HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-12-01, Page 23A22 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 1, 198 The lolly Holiday is near! For extra cash , buy or sell here 1 Ciming Events SEAFORTH BiA meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 8 a.m. at Pizza Train. All merchants. 1-86-2 RQY-AL Canadian Legion Seaforth Branch 156 New Year's Party. Social hour 7-8, buffet dinner 8-9. Dance to. Solid Ivory 9-1. Tickets 512.50 per person. available from entertainment committee. 1-86-3 ANYONE wishing to join Clinton and District Snow- mobile Club, plan to attend meeting in OMAF board room. Clinton on Dec. 9, 1982. 8:15 p.m. For informa- tion call 482-7694. 1-86-1 SEAFORTH Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Turkey Bingo and Social; Dec. 18. Time -8 p.m. 1-86-2 DABBER Bingo at Seaforth- District High School held every Monday at 7:30 p.m. Over 5500 in prizes. Proceeds. to student•activities. • 1-85-4 BINGO every Tuesday evening_at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of 515; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. 1-78-tf CLINTON Legion Bingo', every Thursday. 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to Ib years or over, 15 regular games of 515.00. 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. 1-78-tf 4 Help Wanted ANYONE interested in work- ing in Australia or New Zealand contact Stefs World Trade Ltd.. Shuswap Ave.. Lumbo, B.C. VOE 2G0 (6041. 547-9214. 4-86-1 NUTRMONiST:' Huron County Health Unit requires a part-time nutritionist for a six-month temporary period to direct the Health Unit nutrition education program. The successful candidate must be eligible for member- - ship in the Canadian Dietetic Association. Masters degree and experience in public health preferred. Apply in writing by December 10. 1982 ' to: Dr. H.R. Cieslar. Medical Officer of Health. Huron County Health Unit. Court House. Goderich. Ont. N7A 1M2. 4-86-I EXPERIENCED waitress or waiter. full time or part-time. Available anytime. Please call 52'-1020. 4-85x2 Live-in person to look after disabled lady. Duties include light housekeeping. Refer- ences required. 527-0844 after 5 p.m. 4-85x2• 5 Bus. Opportunity ARE you layed off. job insecure. low payed? Be your own boss. Ground floor op- portunity. Write Hydro Coil Marketing, 1299 Oxford 5t.. London. Ontario. Phone: 519 453-6220. 5-86-01 HAVE- TRUCK • WiLL- TR A VEL. Evenings and week days. about town. light mov- ing. delivery. refuse removal, basements. garages. clean• ed. Snow removal -walks. driveways. 52-.1065 4.RS.rf Situations Wanted. : 11 Articles for Sale 11 Articles for Sale 13 Wanted UNEMPLOYED man wants work. full or part time. Call Gregor 527-0273 anytime. 7.86x 1• WILLING to do cleaning in homes, churches, and offices. 8 years experience. Reason- able rates. 262-2544. Ask for Linda. 7-86.2 8 Farm Stock SERViCEABLE age York- shire. Hampshire and Duroc boars,: Also Hamp X Duroc and York X Hamp boars. All are guaranteed. ROP tested and herd health approved. Call Bob Robinson. R.R. 4. Walton 345.2317. 8-86.4 'THREE year , old quarter horse mare. well started under' saddle. quality show material, 15 hands hi8h, sound and gentle. Yearling quarter hourse filly. Sorrel with lots of white. A solid show prospect. easy to handle as well as sound. Ouarter horse mare. An .excellent' brood mare that rides. Nine years old. sorrel, sound in every way. Phone 482-'3312. 8-85xtf CASH for crippled or sore footed livestock. cattle. stock- ers. cows and hogs. Phone 519-876-3250 or 834-2020. 8-78-tf 9 Farm Machinery ONE used 175' International manure spreader. Good con- dition. 345-2956. 9-85-2 10 Used Cars 1978 Chcv Impala Landau. ps. p2-, spoked nms, Michelin radials. good condition. 52500. Jeff. 235-2727.10-86-2 1976 Chcv Malibou Classic. p.s.. p.b.. good condition. new tires. 1977 AMC Jeep Wagoneer quadratrak. new brakes. p.s.. p.b.. prw.. air. cruise. tilt. removable rear scat. trailer hitch. 8 tires on rims. Brian Wilson. 527-1123 10-86x2 1980 Pontiac Acadian Hatch- back. 4 cylinder. 4 speed. low miles. excellent condition certified. 54500. Brussels 88'-6833. or 88'-9216. 10-86-2 1969 Green Camaro. good condition. Phone 527.1630 after 5p. m. 10-85x2 11 Articles for Sale CRiSP juicy apples 34 per bo. and up. Red and white potatoes. fresh cider, honey. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037. 11-84-tf WOODSHAVINGS for sale for livestock bedding. com- pressed in 4 cu. ft. paper bags. Mahlon Steinman. RR. 1. Shakespeare. 655-2-39. 11-86x2 ONE ladies green nylon coat. size 12; several pairs of boys and girls figure skates. 345-2806, 11-84-3 OVEN ready capons available Dec. 15. 482.9738. ' 11-85.2 OIL paintings, painted by mouth by Alf Dale. Phone 52--0510. 11-85-5 1 pair skis 5' 6" long. poles 41'• long. I pair ski boots. size 1 pair ski boots. size 4. in excellent condition. Phone 345-2028. I1-86:1 CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIttk.0 ADS iS 12 NOON TUESDAYS CEarges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16 c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time. photo and outline only. 515. iN MEMORIAMS-53.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words 3 50. each additional word 16c. CARD OFTHANKS--25words 3.50 Each additional word 5c. SOc DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ONOR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THiS OFFICE -53.00 insertion. SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm - Phone 527-0240 per PAIR Of good used GR 78-15 steel belt radial snow tires, mounted on Chev. rims, 570 for pair; antique wash `and, refinished, 56�wi • • r towel stand. 520: andbaby change table 515. Phone 52, -1571. 11-86x1 ROYAL double horse trailer. Phone 482-3357. 11-86x1 McKEE 7' single auger snow blower, excellent condition. Also approx• 6 face cord of firewood•. Jim Papple 527.0699. 11.86x1 1979 440 • Scorpion Whip snowmobile. 482-'419 after 5. 11-86-2 1 pair of 18.4 x 34 in. Snap -on dual wheels for sale. Apply Jim Ryan:345-2636. 11-86-2 TANDOM axle livestock trailer with racks 6x10. $900.00: Phone 527.0596. 11-86-1 OTTAWA Valley' Angus Cap- ital Calf Sale. I p.m. Saturday December 4, 1982. Dwyer Hill Farms. Ashton. Ontario. 40 select lots of 1982 heifers sired by Continental. Ice - burg, Warrant. etc. For cata- logues call: 613-5214705. Shirley Gamble. 11-86-01_ EXERCISE bicycle in very good condition. $55.00. Phone 527.1032. 11-86-1 EXCELLENT Christmas gift idea. Custom routed wooden signs for home. business or cottage. Phone Rick 527-1032 , 11-86-2 • GIVE your roadside mailbox the professionally lettered look. Your name weather- proofed in self-adhesive Mylar strip easily applied only 59.30 and 65c tax. Send cheque with order to Sign Shop. 1480 Speers Rd.. Oak- ville. Ontario LEL 2X6. 11-86-01 OVEN ready Muscovy ducks. Orders taken for Dec, 11 until Christmas. Phone 527-1507. 'Gerald Martene. 11.86-3 HOMEMADE child's work- benches and wooden stilts. Phone Jim Papple 52'-0699. 11.86x1 LADIES leather wrap jacket. size 12. 535. Red nylon ski jacket. size 15-16, 525: black velvet blazer. size 13. 525: all in good condition. S2'-1720 9to5:30. 11-86-1 STILI. available•The perfect small gift for Chrismtas 82. "From The West Window" by Catherine Plum -tree. Priced at 55.00 al Larone- Spittal Gifts. and at Tremeer Commercial Printers. I I-86-2 DOLL beds. doll furniture. wooden jardinieres. toy barns, 345.2199. 11.86x1 2-4800W construction heat- ers. like new: one 30 in. stove with glass and oven. in good condition. 345-2386. 11-86-1 J. D. category 3N quik coupler 2. 11:00 x 16 front tractor tires on 8 bolt rims. Jamco cushion bumper for pick up. 1979 ski doo Citation. 300 twin. Brian Wilson 52'-1123. 11-86-2 APPLES: Tatman Sweets. Spys. Delicious. Greenings, Baldwins. Open by chance or hs appointment. McCly-mont Orchards. 482.3214. 11-86-2 GIRLS skates. size I: beige legal size filing bin on cast- ers. Zenith stereo cassette recorder. 40 watt speakers. Phone 482.3312. 11-86-tf QUANTITY of large round , hales 'of first cut hay. Phone :2-.1308. 11-86-1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ins ites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC held at the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE SEAFORTH HOSPITAL on: THURS. DEC. 9, 1982 from9:30- 11:30 a.m. for. 1 Health Surveillance 2 Anaemia Screening 1 Immunization . 4 Fluoride FURNITURE: Splendid stock on hand, including about 100 suites of furniture. Trade in. your old furniture at the, Schuett Show Rooms, Mild- may. Also Sherlock -Manning pianos.Hammond mmond organs; console stereo sets. Srhuett's deliver. Gift itetas at Schuett's Furniture Store. Mildmay include double ped- estal desk 589.00; Kroehler swivel rocking chair 5174,00; better glider chair 5199.00; Cooey card tables and -folding chairs, good selection. Schuett's deliver. • 11-86-1 LARGE Wardrobe. 527-0083. 11-86-1 APPLES: 6.95 a bushel. Spys, McIntosh and Golden Deli- cious. Also available at regu- lar prices: Mutsu. Red Deli- -cious,lda Red and Spartan. Crunican Bros. I'/= miles south of Elginfield on Hwy. 4.- 11=86-4 THINKING of building? . We've got the solution -the most completre line of steel buildings available for farm. industrial. commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime 1705) 474-1180. ' II-78xtf BRUSSELS Sprouts $20.00 a bushel or 75c a stalk.' Cab- bage 55.00 a dozen. Visscher Farms, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone orders • only 237-3442 or 237-3411. No. Sundays calls please. 11 -78-tf WATERBEDS complete with pine frame, edestal. CSA heater. safety liner. mattress. and fill kit. 5239.00 at Van- astra Furniture. 482-7922. • 11.85-tf • UNIQUE Christmas gifts. 'Handcrafted of genuine Chin- chilla fur. Graves Wallpaper and Paint. 71-85-3 ONE 3 -piece navy blue suit. box 16. Phone 887-6722. 11-85-2 APPLE SPECIAL: Macs and Ida Red #1-58.00 bushel. While they last. 55.00 for seconds. Martene Orchards, west of Egtgondville. Cider by orders. Phone 527-1507. 1 I -R4-3 12 Wanted to Buy A 12' x 16' piece of carpeting in good condition. Any colour or pattern. Phone 527-0493 after b. 12-85x2 Girl Guide uniform. size 10 r,or 12: 52"•1255. 12.86-1 SILAGE for cows wanted. Ca11527- 1618. 12-86-1 OLD postcards wanted. Top prices paid. including your postage costs. Mail your postcards for my offer. or write to Neil Havne. Bath. Ontario KOH (GO. 12.86-01 WANTED: Old brick build- ings for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1542 4088. Ontario's largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick. 13-86-1. 14 Property for Sale 1976 Bendix, 68' x 12': 3 bedroom, excellent . condi- tion. well established, well insulated. Available for im- mediateossession. Asking 59.900. For further informa- tion call 357-2606. 14-86-2 15 Property for Rent WEST of Hanover. Duplex for rent. 3 bedrooms, private entrance, front and rear yard, central location, carpet, laundry room, clean. Avail- able now, Rent 5218. Phone 572-0962 evenings or early morn. - 15-86-1 UPTOWN 3 bedroom apart- ment with stove and fridge. 527.0331. 15-86-1 FURNISHED apartment. all utilities included. Suitable for one person. Quiet area. Park- ing. 527-0964. ark-ing.527-0964. 15-86x1 3-2 bedroom apartments available. $140.00 per month. 2 bedroom house in Egmond- v it le. Phone 527-15'7.15-86-1 THREE bedroom house in. country, oil or wood heat, available now. Phone 482- 7815. 15-85-2 1 and 2 bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. North Main. 527-1715. 15-85x2 BACHELOR apartment. 5200 per month includes utilities, recently redecorated. Phone 527-1458. 15-82-tf FOR rent in Seaforth, 3-1 bedroom apartments. newly renovated. broadloomed. Call 262-3146 or 527-0.712 after 5. , 15-82-tf Country home near Bruce - field for rent. Available Dec. 1. 5 bedrooms, open stair- case, well insulated. 262-2928 or262.5768. 15-84-tf FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE: RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. NZ Macon 482.3305 FREE ESTIMATES am. REAL ESTATE LTD MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 HARPURHEY: Raised ranch in mint condition. spacious family room. 2 fireplaces. sun room. 4th bedroom. single garage. located on large lot. Many more features. OPEN TO OFFERS: Vendor will consider offers on this 1' , storey home. -new gas furnace. Very Targe lot. • MARKET STREET: Brick and aluminum one floor home. laundry on main. electric heat. attached garage. Priced to sell. COUNTRY HOME: 2.4 acre well treed lot featuring a unique 2 storey home. cedar shingled and fieldstone exterior. Custom made pine kitchen. large foyer upstairs overlooking balcony. Close 10 town. JARViS STREET: 523.000.00 is the Itst price do this I ", storey home. new master hedrootn on main. 53.000,00. Grant still available JOHN STREET: 4 bedroom home with workshop. Great for a well made family. Vendor will hold mortgage. Priced to sell. 50, 100 or 200 ACRES ALL FOR YOU TO CHOOSE 50 ACRES: 45 workable. McKillop Township. modern 4 bedroom home. LOO ACRES: Hog farm. 40 x 100 (fat) barn. 20 x 100 weaner barn. 34 x 136 farrowing. 2 silos. 3 hedroom brick home in good condition. 200 ACRES: Morris township. 25 workable. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE 15 Peoperty for Rent 1 bedroom apartment avail- able December Ist. Phone 345.2442. 15-84-tf 16 For Sale or Rent HOUSE for sale or rent in Clinton. 3' years old, 3 bed- room, split level, .semi-de- tached house with roofed in fireplace, for future family room. Price 525:000 to quali- fied buyer. Mortgage at 12% Call Ron after 6 p.m. 672-0206. 16-86-2 omemoommemoommon Count ®11 the • Classifieds to II the Job L&M AUTO WRECKING R.R.3, BRUSSELS , ONT. . Used Auto Parts and Towing We boy rads, batteries, copper and scrap We pay cash - for complete cars, - or trucks, etc. CALL 887-9561 Elizabeth Court • Apts.. 176 Oxford St., Hensoll 1&2BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW NOV. 1ST & DEC. 1ST` Includes t»tlfttrs, carpet- ing, appliances, laundry PHONE 262-3448 or 2¢2-2615 15-65-tf Every week more and tours people discover 'what nighty jobs are accom- plished by' low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240. 1' 1I Hiller 11F:11 T1 IJ111fTit 200 ACRES Grey Twp.. 175 workable. 2 bedroom home. Asking 51.500.00 per acre. ••44444 150 ACRES Near Stratford, beef barn. fieldstone house. 2 fire- places. large interesting mortgage. 4444.44 ELLiCE TWP. If .) acres. cash crop land. 140 workable, see*av4 WiNGHAM AREA 100 acres. automated hog barn. 450 capacity. price reduced. Only 5185.000.00 44444444 150 ACRES Highway 7 & 8 near Stratford. modern 5 bed- room home. barn. silos. 44444444 IMMACULATE I ", storey home. ready to move into in Dublin. large assumable mortgage 11'4% ***4444 We have several homes In Aachen, priced right with mortgages at hoar interest. We have several good lots in Mitchell, Dublin, Sea - forth. Call JOE O'REiLLY 345-2465 Geoe A. Sills & So -s Home HRi'dware MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 5274620 Seaforth 1 Bachlert Meats Custom, 'Killings u'tting, Wrapping, Freezing <ill DayTuesdays All meat Gov't Inspected on the farm 1 mile east of Walton 886-9328 Real Estate Ltd. alma. -hone: 411E-9311 RESTAURANT VILLAGE OF BLYTH Fully equipped. seats 60. apartment above. reasonably priced for quick sale. Holmesville, 13 acre hobby farm. 1 floor brick bungalow. paved drive. small insulated barn. Londesboro, 1' , floor frame home. 3 bedrooms. good starter home. Hwy, #4, ", acres. neat bungalow. attached garage. finished basement. Insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry. price reduced Near Brucefield. b acres. good frame home. drive shed and barn. 1 floor brick bungalow Blyth. finished basement. electric heat. carport. •444.4•• Commercial property. main street, Blyth. under 520.000.00, could he resi- dence 46 acre highway farm. near Varna. 2.1 acres workable. hardwood bush. large double home. large barn suitable for hogs or poultry. large drive shed with workshop Ion acres. highway farm. farrow to finish. Mullett Township 44.44a4 2 miles from Clinton. 100 acres. 9' workable. nn build- ings. 44••4••• • acre lm. Ku -thorn. drilled well. septic system.. hydro. •4••44.4* **4444444 15 acres. wooded. near Au burn. large brick home. cam• hinatjon furnace. 2 small barns. 100 acres, near Londeslorn. high capacity hog farm. good buildings. priced very rea- sonable for quick sale. - 44*4.4444 2', acres on highway at Kippen, gond 3 bedroom home. under 530,000.00 44*44*444 1'1, floor home in Brussels. 3 bedrooms. oil and wood heat. priced for quick sale. under 520.000.00. 4*44**** 1 floor frame bungalow, large $ $ lin. Blyth.e PAY OFF!' 14 Property for Sale 14 Property for Sale Harold ORIKMAN' I Real Esti* a Ltd. SEAFORTH OFFICE HENRY A. MERO BILL HENDERSON ST. COLUMHAN OFJF CE STEVE MURRAY INCOME PR 527-0430 527-0430 527-0995 345.2172 PERTIES 54 HIGH ST.: 3 units. each with 2 bedrooms, kitchen. living room. dining room. I fireplace, apartments are very spacious and in excellent c o rid i t i o n. 540.000.00. WATER ST. EGMONDViLLE: 11 year old duplex in excellent condition, 2.2 bedroom units with full basement, well rented. 548.000.00. 38 HIGH ST.: Heritage home. currently duplexed u ith a large 3 bedroom and a 1 bedroom apartment. Good location. excellent condition 540.000.00 Good mortgage. 19 ADAM 5T.: 2 states Krick with 1 bedroom and bedroom units Well rented 548,000 00 EGMONDYH.I.E: Duplex. I J bedroM,n, and I hi-dronm large lot mer I2',an„n ',,r' rrasnn able F:GMONDVIIJ.F.: 2 ' h, dr„'m sr if r,ntam, d units in this "Near „Id ''«r dL.uhl, Int r -u r•Ii, nt cnndtton S“,,000 (x, WE HAVE MANY MORE INCOME ANDCOMMF.R( IAL PROPERTIES iN CLINTON. SEAFORTH, TFF:SWATE:R, HF,NSA11.1.1 (1N AND SL RROI NONN(, AREAS fz,' CLASSIFIED ADS'1