The Huron Expositor, 1982-12-22, Page 29°W"aoaow
WaltOn mee.tin.g well attended
32 members and friends off
the Walton Women's Insti-
tute attended the pot luck
supper December 15th prior
to a short meeting.
The evening was arranged
by the Public Relations Of-
ficer, Mrs. James Axtmann
and Branch Directors Mrs.
Stewart Humphries, Mrs.
Herb Traviss and Mrs.
Nelson Marks.
Mrs. Axtmann welcomed
everyone. '
The President, Mrs. Keith
Rock, was in charge. I trs.
Herb Traviss Was pianist.
Mrs. Bill Humphries read the
minutes. A letter was read
from homm economist, Jane
Muegge announcing the
courses available this winter.
Mrs. Axtmann and Margaret
Shortreed, leaders for More
Sense than Dollars" plan to
have their first meeting
January 10 at 7:30 p.m. Let
either one know if you plan to
attend. Any lady inthe com-
munity is welcome.
Roll call was answered•by
everyone giving a memory of
a Chri.stmas in the past, and
telling the guests they
Guest speaker Mrs, Elis-
abeth Boettcher told about
traditions' in Germany.
Homes are not decorated
outside but stores are. Their
Christmas day is the celebra-
tion of the birth of Jesus.
Santa Claus day with gifts
was Dec, 6. The big highlight
MacRae's Market
and a
Happy New Year
In the true spirit of Yuletide,
We wish you all goodwill and abiding
We are so proud to -have served you.
Merry Christmas from the Staff at
is the Christmas markets.
Mrs. Helen Boven described
the Christmas her parents
held in Holland. , •
Their Christmas Day is a
religious day, going to
church. Gifts are distributed
early in December. She also
had some of her mother's
baking on display.,
Mildred Traviss and Mary
Humphries conducted a mu-
sical contest of Christmas
songs, with prizes to quite a
Ruth read a very comical
story on ideas of a Christmas
••in the past.
Mary Humphries present -
'ed gifts to 4-H leaders of the
past year, .Margaret Short -
reed, also to Nancy Schade,
Jane• Schade and Dorothy
Sholdice who were not pre-
• sent.
Gifts were distributed from
under the Christmas tree,
then everyone expressed
thanks when showing gifts.
• A lively sing song of
Christmas songs was led by
Marjory Hympphries accomp-
anied by'Mildred Traviss at
the piano.,
The Meaning of Christmas
was the theme for the Walton
Public School concert, De-
cember 16 when a large
crowd of parents and grand-
parents attended.. Paul Car-
roll. principal, gave a warm
welcome to everyone.
' Master of Ceremonies was
Brett Lee, followed with
Boy Child. Poem written by
Karen Ward -"Rock a My
Grade three play, "Mary's
Boy" written by Karen Bach-
ert,. Wendy 'Bachert, Tina
Driscoll and Michelle Beuer-
maI Mary -Wendy Backert,
Joseph -Jeff Hunt, Angels -
Karen Ward, Laurie Boven
and Jennifer McDonald; inn-
keeper -Steven Greidanus,
Shepherds -Tina Driscoll and
Michelle Beuerman, Herod -
Chris Eckel, Guards -David.
Soontiens, Paul Dolmage.
Poem written by Wendy'
Bachert, "The Baby's
Scene 1V-"4 for Herald
Angels" -Angels -Dianne De
Block, Bonnie Boyd, Jackie
Bennewies and Patricia Wil-
liamson. Singers -Michelle
Cooper, Matthew McNichol
and Tina Bosman,
Scene V -"R means our
Redeemer". Kindergarten
choral poem -"Christmas
Gifts" with Kendra Short -
reed and Laura McKercher
operating overhead nativity. '
' Scene V1 -"l Means Israel"
Speaker -Robbie Shortreed.
Scene V11 -"S is for hie star
that shone so bright" poem
by Chris Eckel -"Long time
ago". The symbols of Christ-
mas -Brett Lee, Danny Taylor
and Greg Clark, Grade 3
choir- "When you wish upon
a star" -featuring Steven
Greidanus and, Danny Taylor.
Poem -Little baby written by
Karen Bachert.
Scene VI 11-"T is for Three
Sherri McCall's dancers. Wise Men", Kendra Short•
K-3 play -"The Meaning of reed introducing Kindergar-
Christmas". Scene 1 -"When ten singing "Little Gray Don -
t was but a youngster" by key."
Chrystal Cucksey. Scene I t. Scene 1 X -"M is for the
:"Mother Goose's Christ' Manger Where He 'lay".
mas" by grade one- Those Poem by Jenny McDonald,
taking part were Mother "Cinquain Poem". Piano
Goose-Kerri Bachert, Santa duet featuring Karen Cole -
Claus -Kipp Weisbord, Little man and Miss Mary Ellen
Boy Blue -Joshua Adair, Walsh•vice principal -"Away
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary- in a Manger." Poem by
Lorianne McClure. Queen of Michelle Beuerman,
Hearts -Karen Bernard, "Mary's Boy Child."
Knave of Hearts -Andrea Scene X -"A is all he stands
Gingerich. Little Jack Horner for' Kindergarten singing-
- Paul Beuerman. Little Miss "Here we come to Bethle-
Muffet-Shirlets liachert, hem."
Humpty•Dumpty-Jamie Scene XI•"S means Shep-
McNichol, Jack and Jill -Jam- herds Came". Speaker
ie Bennewies and Cindy Michael Campbell. Shep-
McCallum. Little Bo Peep- herds -Greg Fritz. Paul Glan•
Nancy Stewart', Old King ville. John McKercher and
Cole "Kesin McDonald, Old Michael Stoll. Singers -
Woman in shoe -Kimberly Wendy Clarke. Susan Stew -
Baan, The Child -Kevin Cole• wart, Sandra Storey, Thomas
man, Pussy Cat -Chris Ste- Wheatley., Maiden -Shawna
venson. jvlcCall.
Scene 111-"C is for the Finale -"And that's why
Christ Chlld"-Father-Doug there's a Christmas Da "
Campbell, Choir sang Mary's Choir" by Grade 3-"Silyetit-
My experience •
On a night bcforc Christ- A dull for Susie,
pias ", And a to, engine for Toin.
Things were quiet about, Then to the chimne} Santa
With everyone hoping. went wish a float.
Santa would conic with a Santa climbed so fast 1
shout. couldn't see his fem
Just before w•c fall asleep. i'hen up the stairs I go with a
On the rooftop there came a flash. •
squeak. Into my bed I dash. dash.
• Well everyone headed for Clash
their bed,But that scene I'll never
Up the stairs to their bed• • forget.
Because now 1 know who
They covered their heads
with a room. zoom, zoom.
Then down the chimney. g�t' Sherry Harburn
goes me the presents that 1
' Santa came with a bang hang.
hump. hump, boom,
S., to landed in our l\ving
Then to the stockings he
hastily moved,
Filling them up with a room,
zoom, zoom.
Well everyone heard this with
So I thought I'd take a peck
that night,
Well when 1 saw him 1 had a
There were two presents for
One for Dad and Mom.
As we treasure the childhood memories of
Christmases past, we'd like to extend our sincere wishes
to you and yours for a holiday filled with happiness.
Ken & Nancy & Staff of
A tithe of joy,
a time of happiness
and, above all,
a time of true
and love.
Night". The janitor -Brent
Thanks goes out to the
treachers, music teachers
and helpers for such a good
concert. Roy' and Helen
Brenie are the new custod-
ians at the school.
Tuesday night progressive
euchre was played in Walton
Hall with 7 tables in play.
Prize winners were high lady
-Mrs. Margaret T4orndike,
Clinton; low -Mrs. Bert Daer,
high man -Gordon Murray;
low - Irene Glazier, playing as
a man, Clinton: birthday
nearest date -Mrs. Rena
Watt, Blyth. Special prizes •
Bert Daer, -Blyth and Mrs. '
Sadie McDonald. Most fours
in card -Mel Jackltn, Brussels
for m'en,,Mrs. J. Simpson for
ladies. •
Committee in charge-
Leona McDonald, Elver Bul-
ger, Marjorie Rock and Marg-
aret Shortreed.
There will be a euchre,
December 28th, at 8 p.m.
-with prizes and lunch. in
charge are Betty 'McCall,
Margaret Craig, Judi Weis-
brod and Olive Dundas.
Everyone is welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson
Hamilton of St. Marys visited
on Monday, December 13
with Mr. and Mrs, Torrance
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson
spent are -Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Maier and family of Thames -
ford on Sunday, December
12th when other members of
their family were present.
Mr. Lester Machan, Toron-
tgspent the weekend with his
mother Mrs. Viola Kirkby.
Mr. Emerson Mitchell was
able to return home 'from
gtratford Hospital where hg
had been a'patient following
his fall several weeks ago,
fracturing his wrist and arm.
He• will return for therapy
several times a week, We
wish him a successful recov-
Please call in your holiday
visitors to your correspondent
at 887-6677. My sincere
greetings, to you all this
holiday season.
, Mrs. Dave Watson and
Mrs. Sadie McDonald were
II III l ' '� ' \ 111111a10
' I 1 II11111111,11"94,
,IIS ,1' �jshjng you bright holjdaysimtq,
as Christmas lights up the world.
It's a pleasure to serve you.
Jack Riddell
MPP Huron -Middlesex
Riddell family extends to you our
rmest Christmas greetings. May the true
eaning aid the spirit of Christmas be Iry ith
to throughout the New Year.
greeters on Christmas 'Sun-
day at Duff's United. The
fourth candle was lit for the
fourth Sunday in advent.
Organist was Mrs. Elva Wil -
bee. Scripture lessons from
.Isaiah 61, Luke 2:1-20 were
read by Mrs, Mildred Tra-
viss, The Rev. Charles A.
Swan spoke to the children.
prior to
them retiring to the basement
with their teachers. Don
'Mcdonald sang . a solo: "0 •
Holy Night".
of happiness •
coming your •
"Complete ®oral Servlice' wlth the personal touch",
Seaforth •,
In spite of adverse economic con-
ditions . and war torn county es
throughout- the world, may he
spirit of Christmas touch all ar-
th's creatures with its magic and
warmth. Let us share with others
our most treasured gifts of peace,
love and good will.
/ 1
This is our wish to you, from the
management and staff of Bainton's the
original Old Mill in downtown Blyth, since
SINCE 1894
523-9666 At The Railway Tracks •
Famous For Quality and Low Prices
-'We sincerely wish
all our generous patrons
a wonderful Christmas!
May it he filled with
friends, family, love
and joy.
Chuck, Rene
_}\ `, and Staff
61'i- RI( HMONI) ST 10\1)(1\
1 \I 51 RI ST.. ( LINTON