HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-01-18, Page 66A — THE Hg1RON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 18, 1989
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MONDAY JAN. 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Seaforth & District Community Centres
Everyone Welcome Free Admission
Seating is IiiRlited For nervations call 527-1876
kEVIN VARLEY 291-3500
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New Hensall policing syiter proposed
Usborne Township. �/ noting the committee should consist of a
cross section of the community at all age
levels. He said a 13 -year-old might be able to
ill the police in on more problems
many adults, and added a representhtive
from the local student council often works
Hensen Council has agreed to appoint a
committee within the nekt two to three mon- Sgt. McInnes said the police only have
ths, which will review the pros and cons of problems with three to five per cent of the
creating a community-based OPP policing population and community-based policing
system for the village. aims et getting the other 95 per cent to help
deal with them.
"What we perceive as the problem may
not be what you perceive to be the pro-
blem," he said, suggesting a local problem
with a rash of stolen bicycles might affect
"It's no secret to anyone in this roam that the quality of life in Hensel] more than a
the OPP have been perceive& as a drive- bank robbery. -
through police force," said Sgt. Mclnnes, He said the idea now, ' to get a public
explaining a lack of portable radios ties of- committee to evaluate d highlight pro-
ficers to their cars. He noted a new, blems with policing in He ll, relay those
province -wide, $128 million portable radio concerns to their liaison o icer, Sgt. Burke,
system is expected to come on line by April who will in turn i ct the assigned
20, when the Exeter OPP hopes to begin its officer.
community-based policing with an officer "It's basically working smarter, that's
permanently assigned to Hensall and what it boils clown f' " o... ne,•runes,
Exeter OPP Staff Sergeant Don McInnes
and Sergeant Wayne Burke attended the
January meeting of Hensall council to
outline their proposal, and the new system.
"It's the old cop -on -the -beat scenario
again," echoed Sgt. Burke, saying the por-
table radios will give the OPP the chance to
get out of their cars, walk the street and
meet the community. The greater presence
is often a good deterrent for crime, even if a
permanent office is financially out of the
question at the time. '
Similar community-based policing ar-
rangments are planned for Zurich, Hay
Township, Grand Bend and Stephen
Legion prepares for honors and awards banquet
The Legion Executive body held its mon-
thly meeting last Thursday with President
Mel Melanson in the chair.
Entertainment Chairman John L.ansink
said the "Pub Night" for January 21 was
cancelled but would be held another night
later in the winter.
Requests for donations of $600 were
recommended for approval to the general
meeting this Thursday night at 8 p.m. The
Seaforth Pee Wee team played in the
District tournament two weeksagab e
edged out by a team from . ' owel. They
still have two tournaments o play in, in-
cluding Young Canada W -: in Goderich.
The Men's euchres : ' e still very popular
every other Wednesd.y night with the next
one January 25.
A potluck supper and euchre isrs scheduled
for Saturday, January 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the
upstairs hall's - Members and guests will be
welcome. Don't forget cribbage is on Mon -
by Gordon Scott
day nights at 8 p.m. !until further notice)
and darts every Saturday night.
The Honors and Awards banquet is
scheduled for Saturday, February 11.
Members and anyone receiving an award
are asked to please attend. Tickets may be
purchased from Jim Watson, Peter
Malcolm and at the bar.
On Monday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. the
Legion, under the Seniors Chairman
Everett Felker, are holding euchre and
bridge until further notice. These games are
being sponsored by the Legion for all
Seniors of the area who wish to attend.
Last week when mentioning our members
who had passed on in 1988, the names of
Comrades Roy Allen who died in October
and Bill Hodgert who died in November
were inadvertently missed. We offer our
apologies to the concerned families for this
We were sorry to hear of the death of Com-
rade Ron MacDonald last week. Comrade
Ron was a past Treasurer and Past Presi-
dent of the branch. Members of the Legion
held a memorial service on Thursday even-
ing. To his wife and family we offer sincere
sympathies in their loss of a husband and
They grow not old as we that are left grow .
old. Age shall not weary them nor the years
condemn. At the going down of the sun and
in the morning we will Remember them.
BAR ROSTER. January 18 B. Finlayson,
Thursday, January 19 D. Swale, Miday,
January 23 K. Swan, Tuesday, January 24 T.
Craig, Wednesday, January 25 J. Graham.
Hospital Auxiliary plots course for 1989
The January 10 meeting of the Seaforth
Hospital Auxiliary was held with 22
members in attendance. The reports were
given and accepted and all the annual
reports were given by committee
The Treasurer reported a profit of $380
realized for the sale of tickets on the quilt.
Thanks to Liz and Colleen from the Seaforth
Sewing Centre for displaying the quilt, and
also to anyone who took tickets in any of the
local businesses.
The Board representatives reported the
date for the Hospital Christmas Party has
already been set - December 16, 1989 at the
Seaforth Legion. The Talent Money was
distributed to any of the members in atten-
dance for the fund raising. Anyone who did
not receive their money please contact Lin-
da Huard.
A date of Monday. January 23 at 6:45 pin
has been set to have an organizational
meeting of a Craft group within the Hospital
Auxiliary. Anyone interested in this group
please contact Jean Wilbee.
' The Junior Volunteer Liaison Officer,
-Frances Teatero notified the auxiliary that
-we seem to be short of dress uniforms for
this group. If anyone has any information on
uniforms which belong to the Auxiliary,
please contact Frances Teatero.
Mrs. Swale, President and F.R. Teatero,
Starts Wednesday, January 18/89
We are Celebrating our 1st Anniversary in our Goderich store.
So to show our customers our appreciation we are offering...
(Except Clinics, Clarks, Ritter)
4� Da4
- tan Just A Shoe Store
Goderich .5244432
Clint ^ 482:96.9.2
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Past -President gave their reports on the An-
nual Convention which was held in Toronto
in November. Some of the topics covered
were Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia,
Allergy Information Seminars, concurrent
sessions on inter -cultural communication,
crafts, funding our hospitals, fund-raising
projects, silk flower arranging, security -
thefts, small gift shops, common sense
courses for committee chairmen and
volunteers working in a psychiatric setting.
The Honorable Pauline McGibbon was the
g esi speaker at the Provincial Life
embership awards.
A decorated Valentine's Box will be left in
the Gift Shop for the members to deposit
valentines in it'for our patients. which will
be distributed by the Activation Group.
1 ua ells Montgomery ' was the mystery
The next meeting will be Tuesday,
February 14 in the Board Room. Anyone
who is interested in attending please come
along. '
Manor ladies bake scones
The ladies at the Seaforth Manor started P Oh ?
the week off by baking scones. Not only did On Monday Isobel was in to visitliier hus-
all the residents have a chance to sample band Bill Scott. Visiting Lew Kirkby this
them at lunch but the staff were treated to past week was his wife. Helen, along with
the delicious product earlier in the morning. Dorothy Driscoll, Grace Smith and Barb
In the afternoon we were fortunate to have McDonall.
Mabel Hardy's daughter Gladys Van Eg- Helen Kirkby also had Mamie Ross out for
mond with us. Everyone appreciated her a drive.
fine piano playing that they sang and danc- Visitors with Inez Spittal and Kathryn.
ed along to. Waltham were Elsie Southgate and Grace
Cornish. Also visiting with Inez Spittal were
grandchildren Jane, Tina and Patty Spittal.
along with their father Allan.
Over the week Edith Jessome had several
visitors - Suzanne Mennell, Les and Nelson'
Jessome, Silby Jessome and Traci, Milton
Osborn, Gladys and Lloyd Longman and
Karen Jessome.
Roy and Freida Schotchmer visited the
Leading the weekly church service was latter's sister Verda Cameron. Visiting with
Rev. Glen Sadler of Bethel Bible Church. Marjorie Ryan was her husband Lawrence,
Mr. and Mrs. Lobb provided special music as well as Jack and Marianna Ryan.
for the service. Jenny Hildebrand was out to her brother -
The highlight of Thursday was the start of Charles Reeves' funeral on Tuesday.
euchre with the volunteer ladies again after Last week Mary K. Ryan spent a most en -
having had a break over the Christmas joyable day at the home of her daughter and
season. Ladies high prize wen` to Edith son-in-law, Mary Margaret and John
Salo, with men's high g- .0 Bert Maloney, when members of her family
Deichert. Lone hands was woe f pat Ryan gathered on the special occasion of a visit
and low prizes went to Doris Smith and from Capt. Edward Tozer of the U.S. Army,
Keith Herman. Capt. Tozer is a grandson of Mrs. Ryan and
Friday morning residents had a vigorous is presently stationed at Fort Huachuca.
workout as they played bat the balloon. Arizona.
Father Caruana lead mass in the afternoon In visiting with Mary K. over the week
for the Raman Catholic residents. was Ann ,Wilson. -
On Tuesday morning everyone was pleas-
ed to have several of the Grade 6 students of
Seaforth Public School to assist with bowl-
ing again. We all appreciate the willingness
these young people have shown in their
weekly visits since September. In the after-
noon, the movie "Puss n' Boots" was en-
joyed by the residents. -
Maplewood working on puzzle.
This week residents of Maplewood Manor
enjoyed the usual activities and are spen-
ding some time trying to piece together a
puzzle which is in the downstairs lounge.
Tuesday afternoon, residents and staff
members of Maplewood gathered in the din-
ing room for a farewell party in honor of
Cathy Meture. After a presentation given
by Fran Hook, cake and refreshments were
Wednesday morning, clateh_seevice was
held in the sitting room with Rev. Jones in
charge. Everyone enjoyed his service' and
are looking forward to his return. Winona
McDougall, who usually supplies the music
for the services, has been in hospital and has
been greatly missed.
An enthusiastic group got together on
Wednesday evening to try their hick at
Lions TV Bingo. Thanks to Anne Downey
and Mari Maloney for their assistance.
Bingo is a favorite game at Maplewood and
winners are sure to arise soon.
Students from Mrs. Hoelscher's class
Sat., Jan. 21st
9:15 P.M.
from the public school visited Maplewood on
Tuesday and Thursday morning. Residents
are getting a great deal of enjoyment from
the challenging games of checkers with the
students and greatly appreciate their visits.
There were toes -a -tapping on Thursday
morning as residents enjoyed the music
played on the piano by Marion Rose.
Everyone also sang along to a few numbers
and Ed Andrews sang a solo for his fellow
residents. A very enjoyable morning was
had by all.
Friday morning Gail Hills came to
Maplewood and visited with residents and
gave a willing hand with odd jobs. Everyone
always enjoys her visits. In the afternoon,
Ruth Bock was in charge of bingo. Winners
were Ed Johns and Willy Tremeer, both
winning two games and Anna Agar winning
one game.
Welcome back to Ed Johns who was 'a pa-
tient in Clinton Hospital, and also to Win- 1
none McDougall, who was a patient in
Seaforth Hospital.
Serving Seaforth and all of Huron County
Gus: 482-9441
Res.: 482-3684
Eventing appointments available