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The Huron Expositor, 1982-12-29, Page 5
ssels Pos host speaks Bj RON WASSINK • The annu meeting and banquet of the Huron -Perth Shorthorn Club was held in the Brussels Legion on Thursday, December 9. -Featured was the presentation of 4-13 Awards to club members from both.counties and the election of new officers for 1983. Elected 'president was Frank Falconer, R.R. 5, Clinton; first vice-president, Cam Procter, R.R, 5, Brussels; second vice-president, Jack Currie, R.R. 3, Wingham• and secre- tary -treasurer, Bob Higgins, R.R. 5, Brus- sels, Guest speaker, Ross Daley who hqsts the television show, From This Business of Farming on CFPL television, London, was introduced by Ross Procter ,of R.R. 5, Brussels. "The definition of farming," says Mr. Daley, "Is something that is covered by a mortgage." He Tatted his talk on the farming industry with humerous • anecdotes 'but' stressed there are two important factors. concerning agriculture. Showing several advertising examples, the first factor is "perception of preferance" and the second is 'perception of price". Mr. Daley said the "advertiser hopes their way works", and gave example of margarine and butter where margarine is advertised to he hotter. He explained it is difficult to change Fzerccption "but it is being done and Will , eventually hurt agriculture:" The general thought, he said, is ;vont.. throb fond is too • , expensive. "But Canada is the J least expensive in the world." •. ' Showing how misinformed the public is, Mr. Daley overheard .a shopper say "What do Icare what farmers make, I buy all my food at Loblaws." He said many news articles are "false, misleading and a •detriment to agriculture, btit farmers don't complain. Therefore, it must be okay." Mr.:. Daley told shorthorn members that farmers should begin writing letters tp the editor in an attempt to explain to the public, "otherwise others will decide how consum- ers feel about farmers." He said the public doesn't realize the cost to the farmer, such as cement, machinery, and milking equip- ment. "There is a lot more ignlpranee, The dairy industry realizes this and is trying to change it. Fifty years ago t ere was no problem but now it is time to make changes. Agriculture is not getting a lot.of respect. It deserves much more." i Mr. Daley noted that Ontario minister of agriculture, Dennis Timbrell "is starting an awareness program in schools. Its nbt much but is a start- ' • Although only three and a half per cent of the population are farmers. Mr. Daley said "competition is amazing. Recession heigh- teps competition and creates tension". He quoted Ralph Barrie who said there should be one united front for agriculture. "Lets keep farmers living", concluded Mr. Daley, • 131/a GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 5 Year Annual Interest Rates subject to change 011110 STANDARD TRUST 237 Josephine St.. Wingham, Ontario Telephone 357-2022' OPEN 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Friday till 6 pm NOTICE to Residents of Township of Morris and Village of Brussels Waste Disposal Site in the Twp. of Morris Will be Open December 27, 29 and Jan. 3 Site will be closed Sat. Dec. 25 and Jan. 1 .NANCY MICHIE Clerk -Treasurer GLEN HOOD ' Born in Grey township, Glen Scott Hood, of Stratford passed away at the Stratford General Hospital, Monday, December 20, in his 53rd year; He was a son of the late John Hood and Margaret Bailey. Formerly a Mitchell resi- dent, Mr. Hood resided in Stratford for the past 10 years where he was employ- ed with Krug Furniture. Surviving besides his wife, the former Grace Simpson, is one son David at hoe; three daughters, Patricia, at home, Nancy and Mrs. Michael (Diane) Parker, both of Strat- ford: Two brothers, Harvey, of R.R. 2, Brussels and Sterling of Atwood. One sister. -Mrs. Orval (Jean) Diehl of 'Stratford and one Legion turkey bingo winners Winners of the Brussels Royal Canadian Legion turkey bingo were: Norma Cooper, Mrs. Riley, Wing - ham; Neil Adams. Robert Fraser. Paddy Knight. $ren - da Stevens, John Pipe, Rick Thyssen, Edna Prior, Kathy Black, Pat Langlois. Kathy Burkholder, Edna Prior, Annie Mil, 3 specials of $25. went to Garr% Pipe. Kellie Stephen; son and Edith Dcnsted. ' The Share -the -Wealth was won by Allan Nichol- $55.10. The Ladies Auxiliary Le- gion had a lucky draw and winners were S50 -Betty Pen- nington, S25. -Ross Duncan and SIS -Susan Killick. Oa' Valt BOXING DAY BLITZ RCA 14" RCA COLOR T.V.'s - ELECTRONIC TUNING $377 100°e SOLID STATE -FULL 3 YR. WARRANTY $4 20" COLOR T.V.'s - ALL CHANNEL 26" COLOR T.V.'s - TO THE FLOOR -CONSOLES$ 6 8 8 VIDEO RECORDERS 8.HOUR with 24 HOUR PROGRAM $688 MARANTZ STEREO FM/AM RECEIVER, FRONT LOAD CASSETTE DECK ,PRO DRIVE TURNTABLE, PLUS TWO GIANT 3 -W=AY SPEAKERS Onl $888 RENT OR OWN $166 TOSHIBA CASSETTE DECKS FRONT LOAD MICROWAVES TOSHIBA - FULL 30 MONTH WARRANTY OVER 100 OVENS IN STOCK 1629 DUNDAS ST. E. 4S5-4000 LONDON $444 555 WELLINGTON 11D. 681-6500 OND THE NEWLY ELECTED executive of the l -Duron -Perth Shorthorn club, includes, back row: Cam Procter, Don Higgins and Jack Currie. Seated is president. Frank Falconer and past president Bill Lannin. Oboe©r7 - granddaughter, Amy Parker. Besides his parents, the late Mr. Hood was prede- ceased by one brother Lloyd and one sister, Mrs. Doris Brown. Funeral service was held at the • Heinbuck funeral home, Stratfbrd on Thurs- day, December 23. Inter- ment, Elma Centre cemet- SSIFIE➢ 1 Coming Events WORSHIP Service, January 2, 7:30 p.m., Brussels Men- nonite Fellowship welcomes you.' 1-90-1 OPEN House for Wilbur -and Jennie Turnbull on Sunday, January 9; 1983 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Brussels Legion Hall. on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary. Best wishes only. 1-90=7 THE family of Wilfred and Laura Strickler invite friends, and neighbours to celebrate their parents 40th anniver- sary on Saturday. January 8, 1983 at Cranbrook Hall. Open house 1-4. Card party 8:30. Best wishes only. „ 1-90-2 11 Articles for Sale USED GM truck cap in good condition. Can be seen at Stan Bentley Body Shop. Cranbrook or call, 887;9590. 11-89-2 24 Card of Thanks - . '24 Card ;of Thanks To the Brussels U.C.W., United Church. 1 thank you very much for the delicious goodies and,•cookies, wrap- ped so nicely, and everything was tasty. I enjoyed them every bit, thanks so much. Thank you for a beautiful Christmas card. Merry Christmas to all and a 'Happy New Year, Majestic Women's Institute, I thank you all, very much, what you did for me. nicely 'wrapped in a box, Those delicious goodies. I enjoyed them so much. Everything 1 ate was,good. Merry Christ- mas to all, thank you for the, Christmas card. Happy New Year.—Anna Stratychuk. 24-90-1 BERG . i j Sales -Service .Installation 1 1 FREE ESTIMATES t. Barn Cleaners o Bunk Feeders 1011 • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. #2, Blyth Phone: Brussels 887-9024. t We would like to express our deep appreciation and grat- itude to all the wonderful people in the community for their help, generous donat- ions, clothes, bedding, toys, food and household items. Also to the Grey township fire dept. for their efforts. Your kindness and generosity will be remembered long after the shock 'of the fire has been forgotten.—Jim and Karen Byers and family. 24-90-1 °y 25 In Memoriam, • v DUCHARME: In loving me- mory of a dear mother and grandmother. Margaret, wiho passed away December 26th, 1981. One year ago today we said our good-byes„ • Sec you soon was your last reply, The life we shared I'll never forget. You left so suddenly, your thoughts unknown, A wonderful mother, one of the hest. May God grand her eternal rest, --Lovingly remembered by Larry. Dorothy. Renee, Kevin and Brian. ' 25a90x l DUCHARME: In loving me- mory of a dear mother and grandmother, Margaret Iso - belle Ducharme, who passed away suddenly on December 26th, 1981. A kind heart stopped beating. Two working hands at rest, • God broke our hearts to prove. He always takes the best. '—Sadly missed and always remembered. The Ducharme Famils . 25-90s 1 Brussels seniors enjoy party Brussels Senior Citizens met n1 the legion hall Dec 1 around 40 mefnbers and friends sat down to dinner served .bv the Auxilian ladies. Members enjoyed carol singing with Lulu at the piano. 1 here were six tables of euchre playing and one table of Uno. Prizes went to iady•e gahighrt. high- Mildrgent-Edd McTaMartin.g- low lads Alice McArter, low gent•Verna Thomas. playing as a man Uno-Mrs. Gerald Excl. Birthday -Mildred Pet- rie. wedding ann.-Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jarklin. the co-operative BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op Store 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont- NOK INO Bus: 348-9975 Res: 348-9975 i CO—Opera/4g ®®� INSURANCI AMO iINANC,AI S(RVICIS LIFE.HOMEaAUTO.BUSINESS.FARM THE HURON EXPOSITOR DECEM ER 29, 1982 A5 Rebekahs hold dinner Morning 'Star Rebekah Lodge met Dec. 14 with Noble Grand, Alice McArter and Vice Grand Vera Hast- ings in charge. Barbara McCutcheon and Marie Turnbull who are home from Florida for the holiday sea- son helped swell the atten- dance. It was reported that Mary Lowe is confined to Seaforth hospital. The Humanatarian Service committee reported donat- ions had been given to two families who lost their homes by fire. A donation was made' to the Day Centre for the Homebound and fees paid to District for the Pilgrimage for Youth Progr/a m. Agee McArfkr present- ' Sarah Stephens ns with her 25 -year Jewel. Sarah, taken by surprise, thanked the Lodge and expressed her pleasure for the 25 years of service. On Dec. 16, the members of Morning . Star Rebekah Lodge met at the lodge rooms for their annual Christmas party. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served by Marie , McTaggart and her committee. The door prize, a poinsett- ia was won by Mildred Lets ring In this brand new, grand New Year with many happy moments! Specials will be advertised in the store windov. OPEN 6 DAYS STEPHE-NSON Self -Serve Groceteria Brussels' 887-9226 Red Rose Orange Pekoe 60's TEA BAGS Schneiders 37S'gram BOLOGNA' Weston 12's BROWN 'N SERVE ROLLS Schneider Frozen 500 gram MINI SIZZLER SAUSAGE RUTABAGAS Royal 2 roll pkg. (Turnips] TOILET TISSUE - Red Emperor GRAPES 1.79 • 1.49 .79 2.39 3/.99 .83 ib .59 McCUTCHEON GROCERY WE DELIVER BRUSSELS STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed, Thurs., & Sat., 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m. to6:00 p.m. 887-9445 CELEBRATIM I A nEW YEAR II h Sincere best wishes fora New Year rich jn health, harppiness and harmony. You've been a pleasure to serve! Tasty Nu Bakery Products Available Friday & Saturday HOLIDAY HOURS Dec . 31 8:00-9:30 Jan. 2.10: 00-5:00 k Jan. 1 11:00-5:00' Jan- 3 9:00-9:00 \ Tobacco, Brigham Pipes, Confections, uGroceries, Gifts, Health Care Products, Books Magazines, Stationery and Pet Supplies II -LOTTERY TICKET CENTRE - Li Brussels Variety. 1Phone 887-6224 u McTaggart. New sunshine the Forest" in whiclvseveral -sisters for 1983 were drawn. members participated. Joan Bernard, program Verna Thomas acted as convener, read the Christ- pianist. mas story which included the Santa came with gifts for singing of Christmas carols. all and 1982 sunshine sisters Sarah Stephenson read a were revealed by giving a Christmas reading "Winter gift. time". A quartette (sarah Noble Grand Alice McArt- Stephenson, Barbara McCut • er wished everyone a Merry cheon, Sharon Freeman and' Christmas, bringing a plea - Joan Beirnard) sang "Joy to sant evening to a close. the World" .and "Silent Night." • 'Barbara McCutcheon did a monologue entitled "And 1 had- to bring Bertie"; Sarah had another Christmas. read- ing and the quartette led a sing song. Edna Pearson led a hum- orous skit "A Walk Through Tem,'r. '4' o o moa.,000m0000o®o®o0.p H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LT m o a&es, Service 8 Inst Honor) of 0 J „USE EXPOSIT WANT -AIDS 'Phone 527-0240 R 0 5 5 Pipeliihet liking par! 63 oR°4 5 urs o ALTON 0/0 ams Oa 0/0/00 o 00 O ®a a ooa®P: oo®a o aOdoo® , a s o:as o o T9 o® I Ship y;,t,wr Li esti ck WITH - Art , Wren Myth I SHOPPER FOR UNITED CO-OPE=RATIVES ' r- OF ONTARIO: Livestock Marketing Division e Ontario Stockyards, Toronto a PHONE BY8 A.M. 4. 523-4221 irairi®em.®a mes,a Aar o err JAm. a as sc Brussels usiness Directory Phone 527-0240 Agromart FERTILIZERS -Bag & Bulk FEEDS-Provimi Agromix Cattle mineral Salt Aureomycin Crumbles EEDS-NK Corn PESTICIDES FARM SUPPLIES BRUSSELS 887-6016 , a ee� f/ TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION Brussels RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL 8a7-6408 Mill St West NOG 1H0 Ne sell and install Pella and Hunt s`, endows • Patio Doors Builders 'Insulated E ntrance Doors Insul Glass Since 1956 Mrs. Yvonne Knight Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company R R ,t Hrus.8R" tr4-t, ... J (McGavin's , RV 7 Farm Equipment- 531. ,',, t,, - WI SPEC AL In IN A COMPLETE LINE :i Farm Equipment ;2-.0245 SAILS AND SERVICE Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and leveller. Repairs -.Ne Sell and Service- 1311E05 enice-BUE05 A • A( (1 IRON - N A•T( HES ;STORES E \t TF R-- ST MARTS ay SE AFORTH-(I INTON--N AtkER1ON Brussels Transport Ltd. 1 ,,,ti,, IN i •„i king and Shipping Sen .l e ; ` rota a^d1ongfistante ti • PHONE 88'-6122 ' GEORGE JUTZI,BRUSSELS ... J (McGavin's , RV 7 Farm Equipment- 531. ,',, t,, - WI SPEC AL In IN A COMPLETE LINE :i Farm Equipment ;2-.0245 SAILS AND SERVICE Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and leveller. Repairs -.Ne Sell and Service- 1311E05 enice-BUE05 A • A( (1 IRON - N A•T( HES ;STORES E \t TF R-- ST MARTS ay SE AFORTH-(I INTON--N AtkER1ON Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Watch and leveller. Repairs -.Ne Sell and Service- 1311E05 enice-BUE05 A • A( (1 IRON - N A•T( HES ;STORES E \t TF R-- ST MARTS ay SE AFORTH-(I INTON--N AtkER1ON