HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-01-18, Page 1212A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR JANUARY 18 1989 t 8. ,APAITINIENTS --OR RENT ONE AND ONE-HALF bedroom, spacious lo cher(,31ftd living room fridge and stove sup- plied, washer and dryer hook-up available Main floor entrance Private drive Available Feb 1st Call 527-2177 atter six or weekends 26-3-x2 ONE BEDROOM apartment close to uptown Newly decorated New cupboards Fridge stove. heat and hydro included $280,00 a month 527.0827 26-3-' DOWNTOWN core area Spacious one bedroom and sunny bachelor both totally new Call 527.0420 daytime 0• 522-1323 evenings 26.3•' 27. FOR SALE OR RENT 31. NOTICE 34. AUCTION 'SALES 34. AUCTION SALES A A It you think you have a drinking problem Alcohotips Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650 31-01-0 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT The Regular meeting of the Coun- cil of the Township of Hibbert, usually held on February 5:1989 at 1:00 p.m. In the Township Hall, Staf- ta, has been changed to TUES- DAY, January 31st, 1989 at 1:00 p:m. at -the Township Hall, Staffa. In case of inclement weather, the meeting will be held the following day P. Taylor, Clerk (BARD LOU: AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., IANU'ARY 21. 10 A.M,: Antique-- he nitura- dining suite {real nire; at Rirharn Lohh , Auction Barn Clinton ter the Estatt of Flireheth Beck re Goderich plus additions *LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques. furniture, appliances, small piano, email truck topper, depression glass etc., to be held at Richard Lobbb Auction 'Rare, Clinton for the Estate of Elizabeth kft Beck of Goderich plus several good additions. $ATIJRD JAT4UARY 21st .t 101,00 44,111. 6'tt. fiberglass truck topper for a small pickup; low profile apt. stars piano; nine piece dining room sulto (real nice); fancy oak buffet; round pine dining table with center pedestal, (one leaf and 2" thick tap); pine sideboard with open front and dish shelves; old oak dining table with 5 Leaves; modern kitchen table with 5 mat- ching wooden chairs; antique sideboard with mirror; crack churn: Victorian plat- form rocker with 3 matching chairs; 2 - modern style chesterfields with matching chairs; 2 - matching upholstered swivel rockers, like new; upholstered arm chair, like new; 2 old trunks; old pine wood box; 2 - modern coffee tables; end tables; old music stand with mirror; old floor model phonograph; 32" wall unit; chesterfield loveseat; 4 plece bedroom suite with bon spring and mattress; eek swivel office chair; old radio; small chest of drawers; child's potty chair; 9,,e ft.. baseboard heater; 2 - chrome tables; Frigidaire frost free fridge; old fridge; older -30" electric stove; oak Francis door; wringer washer; approximately 60 pieces of depression glass; 3 - cameras; small appliances; books; pots and pans; glassware; Farmer chain. saw; 2 - plastic duck decoys; lawn chairs; old skates; garden tools and mist., plus much more, TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER 10 Richard Lobi & Rust Lob t, Auctioneers Clinton 519-482-7898 4SAT,. FEB. 4, 10 A,M.: 1476 GMC Ilmmv an figure' furniture- appliances: phi, rnllertia nt high qualm crvtfal paper weights roller tors plate,• for Cliff and Charity Macf)nnalu oIGoderirh and Mr and Mn Cla•' Camp 4 heli pi Seatnrth Consignment, qui helm.. accepted NEW AND USED Satellite Systems rent o• lease to own witn easy monthly payments also, repairs to all makes L & A Southwes: Satellite. day or Mr 524-959L 27-49-t• . 23. REAL ESTATE WORK 'M AN REAL. ESTATE • LTD. REPRESENTATIVE HENRY MIERO 527-0430 NEW LISTING: North SI A fine 3 bedroom. 7 , storey frame home on 0 large lot ofterea at '59.500.0C NEW LISTING: Centre 5# '47.500.00 is the fill once of this 3 bedroom home. It ism a nice location and recently renovates NEW LISTING : Goderich St. W. We're oftet Ino this beoutifu', 3 bedroom home of '94,500.00 with any features including ae in• . ground poo. NEW LISTING: N. Main St. A handyman s i. oearoom name, large garage ana more or a commero8l lot close To uptown. '38.000.0: INCOME PROPERTY: Goderich St. W 100C 50. TT. commercial plus 2 fine apts..total In• come over '25,600,00. Excellent mvestmer' apporfunrty KINBURN: 2 bedrgom frame nome . acre: lotfine starter Pomo. $40,000.0. EGMONDVILLE' Prime. duildinr: lc: $16,000.00 • S. MAIN ST.:�rEAtl ni 3 oedroom home close to upto Large tot. $45,000.00 31 ACRE NOBBY FARM: With trout pond: horse bare modern 3 bedroom ranct nome. Close to pavement, 5145,000.00, FARROW TO FINISH OPERATION: on 11: acres in McKillop Twp. $168,000.00. • . INCOME OPPORTUNITY: In this duplex it Egmondvtlie, Well rented and financing it piece. Coil for details HARPIIRHEY: Built In 1902, this 3 bedroo'm brick home utilizes 3 floors of living space Completely redone with many features in ciuding naturoi woodwork, brick dnvewo, garogt 1 . acre lo', skylrte ana mus' more. 5nown by oppointmen• EGMONDVU.LE: 2 well treed building lot_ $25,000.00 • • 493 ACRES: ite McKillor No buildings $290.000.00 • 166 ACRES; in McKiliop. Vendor says sel 150 workable. newer 3 bedrdom nome double frame barn & much more. Cali now GODERICH ST. We Excellent 2 storey. 4 oearoom home, completely remodeller with many attractive features,. keatry mus' be seer IONDESBORO: Gorkisrarte' nome bedrooms wttl MlTe lo' h, garage $31,000.0( GODERICH ST. W.: This beautifu 4 bedroom home is on a commercial lot, ho' a large modern kitchen, ornate woodworr with French doors, fireplace, garage, ful' basement and is priced of only $58,000.06 2 RESIDENTIAL LOTS: In good area. 60 x 148 each BEAUTIFUL: 3 level split on well treed 1 acre lot 1200 sq. ft. snop. Must be seen BUILDING LOTS: We hove o very good selection of lots in Seaforth. Egmondville and area. Call for your choice AREA FARMS: We hove many ores farm, and country homes available. Coll lot you' choice of o good selectior. HOT IC OF HIGHWVV CLOSING Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 5.5.0. 1980 Chapter 302 and other powors thereunto enabling, Council of The Cor• poration of the Township of Tuckersmith proposes to enact a 0y -law for stopping up, closing and selling cer- tain parts of Mill Street, Shown as Part 3 Plan 2252432, in the Township of Tuckersmith and County of Huron. The proposed by-law and description of the lands affected may be viewed in the Municipal Office of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith et the address hereinafter noted. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith will hear, in person or by counsel or agent, any person who clalms his land will be preludlcfaily af- fected by the said by-law and who ap- plies to be heard at a meeting.,t®be held at the said township Muntdpal Of- fice on the 14thd ay of February, 1989 at the hour of 8:30 in the afternoon or so soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held. DATED AT the Township of luckersmlth this 29th day of December. 1988. SPECIAL HANDYMAN'S AUCTION This Saturday, Jan. 21st 1:00 p.na. - Preview noon At The Sebringvlllo Community Centre Hwy, 8 Sebringvnie, New 8 used tools, equipment; household goods etc. Including, bow front china cabinet, bookcase, coat tree, dresser, east Iron toys, glass. chino, brass.. copper, parlour table, sideboard plus much more, press basis rocker, duck decoys, pine table, TOOLS - 3 H.P. air compressor, air Im• pact guns and sockets, air ratchet, air hammers, air hose quick couplers, alt palet gun, air sanders, drill press, drill bits, drill vices, grinders, band saw, table saw. radial arm saw, wood lolnter, 6 x 9 belt sander/grinder, wood lathe and chisels, clamps, pliers. pry bars. various wood and steel chisels pry bars, mach pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, vice grips, tin' snips, ',S", 3/8' . '5' , 44," , socket sets, tarps, knives, Malaita mitre saw vices, hacksaws, plus much more not listed here. TERMS • cash, cheque. A CTIONS UNLIMITED 519-527-1847 4 4 �4} 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 38. SERVICE L DIRECTORY KELLY'S SEWING SERVICE All wardrobe making bridal wear. dressmaking. children's clothes ,alterations etc Cat 522-0529 38.1-tf A BETTER TAX Return' The best way to get it is with Farm Business Consultants When we prepare your tax return you'll receive every break coming to you You'll pay the least tax possible Home appointments available now' Call Toll Free 1-800-265-1002 PBC your farm tax experts for 36 years' 36 -3 -tic tRUBBISH REMOVAL 50tt per bag o' con- twiner Will pick up ai your home Phone 522-1009 anytime 38-3-t Fuel O I Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 HEN'SALL LIVESTOCK SALES ver Thursda; Al I: TI li n All classes of Iivestnrk E INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENT!, ictor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 4 2-75 ' Clinton 2h:' -?r 1r Hensel • Barrs Miller 236-2' " Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton 4 d/EALS Ahattoir and Meat Marke' Hwy. 84 - lin mile, east re'FxMe 233-1'1:2.3 Try tl, to CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESS/NC Kill Day - 1uesdav, OUR SPECIA111 Home cured anti 4mnkerl meal • nrnresaed exactly the war vnI. Ilk,, 39. CARD OF TB -IA; iKS )35. TENDEi' S WANTE The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith GMS 117, R.R. 5 Clinton, Ontario • . NOM ILO ,132. VACATIONS The War Amputation, of Canada.. Safety Is No Accident CHAMP PLAYSAFI: Program RCM 23. I':EAL ESTATE "SUDDENL Y iT"s SOLD" CANAL CRUISES on scenic Trent-Severr Waterway and Rideau Canal aboard KAWAR THA VOYAGEUR private staterooms, al' meats: tree orochure from Captain Marc, Bor. 1540. Peterborough K9J 7H7 32-3-bc 33. EDUCATIONAL YOUR FUTURE , starts with - Trl-Count Truck Driver Training. Established In 1978 lob search assistance available daytime evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-285-0400 EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to prepare In- come Tax Returns, by Correspondence. New Tax Retorm Course now available on a home, study basis. For details contact: Tax Time Ser vices Ltd. 1304 Spears Rd. Oakville, Ont, L6L 2X4 (416) 827.1455 33-3-bc Learn AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class February 18 - 25/89. For Information contact Southwestern Ontario School 01 Auctloneer- ing, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115 33-3-bc 23. REAL ESTATE TENiE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Tenders will be received by the under- signed for the supplying of Clear -Diesel Fuel. unleaded Gasoline and Propane (also a 1,000 ga. propane tank) for the Township Garage at Steffe AND also for the supply of Furnace 0)) for the Township Hall at Staffs and the Township Office, Dublin. Date of closing - 4:00 P.M., January 30, 1989. For further information and tender forms contact: G. Kemp - 345-2045 - garage 348-9713 - home .Or P. Taylor - 345-2931 - office Any tender not necessarily accepted. WHITEHOUSE 116 would like to take this opportur it i thank all hose who visited mi sent Garde flowers anc ood to the house while t wa • a Patient in Strat- ord General Hospital Alsc a D• Marchul anc the nursing matt o' 4th not: soutt. a specie• tnanks tit' al. Mar, Whitehouse' 39-3-x' BOLGEFP 1 would like to thank my family friend; anc neighbors tor cards. tlowers'and visits while - was a patient In Clinton Hospital ana since coming home Your thoughtfulness was great • iy appreciates. Elva Bolger 39.3.x- MCCREIGHT Tnank you to Drs Collins. Vart-Wairaven anc Hussey and nurses of Stratford Genera. tot their care, also to family and friends for cards fruit baskets prayers and visits Mar Mc Cretght - 39-3-' 35. TENDERS WAITED Mason Baiiey BROKER Gordon Hill SALES REP. INVESTMENT PROPERTY; Brussels, comme' sial with apartment above. Very reasonable price NEW LISTING: Blyth, Unique, One -Of -A Kind converted railway station - 3 bedrooms 2 baths fireplace large workshop '. ocre nicely treed lot BEST OF 2 WORLDS: 2 storey home on ?, acre. Nicely landscaped lot, 309 Albert St Clinton NEW BUNGALOW: Blyth 3 bedrooms electric heal. Under '80,000.00 100 ACRE FARM: Nem Auburn brick home, frame born, and drive shed, Under '90,000.00 SO ACRES: Form near Auburn Good frame home, lots of buildings. Ideal for port-lirne forming or horses. 482-9371 233-3307 REAL ESTATE'LTD Seaforth Office: 5274577 8 Main Street, Seaforth ISABELLE ST. - Cosy 1 floor 3 bedroom home in mint condition. Gas heat, storage shed, double lot. '62,000.00 BRANTFORD ST. - Split level home, 3 bedrooms, family room & fireplace, 1',t baths, attached garage. EAST WILLIAM ST. - Cosy 1 floor 2 bedroom home, newly roofed & aided. Nice lot, EGMONDV 1LLE — 4 bedroom 1'i'a storey home, gas heat, formal dining, 2 baths. possible duplex. 4 LEVEL•SPLIT - Very spacious 3bedroom homecentral vac, triple pane.windows, low maintenance, attached double garage EQMONDV /LLE —440's. Cos • 1 floor 2 Seaforth & Clinton Representatives Maureen .Wildfo,8g 482-3224 `cetta,MiUer .,34527.05 COMMERCIALBUILDING -4800 ,eq. ft. of commaccialapaceminutes from Seaforth. Situatedon40 s NO' lot. Excellent starter for any. business. MINUTES FROM TOWN - ideal starter ! or retirement home, yery cosy bungalow features extra large living Boom, front porck, full basement., situated on a large 82' x 182' lot. List '60's -OTHER LISTINGS --.-.t--. bedroom borne ready for occupancy EAST WILLIAM ST. — Older home on double lot, excellent location. QUIET AREA - Newer,home, 3.bedrooms, gas heat,•main floor laundry, maintenance free exterior. 6 UNIT BUILDING - Good location plus parking. Inquire for more details. NEW HOME • Under construction, 1700 -sq. ft., two 4 pc. bathe, laundry on main, high efficiency gas heat, 3 bedrooms, attached garage. '56,00000 - Renovated 2 bedroom home, family.ropmon rnain,,eountry sized kitchen. W /feedlot. H LLETT TW P. — immaculate , 3 droom brick bungalow, main floor laun- dry, attached garage, large landscaped lot. DUPLEX - Close to uptown. One 3 bedroom unit, one 2 bedroom unit. Newly sided a must to see. 5 APTS PLUS - Commercial.building with 2 store trouts plus 6 apartments, parking. Inquire for more details. 1 ACRE PLUS — 3 or 4 bedroom home, completely renovated,.original woodwork. EGMONDVILLE • New home with cathedral ceiling in living room. Open con- cept, fireplace, walk -out deck, plus covered patio. ,Quiet area. '511900.00 - 2 bedroom home plus family room down, 11/2 a baths, large lot. Quality -Real estate Serviee 977 - :t989 Other Area Offices Mitchell Of lice 348-8355 Bayfield Office 565-5055 • Wingham Office 357 ,3622/ 41 HURON COUNTY BOARD OF, EDUCATION C:USTOMAN CONTRACT TEN, ER Plainly marked sealed tenders wlk oe received by the' undersigned prior to noon on Wednes day, Feoruary 15. 1989 for contracting custodial services at Hullett Central Public Scnoo, Londdsboro, Ontario effective April ; 1989 Alt tenders must be submitter on the official tender forms which are available at the Huror County Board of Eoucation, 103 Alpert Street, Clinton, Ontano, and Hullett Central Public Schoa. The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceplec J. McDonald Personnel Manager Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 R. B. Alien Director of Education Euco11 Public Education Opening Up the World J. Jowitt Chair 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS in The Estate Of ELLA HARVEY 'ELDER All persons having dams against the Estate of Ella Harvey Elder, tole of tile' Township of Tuckersmith in the County o' Huron who died on the 10th day of September 1988 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of then claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of January, 1989, after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 15th day of December 1988 McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario .Solicitors for the executors NOTICE TO °CREDITORS In The .Estate Of PALE .NIXON All persons having claims ,against the ,Estate.af,DafeNlxon, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, who died on the 24th day of September 1908, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th clay of January 1.989, after. which date the assets will be distributed having regard only -to claims then received Dated ,at Seaforth, Ontario this 7th clay of December 1988. .AfieGonngl9r;;;StoswertAJi. rvereotlx tJ3i1rri8tlal'S, �1Bcg•, ieatorthr',9ntgrla ''SPI&ici ttors,,f fir ;Zhe;;taxmeutricos 39- CARD OF THANKS WRJJHT I would like to take This opportunity to say thank you to my family, relations, neighbours and friends for all their kindness shown to when 1 was In Stratford Hospital and returning home. Words fail me to express my feelings o' love and gratitude to sc many lolk whc remembered me with cards. letters phone calls, flowers, fruit baskets and goodies lor the delicious meals sent Into my house wher needed them most Your special prayers fu' my good health to enjoy again Special thanks' to my good friends who were so faithful driving me to Stratford so many times for doctors ap polntments Your kindness anc , thoughtfulness will long be remembered 1 can't mention names for fear I might omd some person who was so worthy of mention but dear friends you'll know who you are. 01 all the blessings life can bring there is no greater than understanding friends I mean you all for caring and sharing. May God Bless you all with good health and keep you in his care today and always in 1989 Your kindness will always be remembered With Love, Mrs Gladys Wright (John St.) 39-3-1 ECKERT A sincere thank you to my family. relatives. friends and neighbors for visits, flowers, gifts. cards and food brought to the house while a patient at the Stratford Hospital and since my arrival home. A special thanks to Rev. Car Tigan and the doctors of Mitchell Medical -Cen- tre and Dr. Van Walraven, Dr. Quinlan and the nurses of 2 west Stratford Hospital Special thanks to Patty, Brenda and Mildred. Your thoughtfulness and caring will always be remembered. Olga Eckert 39-3-1 ENZENSBERGER We wish to thank Dr Rodney, the .X-ray technician, the emergency team, nurses,nd the ambulance driver lor their dedicated et - tens on the occasion of Henry's accident , ienry,andtlonaEnzensberger