of the air passages causes bad breath,
but more commonly emanates from in-
digestion or an impure condition of the
blood. Thousands of cases prove that
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, through their
specific action on the secretory and eli-
minative organs, not only cure bad
breath, but so thoroughly purify the
system that anything anages ive of bad
blood or digestive troubles is impossible.
Through Dr. Hamilton's Pills the skin
grows rosy and clear, activity of the
body and mind increases. and bounding
health is established, sold everywhere in
250 boxes,
Daisy Churn, No. 2, regular $6.5o, for - $5.25
Daisy Churn, No. 3, regular $7.00, for - 5.75
Axle Greas-, regular to cents a box, now 0 boxes for .25
One Minute Washer to clear, regular $Io.00, at 8.50
Vulmar Washer, to clear, regular $7.00, at 5.50
Triumph Washer, to clear, regular $7,00, at - 5.50
Razors, regular $1, $T.25 and $I.5o, your choice for .50
Graniteware Reductions Still Going
I Carload CEMENT
If you intend building, it will pay you to call and get prices, at
Young's Big Hardware.
The people of this neighborhood will
learn with the deepest regret and sur-
prise of the unexpected death of Mr J.
H. Elford, which occurred on Monday
evening of lest week. Deceased had
been stopping with his daughter, the
wife of Rev Alex Birks, but had gone
to Crosshill to spend Easter with a con.
sin, Albert Knight. He was seemingly
in the best of health and was expected
beck to Seaforth on Tuesday. After
partaking of supper he lay down on a
lounge, seemingly in gold health, but
shortly after oommenoed to choke, and
for half -an -hour spoke with his friends,
when he lost consciousness and soun
after passed away. As an old resident
of this village he was held in the very
highest esteem; for many years a mem
ber of the Methodist Church, he was al-
so me official member, and financially
and otherwise was always ready to bear
his share of responsibility. He was a
man of sterling integrity and irreproach•
able life. His two sons reside at St Aun
de Bellevue, near Montreal, and another
daughter lives with her sister at Sea.
forth. Mrs Elford predeceased him
about five years ago. In politica Mr.
Elford was a Liberal. He carried an
insurance of $2000 in the 0. 0. F. and
$1000 in the A. 0. U. W. The remains
were brought to Holmesville on Thurs-
day, service being held in the Methodist
Churoh, after which they were conveyed
to Goderich cemetery for interment.
Two squaws suffering with smallpox
were found in a house in Yarmouth
township, where twelve other Indians
were living.
' The following is the report of S. S.
No. 9, East Wawanosh for the month
of March. Those marked * passed at
the recent promotion enamination.
Names in order of marks obtained at the
weekly exams. or the promotion exams.
Fifth Olaes.-Gordon Rintoul, Wil -+-�--
frid Pocock, Ella Walker, Katie Shiell, Last year the sailors' missionaries of
Laura Currie. the Upper Canada Tract Society made
Sr, Fourth Class. -Roy Anderson, over `x,500 visits to vessels, circulated
Raymond Elliott, George Currie", Tessa over 20,000 books and booklets and over
Anderson, Earl Elliott*, Harvey Link- 28 000 tracts among the men en these
later, Walter Pozook*, Howard Shioll, '
Gwendolyn Currie*, Mary Elliott*,
vessels. Besides this a great many more
George Walker*, Garfield Shoebottom*, . men were reached at the sailors' snug
Herbert Burchill. harbor, Kingston, an institution which
Jr, Fourth Class. -Pearl Deacon*. is becoming more and more popular with
Sr. Third Class. -Richard Deacon*, the men every year.
Verna Taylor*. te
Jr. 3rd Class: •-Harold Walker, Maggie The immediate release of all the wo-
Poeook*, Harold Currie*, Ernest Shioll*, men and children in China, now faept as
Charlie Taylor*, Frank Robinson*, slaves, Sae been ordered by the Chinese
Jr, 2nd Class,-Wilmur Taylor, Annie Minister of Justice in the name of the
Carrie, Elva Itobicsoln, Bessie Bnrohill, Emperor. The proclamation orders the
yeti into
ncentr O s me
o Fiona Deacon.
11 ct a t e
Nellie Dnae n, destruction of a
Part 1I, -Eng McDougall, Maud Rin- for the putohoaMe of aves, find provides
tool, severe punishment for any Chinese aub-
1art I. -George Poeook, Percy Shioll, jest who shall hereafter make etch con -
Teddy Xierr. tracts.
Al. E. Isard & Go
Agent for
New idea.
Ingersoll Board of Trade urges the
Council to authorize the Mayor to ap-
ply to Mr. Carnegie for $10,000 for libr-
ary purposes.
The Private Bilis Cammittee of the
Legislature passed the preamble of To.
ronto's bill allowing the expropriation of
the Electric Light Company.
The police village of Hepworth, which
lien on the boundary of Bruce and Grey
Counties, was incorporated as a village
by action of the private bills committee
of the legislature.
Louis W, Hill, the new president of
the Great Northern Railway. says he
expecte within the next ten years to
have a railroad system in Canada which
will be almost an equivalent to the
Great Northern system as it is today in
the United States. Mr. Hill says ten
million dollars will be spent in Canada.
3 Floors well stocked
with Bright, New Spring
.S, at money - saving 4'>-
Our doors are open to a!1
from, at prices in keeping with our bi values in other departments
throughout the store.
a special invitation to
and look around. „r
Hag oC/as _° fkUothintga
t will pay seri to visit our Clothing; Department an
Roma, where you will find a Grand Display of Nese Spring
Main Coats, 'kprots.isorg, Top Costa, etc. TWO
thousand dollars worth of New Spring Clothing to choose
BOYS' SUITS --Boys' Fancy Suits, Buster Browns, Norfolk
and Sailor Suits, made up of medium end lirht colored
tweeds. Our special prices are $2.50 $3.00 $3.50
BOYS' KNICKER PANTS -Big stook of Boys' Knickers, every
pair a bargain. Extra special -a line to clear at .50
BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS - Men's Fancy English Tweed
Snits, veru pretty patterns, well Made, and good strong
liuiags; all sizes, Oar cut price - - - $7.00
Men's English Worsted Snits, plain and fancy crave, well
tailored, ;hie season's patterns. Special at $10 cC $12
GENTS' FURNISHINGS -All that's now and up - to - date in
Men's Soft Shirts, White Shirts, Onllara, Ties, Sox,
Underwear, Braces, Umbrellas, Belts, etc., eto.
See our special Soft Front Shirts at - - .50
Il✓�l.L.a• - -- mssv.�.:3s�r!siu�.r��.,,i,m..��•-.�.d�u:...:,..e�t.Y_�....,, .�a�num�+,s�,:.trsw '.a..�.w:�_�i,�
With the coming of Spring and housecleaning
time, there will be new furniture required. Per-
haps a new Parlor Suite, Diningroom Suite,
Bedroom Suite, or an Odd Piece just t t flil in.
Whatever your wants may be, we are prepared
to supply them, and the prices you will agree
are very moderate. Yo l're invited to call when
wanting anything in the line of Furniture.
New Baby Carriages and Carts to Hand.
alk3rs Ftrfflre SiorL
Undertaking promptly and satisfactorily attended to.
ee4+++++d4d40+++404^4+++40•++ +++++++++++++++d+++++++++f
Paisley Street Methodist Church at Sir Wilfri;l Laurier, Sir Frederick
Guelph was gaited by fire. Borden, and Hon. Mr. Brodeur left
Ottawa on Thursday for England to
attend the Colonial Conference.
The Ganancque Inn, a summer hotel,
was destroyed by fire. Loss, $00,000.
There aro :3,390 Smiths of fall age in
New York city, and 080 of there have
The engineering; building nt MOGUL
University, Montreal, wasburneca, caus-
ing a loss of $710,000.
A nugget of gold vatted at SW has
been discovered in digging a dt'ate at
Vancouver, and seven placer mining
claims have been staked.
J. R. Booth, the millionaire lumber
eighty ht years
Ottawa, was C
man at wy
Friday. lie still superintends his mills,
and is now overseeing tho erection of a
new sulphite mill.
Established r879
IR/Moping Cough, Croup, B ol«hitis ;
Cough, help, Astigmia, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boot to A.,thtr,;atics
1Ucs it not teem mora efieetiv• to l rcathe in a
remedy to cure disco: c of the lae.uhing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It enre:. because the air rendered sucnt;iy anti. -
septi,; is carried over the diseased surface with
evert breath, giving ►�rolungcd and.�_nstnnt treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with s.n all
'I'hoseofaronsitmptive .t 8 ee
tendency find immediate Let aU
relief front roughs or in- " I •
flamed conditions of the
Sold bydruggists.
Send postal for booklet.
Lzinuec, lltit t:s Co.,
i.inuted, Agents, Mont.
real, Canada. ;;a7