HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-12-01, Page 18SS is Post Centenarian recei es teeJrL from Queen Correspondent MRS. JEAN BEWLEY 887.9047 PERSONALS Mrs. Alice Heaslip, Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Pcrrie. Paul and Linda-,hakcspcarc. vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pcrrie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight have returned from their winter home Panama City, ,Florida, Ross and Betty will be home until the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryans spent the weekend in Bur- lington visiting their daugh- ter. Barbara, who is confined t6 the Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington. Jack returned Monday but Mary remained in Burlington. Mrs. Jim .Cardiff received word of the death of her uncle in Dornoch on Monday. Karen and her mother. Mrs. Cliff Buschlin. Mitchell. went up to Dornoch on Monday. Harry Goll is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Mrs. Ruth Galbraith, Gorrie. who is working on a fancily tree. 'visited Mrs. Carson Watson. Mr. Jack Warwick is a patient in London Hospital. REBEKAHS PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY Noble Grand. Alice Mc• Arter of Morning Star Rebek• ah Lodge No. 315 was in charge of the regular meeting in the lodge room on Tuesday night.iNovember 23. She was assisted by Vice Grand Vera Hastings in conducting the business. Donations were made to the C.N.I.B. and War Me- morial Children's Hospital. the hockey sweaters have arrived and will be worn by the Brussels Midgets.' The Christmas party will be preceded by a pot luck dinner at 1 p.m.. December 16th. There will be a program which will he followed by Santa with an exchange of gifts. Identities of secret sisters will he re`'ealed and the draw for new secret sisters for 1983 will be held. After the meeting. a very successful silent auction was held followed by lunch served by Marie McTaggart and her committee. The Past Noble Grands Club will meet at the home of Man' Lowe at 8 p.m. Mon. day. Dec. h. LIONS The Brussels Lions Club held their regular meeting in the B.M. & G. Community Centre. Nov. 22. The Lions are planning to enter a float in the annual Santa Claus Parade. Satur- day. December Ilth. They also planned thcir Christmas party to he held thc same eyeing as the parade. The Olympia restaurant will cater and members and guests will attend the Recreation Dana in the auditorium afterward, LEGION AUXILIARY ENTERTAINS On Thursday. Mrs. Doreen Rutledge and her committee, Mrs. Kitty Rutledge, Mrs. Tunney and Mrs. Anne Elliott entertained at the Nursing Home in honour of the November birthdays. Mrs. Mersyn Pipe and Mrs. Lyle Brothers played several piano duets then the ladies led in a hymn sing. Tea and cookies were served and gifts pre- sented to the three birthday celebrants. Evelyn Smith, Lillian ('ox and Jack Riley ysho is Brussels' only cente- narian. The staff of the Callendar, Nursing Home held an Open House and birthday party for Jack Riley on his hundredth birthday. Sunday, November 28. Approximately 50 rela- tises and friends attended. Birthday cake, tea. coffee and punch were served by the staff. (Mr. ' Riley received many cards and gifts. Murray C'ardif'f, M.P. delivered greetings from both Prime Minister Trudeau and opposi• tion leader Joe Clark. A telegram from Queen Eliza. heth was received- Congratu- lations were also received front Premier Wm. Davis. CHURCHES St. Ambrose Church was appropriately decorated for Advent in purple and mauve tones. .Ann Kcrnaghan. organist. played for the opening hymn. "O Come Emmanuel." Art .tones was the reader and the sermon was on the Wrathof God. Kindness. Mercy and Faithfulness to His call to sen c the world calls us to be a part of it and try to change Society. ' Thr Folk Choir consisting of Ann ' Kgrnaghan, Brian Dcitncr, .loannc Maas. Mary Lou Maas. Mary Lynn Van- nes led the congregation in singing "Seek Ye First". They were accompanied by guitar. After the Peace Prayer. the Ayjvent candle was lit in cohjunction with the Advent theme. Offertory gifts were taken hs Tony and Anna Terpstra. Altar boys were Joey Terpstra. Steve and Joey Ryan. Ushers were Ben Terpstra and Wayne Fear. It was also announced that the' fancily parish dance in the Wingham Legion Hall was :i huge success. I he ( elehration of Ads ent was stressed in the Presby tcrran s bun h. Carla King and ( arol den Pas conducted the ceremony of lighting the first candle of •\client for the hungry. the choir under the (1011tion of.loannc King sang hu, anthems, "Lion's. Daughter" and "Father he Merciful" the Rev Ken Innes stressed in his sermon that we must enter the Advent season with fresh expectations not just as some- thing we have done and seen every year at this time, The Presbyterian congre: gation is involved in making a church directory. Pictures for the directory were taken Sat. Nov, 21. Margaret Shortrecd is co-ordinator. The first Sunday of Advent was also celebrated al the United Church with Sunday . School members helping. The intermediate choir sang two numbers with Mrs. Sheila Richards directing and Larke McDonald , accompanying. Dean Wheeler assisted Rev. Carpentier with the Advent Litany and Kelly.Overholt lit the first Advent candle. The sermon was "The Character of Time." A White Gift Service is planned for December when the Sunday School will pre- sent a small drama: "What Child is This?" The gifts will be given to the Children and Family Services to be distributed to needy families in • Huron County. Following the service the U.C.W. will serve the annual pot -luck luncheon. On Sunday. November 14. the U.C.W. of the United Church held their Fall Thank - offering meeting in conjunc- tion with the regular morning Church service. Music was provided by the intermediate choir and the nursery and kindergarten of the Sunday School. The Sun- day School choir sang "Zaeheus" and "Fisher of Men." Larke McDonald led the responsive reading: Jeanette Boynton gave a mini -sermon "Touching". Karen Cardiff also gave a mini•sermon entitled "Balloons Belong in the Church". The church was' decorated with hundreds of balloons with Scriptural mes-' sages in each. 'Che,ladies quartette. con• sisting of Betty Cousins, Luella Mitchell. Sarah Ste- phenson and Dorothy Stefller sang "Ring Them Bells" achcompanied by Alice Bro- -thers at the piano. Donna Sanderson led in the Pastoral Prayer also the offertory. prayer. Jeanette Boynton closed the service and as the congregation departed. the Sunday School children. with the help ofsumc of the ladies, handed nut the balloons with their messages. The Intermediate Choir has been practicing every Thurs. csening under the direction of Sheila Richards and l.arkc McDonald. They will sing esery Sunday during Decem- ber and Will assist with the carol service to he held Dec. 21 Pork price .strong The market at Brussels Stockyards met a'gnod de- mand' on top quality cattle with the medium kind under pressure. Pigs continued sell- ing at strong prices. There were 12h5 cattle and 152 - pigs nn offer. .Choice Stccrs•-J.00 to QQ�O with sales to -9,00. Good Steers -0.00 to 3.00. A fancy steer consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstcin weighing 1080 Ihs. sold for -9.00 with thcir offering of 40 steers averaging 1241 Ihs, selling for an overall price of Ten stec;-s consigned by Martin Hendricks of Lucknow aseraging 1223 lbs. sold for "4.40. Sesen steers consigned by Keith .lohnston of Blucvalc averaging 1131 lbs. sold for -4.30. A steer consigned by Law. rence Noble of Palmerston weighing: 1080 lbs. sold for -6.25 with his load 'of Ih steers averaging 1129 lbs. selling for an overall price of '4.2'. Twelve steers consigned by Murray Wagg of RRS. Mit• chcll averaging 1145 lbs. sold for an overall price of '4.20. Four steers consigned by Glen' Johnston of Bluevale averaging 1230 lbs. sold fir '4.90 with his load of- 30, steers averaging 1119 Ihs, selling for an overall price of 74.10. A fancy steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon weighing 10'0 lbs. sold for 19110 with his offering of 55 steers aver aging 1124 lbs. selling for an overall price of -3,50. --.00 with his lot of four A steer consigned by K do L heifers averaging 1100 lbs. Beef Farms of Ethel weighing selling for -5.31) 1201) Ihs sold for "".50, luck heifer consigned (went'. steers 'unsigned by Fred Marshall of Fergus M Gerald Ball of Ember) averaging 11)32 ths, sold for aye aging 1154 lbs. sold for -53,0 u th his offering of 45 -4 60 ss Ith his Int of 99 steers heifers averaging 1028 Ihs aycragmg 10-8 lbs, selling selling for an nserail price of for an i serall price of '3.18. -3.53. ( hour 1 lot Heifers• Twelve hercford heifers -2 0)) to -h (10 syith sales to consigned by Vernon Hod- -4.110 gin of RR.4. Kincardine Ghon c Hereford Heifers- ay 'raging 439 Ihs. sold for an 68.(1(1 to "2 (10 nscrall price of -1.36 Good Herfers•h5,00 to Choice Cow s•43.00)n4-.00 88.0(1 with sales to 49."5. .\ heifer consigned by Ken Good Cows•40.00 to 43.00. Fischer of Brussels weighing (canners & ('utters•.18.00 to 11)40 Ihs.• sold for "9.00 with 40 (10. ' his lot of 15 heifers averaging 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a 01h lbs. selling for an overall high of tr0.00. price of -4.20. 40 to M0 lb: pigs to a high of Scscnteen heifers consign- 89.00. ed hs Jack (Cardiff of Brussels SO to 80 lb. pigs to a high of aycragmg 105- lbs. sold for -8 00: an overall price of "5.85. (into -0Ih. pigs to a high of Tan heifers consigned by 83.00. Marvin Smith of Walton "0 to 80 lb. pigs to a high of averaging 1110 Ihs sold for 90.00. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 1, 1982 - A17 Dear Folks of Brussels and Area, Hope to see you on December 11 at the Parade in Brussels. Bring the kiddies along Santa HO HO HO russets teen -W pageant KAREN KNIGHT BY RON WASSINK She has all the ingredients of being a top flight fashion model. A statuesque five foot. ten inches. weighing a ,slim 115 pounds, Karen Knight. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knight of Brussels, has an ever present smile and an out -going personality. The grade nine. 15 year old student at F.E. Madill secondary school at Wingham. Karen "wanted to 'do something nobody around Brussels has done." In September, she enrolled in the Cameo modelling school in Kitchener. Karen attends. the weekly classes each Wednesday evening where she is taught how to walk. sit. apply muke•up. choose a proper wardrobe and style her hair. Several sessions with a New York fashion photographer have produced the first photographs for her portfolio. Since enrolling in the modelling course. Karen has been asked on sescral occasions to participate in fashion shows. She plans 16 pursue this avenue when she completes her pre -modelling course next year. The modelling school has opened new experiences for Karen when she was chosen from among 15 girls at the school to compete with 8- girls in the Miss Kitchener -Waterloo Teen Pageant held Sunday. November 21. She said its the first pageant she has entered and enjoyed it so much, she plans to participate again next year. Explaining the event. Karen said one week prior to the pageant. she was interviewed by seven judges. At the pageant. held in the King Centre in Kitchener. she was required to introduce herself and explain which school she attended. A disc -jockey from a local radio station gave a commentary of each girl, listing their hobbies. "I used to take figure skating. but enjoy horst back riding. oil painting and love plants", says Karen. Among the 150 people who attended the pageant. was Karen's parents. Barb and Ruth Watts and Mary and Carol Ten Pas. Although she didn't place among the finalists. Karen said it was a learning experience for next near. "It was a lot of fun.' Karen's goal is ,to pursue a modelling career. possibly in New York or California. "1 want to,do some big things like modelling for a magazine. maybe even acting. Ever since 1 was little. I wanted to be an actress." !alton youth takes top honour BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE Brian McGasin of RR 4. Walton was awarded thc Murray Cardiff eitiicnship trophy as Huron County's all round 4-H member at the 35th annual county 4-H awards night on Nos. 26 in Clinton. The 19.ycar-old freshman at the University of Guelph - was presented with thc award by MP Murray Cardiff )PC Huron -Bruce) at the awards night' Brian. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGa-vin. has been imolscd in 4-H for seven years completing 17 projects in calf, tractor, sodbusters. snowmobile. swine and jun- ior leader. He was selected as a delegate to attend the 1982 pow uncial' 4.H leadership conference and has also been selected for the national 4•H citizenship seminar in Ottawa to he held in May 198.1.. Brian has held exe cutis' position in several 4-H agriculture clubs and Is actise in ,tumor Farmers. sports. plow ing match c•om• petitions and community achy Ines. Brian also recctscd the United Co-operatives of Ont- ario trophy for highest score in the judging coritpetition The C.S M'Naughtnn trophy for'highest score in the county was presented to Lisa Thompson of RR 5. Wingham. A member of the Blyth-Belgrave 4-H beef calf -club. Lisa had a score of 960 points out of a possible 1.000. Lisa was also the recipient of two other awards. She • received tt A. Anstett award for h�•vn*g the highest score in '4-H beef clubs and the Glen White Industries trophy for having the highest Huron County score in the 4-H beef silver dollar com- petition. Donna .lohnston of RR 2. Blucsale, a member of the Brussels 4•H Horse and Pony Club. won hath the Warden's nos ice auard and the John Franken Memorial trophy. The Warden's award was presented io the novice 4.H member obtaining the high- est standing on basis of awards and the memorial trophy Is presented to the 4•H club mcmbcr with the highest store in the horsy- and oneand pony dubs. Elisabeth Stewart of RR I. Dublin. a mcmbcr of the Scaforrh 4.b1 Calf Club, won the Canadian imperial Bank of Commrr.c trophy tor haying the highest score in Huron 1 ,t,nts 4•H damn 1 clubs. She also on the Huron Holstein Club award for the highest total score with a Holstein calf and the A.Y. McLean trophy for being the champion 4-H dairy showman. • Ron Godkin of RRI. Walton received several awards as a member of the Central Huron 4-H Swine Club. He received the Huron County Pork Produders Association trophy for having the highest score in 4.H swine clubs, the Bruce McCall trophy for having the champion 4•H market pig, and the Toronto Dominion Bank award for being the champion all-round show• man. Jeff Miller of RR 1. Woodham won the (central Huron 44H Rabbit Club trophy for basing the highest sure in the 441 rabbit club. Jacquie Robertson of RR 2. Blues ale. a member of the Brussel` 4•H Reef ( alf Club, retched the Topnotch Feeds Ltd award for has me the champion 4-H steer and the Huron Hereford Association trophy for haying the champ curl 4.H Hereford calf Kevin Smith of RR 6. Gtxlcrich, a member of the Dungannon 4-H Calf Club NI, ts the•recinient of the Cliff McNeil trophy for showing the champion Holstein calf. Anne Proctor of RR 5 Brussels was another multi- ple w inner. A member of the Blyth-Belgrave 4-11 Beef Calf Club. Anne won the Murray Elston award for the highest total score with a Holstein calf and the Stewart Proctor award for the champion 4•H Shorthorn steer. Other major winners in• elude: Ken Jackson award recipient Bfcnt Van Osch of RR Lucknow for having the highest score in the 4-H dairy silver dollar competition. Craig McNeil of RR 6, Goderich won the Cardinal Seeds of Canada Award for having the highest score of a first year member in 4-H dairy clubs. Katherine Proct- er of RR 5, Brussels won the Cardinal Seeds of Canada award for ' obtaining the highest score of a first year member of 4•H beef clubs. Tim Fritz of Brussels won thc Bank of Montreal award for has ing the highest score of a first year member in 4-H swine clubs. Darren Faber of Kipper won the Jack Riddell trophy for being the champ- ion 4-H sheep showman. Cheryl Cann of RR 3. Exeter won the Robyn Theedom award for being the champ- ion 4-H horse showman. Sandra Shelley of RR 2. Gorric won the Stewart Procter award for exhibiting the champion 4•H Shorthorn heifer. .lanicc Klumpen- hower of RR 1, Wroxeter won Please turn to'page 19 Numerous awards'were presenter) at the 35th annual 4-H awards night at Central Huron Secondary School ^ Clinton In the photo. from left are. Donna Johnston of RR2 Bluevale s'. th the John Franken Memorial trophy. Janice Klumpenhower of RR1 Wroxeter with her Old Mill award and Ron Godkin of RR1 Walton with•the Hb•nn County Pork PGoducers' Association trophy Beekeeper is guest speaker at Bluevale -meeting Correspondent MRS. JOE WALKER 357.3558 Mrs. Robert McMurray was convener for (he Cana- dian industries meeting held last week in th, Blucvalc Community Hall. Mrs. McMurray intro- duced the guest speaker, Lloyd Wheeler of Brussels. who told about his bee Industry He started out with four colonies in 1916 and today he has approximately , 120 colonies The colonies arc spread around clover fields, or a use for homey Dhe poem. now and i.• a girl in West buckwheat and golden rod "In Flanders Field•'uasread (nrnr stho;s a paraplegic and they have to he kept nn by the president Mrs Bert Mach n', rnber is to bring level land. so they can get (,arniss.' foltossed by the Coat hangers to the nett clean air. Opening Ode and the Mar meeting w hn'h will he used in For protection in the win• Stewart ( oiled the hall Mrs Cart Johnston ter. Mr. Wheeler covers the Huron% sow a1 ( lintnn has a and Mrs 1 se Payne arc to boxes in the colonies with tar directory which will make it picri h,,e.i mirror for the hall paper.. The large colored easier to find people there The Dc, ember meeting pictures Mr, Wheeler when sisiting. The W.I will w ill he a potluck dinner held brought with him made the he doing a number for the Dveiseihrr s at 12:30 p rn. in presentation more interest- Christmas wontcri hyo rmher thi hall Mrmhcrs arc asked ing. Each mcmher was given 10 n The Rluc•sal( 11,1)) Ir 1,1c to bring Ih, it husband or a a piece of wax. re otter' that the lorrn fern friend as their guest The roll call was answerer M'emnrial awards went to PERSONALS ith an exnerien4e with a bee Robert Henderson of lin k Inc ert' ,s mpathy is -es pressed to the toroth•' 01 Mrs Margaret Br, w (•r who passed awdc m vs'Ineh,im and thstn,t Hospital or tint urdas ( ongr.tulahnns to Mr and Airs Ross)orb the hmrth of their daughter in \sIngham and Dlstnt t Hospital \ 15 1r sister fir Jordon and (sly. Spending Sunil is sy rth Mr and Mrs jut Walker \hula .u,d Kron ,sire %tan, ys,+'k Mt and 'Ors Kt n skint, and Vanii and Mr and Mrs 1)a1 -s1 Walker and Brian APPRECIATION PLAQUES were o•esented 'c John S-h^ack 1et and ' Alfred Knight for serving over S(' yea's : r,^ r'^Pd c^ the Cranbrook cemetery board A pot luck supper was tie st G'ri'. tow "ship council chambers in their honour . tWass,ni. photo) Pair hon 80 years H i R0\ vv \s\INK hoar! 1..' No , .r 1, as shown be, 6,- Knig ' yn:•, ds. lu,'.i.it s,ntrlg. No r•1•, \and hnlght .Ind blas k Gres o„w nJ�;t •,s,1 t•15, who to. Irl I (1 t14r'11(irs of s, • s �. 1 ,i.s h^t ethics of the frd,I•.,,•),(ttPitors Board n` , 1 ,n^Iis Int 1't1, and (,cry ns111)' „•un,11 members t'i'll ,1 pot In, k supper to honour the fwusrnic s1 ' Rocs r I conn \rms(rnng In t t r 1 pre 't nong apprceaat)on- playucs said "the enthusi ( • ,• • e• show r hs \lfred and \t' " 11 ,I, Ori .11 for the corn . sty , t 1 r.uibiouk ' She Oil . Man wt. . Ht m1, ( • oured for service \t' s I•, t 11,111 t.48 gtc e1 ,'c •I 11' ct des ,t1 sersite ( h,orn;an •d the ,emrtrrs A1• I !, O ‘0,11611 '• • Rask t:,, • • \ yl :colt '•k for the Grey • •' ,11 Myth he y' 4 . • der 82 ,cars ,rie month Forth dates cretin hitt , hitt hc:ng ,n,iurars m.•m arc)