HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-01-18, Page 9Secihawks
revel in sweet victory over Brussels
Some wins are sweeter than others. And
Saturday night's was just about as sweet as
they get as far as the Seaforth Seahawks are
The Seaforth intermediates, trailing arch-
rival Brussels 8-6 with just 97 seconds left in
the game, scored three in a row to steal a 9-8
win from the Crusaders in Western Ontario
Athletic Association hockey. action. And
they did it without overtime.
Sunday afternoon the Seahawks also
thumped Drayton 12.5 to solidify their hold
on second place. They now have nine wins.
three losses and a tie. The tie, earlier in the
season, was against first -place Wellesley •
who has only lost one game.
Seaforth hosts Milverton at Hensall this
Saturday night at 9:15, and travels to Arthur
Sunday afternoon.
Greg Murray had, what would be a
season's worth of scoring for somF
10 goals and three assists in the weekend
wins. And it was Greg who did the last-
minute damage at Brussels Saturday by
scoring the tying goal from a scramble with
56 seconds left in the game, and the wtrumer
on a breakaway with just nine seconds left.
Brad Hymers connected on a powerplay.
with 1:36 left to pull the Seahawks to within
one. Greg Murray had five goals in the
game, Dave Murray, Kevin Williamson and
Travis Postill netted the others.
The game was played at Brussels but
stands as a Seaforth home game because
local ice was unavailable. Seaforth hasn't
lost a home game in seven starts this
season. They led 4-2 after the first period
Saturday, and the game was bed at five
after two.
Troy Pocaluyko !ed Brussels' shooters
with two goals and three assists. Dave
Stenhenenn nonned a pair and one assist.
and Rob Cardiff netted a goal and three
assists for the defending -champion
Crusaders who out -shot the Seahawks 45.29.
Derek Cooper was between the pipes for
Brussels took 12 of the 22 minor penalties
handed out by referee Chuck Miller, and the
game's only misconduct.
Greg Murray scored another five goals in
Sunday afternoon's win at Drayton. Hymers
was hot also. He had a six -point game from
a goal and five assists. Jim Campbell and
Doug McSorley each bagged a pair of
Seahawks goals, and Don Heard and Postill
scored single goals
Seaforth led 4-0 after the first period and
8-2 after the second and took 10 of the 22
minor penalties called Kevin Williamson
and Keith McClure were also tagged with
game misconducts
CRUCIAL ROCK - it's hard to determine by this photograph
whether Seatorth Skip Peter. Ste. Marie is pleased or disgusted
• with this throe is the Gore Mutua Curling Bonspiei for
schoolboys, held in Seatorth over the past week. Ste. Marie's•shot
is guided to its final resting place by his teammates. Brad Wilson
and Paul Dotmage. The results of the banspiel were unknown at
press time Mcllwraith photo
teams in curling bonnie daing well
On Friday. Sunday . and Tuesday . On February 9: SDHS will be competing Throughout the years. he says. there'have
Seaforth District High, School boys par- with other Huron County highsehools. The been more boys' than girls' teams.
ticipated in the Gore Mutual Insurance Curl- top two teams will play February 16 against "The girls seern to have lost interest in
Ing competition. the top two curling teams in Perth County. curling," he says."1 would like to see more
Fourteen • teams from different Coach Don Renshaw, has been helping the girls try out fo' the highschool curling
'highschools, including twofrom SDHS, took high school curling club for over 10 years teams
part in the competition. Each team was
made up of four students from Grades 9 to
.13. Plovice ringette squaw wins hands dower
The bonspiel took the 'form of a double
knock -out competition where teams were The Seaforth Novice Ringette won 5-0 over was scored by Denise De Jong from Kathy
eliminated after losing two games. SDHS Exeter this past week. Coyne
made it to the semi-finals and placed fourth, -The first goal was scored by Kelly The girls great passing and team effort
The top four teams competed in the finals Devereaux, assisted by Erin Siemon, The won this game. Great goaltending by Jane
on were esday. but
n t re u is oftithat
t competitione two second goal was by Kristine Holland Crowley and her defenceman gave her a
ners from Tuesday's competition advanced scuno
red ed by Denise O'Reilly assisteisted. Third and fourth d bysKathy The Seaforth' Novice have a record to date
to play in Owen Sound. Coyne and Denise De Jong, The final goal of 6-1 m regular play and 2-2 in exhibition.
On Sunday January 15 the Seaforth Belles
rtngette team stampeded Mitchell. All the
girls were determined to beat the
undefeated Mitchell squad, and they did
with a score of 8 to 5.
b ff wae e11. Vanden
drop the bomb tthe1:38 mark
in the first period, assisted by Jeweller Watt
and Jane Rowcliffe. It wasn't long until Mit-
chell popped a goal in and the game remain-
ed tied.
Amy Vanden Akker must have eaten her
"wheelies" this morning as she scored
Seaforth's second goal, assisted by Lori
Dewys and Jennifer Watt. This was followed
by a goal from Mitchell but was soon
answered back in no time. Seaforth's Jen-
nifer Watt scored assisted by Sheri Kling. At
the end of the first period, the score was 3 to
The second period saw Shelly O'Brien
unbeatable and keen like always, as she
made some superb saves. At the 18:24 mark,
Winger, Jane Rowcliffe scored assisted by
Tammy Nash and Sheri Kling. Mitchell slip-
ped one in hut that didn't matter as Senfni 'h
was on a roll. Jennifer Watt somewhat
resembled "Gretaky" as she counted for
another goal assisted by Lori Dewy's. Jane
Rowchffe said; if they can do it so can I, as
she received a pass from Amy Vanden Ak-
ker and Sheri Kling to lead Seaforth by
Mitchell finally realized and clued in that
Seaforth was not joking around, and they
scored at the 2:15 mark to put pressure on
the girls. Sheri Kling was hot as she counted
for a goal assisted by Tracey Sills. Mitchell
added their last goal of the night, but
Seaforth still had fire power behind their
skates. As Jennifer Watt added her third
goal to complete her hat trick, assisted by
Amy Vanden Akker and Heather
The game was played excellently between
the two teams. Seaforth, however, had the
"edge" and deserved to.win. Penalties were
called evenly and Seaforth received 22
minutes and Mitchell received 20 minutes.
Coaches were pleased and so were the
girls, who finally, beat Mitchell.
Bowlers demolish 700 barrier
I know you were not expecting another 276, 226). Carol Johnston, once again
'report from the Seaforth Bowling Associa- operating undercover in her role as Super
tion this quickly. However, I must remind Spare, recorded a near miss with a spec -
you, .you have brought this upon yourselves. tacular -668 (256, 171, 241). This added to her
If you insist upon bowling these ridiculously last week's tallies will push her over-all
high games, I have no other choice but to average to dizzying heights. Pat (POW )
report them. And you must in turn read Deighton was also busy punlshtng the pins
these reports ... a definite domino effect. with her crepitating - 658 (254, 222,182) The
In our report last week I made mention of 254 single is Pat's highest single this year.
a suspected plot to reduce the 700 -plus bar- This week also marked the return of
rier to ashes. This week I will give you more Dangerous Dan Bennewies to the 800 -plus
and conclusive Aridence to prove the ex- club. D.D. recorded a devastating - 855 (199,
istence of such a plot. 326, 330) and an equally impressive -, 849
The following is a list of this week's of- (248, 356, 245). In doing so he bowled three
fenders gathered at no little risk by one of single games each one more than 100 pins
my numerous undercover agents. Murray above his average (326, 330, 356).
Bennewies an awesome - 778 (236, 286, 256,, Until next time, take care, keep on bowl -
Neil Beuerman an outstanding - 765 (272, ing and remember unlike baseball players.
235, 258). George Love a stunning - 713 (211, bowlers love strikes. ,
Cardinals replace ' b hue Jays
Love 248, 207-617. George Love was high for
the Eagles with 211, 276, 226-713; Don Nolan
209; 277-671 and Marlene Loughnane 209.
The last place Hawks came up wjth a solid
effort and topped the Orioles 7-0, to move to
with in two points of the fifth place Orioles
Dan Bennewies had another excellent night
with 248, 356, 245-649; Pat Ryan 221. 224-600: .
and Joanne Aubin 256-594. Gerry Armstrong
led the Orioles with 224. 263-626; Jack Ryan
256-592; and Reg Chappel 207-524.
Standings after 17 weeks - Falcons -78
Cardinals -67: Blue Jays -65; Eagles -55.
Orioles -47 and Hawks -45.
The Cardinals downed the Blue Jays 7-0
and replaced them as occupants of second
place -in the St. James Bowling League in
bowling action on January 9.
Todd Caldwell led the way with 249,
215-619; Cathy Broome 243-601; Sande
Broadfoot 217-588 and Albert Boven 204
Karen Hoegy was high for the Blue Jaya
with 195-542 and Pat Nolan 177-505 The
Falcons continue to hold first, place after a
5-2 victory over the Eagles.
Murray Bennewies bowled • 236, 286,
256-778 to lead the Falcon scoring Carol
Johnston helped with 252, 204-643: and Brian
Boomers_ defeat big Es .'
BY NEIL. BEVEBMAN The Will-Nots aced the Aces as they
The Boomers defeated the Big Es by the defeated them 5 to 2, Dan Bennewies led the
'score of 5 to 2 in Thursday night bowling. Will-Nots as he smashed the pins to the
Neil Beuerman led fhe Boomers by ham- score of 330.326 and 199 for 855. Steve Steep
mermg the pins to the count of 272, 258 and' put some good scores together as he rolled
235 for 765. 230,174 and 166 for 570. Shelly McKellar also
Karl Teichert had a fine night rolling had a fine night as she knocked the pins
scores of 198, 117 and 172 for 567. Pat down for 199, 192 and 161 for 552.
Deighton led the Big Es rolling fine games Once again super spare Carol Johnston
of 254, 222 and 182 for 658. Erich Matzold was led the Aces as she showed the pins will fall
second high and chipped in scores of 198,176 down, rolling 256. 241 and 171 for.668. Deb
and 160 for 534.
Turn to page 14A •
11i. -`' tllll 41t' )" rl
1,1 if i t I 1� WP
will be held for
Regular Kindlergarter
and `
pFrencIil immersion Kindergarten (optional)
in order to register for Kindergarten, children must be five (5) years
of age on or before December 31, 1969. Parents are asked to bring
Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate and proof of immunization. 11
is advisable that parents contact the school in which you intend to
register your child for an appointment prior to the registration date
� l,u 1 •
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III�111.1.111 1►a'�[i
The registration date and location for French immersion Kindergarten
classes will be es follows:
St. Aloysius School
Mr. Sam. Alberico, Principal
228 Avondale Avenue
DATE - January 16, 1989
9 A.M..4 P.M.
The registration date and location for Regular Kindergarten classes
will be as follows -
St..Columban School S4. James School
Mr. Donald ,Farwell, Mr. :Gary ;Birmingham,
Principal -Principal
iRR 2 Chalk Street
Dublin, Ontario NOK 1.E0 Seaforth, :Ontario ,NOK 'WO
34512006 52710321
February 7, 1909 February 16, 1939
9:00:,A.M. -.3:30 PrM. 011:00•A.M. -.4:00 P.M.
W. Eckert
Director of ;Education
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