The Wingham Times, 1907-04-04, Page 5.1.11191 1i!ia lliir.W�dYWIiYit.la:.l IIIJ11..714,11 .. I!I II,L IIY II.14.1J0111111 o,016000100 -'A :,'LII,,i.'p 1 �I THE BLUE FRONT STORE, - 1NUHOHAM, FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN O N' T FORGET That 20th Century Brand Me l's Fine Tailored Garments—the very make of clothes that all the best dressed travellers wear -- the clothes that are worn by thousands o' young men in all the leading cities --can be obtained right her-. Hundreds of patterns to choose from — great style, great fit, moderate price. .I..rd 1 i I II 1 li d1 Ik II �1I1 LA014043,1, CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS is as� idwalln'f�1 . i tiAtossasseustassevi ••.ryas,ur►,Y, '•.. 'Tis:: isaaiastall3•'rsnmrWIMI.�__ _r�V.r� w= Are You Mouse Cleanillg? a If so, you will require some of our celebrated Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Enamels, Silver and Metal Polish. Also a large assortment of all kinds of BRUSHES to choose from. It will pay you to engnire our prices on CHURNS anal Wim+ SH NG i1{AC11U1NES before purchasing. CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. H. B I --T O P '$ ti�iw�iwtr�r�+A�tuntr,�fo7lwti;Y�;•s=•.:."`,'-""•O'"`t � . ,y,-+..5>�ran.a,CJs,tn.,;:s;sur+'l�.wrilu,,..l,ai,t,.,ai.tZ.ul�;iat. THE LANGSIDE. Miss Lizzie Ross is very poorly. Ploughing was started in this section on Friday, Mr. Rory Ross is preparing to split his barn and build larger.. Mr, T. Wroth and son intend putting a stone foundation under their barn. When That Cold Cones. How is it to be oured? This method is simplicity itself Rub the chest and throat well with Nerviline, nse it as a gargle and take some in hot water be- fore retiring along with one of Dr. Ham. ilton's Pills. Next morning finds you refreshed, free from cold and bright as a dollar. These household remedies are wonderfully successful, and certainly won't fail in your case. Ifor sale at all dealers. es CUL ROSS. Following is the report of S.S. No. 3, Culross, for the term ending at Easter. Names in order of merit. Entrance olass,—Lena Welwood. Form IV,—Nellie Walters, Annie Crowe, Ervin Strome, Earl Oasliok. Form III,—Allie Falconer, Emma Walters, James McKinnon, Archie Me - Kinnon, Form II,—Ceoil Falconer, Allis Daw- son, Myrtle Walters, Jane Caellok, Les- ter Falconer, John Strome, John Mc- Kinnon, James Stapleton. Part II,—May Stapleton, John Crown. Part I,—Andy Orr, Fellie McKinnon, Alex. Lochard,James Falooner,Florence Stapleton, James Orr, Edward Dawson. W. F. LTNrLATER, Teaoher. A Case In West Arichat. Mrs. A. P. Ferguson, a well known Cape Bretoner has oured asthma by "Catarrhozone." Her statement is con• vincing: "Although I was troubled for years it was only recently I tried Catarr- hozone, When an attack started I got out my inhaler and invariably got quick relief. Feeling satisfied Catarrh.ozone would pure, I continued the treatment tilt one bottle was finished. I didn't nse more because I was cured and the asthma has never returned." Ottarrho- zone is sure death to asthma and bron- chitis. Try it and be convinced. Two sizes, 25o and $1.00 at all dealers., GREY. On Wednesday morning, March 27th, George Patterson, an old and highly re- spected resident of the 14th con., passed over to the great majority in his 88th year Drainage by-laws have been printed for the McKee, Michel and Ewen drain schemes. Court of Revision will be held at Ethel on April 15th. There is said to be some more drains on the programme yet. Grey township council certainly has had a wide and varied experience iu this line of municipal work. The Duncanson farm, 14th con., has b -en purchased from Albert Carter, by Thos. Learmont who is now in possess- ion. ion. he latter has had Mr. Carter's farm, 11 con., rented but Richard Mitch. ell has purchased the farm and moved to it this week. We hope all will do well on their newly acquired properties. Last week Albert Carter, a well-known resident, left for Innisfail, Alberta, where he has a half socion of land, 6 miles from the railway. It is a long trip, 960 miles from Winnipeg. His sons, Alvie and Jim, accompanied him, a car of stock which included 5 horses and other effects being taken. Mrs. Carter and sons, Russell and Bert, will spend a few months in Brussels before proceediog to their new home in the West. ..tda.rwMra :it+ o te,7tir v ureJedn�w eiturnfl'i. 'I �w. ..,•-•-,_•• •til ttakAtmmuliate�avdtruy.r T Yi.buxadvIu.::.0 sateen lab SCIE7 (19 One Carload. Hanover Cement. One Carload Wire Nails. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GRANITEWARE AND HARD- WARE IN E VERY LINE. Sherwin- Williams', tea,ver and Robertson's Ready" Mixed Paints. CHURCH'S ALABASTINE, WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OILS TO HAND. It will pay you to call and get prices. A pleasure to show goods, at Young's Bi Hardware. 4 WINGUiAM TIMF.S APRIL 4, 1c)07 060000000444000040000' That hacking cough continues Because your system is exhausted and your powers of resistance weakened. Take Scott's Ernu lspon. It builds up and strengthens your entire system. 0 It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so 0 prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. ,/�, �ALL DRUGGISTS: � gS,Oc. AND $1.00 0 0.14400 ST, 11LLEN;S. Mumps ars again the order of the day among the children. Mr. Will Todd was in Wakerton and Oargill last week, on business. Mr. Fitzell and family, of Holyrood have moved to Jno. Juynt's farm. Mr. Jas. Jamieson has moved auto the house lately vacated by Mi. Asquith. Miss Minnie Ramage, who is attend. ing Wingham Business College spent the holidays at hor home here. Mrs. D. E. McDonald and two daugh- ters of Wingham were visiting at the parental home for a few days. Pity the Busy Office DIan. He feels half dead, a sense of nausea, headache and nerve strain. He is on the verge of breakdown through over- work and lack of exercise. These dif- fioulties are best overcome by Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills, which make the bowels ac- tive, stimulate kidneys and liver and thereby free the system of impurities. To revitalize and stimulate your whole being, to shake off lethargy sad tiredness, nothing compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills which do make good looks, good spirits, good health. Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. !MORRIS. Wm Little has changed his mind as to gorug to the West and has ta'ton up resi- dence at Bluevale. Mise Minnie Walker, Gth line spent the Easter holidays with friends at Chatham, Tupperville and Wallaceburg. William Taylor, Oth line. who usually draws the lines over good horseflesh sold a heavy draft mare to John Dan - holm, Blyth, for the sum of $300. She weighed 1800 pounds, Mrs. Allan Adams, 5th lino, was visit- ing at Washington City during the past week. She' accompanied her father, Wm. McKercher, of Wroxeter, who has a brother a resident in the Capital city. A faretCase Overcome. No longer necessary to suffer from muscular rheumatism, Every ease can bo cured. Ferrozone is unfailing as proved by David Johnston of Ormond, Ont. "M,y wife was a dreadful suffer- er he writes. "For two years she could scarcely do any work. Her knuckles and joints swelled, causing tortnre. To get up or down stairs was impossible. She took box after box of Ferrozone and rubbed the sore places with Nerviline Improvement started and she mended fast. To day she is quiet oured and we thank Ferrozone for her recovery." No remedy more popular with doctors than Ferrozone; it does onre, 50o per box at all dealers. BLYTIT The Board of Management of Andrew's church is having the renovated. Miss Sarah Bentley left last week for Winnipeg, where she will visit for a few months; we wish her a pleasant visit. Rev. J. S. Lockheed, of London, for- merly of the Londesboro circuit, preach- ed in St. Andrew's church last Sunday. A very interesting event occurred at the home of Thomas and Mrs. Fairser- vice, Hallett, on March 20th, when their daughter, Miss Sarah, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. N. M. Leslie, of Londeshoro, to Wm. H. Coming, of Blyth, at five o'clock as the strains of the wedding march being played by Miss Katie Owning, sister of the groom. • St. manse TORNBE axon The following is the standing of the pnbils of S. S. No. 9, Turnbcrry, as a re- sult of the promotion examination. Fifth Class :—Katio Mcl3nrney, Frank Powell. Forth Sr.—Fordon Wray,Clara McKenzie, Robert Breen. Fourth Jr.— Clarence Henning,Liizie Breen, Aleatha Smith, Hugh Russell. Third Sr.— Gladys Henning, George Benodiok. Third Jr.—Lottie McBurney, Willie Bolt, Pearl Morkley, Jean Ross, Joy Wray, Mary Mcl3urney, Cecil Fuller, Nellie Breen, Murray Ross, Percy Merit - ley. Second Jr.—Howard Wylie, Robbie Powell, Leslie Bolt. Part I.—Dorothy McTavish, Sanderson Breen. L H. VAssrosi:, Teacher. The following is the result of the re- cent promotion examinations in S. S. No. 5. Names in order of merit: Jr. iv to Sr. iv,—Noble Hastings. Sr, in to Jr. IV,•—*Ross Anderson, Roy Adair. Jr, xis to Sr. IIF,—Jennie McLean, Bessie Pringle, Ada McGill, Bert Me - Loan. Sr. xI to Jr. itt,—*Jeannette Pringle, Andrew Pringle, Leonard McLean. Sr. Pt. xr to Jr. xr,---Gordon Adair. Jr. I't. n to Sr. Pt. n,---Gertio Deans, Ethel Hastings. Carrie Wellwood, of China, were read. JTxssIn GAlilticeS, Teacher. The remainder of the program consisted 00000000 0 BELGRAW: Mr ,Lime,a Taylor lost a valuable horse last week. Mr, Robb has engaged with Geo. Tis- dale for the summer. Mies Habkirk of Brussels visited in the village this week. Farmers in this section are now busy with the spring work. Mr and Mrs Joe Stalker of Lucknow visited at Dan Geddes' this week. The average attendance at the Bel - grave school for the last week of March was 44. Wm Watson was in Londesborough on Tuesday scaling logs for Mr Bell of Wingham. Mrs McDonald of Toronto is visiting at her parents, Mr and Mrs VanNorman this week, Mr Dan McKenzie of Owen Sound visited his mother and his sister, Mrs Wm Geddes in the village this week. While sp.ittiog wood last week, David Geddes had the misfortune to break his thumb which le causing him reach pain. Rev Mi Budge of Hanover, gave a very interestiug leectura on "Bonnie Prince Charlie" in Scott's School house on Friday evening. The W. F. M. S. in commotion with the Presbyterian Church held a quilting bee in the basement of the church on Wednesday and quilted a number of quilts for the Indians. Your oorreipondeut was misinformed when we reported last week that a pro- gressive euchre party had been held itt the home of Mrs. Anderson. We are sorry the item was given a place in these columns. The contract for building the new school house has , cen awarded to Wm. Watean, of the village at $1735 Tho Trustees are to supply the brick, fur- nace, dceks, etc. The contractor to supply everything else and do all the work. A meeting of the ratepayers will ba held on Wednesday, 10th inst., to sanction the raising of money by de- bentures to pay tar the school. Over half the brick are aireaay on the ground and the balance will be drawn as soon as the roads permit. Tho followiug is the classification of the pupils in U. S. S. No 17, Eelgrave since the Promotion examinations:— V, Gertrude Clarke, Nettie McLean, Jean Anderson, Willie Brydges. Sr iv. Laura Clarke, Leslie Bates, Norman Geddes, Willie Watson, Rennie Wight - man *Wilson Geddes, Leslie Wightman, Andrew Proctor, James Ferguson. Jr Iv, *Willie Brandon, *Bella Wightman, *Grace Clarke. *Maggie Wightman, *John Tasker, *Edna Scandrett. Sr rtt. *Daniel Ferguson. Jr. Irt. Cameron Geddes, Thomas Grasby, May Graeby. Albert Tasker, *Bessie Wightman. Sr. Ix. Norman Stonehouse, Lila Brydges, *I3ardy Geddes, *Annie Brydges,*Greta Armstrong, *Bella Ferguson. Jr II. Kathleen Owens, *Norman Wightman- Pt rr. *James Wightman, *Harry Armstrong, *Mabel Ferguson, .e Eugene Geddes. Pt 1. Wilfrid Anderson, Carrie Stonehouse, Donald McKenzie, Lily Bell, George McKenzie. Those marked * were promoted Average at- tendance for the month 39. A. A. NAir.on., Teacher. t CRYING 8ABlZ8. Babies do not cry for the fun of it, nor is it always because they are hungry as so many young mothers think. Niue times out of ten baby's ory indicates that his little stomach is out of order. Mothers will find instant relief for their suffering little ones in Baby's Own Tab- lets. A few doses will care the most obstinate cases of constipatioh, indiges- tion or vomiting and a Tablet given now and thou to the well child will keep it well. Mrs. Mary ollook, Gawas, Ont., says: "Baby's O n'Tablets have been a great benefit to y baby. They have made him happy, peaceful and content• ed, when before he used to cry all the time. I have more comfort with him since giving him the. Tablets that I ever had before. He now site and plays and laughs while I do my work. What greater praise can I give Baby's Owa Tablets." For sale at druggists or by Mail at 25 tents a box from the I)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,Ont. \V r1T'Tuciamiert. . Mr. G. Cottle is running the saw mill and has a very good supply of logs. A special Easter meeting of the W. 1?. M. Society of the Whitechurch circuit was held at the parsonage on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Cnyler, President, presided. Opening exercises - were conducted by Mrs. W. A, Finlay. A letter of greeting from Mrs. (Rev.) Baker, of Dluevale, district organizer, and an interesting letter from Miss 401 Ibiff11111111111110111010 1 1 5 crew Idea HE LEADING STORE Patterns only xoc Ips Isdrd R PRICES AKE US BUSY 1 1 3 Floors well stocked with Bright, New Spring Goods,at money - saving prices. Our doors are open to all with a special invitation to come and look around. Agent tor N'•w 14c4a Patterns 0. 1 High -Clams Clothing. It will pay you to visit our Clothing Department on 2nd Hoer, where you will find a Grand Display of New Spring Suits, attain. Coats, Trousers, Top Coats, ete. Two thousand dollars worth of New Spring; Clothing; to choose from, at prises iu keeping with our big values in other departments throughout the store. BOYS' SUITS—Boyo' Fancy Snits, Baster Browns, Norfolk and Sailor Stats, made np oe ui rlium and litrht colored tweeds. Our special prioes are $.2.50 $3.00 $3.50 BOYS' KNICKER PANTS —Big stook of Boys' If:stickern, every pair a bargain. Extra special—a line to clear at .5O BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS — Men's Fancy English Tweed Snits, very pretty patterns, well made, and good strong linings; all sizes. Oar cut price - - - .$7.00 Men's English Worsted Suite, plain and fancy imus, well tailored, this season's patterns. Special at 810 & $12 GENTS' FURNISHINGS—All that's new and up . to - date is h1 en's Soft Shirts, White Sbirts, 0i hare, Tier, Sox, '(uderwoar, Braces, Umbrellae, Belts, eto„ eto, See our special Soft Front Shirts at - - .50 13 !+j IMPORTERS, WINGHAIW. PHONE 6 8. 'iIW.�V..,n'.'iV.1.�Yn,'LYM.'"fR91...L' 'k�iL\11wL�k1�'at3iiL�fl.t3lllAdL'J..('A�[rCSL:te✓aYJ -—+?�.•5.-�,'d. •b,^2• -•t. vl:�fl..Mu.vc� Co. of music and readings by members of the society. A liberal Easter offering was received, The twentieth auniveraary meeting of the W. F. M. Society was held it the Presbyterian church on Saturday. A large number of the ladies of the oon- gregation were present. Miss A. Clow President, presided and the opening exercises were conducted by Rev. G. P, Duncan. Addresses were given by Miss Inglis and Miso Clow and letters from former Presieents were road Solos were given by Wallace Duncan and Mrs. Finlay and an instrumeutal by Mrs. J. Stalker, of Luohnow, a former member of the society. As the President intends leaving the neighborhood, she tendered her resignation. A vote of thanks was passed expreaiiing regret at her removal and thanking her for the very able way in which she hag performed hor duties. A very liberal of'f'ering was received and refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. TLsxi:Tluny. Minutes of Coanoil meeting hold Apr 1st. Members of Council all present: The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs Moffatt and McMic- hael. Tenders for township printing were received from the Wiugham Tints, and the Wingham Advance and the Wroxe- ter Star. McMichael—Moffatt—That the tender of the Winghatu Timi;5 be accepted it being the lowest. Carried. Ittoffatt— Kelly—That no action be taken on Dr Mitchell's claim. Lest. Mc'Mich eel —Rothorford—In amend- ment, that the claim of Dr. Mitchell as recommended by the Local Beard of Health be paid. Carried, Kelly—Moffatt —That By -Law No 5, 1007, be passed for the appointment of Wm H Mundell, Thomas Aitken, Thos (4oy, Thomas Haugh, SamuelVanstone, James Elliot, Joseph Lovell, Peter Scott, E. Orvis and Robert Leathorn, Pence Viewers is the Township of Turnberry for the durrent year. Cd. Rutherford —McMichael— That 13y - Law No G, 1937, be passed for the ap- pointment of John Little, Henry Law- rence, George 13 Scott, Hugh Tucker, Allan Fralic>.r, James Kirton, jr, John Mundell, Peter S Mclwen, Peter Scott, B Orvis, James Williamson and Wm Maxwell, Poundkeopers in the Town- ship at Tarnberry for the current year. Carried. 1911q—d'Iotiatt--That IlyLaw No. 7, 1007, bo passed for the apnoiatment of Henry Lawrence. John Weiler, Wm H Mundell, Andrew Campbell, John Little, David Iioimes, James Stapleton, Henry Thompson, James Godkin, George Mar- ehall, Rueben Stokes, James J Scott,. Win Mitchell, Ed ward Jenkins, George Uasemore, John Holmes, Fred Lewis, jr James Caldwell, Peter Hastings, Hugh Tucker, Frank Carruthers, John Pringle George Taylor, John Wray, James T Wylie, Robert Breen, Robert Yeo, jr, Satnuel Vanstone, John Sanburn, Jas Nichol, Jas Elliot, Andrew Hooper, John MoNau;hton, Wm Wright, Gide- on Parks, James Hislop, John McEwen, Peter Scott, Thomas Higgins, Andrew Gray, Peter D King, Henry Bosman, Wm Maxwell, John McKenzie, Robert Leathorn, Henry \\robe, George Yeo, John J Moffatt, George Walker, John I' Mulvey, John Line, Andrew Gem - mill, Henry Muir, Jeffery Musgrove. Alex Moffatt, John Finlay, Samuel Kereigham, Thomas Hatt, George Srig- ley, Win B,itt, James Williamson and Robert Mosgrove, Pathmeetere in the Township of Turnterry for the cttxrent year. O r. The .shooing ammo -its w'ra pascal and oh_q'res issued: Theo Hall, printing, $10.03; Mrs Mc - Load. Beard of Health, nurse fees, $35: Mrs Rutledge, nurse tees, $50 CO; Miss K Maxwell, nurse fees $50; ?sass Maxwell, nn se fees. :MOO.; ilius Myxwelt, nae fees, $63 25; Dr Mitchel: medioal fees, fees, $150. McMichael—Moffatt—That this meet• ing do now attjonra to meet its tin Clerk's office, tiluera' e, on Monday, May 27, at 10 o'ctook a. m, for regular bueiu'rs auel at 1..f.'0 p.m. as Court of Revision. Join: Bi'Itcaass, Clerk. • WAr f7l' t) mar - Erla011sh d rS7 Iliicestlg Cough, Croup, Brom:110s _ CWcgh, Grip, Asthma, 1' ptilheria creroledo is a boon to Awtliniat!cs Th' ' it not seem more e!iectivs to i reatcc itt n remedy to cure disease of the i:et,tta-tr ergons that to take the remedy into the stonta:h 7 It Fere: he,^anise the airrender,d st'onglyt:ntt- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and ce a,.t treat. raeut. It. is invaluable to mothers sruh small thitaren. - Thoseofaronsumptive g t tendency find immediate S�tZ u relief from coughs or in - fluted conditions tf the ,. tine tiu at. Sold by druggists. Send i, 'stat for baaklet. I.R1:Srl:i,:, Naar a' Co., Lin .ted, Agents, Mono- tial, e'.,n:;da. go7