HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-01-25, Page 5THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 25, 1989 — 5A Seaforth Manor couple celebrates 75 years of wedlock The highligh of this past week at Seaforth Manor was the 75th wedding anniversary celebration of Dave and Eva Netzke. Nearly 100 friends and relatives paid a visit to their open house on Saturday afternoon where special entertainment was provided by Marie Flynn and orchestra. We were pleas- ed to have reporters from the area papers here as well as CFPL and CKNX television crews in to take pictures of the event. It was certainly exciting to see Dave and Eva, who reached a milestone that few do, on televi- sion news that evening. We have decided to try a new format for our weekly happenings insert into the local paper. We are hoping to include more of the actual activities happening at the Manor rather than including people visiting the residents. We started off the new week on Monday with Fun and Fitness. After reading and discussing some of the headlines in the daily paper, everyone seems to enjoy the exercise routine. In the afternoon we were pleased to have Carol Carter in to lead everyone in a sing song. Residents always appreciate her beautiful piano playing as well as the oppor- tunity she gives to sing some of their favorite selections. On Tuesday morning we welcomed Grade 6 students for our weekly bowling event. We certainly couldn't get along without their assistance. In the afternoon we worked on some trivia and word games. Wednesday morning, volunteer Mary Chapple was in to help put up a baby quilt. Some of our ladies quilt, so now they have lots of work to keep them busy. Our weekly church service on Wednesday afternoon was led by Rev. William Barber of First Presbyterian Church. Along with Rev. Barber was his wife Laura and Henrietta Brown who assisted at the piano. Residents gathered together on Thursday morning for Fun and Fitness, In the after- noon our indoor gardening project - the amaryllis bulbs, were tended to. It is amaz- ing to see how much they grow from week to wok Fvnr-vnna ie vary anxious to SPP the amaryllis in bloom. I keep upon my windowsill A breath of summer air; Though the snow is falling, A hint of spring is there. LUCKY WINNER A walk amid the blossoms Alights a gloomy day, As frosty silver frescoes The once -plain panes array Bonnie Morgan OVER 100 GUESTS visited Seaforth Manor's open house on Saturday to congratulate Dave and Eva Netzke on their 75th an- niversary, Dave, 94, and Eva, 96, received 75 roses, and were obviously touched by visits from most of their family and many of their friends. Corbett photo. 1 Paul Bogle of Goderich was the lucky win- ner of the Trip for 2 to Calgary Stampede '89 with the Seaforth High School Gins Mar- ching Band Draw on Dec. 21/88. Paul opted to receive 81000.00 cash which was presented to him by Brenda Kenny, Band Booster Club President, on Christmas Day. Thanks to ell who supported our fund raising efforts. Another Trip for 2 to the '89 Calgary Stampede will be offered this spring and everyone's continued support Is gratefully appreciate,.. r,lf?i'`feff1r+ e..11, /(7-ff%I CONGRATULATIONS to Dave and Eva Netzke were offered by slim • Fitzgerald, ex- ecutive assistant to Huron MPP Jack Riddell on the occassion of their 75th anniver- sary. Corbett photo. THE HURON STRINGS provided entertainment at the anniversary of Dave and Eva Netzke.. Corbett photo. Maplewood residents grateful to co-op student This week at Maplewood Manor, residents took advantage of the spring like weather and went out for strolls, especially on Mon- day and Tuesday. Monday is Maplewood's usual day for bridge. However, an extra bridge player is needed! Anyone or any bridge group wishing to come to Maplewood on Monday, in particular, will be most welcome. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, residents enjoy the presence of the Grade 6-7 students from Mrs. Huelseher's class. This week they helped with letter writing, jigsaw puzzles, crokinole and checkers. Tuesday afternoon the dining room.area became very lively with four . tables of euchre on the go. Staff members and the co- op students also joined in for the fun. Wednesday morning Rev. Barber came to Maplewood to conduct the' ministerial ser- vice for the week. Favorite hymns, led by Grace Titford and Ed Andrews, were sung with great enjoyment. On Wednesday morning, the T.V. Bingo had to be postponed due to telephone dif- ficulties. Thank you to Anne Downey and Marj Maloney who came to Maplewood to help with the bingo. Although the bingo was cancelled, everyone enjoyed the fellowship and the lunch. Thursday morning Carole Carter provid- ed the miisical entertainment on the piano. The residents thoroughly enjoyed listening to her piano selections or singing along with the familiar tunes. It is a very relaxing hour. Friday evening. Gail Hills came to .Maplewood as a volunteer helper. This week she assisted Agnes Hunter. Agnes was returning to Maplewood after a stay in the Seaforth Community Hospital. Welcome back, Agnes. • Friday afternoon Ruth Bock came to Maplewood to call the Maplewood Bingo. Unfortunately winter returned on Friday and we certainly appreciate Ruth's faithfulness and enthusiasm for the after- noon bingo. The winners this week were Elsie Shaddick, Walter Somerville, Pete Tremeer, Ethel Colman, and Ed Johns. Happy Birthday this week to Mary Lupul and Jessie Finlayson. They each had special cakes baked for them for supper. Mary's was an applesauce raisin cake and Jessie's was an angel food with strawberries. Thursday was Lori Willem's last day. at Maplewood as a co-op student We will miss her friendliness and helpfulness very much. On Tuesday, January 24, a special farewell party will be given to honor both Lori and John. John Murray's last day with us will be on Tuesday. John was a great help with the activity program. The co-op student pro- gram is a tremendous benefit to the residents and staff. We look forward to meeting two new students starting in February. Just a reminder, that Wednesday, January 25 is Foot Care Day. Anyone in the community is welcome to attend and receive special attention by the Huron Coun- ty Health Unit. Queensway resident celebrates 98th birthday Queensway residents were off to a good start Monday with Fun and Fitness getting the rusty joints moving. Some of us creaked a little more loudly than others. In the even- ing the faithful Christian Reformed Singers performed. A highlight was "Jesus Loves Me" by three-year-old Mary Ann Visscher. Tuesday Reverend Debra Carter of Cen- tralia United Church led the worship ser- vice. We appreciated her remembering in prayer Pearl Hendricks and Bernard Keyes who passed away recently. We ,all miss them both. Euchre was playk Wednesday by some residents of the nursing home and the retire- ment home. There's a rather friendly IQNEWS UEENSWAY �lt� 14 +L �l _ -1i• sl�f�a, rivalry and competition going on which makes the games much more fun. Thursday a variety of games were played in the afternoon and in the evening the movie feature was "For Me and My Gal" starring Gene Kelly and Judy Garland. Idella Sims celebrated her 98th birthday, Thursday evening with several friends and relatives, over a buffet supper and lovely decorated birthday cake. Congratulations Idella from all at Queensway. Friday afternoon several residents relitax. ed in the sun room listening to the tape of the United Church Sunday Service. Coming events are; January 26 at 7 p.m. Birthday Party entertainment, by Ray Cann; January 27 at 2 p.m. Agri Club — Pop corn shelling demonstration by Ken and Della Gascho. Legion donates $500 to local ringette The regular meeting for the month of January was held last Thursday with Presi- dent Mel Melanson in the chair. There were two requests for charitable donations - one from the Ringette Associa- tion and the other from the Ostomy Associa- tion. Five hundred dollars was awarded to the Ringette Association and one hundred dollars to the pstomy Association. According to Past President Jim Watson everything is now in order for the February 11 Honors and Awards Banquet. Letters have been sent to members who are receiv- ing awards and they have been requested to reply as to their being able to attend that evening. We hope everybody will be able to attend, weather permitting, as well as the rest of the members. There will also be an initiation ceremony of new members, stated membership chairman Al Nicholson. The winners in the Earlybird contest for December were as follows - Peg Coombs, Tom Pechette, Ron ,Bennett, Earle Laycox. Al stated in his report that percentage of Earlybird members this year was 94.7 per cent which could possibly be updated by LEGION NEWS by Gordon Scott Command. On the sports scene, there were two teams of bowlers competing in the Zone tourna- ment held in Zurich last Saturday. The team of Seniors won their division but the regular bowlers were not so lucky. The Senior team will compete in Owen Sound on February 18. Don't forget me Pot -luck supper and mixed euchre this Saturday at 6 p.m. Members and guests are welcome. Also there are cards at the Legion in the hall every Monday after- noon at 1:30 p.m. This is for all Seniors in the Community. The invitational bowling tour- nament is to be held Saturday, April 1, 1089. Anyone wishing to enter a team please place their name on the sheet provided on the bulletin board. Times of howling will appear late r. At the going 'down of the sun and in the morning we will If you wish to secure a lifetime income from an RRSP or are interested in other RRSP investments at very competitive rates, call Arnold J. Stinnissen 527-0410 113 SunLife McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. - 13 Main St. Seaforth 527-1140 • Service • Selection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing • Complete BODY SHOP Service 10 TONING SESSIONS Water Well The DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nleil Durl Jim 522-1737 522-0828 522-0775 4 M1r\V 4 ® J- 4: 3 : ODY WRAPS $199. 3 BODY WRAPS $120. Icncer once TONING CENTRE 527-2473 28 Main St., Seaforth ouirrinf6 Busivies. AUTOMATIC• ACTION "I Check Your Resistance YOUr CHOiCe May Be GONe !! all items must be Sold -Wall to Wall ! D'HURS, 60% Off Retail Price 70% Off Retail Price 80% Off Retail Price 90% Off Retail. Price remember them. �r Bar Roster: Wednesday, January 25, J.'.' Graham; Thursday, January 26, D. Hulley;' Monday, January 30, K. Swan; Tuesday, January 31, Glen Chesney. Ca I I Heather or Neil with your news tips. 527-0240. Than we're gene forever! Toll your friends and neighbors! STEDMANS FIXTURES FOR t 43 MAIN ST. -- SEAFORTH SALE