HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-01-18, Page 11THE -HURON EXPOSITOR JANUARY 18 1989 11A Deadline: Monda 1. COMING EVENTS BLYTH LIONS Dabber Bingo every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m Blyth and District Community Centre. $300.00 Jackpot must go Ove• $1000.00 in prizes 1-01-n DABBER BINGO Vanastra Rec Centre Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m $1000.00 in prizes Lucky Ball remains at $100,00 1-01-r KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Monster Bingc $2.500 pnze money, $1,000 Jackpot to go. a' Salttord Valley Hall every Thursday nigh: Doors open 6:30 p.m. Bingo 7:30 p rr 1-2-r OPEN HOUSE In honour of Dave and Eva Netzke's 75m Wedding Anniversary Sat Jar 21. 2 to 4 per at Seatortn Manor Everyone Welcome, No gifts please 1.2-x_ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Euchre a• Brodhagen Community Centre weekly or Tuesdays, 8:15 p.m. sharp. Lunch providec Tournament starts on January 1) 1.2 THE MENSAL, South Huron Agriculture Society, will hold its Annual Meeting anc • Potluck Supper at the Hensalk Arena bn Mor "Jewer,/ 23 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome 1-2-8 EUCHRE AND BAKE Sale Thursday. Marcr 9 1989. 2 rem in Orange Hee 'sponsored by Rebekah:, 1.3-x_ ODDFELLOWE n. Rebekah: care pan, January 25. 8 p.m. at 100 Hal,. Seatortr. Lunch. providec 1-3-x: BRODHAGEN WiNTEF CARNiVA, • rescheduled for Saturday February 18tH 1-3-: DESSERT EUCHRE • Monde, February 'E 7:30 p.m. Egmondville United Cnurcn base meet- Everyone wetcom. 1-3.' MEDIEVAL FEAST - February 19 7 p,rr. S: Tnomas Atiaucan Cnurcr Seatortn, $15.08 pe persor.: For tickets anc intormation 527-017:. SEAFORTr- 'Agriculture Society 5 annus meeting, January 27 7 Per, , Seatorth Con R munity Centre:,. Tickets 510. avartable tion directors or 527-1196. 522.1308. 345-240E Guest speaker - Neil MCGavir • 1-2-F ATTENTION QUILT MAKERS! Bluth Festiva Ari Gahery Is sponsoring a Quilt Snow - Suer' me- 1989 Requesting suomissions beton Marcn ' 1989 to enter an open, tuned Qui' Show, Sena your shoes of traditional anc original designs to Blyth Festiva:, Box 18 Blyth, Ont. NOM 1H0 1-3- ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff points' Sieepmg Hands' "Beulah Oil" Helps!! Senn 81 for brochure/information: Beulah Land Lib Box 1086. Portage La Prairie, Man. R1N 3CE 1-3-toc THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Invites you to attend the 1 ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE held at Maple Wood Manor 13 Church 5' , Seofortr WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 from 1:30-3:30 pm for Health Surveihance. 2. Foot Core Anaemia Screenlnd 4. Untie Testing 5. Blood Pressure 3. LOST, STRAYED FEMALE WALKER Hound mostly black, some white and orown. Phone collect 1-236-4647 3-3- 6. HELP WANTED TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED - Get your Class "A" Ircence at Ontario's oldest and largest training centre. Courses start every Monday Tax deductible, weekend courses. job assistance 00 experience required MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT 1-80U 65-3559 Cambridge and London 5-01-t1 FULL TIME work available immediately loading chickens! Also part time and special student hours Cali free 1-800-265-3034 5-01-11 EARN extra money, start your own business NOW /epresentingworld's No, 1 beauty com- pany. We now carry a full line of lingerie, For more rnformabon call AVON. Sharon Stephenson, 887-6305 5-2-3 LEAD HAND for small landscaping company, above average wages, good working knowledge of industry and public rapport an asset. Starting date March 15. Apply to Box 3917 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seatorth, Onl NOK 1WO 5-31, MECHANIC CLASS "A". We still have an opening for one Class A -Mechanic or 5th year apprentice in Muskoka. Front end experience an asset. Rental acoommodabon available 6311 Dave (705) 765.5864 Days, (705) 766.6818Evenings 5-3-bc LOCAL :BUSiNESS requires a full time -secretary/salesperson. ,Applicants should be independent,;self-motiyated,:witfing to'Jearn, neat-and,have acp)eesant,personality. Duties include office work, sales And purchasing. .,tiubmiLdetatled ume,to.DrawerNo. 47, c/o ,Clinton dttewsr-laeodretT-:f3hx 39, .Clinton, 140M 1L0,by February 10, 5,3-2 ESPQN -fi 1HL•studern ,needed ,to ba}iysh ,alternate:weekends .8;30 arm.' to.2tg0 pm. Saturdayrand,Sunday 'Phone527-1842. 6»3-1 5. HELP WANTED 5. HELP WANTED ELECTRICIAN OR 4th YEA k { APPRENTICE REQUIRE' Local, growing company, strongly Involved in water and sewage, process and electronic control,® JOURNEYMAN RATE S16.00 PER HOUR - Excellent Company Benefits - Cala tor an appointment PR1ESTAP ELECTRIC 271-8580 WANTED TO HIRE a person for a Nu er Aide positlot Par' - time or full time Every other weekend n't Phone 348-8867- 5.3-' SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS needed Will tram Apply Keith , McCarthy. 345-200 5.3-e d EXECUTIVE Director - Part time North Huron Big Brothers Socia' Service qualifications Preferred Applications rece ved until January 21 P.O. Box 322•. Godericn. Ont N7A 4C6 to' more intormation. phone 524-4361 5-2 -EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY We otter an exciting Career to rhe water treat Men, rndustrt Full training program. Equal opportunity tot male or temale Program include, *Salary & commissror. *Car allowahc, •Full Company Benefit• *and the opportrmtiv to earn an excellent mcom' FOR AN INTERVIEW CALL HANOVER 3641894' 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY "HAlNSI:. Recovers Dying; TREES Bil Hames expresses his Thanks tea' tot telephone and lever Interest following Rade Television and News Media country wide es posure c' "Hainsl' ' Organic 1 ree and Plan'. Recovery 1 reatmen' to- Atmospheric anc Acrd 1 rain Damaged T rees. We nave pleasure in announcing that "Hainsil' will be in proouc- tron and available -for 1989 Treatment early in the near year. Enqulnes• "Harnsll" inc. P.O Box 834, Vankieek Hill. Oht. KOB,1 F}0... 6-3-bc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Stuff enveiopi at home. Earn 5600.00 weekly Free supplies' Ruse, self-addressec stamped envelope Hughes Enterpnses, Dep:. F-4-6, Box 964 Peterboro, Ont. K9J 7AL 6-2-x2 SALES/Entrepreneur ' , 580 $160 K/y• (Documented). Int'1 18 year old water purifica bon cc . seeking distributors in your area 50-70042 close ratio, car bonus program, corn panv financing, proven Mao system. Call Mr Rooens (4031421-9800 6-3-bc HEAVY TRUCKS Al! makes leasing and sales Nev., o• usec Low 'tares' 12.9°,: 0,A.C, Full-time Reefer. Van. Flatdecx wort suppheo wnen neeaed. Minimum investmen. $8000 Please call 1-800-663-4359 6-3-bc TONING TABLES Canadian Made, complete training ana promotional package Tremerr C)0115 growth potential. Financing and ieng available starting a' $24,800 C� 1-800-265-1922 6-3-bc EUROPEAN Body Wrap Great profit poten- tial. Entrepreneur Magazine has It listed in the top 500 Business Opportunities. All natural vitamin and mineral Lose 5 to 15 inches, No water lose fvc mudor mess Gall 1-800-265-1922 8-3-bc GRO For (1 Raise Baltworms at home? Guarani ed market. Odorless Low invest- ment. W tram! Representatives throughout Ontartc 1 arty Bird Ecology (1975) RR Smlthvdl Ont LOR 240. (416) 643-4251. (705) '.:5-7463 Alliston Area, (705) 776-7084 No Bay Area 6-3-bc TONING SALON TABLES Dealers Wanted Buy Wholesale and Save 12 Different Table Models. Excellent Profit Mark-Up. For Details. Your area 1.500 -828 -TRIM 6-3-bc NSITUATIONS WANTED KW SNOW and Ice removal and lawn and garden maintenance 522-0155 7-2-2 PATTI'S Little Helpers - if housework makes you cry then why not, give us a try - Home cleaning service plus everything supplied Phone 527-2344 b 7-3-x2 10. FARM MAOI I HER Y 0 TON FEED bin, flat rack hay wagon, feed cart. Phone 527-0177 10-3-x1 11. HAY & 'STRAW Round Bales of HAY & STRAW for sale Square Bales of Hay and Straw wanted. Call Bili Webb, Hay and Straw (519) 343-2336 evensggs. 11-3-bc 12- •,U,BBE1D'CARS Go Into Business For Yourself...With Us. Looking for iob satisfaction and above, average. income'' Join the leader. Vile offer - •expert training •guaranteed starting income •existing client bast - *excellent. benefits *unlimited opportunity Build a successful business 'marketing The Prudential's wide range of insurance and financial services products. CALL STRATFORD OFFICE COLLECT 271-5880 The Prudential Vii4p Insurance b Financial Service' 1 4.. ARTICLES • FOR SALE LINCOLN Weioe• AC225 stainless stee. freezer door and frame: one Manaffy elector pailet lifter: Bocktyn IBM Compatible Com• Puler Wttn Hard 015.' drive and floppy' drive monitor, printer ana a variety of program, with or .without computer•desk:.one roto phase unit fon sate-.to'convertsi fphase220 to ft- - phase. Best offer. Mustselt. One. Toledo Sen- tinal Electronic Scate. weighs tic to 30 Itis Phone anytime 524424C • 143-0 GREENHOUSE anc yeroponic Store 63 Clarke Sideroac Lonaon On: (5191 452-3919. Pro Ar< Lamps. Allanson Ballast. Hydroponic kits, pius much much more. Send $2 tor catalogue 14-3-bc $$ LIQUIDATION $$ Buildings priced for im- mediate disposal. All items In stock 30 x 40 x 14 83,800. 40 x 60 x 14 $5,990: 50 x 80 $11,260 70 x 120 $27.900 Various sizes available up to 120 11 wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced tor Immediate delivery, Call toll tree 1-800-387-2115 or (416) 858-2446 14-3-bc BUILDINGS - Save thousands - Annual Winter Works Special - Help keep the factory busy dunng siower winter months - avoid upcoming price Increase - Llmitec Steel PARAGON 1-800-263-8499 24 hours 14-3-bc STEEL BUILDINGS Winter safe. Quonsets "S" Models. Ex. 40 x 60 or "S" Series 30 r 56 Your choice 56995 complete with in- dustrial shdmg popes Call toll-free 1-800-668-8653 14-3-bc FACTORY JANUARY SALE - Steel Buildings Quonset 40 x 14 x 60 $5,899: "S" Series 30 x 15 x 40 $4,499. Includes eddwahs and double sliding doors. Straightwall W/S 30 x 12 x 40 55,499; 50 x 12 x 40 $7,999. includes end - walls. Limited supply at these low prices. Call Pioneer/Eoonospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 Hours) 14-3-bc MUSTY SELL. Steel Building manufacturer is selling 2 commercial buildings - Roof and Sidewall system only for the fantastic price of $2.55 and $3.30 per Sq Ft Will meet all braiding codes. Phone today for Mr. Wilson (416) 678-1303 14-3-bc MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS Work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots 515. Send $3 for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order) Military Surplus Box 243. St Trmothee, Quebec. JOS 1x0 14.3-bc A FREE Hunting, Fishing, Camping Catalog ($6 value). Send your expired hunting and fishing license (Photocopy acceptable) and S.I.R. will mail a tree 388 page (over 6,500 items). Annual Sportsman Catalog, S.I.R. Mail Order, Dept, 243. 1385 Ellice Avenue, Win- nipeg. Manitoba R3G 3N1 Offer expires March 31, 1989-\ 14.3-bc LARGE QUANTITY of 2" x 8" x 16' and 2" x 10" x 16', dressed spruce and red pine, very reasonable. Phone 519-528-3047, ask for Bob Symes 14-141 USED APPUANCES - Refrigerators, stoves, dryer. All checkedand In good .working order Gall Box Furniture. 527-0880 142-2 LARGE PINE trestle table.withbenchgs $200, Or best offer -Phone 527-1481 14-3-3 AR,AR7111EN1' S(ZE .wasber and dryer. Like .new condition_Phone 527-1755;3Ser 6. 14-3-1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES Old tasnlonec Apples Peat Apricot. Nut trees Shrubs Evergreens seedings Guarantee° delivery Reasonable prices Catalogue $1 Golder, Bough Tree Farm Maribank Ore KOK 2L0 No phone 14-3-bc STEEL BUILDING Liquidation Sale' Manutac • rurer overstocked must sell 'at cost Limited of ter Call collect now (direct only) as low, as 5' per so ft 141614545420 14-3-bc ELECTROLUX SALES ano Service Grea: January sales are on now on all makes anc models Service and parts available tool Cal collect after 4 p m. (519) 627-1337 14-3-bc BUY FACTORY Direct "Legal to, Trade'' 88 and 40' Truck Scale fits $8,900 and $6.906 Load -cells weighing assemblies. summatior box indicator and fabrication drawing incluo ec Two yea' warranh Local installation (3061242-2020 (Collect, 14-3-bc CAKE'S ALL SIZES ALL SHAPES AL, OC CASIONS They make a great guff at Brea' prices $15.00 regular size Call Anita Lam merant527-0035 14-3-x - 16. MOBILE HOMES BONAIR R.V.'s and Trailers Utitity. Hardtop Tent Travel and Park models Also awning:. Add,a-rooms Air -Conditioners Traile, Hitches ano Accessories New anc Usec Large selection low prices Royal Trailer anc R.V Centre Tevlotda(e Ont (5191 343-2128 16-3-0: 1:1 9. PETS TWO DOGS to give away - one Doberman anc one German shepherd cross to Chesapeke Botr house trainee anc family orlentec Seatortn. 522-0529 10-3-t' 21. WANTED TO BUY DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS .q ' 4.30 PM MONDA t ' DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY 11 A M 23 warm nee ween 54 Sc tw,' week. three week- 51 SL Addrt,nna wn,n• ,r BIRTHS No charge ENGAGEMENTS Fla! rate or 5 v, 5,2 prepa', MARRIAGES F,P, 1,' 5 wP�k weddm, time poor 51, Complete wale -op 52-, IN MEMORIAMS - 54 C05/1/,, 1- Te,t. n„ n' 0, verse CARD OF THANKS - 30 worn. $. Fa.'" a,• rehnna' wN. 05 Cent,. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR B'FORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WFF, FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS 70 THt5 OFFICE -. 51n, each adrehnna' ween 1, 0' CLASSIFICATIONS Cnm,nct Event, 2 • Ren, Fclah Yale Ga,ao,- Sale 2- Prone,,, 1, cat, 71 Los: Soave, 2-- Proper,, Ir' ren 4 Fount: St Apadmenl, la reel Hein Wante,' 2 Fn/ sale r, .so- t Burmese. OpPortunrty ?t Wanted to ran Snuaunn- Waree,- 2'- Fp, ren; r Cuslnm war. 3( Room and Rna,, Fain, Slor, 3 Nd115F li Farm marn,ne, 3. Vacahonr 1 • Fnucat,ona 3-, A„riln'- Sale 3: 'Tender. wanle . 3r Lega, nnoev 3 Noi,cr' to Tremor?, 35 Serv,n• dirertn'. 3, Calm• , • than„ 4( Cr, mrmnnar 4' Persona 4: Fngagemen!• 4: Marnaoe; aha ,,,1. r+av ana stray. Meed Car. 1,; Ul ,+ Ari ale.sedhulit' Bali 1. ny, lc' Ea:, It; Mddrie home, r ' vCR.- tc • sal, 11- compute, COrr1F. 1, PPI:- 2c Swap r, lead, Wanle,l to ba, 2. Wanlec PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY , 9-00 a re Ip 5 p m, 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE 4t2i ACRE FARM farrow -to -finish m Dubkr area Phone 345-2559 anytime 24-3-x: 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM House to- rent In Clmtor, arge comer nor witr• single car garage anc worksno9 nc gets Available Marcr• References require°. Call 522-2106 • 25-2 2 ANTIQUE glass paperweights and other an • 658 SQUARE tee' o' commercia space quer $$$ call Steve 527-0211 Friday even suitable tar office retail or, workshop Pnone tugs or weekends ' 21.37-x5Z 345-2459 - - 25-2-t' PIANO WANTED no: necessarily rr gooc TWO BEDROOM House in Egmondville new. condition Call collect. between 4:30 p.rr. one, Dunga(ow available Immediately 6:30 p.m, 1-519-747-4625 21-01-6 references requires. Pnone 527-1577 25-3- WA14T'ED"$160 GASH paid 'for 4940's -AD- DiSON 2 -Colour plastic Radios. Cali (519) 756-9515 or write D. Elirs, RR 3, Dundas, On - tar o L9H 5E3 a 21-3-bc OLD BRiCK Buildings wanted for wrecking salvage. Highest paces paid tor farm houses schools, churches etc. Lumley & Son. since 1969.1-800-265-7545 21-3-' FW0-i3EDHO:7OMiarm-house in Winthrop on paved road, available December 181. 5350:00 plus utilities , Phone 235-2965, 25.01-t1 26. APA:-:'TMENTS FOR RENT 23. REAL ESTATE 100 ACRES. well tiled. tarrow to finish Ashfreid Township, capacity for 100 sows 1000 hogs, liquid manure tank, two silos, Far- matic mill, driving shed, 2 storey, 3 bedroom home, (arge deck, carport, nicely treed, nee drilled wetl5four years. ago. 529-7607 after 6 p.m 23 -49 -tins ONE BEDROOM apartment tor rent. Avauablr: Immedrateiy. Refrigerator and stove includec Apply Box Furniture, 527-0680 26-2.2 ONE BEDROOM Apartment close to uptown 5225 plus utilities mus' have reference Phone 527-0560 26-3-- 23. REAL ESTATE RECREATIONAL PROPERTY: 32 acres - including large well insulated 4 bedroom . home, featuring fireplace, main floor laun- dry, formal dining room & more. 41 of this overlooking •the Maitland River, Recent survey OVERLOOKING SEAFORTM: Excellent • condition describes this 3 bedroom ranch style home. full finished basement. beautiful landscaping & mature trees. double lot large heated workshop & much more Call for more information -NEW LISTING: immaculate 4 bedroom brink bungalow home, finished ree room, large bay windows, on 1 acre lot. Minutes from Clinton NEW LISTING: Executive living • beautiful big, brick 4bedroom ranch style home in the country. Over 2100 sq. (t. of quality living space. Main floor room with fireplace. large ma er bedroom with ensui)ebath, built -In oven. mage &- dishwasher. T,wo level deck. List 5155.000 .BUST LISTED: 100 acres, 75 ,workable. 25 bush. List $95,000. , ,IDEAL -STARTER-NOME: 1V2 storey home,.large lot&.workshop. Lest 555,000 r4NCOME ,P.-JOPERTY: 2 large. 2 •bedroom•;duplex,.feleallent opportunity 1978 VILLAGER Wagon, 4 cyl, .auto. with tifittSTOAKOPtAPrepprovedcrib,infilienew michelins certified very good condition 51400. condition, 2.years:old, 6140.100. One padded CO 5239114 12-2-2 mesh:playpent$40.-Phone527-100. 14-3-1 , HURON HAVEN: Well kept 3 bedroom trailer, large deck off patio doors, storage shed, paved drive. Must be seen TRY THIS SMALL INCOME HOBBY FARM: And reduce your payments 3 bedroom home, large family room; well landscaped, new addition REDUCED: 11/2 storey home on 9 acres, large barn set up,for 650 feeder,hcgs, li- quid manure. Priced to sell $89,000 IDEAL COUNTRY LOCATION: Efficient, completely relurbished, older 3 bodroom brick home, new septic, main floor laun- dry, {arge country kitchen. Newer addi- tion includes 1 bedroom apartment & dou- ble garage, many possibilities. Situated on 86.5 acres, 60 workable SERVING,WEsTERN ONTAHIO,WILH ALL YOUR :REAL ESTATE WEEDS SINCE 1963 Sharon„ add ($ea(orth) 6279690 Peter Oameme jllB*0e111a103 482-3780 nAiloon--SiaidA 4824659 081Ce: 11 Victoria St . chew 482-&849 4092.6991