HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1989-01-11, Page 1338. SERVICE
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We wish to thank friends, relatives and
neighbors for cards and gifts we received dur-
ing our stay in Seaforth Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Wong and staff at Seaforth
Hospital for their vuonderful care. Sharon and
• Paul McGrath 39.2-x1
I .wish to thank my family, relatives, friends
and neighbours for the cards, phone en-
quiries, gifts, visits and food sent in during my
stay in - Stratford General and University
Hospital, I also want to thank the Drs. and
•staff for their excellent care and help. on the
5th floor of University 'Hospital, London.
Special thanks to Pastor Thurau, family,
relatives 'and friends for including me in their
prayers. Thanks to my family and Judy's fami-
ly tor looking atter the children. Everything
was very much appreciated. Warren Beuer-
man, 39-2-1
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all
those who visited me, sent cards,•flowers and
food to the .house while I was a patient in
Seaforth Hospital and since returning home.
Special thanks to Arthur and Connie Murray
for helping at the time of my accident, also Dr,
Malkus and nurses at Seaforth Hospital. Jean
Eckert, 39-2-x1
We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation
to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for
all the food, floral tributes, donations, mase
cards and sympathy cards. We would also like
to thank Dr. Rodney, the staff of the Seaforth
.Community Hospital, University Hospital,
Father Caruana and Ross Ribey for' all their
kindnesses in our time df sorrow. The Bedard
family. 39-2-x1
I would like to thank my family, friends and
neighbors for their 'visits, flowers and treats
and also help at home while I was in Stratford
and Seaforth Hospital. Thanks to all the Doc-
tors and Nurses for their care. Gordon Elliott.
I think.
What would it be like?
I think.
1f he was still here,
I think
Would he be happy?
I think.
Would he be proud?
I think.
Am I like him?
I think.`
I'll always be "your girl" Sandra.
In loving memory of .my grandmother Alice
Nixon who passed away January 10, 1988
Down the path of memories I gently tread
All my thoughts are with you as life goes on its
Some people say as time goes by my hear-
tache will subside. '
But the feelintg in my heart today is the same
as the day you died.
No matter how I spend my day no matter what
I do
Before I close my eyes at night I always think
of you.
Sadly missed forever in my heart and
thoughts. Tracy. 40-2-1
In loving memory of my mother 'Alice Nixon
who passed away January 10, 1988.
You meant so very much to us that nothing we
can say,
Can tell the sadness In our hearts a we think
of you each day.
There are always memories and sometimes
Memories don't fade they just grow deep for
someone we loved and couldn't keep. •
Sadly missed by daughters Sue, Lynn, Alice
Ann and son Glen. 40-2-1
Off in quiet solitude,
I think, in retrospective mood,
Of all the days and years gone by,
Of memories that will not die.
I think of moments in the past,
When happiness just had to last.
Its light with bright endeavor shone,
As if to warn, dull care...begone.
I think of many golden days
All special in so many ways:
Good times were had by one and all
Bad times...nothing to recall.
1989 Canada Day Poster contest launched
Secretary of State Lupien Bouchard has
announced the launching of the 1989 Canada
Day poster contest. The national winner,
along with immediate family, will be the
guests of the government of Canada at the
official Canada Day ceremony on Parlia-
ment Hill in Ottawa on July 1.
In referring to the contest, the Minister
said: "1989 marks the 125th anniversary of
the Confederation Conferences held in
Charlottetown and Quebec City. Canadians
will focus on the vision of the Fathers of Con-
federation in coming together and building
this nation. And by having our youth par-
ticipate in the contest, we hope that they will
continue to build a stronger and more
dynamic country with their own vision of
our future."
The contest is open to individuals 18 years
of age and under. The winning national en-
try, selected from the 12 provincial/ter-
ritorial winners, will become the official
poster for the 1989 Canada Day celebrations
across the country.
All entries must be postmarked before
midnight, January 16 and mailed to the
nearest ce of the Department of the
Secretate", attention "Canada Day
Poster ttlsftt' . In Ontario that office is
located at: a 200, 25 St. Claire Ave. E.,
Toronto, M4T 1M2.
• Open to individuals 18 years of age and
• Only one entry per person.
• Posters should be 38 cm x 50 xm (15" x
• Use crayons, paint, pastels, pencil. Three
dimensional drawings using material such
as cotton balls, wool and tinsel are not ac-
ceptable. Photographs should not be used.
• The artist's name, address and telephone
number should appear in pencil on the back
of the poster.
• short explanatory note on the image or
th theme presented should be included.
• All entries must be postmarked before
midnight January 16, 1989.
• All entries become the property of the
Department of the Secretary of State of
Canada which reserves the right to make re-
quired changes to the winning entry to
facilitate printing, and to add appropriate
• A stamped, self-addressed envelope of ap-
propriate size must be included if you wish
to have your artwork returned.
Winter rec program to start at Vanastra
The Winter Program at Vanastra Recrea-
tion Centre begins January 9 and runs to
March 25 this year, Registration for the
swim and fitness classes for youth and
adults is daily Monday to Friday from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Winter Brochures are sent through
most of the schools in Huron County. They
describe the programs being offered,
membership opportunities and facilities
The aquatic program offers something for
everyone. Parent and tot swims for babies
up to two years and Guppies and Parent for
two to four years a new learning experience
for the very young. The Kindergymswim for
children three to five years offers social
development, motor skill development and
enjoyment in a water environment. Learn to
swim programs for all ages - youths, teens
and adults, as well as all levels of swimming
skills (Esso Swim Canada, Bronze Cross)
are being offered.
"Fitness For Fun" floor exercise, a fun
way to exercise to music program is plann-
ed on, Monday and Wednesday evenings
from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Cool down and relax
afterwards in our pool from 8:30-9:00 p.m.
The Arthritic Water Exercise program
continues. This will consist of shallow end
exercises stressing general mobility.in the
comfort of warm water. Beneficial for peo-
ple with arthritis or injury aches and pains.
This starts Friday, 'January 13th from 11:30
a.m. to 12 noon.
Upcoming Events to remember are Red
Cross Leaders Course (March Break Ten-
tatively), Bronze Medallion starts April 10
and Red Cross/RLSS Instructors and Na-
tional Lifeguard Service during May 1989.
Contact. the recreation centre for more in-
formation on these programs.
Recreation Swims are offered daily as
follows: ADULTS ONLY SWIM: Monday to
Wednesday and Friday 12-1 p.m. and
Wednesday .8-9 p.m. Open Recreation Swim
(for everyone) is Monday and Tuesday from
8-9 p.m., Wednesday 6-7:30 p.m., Friday 7-8
p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 3-4:30 p.m.
Family Only Swim on Sunday from 23 p.m.
Most of these programs will commence
the week of January 9, and run 10 weeks
(unless otherwise stated). The staff at the
Centre extends an invitation to anyone in-
terested to drop in anytime to view the fine
facilities. If you have any questions regar-
ding the Winter Program or require a
brochure please call 482-3544.
Officers installed at meeting of Ladies Aid group
The Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian
Church in-Seaforth held their first meeting
of the new year January 3. Six members
were present.
President Mary Riley opened the meeting
with a reading "What makes a New Year?"
Roll- call was answered by paying a
membership fee of $3. Rev. Mr. Barber con-
ducted a shot+t service and installed the slate
of officers for 1989. Alice Reid gave the
treasurers report.
Eleven quilts were quilted last year and
the ladies also catered a spring -time lun-
cheon, a music teachers dinner, and provid-
ed lunch after -several funerals. It was
decided to have the , copper contest again
this year, with Dorothy Papple and Mary
McClure as leaders. Another luncheon is an-
ticipated for early in May. Marjorie Dale
gave a reading and Mary Riley closed the
meeting with Payer. Lunch was served by
Marjorie Dale. °
Dublin families entertain over holidays
Oft in lorlely solitude
I think in recollective mood
Reviving a cavalcade
Of ,memories that cannot fade.
In loving remembrance of my parents Alice
and Dale Nixon and my brother Jim.—Gene..
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With Katie Murray for New Years were
Mr. and Mrs. Donny Feeney and son
Christopher and Lorraine Feeney all from
St. Mary's
With Margaret Carpenter and Joe
Krauskopf for New Years Sunday were Mr.
Mrs. Frank Crowley from Guelph, Mr,
David and Mr. Kim Crowley from Kitchener
and Ms. Dorothy. Crowley from Stratford.
Katie Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Feeney were with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Masson in Axbridge last week. During the
„jveek they all went to Toronto to visit Mrs.
Murray's brother Philip Flanagan who is a
patient in Toronto hospital.
Millie 'Evans had her niece Bea Fadden
from Toronto with her for a few days last
"Sister" Marie Bieubeuf .from the St.
Joseph's Convent London with Ann and
Hugh Benninger for a few days this past
Don and Eileen MacRae with Keith and
Audrey Davidson, Kitchener on Saturday.
Audrey has been released from KW Hospital
and is receiving therapy at home.
The family of the late Pauling Michiels wish to'
express their sincere thanks to neighbours,
'friends and relatives, for their sympathy,
cards, flowers, spiritual and memorial dona-
tions. Special thanks to Doctors McNaughton
and Allen, the nurses of the .ICU, Stratford
Hbspital, Rev, Father P. Mooney, St. Patricks,
C.W. Kinkora and Young's Funeral Home,
Strati d. Rose and Joe Visser and Family.
39-2-x 1
I would like to thank all my neighbors,
relatives and friends for the cards, visits,
flowers, treats, fruit and baking brought in
since I got home. Also special thanks to Rev.
and 'Mrs. Cecil Wittich, Doctors Beharry,
Hardwick and McNaughton„ nurses and staff
of 4th and '3rd floor of Stratford Hospital and
1st floor of Listowel Hospital, Annie William-
son. 39-2-x1
To my family, friends and neighbours I wish to
express my sincere appreciation for payers,
cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient at
Seaforth Hospital and since returning home.
Special thanks to Father Caruana and Dr.
Malkus and the nursing staff for their excellent
care. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgot-
ten. Jack O'Rourke. 39-2-1
The family of the late Doug Wallace wish to
express their most sincere appreciation and -
thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for
your love, prayers and support during the re-
cent Toss of a husband, father and grand-
father. Donations to the Cancer Society,
cards, floral tributes, food sent to our homes
and telephone calls were gratefully
acknowledged. A special thank you to Rev.
Cheryl -Anne Stadelbauer-Sampa, Dr. Under-
wood, Dri Malkus, nurses of Seaforth Hospital
who were so kind to us at the time of our loss.
A warm thank you to the Ribey Funeral Home.
Joyce and family. 39-2-x1
In loving memory of Mack Sholdice who pass-
ed away January 9, 1979.
A special smile, a special face,
A part of our family that cannot be replaced,
Loved and remembered every day,
Missed much more than words can say.
Although the time Is passing by,
With each new coming day,
We hold the treasured memories,
Which,will never go away.
Remembered always by Dorothy, Murray and
Sandra. 40-2-x1'
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