HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-12-01, Page 12- -- - - WonaoW onfJ oaao Forbes wed Manitoba guests in Hensall THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 1, 1982 ® M1 Continued from page 8 Modell% A and B cars. "Those were the depress- ion years," he remembered. "Things really went flat in tete car business." So it was back' to Huron County for the Forbes. and they made their home in Goderich Township. running a mixed farming operation which later grew into a Holstein dairy operation for Walter and his son Don. Grace continued to nurse and only retired 10 years ago at the age of 62. She also raised .a family of four, Donald and Murray of Gode- rich Township. Mrs. Joyce (Ron) Taylor of Varna and Mrs. Mary Lynn (Victor) lacobellis of Stratford. Walter had a special inter- est in politics and community work and served as Huron County warden for one term, Goderich Township reeve for five years and as councillor for another five years. He was also involved on the area school board for five years. For the past 17 years the Forbes 4ive lived in a mod - \)ern bungalow in Clin- ton. however Walter contin- ued to help with the dairy herd. Today he said, "1' play cards for a pastime and wear out my old clothes." While Walter is meeting with the fellows at the library for an afternoon of euchre or S00. Grace is usually nearby al the church quilting or playing shutileboard. There's also time for keep- ing up their large home. keeping in touch with 14 grandchildren, with .another on the way, and six great grandchildren. Presently the Forbes are in the midst of planning the highlight of the year, the family Christmas at their home. This year it falls just shortly after another special family occasion, Grace and Walter's 50th wedding an- niversary, which was cele- brated with a family dinner at the Triple K Restaurant in Blyth. Over 40 family members attended, and the celebrat- ions continued the following Sunday with a Come and Go Tea and open house at the church. More than 300 sign- ed the guest book that day, .including Walter's element- ary school teacher at Sum- merhill, Emaline Zinn, now of Goderich. The Forbes have enjoyed a good life. They have had the health to travel across Can- ada and throughout Europe. They both have a keen sense of humor, a confortable lifestyle, many interests and the devotion of a loving family. But still according to Wal- ter the real secret of living a long and happy life. with a love of 50 years is. "getting a good partner." Old tyme music planned for. Manor Church service was con- ducted last week by Rev. J. Vanslyke of Northside United Church with Mrs. Edith Dun- lop accompanying for the hymns. Father Carauna will con- duct mass on Friday at 2 p.m. at Scaforth Manor. Friday afternoon last saw a good nil -flout at bingo and winners were: B. Miss Ila Gardner: 1. Miss Edith Salo; N. Mr. Sydney Pearson; G. Mr. Alfie Sykes; O. Mrs. Maxine Elliott; 4 corners. Miss Edith Salo and Miss Ila Gardner; 4 corners, Mr. Ria Voagel; full house, Alfie Sykes and Wayne Hedges. Residents arc looking for- ward to an evening of old tyme music and dancing in Tuesday esening with Gladys Van Egmono, Elgin Nott. Mr. Robt. Aber- RUTH MULHOLLAND ceased by a sister. Mrs. hart and Mr. Art Finlayson. A native of the Varna area. David (Mary Jane) Elliott. Mr. Elmer Bakcsy was Ruth Mulholland. died in and her brothers Leonard, visited by his sister. Mrs. Clinton Public Hospital on Nelson and Thomas Reid. Sushi of Brantford, also Mr Nov. 13. She was 85 years of Funeral services were held and Mrs. Nagy of Paris. age. November 16 at the Beattie PERSONALS Born on March 24, 189' Funeral Home in Clinton Visiting with Miss Norma she was the daughter of the with Res .James Bechtel of Streets were Mavis Cornish late James and Margaret Wesley Willis United Church and Mrs. Phylis Lee. (Webster) Reid. officiating. Interment follow - Mr. Charles Hendy of Mrs. Mulholland was pre- ed in Clinton cemetery. Exeter visited with his deceased by her two hus• The pallbearers were brother Mr. Bert Handy. hands. Harold Graham Gordon Hill. Bruce Keys, Mr. Ross Haughton a (1939) and Fred Mulholland Merton Keyes. Stuart Keyes. patient in Stratford General (1962). SLe Is surised by Jack Mustard and Alec Whit - Hospital one sister. Mrs. Wilber field. 'The flower bearer was Mrs. June Lampton of (Eunice) Keyes, of Scaforth George Cantelon. Rick Snell Toronto visited w,th her and a brother. Frcd Rcid. of sang a solo. "How Great father. Dr. E. Sadlier. Clinton. She was prcdc• Thou Art." Mrs. Gladys Van Bakel visited with her friend, Mrs. , Gladys Ruston. Mr. Harold Hudie visited his mother, Mrs. Lillie Hud - ie. Mrs. Lillian Bernard of Clinton visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McClure. Miss Ruth Cluff visited with Frank Case on Satur- day. The next euchre will be Tuesday, December 7 at 2 p.m. with volunteers and residents. Classified Ads pay do idcnds, Correspondent BERTHA MBcGl EGOR 262-2025 Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mc- Arthur, Snowflake, Manitoba visited last week with cousins in Exeter. Hensall and near Zurich and spent the week- end with Mrs. .Laird Mickle. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned home after spend- ing a few days with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke in Oakville. Mr. Charles Miekle, Ham- ilton. spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mick - le. Res. Kenneth Knight con- ducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day. his sermon subject being "Be Prepared'. Mrs. Joan Keyes presided at the organ. Choir practice will be held on Wednesday evening, De- cember, 1 at 1:30 p.m. De- cember 5 will be White Gift Sunday. Ron Fleming will be guest soloist. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed on December 12. The Ladies' of the Church will hold their Christmas meeting on December 5 -6th commenc- ing with a pot -luck luncheon at 12:30 in the church. Mrs. Clarence Rcid won the jack -pot at the' Exeter Legion Bingo Thursday eve- ning amounting to 5550. The Village Council and staff entertained the P.U.C. and parks board to a dinner and euchre party Saturday evening in the upper Legion Hall catered to by the ladies' Legion Auxiliary. Prize win- ners for the euchre were ladies high, Margaret Van - stone; ladies consolation. Betty Oke; lone hands. Kim Mardson: men's high, Lorne Archer; consolation, Tom Neilands. POPPY CAMPAIGN •Inc Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion report a successful poppy campaign in our area for'1982. Approx- tmatcly thirty-five hundred puppies vi ere distributed and thirteen wreaths placed at the cenotaph. Exeter U.C.W. ladies en• tertained residents to a birth- day party for the month of December Those having birthdays were Bill McKenzie and Pat Ocsch: Ret Sutton of Eatctcr was Varna native dies "aeffsia' to a guest minister Tuesday. Neil Regan was high bowl- er at the bowling on Friday.. Les Mitchell of Crediton visited with his mother, Mrs. Louise Mitchell. Gladys Bechlervisited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gess Mr. a d Mrs. Tom Trieb- ner an Bill Triebner of London isited their mother, Mrs. Mu Triebner. Rev. Elder. rediton, and Mrs. Finikbeiner of Exeter visited Mrs. Levina Fink- beiner. Her family also visit- ed with her on Sunday. Eric Luther. chairman for area campaign on behalf of the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind advises the the campaign has been com- pleted and a total of $1.390.15 Hensall Co-op reports best year Over 300 people attended the Hensall District ('o - Operative annual dinner in the Pinei•idge Chalet. Accor- ding to the figures in the financial report, the local ('o - Op has had its best year yet, with record sales and service revenue of over 29 million dollars. and net earnings of approximately $590.000 for the year ending July 31. 1982, During the past year the Hensall Co -Op spent 55743.000 on fixed assets including im- provement of lumber, hard- ware and feed facilities at the Zurich branch. eight ton fer- tilizer spreaders. a bulk fer- tilizer delivery unit, a new Microwave Cooking School Friday, December 3, 7 - 9 p.m. sharp For those who D() NOT OWN a Microwave Oven but are interested in learnfng.abOut Microwave Cooking the mic ro',tave si)e( lalf,t cook a ( ()mt)Iete meal On the flt'W DUAL WAVE Gu lmcgfl @ np ra By NO Obligation to buy Limited to the FIRST 30 PEOPLE Call 262-2728 for your reservation Total cost $5.00 per person Your Hotpoint Dealer MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD NENSALL 2a> 2228 Gper, 8.6 Friday night' fill 9 p.m. computer, corn drier and president, Ross Corbett, vice tractor trailer at the Hensall location. Fifty-six new members were added to the list of ap- proximately 1.500 in the past year. The board of directors . voted a 112 percent patronage dividend on all members' pur- chases. all members deliveries of cash grains to the Hensall elevator, and a 114 percent cash bonus on employee wages Bill Dejong and Glen Thiel, whose terms had expired. were re-elected to the board of directors. The other members are Mike Connolly, president, secretary John Campbell and' directors Harold Diechert, Ross McBeath, Alyn Hayter, Chester Sturdy and John Paul Rau. Visit There was a large attend- ance at the First Sunday of Advent Service in the United Church on Sunday morning. Julie Knip was soloist for the service. Ushers were Wayne Corbett, Paul Alex- ander, Fred Elder and Steven Corbett. Mary Kinsman welcomed the congregation and Belva Fuss was organist., Those assisting with the Commun- ion'were Sharon Wurm, Mary O'Brien. Helen Scane, Cecil Pepper. Florence Slade. Har- old Parsons. Ross Riley, Rick McGee, Gary Kyle and Doro- thy Brintnell. Bruc6fie•Id from Ohio Mr. and Mrs• Ivan Wightman have returned after spending a week with relatives in Columbus, Ohio.• Mr. and Mrs. John Maclel- lan spent last weekend in Nashville. Mrs. Gregor McGregor spent a few days in Wood- stock with Mr. and. Mrs. Fred McGregor, Mrs. Don Moffat and Huron County Christmas Bureau co-ordinated by Family and Children's Services of Huron County requests your support family spent the weekend in Wallaceburg -with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Colwill, and attended their anniver- sary celebrations. Miss Kim Rushcall. Victor- ia British Columbia, is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott, and other rela- tives. for Christmas 1982 Donations of toys, games, new and good used clothing can be left at your local centre. LOCATOON: Vacant store beside Anstett Jewellers DATE: December 8, 9, 10, 11, 1982 TIME: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. .CO-ORDINATORS: Mrs. Joe Van Dooren Mrs. Harry Hak Ls., Please direct financial contributions to Family and Children's Services of Huron County, 46 Glou- cester Terrace, Coderich. , Ontario Reg. No. 0184-192-01-05 simir 6 DAYS I: 1F ZEHRS SUPER SPECIALS VOWS memo UNTIL TUESDAY CLOSING DEC. 7Apr" 'VENTRE GUT MAPLE LEAF sLICEm REG. OR ALL BEEF MAPLE LEAF e %. • ' ai l FEATURING CANADA MP�e PACKERS ��!IN PORK CHOPS 4.14 lag 1.8816 LSIDE A ®W 3 VARIETIES 500 9 PKG. f•98PKG SMOKE WIENERS 7 Ib. PKG. 1.48 . LE' �.♦ FULLY COOKED CHOICEST CENTRE CUT BONELESS PORK LOIN CHOas •.39Ib. ROA51zehrs CENTRE CUT FAST FRY LOIN CHOPS 4.81/.9. 2.18OR (Inc markets,, of fine foods KEDPICNI5.j5,k9 PORK SHOULDERS FRESH YOUNG ONTARIO PORK HOCKS FRESH SLICED OR BY THE PIECE PORK LIVER READY TO EAT c• f 48/kg 68'lb V 86#/89 39'lb. RIB PORTION FRESH 3f0ikg COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS/591aS.P. • 1 /kg Ib. MAPLE LEAF BONELESS PORK BUTT COTTAGE ROLLS 4.37/k9 198 1b MAPLE LEAF 4 VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA 500 9 . Ie 98 PKG. TENDERLOIN PORTION PORK 350 /kg 10111 ROASTS 1.5916 YOUNG ONTARIO BUDGET PAK LOIN PORK C.HOPS COOKEDLEAF TMEATS PKG. MAPLE EDKBEEF 385091S1759890 PKGS189 ZEHRS SLICED COOKED HAM 175 9 NO NAMEBOLOGNA CHUBS 600 9 L99MAPLE 3 CENTRE CHOPS . 3 RIB PORTION CHOPS 3 TENDERLOIN PORTION CHOPS gip LEAF COUNTRY KITCHEN COOKED SMOKED HAM /kg ♦ 1b 9.90 4 49 SWEET PICKLED CORN HEALED BACK BACON 5 49 BY PIECE TME 8 4916. o /k9 NO NAME ' SMOKED SAUSAGE 395 09 NO NAMEMAPLE PEPPERONI 3759 1.59 LEAF DELI SPECIALS ` /kg • dab. GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE • 500 9 1.98 PKG MAPLE LEAP SLICER 4 j SANDWICH STYLE 17.71 /k9 COOKED HAM 1981b NO NAME I �f KNACKWURST 375 9 t Y9326 MOUNTAIN DEW, DIET PEPSI OR REGULAR PEPSI -COLA FROZEN BEEF- TURKEY • CHICKEN YORK MEAT PIES MACARONI L CHEESE KRAFT DINNERS 5 COLOUR CHOICES FOR YOUR BATHROOM COTTONELLE MAPLE LEAF 9.90 k9 -COUNTRY KITCHEN" SLICED HAM 4.491PLUPO29 `` FOA2259 2 FOR 79? n ROLL 1.29. MAPIE LEAF 43'�/kPLUSOEPOSI7 COIL STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE 1.981b WESTOMS REG. OR THIN SLICED ENRICHED WHITE SANDWICH BREAD 675 g (24 oz) 57? McNAIRS SEEDLESS SULTANA RAISINS � 9 f. 6 9 KRAFT 0111011. D111 OR HERB & SPICE CHIP DIP 8 oz S9?°B ZEHRS CREAMERY FRESH BUTTER , 1b f.89 ' CONDENSED TOMATO OR VEGETABLE AYLMER SOUPS t0ozLOAF TINS 3/89 DESICCATED ORE FLAKED McNAIR COCONUT P1°cG9 990 RED ORM EDtR 1 GREEN GLAZE CHERRIES 450 9 3. �1 / MCNAIR PITTED DATES 375 9 �a� Alll PURPOSE FLOUR 1 O kg Si 99 ZEHRS BLANCHED Oil SPANISH PEANUTS 16 OZ g 1.49 McNAIRAIR SEMI -SWEET CHOCOLATE BAKING CHIPS 35D 9 �i69 CUT M XEDROSES FRUIT OR MIXED PEEL 450 9 �.8� MeNAIR RED MARASCHINO CHERRIES 375 9 ?.29 DUNCAN HINES 5 VARIETIES COOKIE MIXES i4 iniP IZE OUS 159 RICKS 3 VARIED DILLS SWEET 111E11 OR NN TN PICKLES ONRE 1.69 NEPTUNES GRADE 8 PINK SALMON TINS °Z 99? POWDERED LAUNDRY DETERGENT OxYDOL LITRE 4.49 DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER U2 RE 3.19 PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT LITRE 3.49 NEIL50N TOFFIFAY 391 g 4 19 NEILSON MACAROONS, WAFERS, CARAMELS OR ROSEBUDS t 7 OZ 199 ET.'F FAVOURITE CANDY REESES PIECES Ib 169 CARNATION 3 VARIETIES HOT CHOCOLATE 780 9 PKG 1.59 LORETTA PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 10 O7 69" RIO PIECES 6 STEMS MUSHROOMS TIN 69? UNSWEETENED ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TREESWEET 48 °11.39 SCOTTIES 3 COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE B°� F 89° ALPHAGHETTI. MOLES OO SPAGNETT118 101. MCI LIBBYS ,9 °7 790 REGULAR OR EXTRA BODY SHAMPOO OR COMMONER SILKIENCE 200 EmL f.39 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED ANTIPERSPIRANT SECRET 150 ml 189 SCOPE MOUTHWASH 5,,c„,,2,29 PEERLESS PLAIN OR SALTED CRACKERS 1\SIIZE9 99' ,, DEL MONTE •c•CRFkmcows ares 'ST.'S''''' " *"' Pr etas T NO7 S9" WESTON HAMBURG OR HOT DOG ROLLS OFG17 89" PEPPERONI OR DELUXE TENDERCRISP McCAIN PIZZA o g x.19 NOTTS FROZEN CONCENTRATED APPLE JUICE T N5 °71.19 BADEN GOUDA OR EDAM CHEESE 717 91♦S9 4 Var,elies BRUNSWICK a SARDINES 97 9 ` /l89 Instant Flied .1 V,,,Pvhe, DAINTY RICE '"o9 89? Jumbo S,Z' Rntl SARANMINUTE WRAP ''.rT •al ern, 169M R•,,'rmon LEMON JUICE 675 ml ' S9 P,,,ted Cheese St,cks or c"I"' by Siltks CHEETOS 200 775 91.19 F,oren Orange o, Grapet,u,+ MAID JUICE 12 OZ 1.19 Country Oven WHITE BREAD 74 07 75# Country Oven Cinnamon DANISH PKG °F 1 I39 Country Oven ROLLS o c u OLr WHF 4� DO? 89? dluewater Frozen Haddocl, FISH 8 CHIPS '0" %59 York F,ozen PETITE a PEAS ' k° 1.99 Country Hearth Grandma ma,I,rs FROZEN SHELLS 17 , W est," F,esr RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL 340 ci 1.19 wesrors 8 1991 LEMON FILLED BUNS „`F �.19 ', i elm,; ks F L t„e,.o, W^, r w�ea' COOKIES e� 9 SIZE' S9 Scott Family DECORATEDFISH NAPKINS 180 s 187 Blue wafer Frozen Haddock FRIES 8 07 1.89 _PIE 55.00 TRAVEL COUPONS Aradable tree ',Nth every S50 Purchase a1 Zehrs D,mpllme,er Advent Stoller CHRISTMAS CAKE 680 9 1,85 , e' z'e'e 89' MARGARINE 18 "CLEMENTINE" PRODUCT OF U.S.A. N0. 1 GRADE CALIFORNIA PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA GREEN ONIONS RLIw �t� 3/99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA N. 1 GRADE MANDARIN ORANGES RED EMPEROR 1 ONTARIO a1 WAXED - ` 1' RUTABAGAS 42 .919 ' . fa E� CRISP FRESH GREEN 5 LB. CELLO BAG GRAPES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA FINE AVOCADO PEARS EA O'9° CABBAGE CARROTS I 5Z/kg 1.50/kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A. DOLE PINEAPPLES ea ar49` CANADA NO 1 GRADE PRODUCT a ONTARIO al GRADE SPANISH TYPE ONIONS 86° kg39'w 7 R OF II MOROCCO ib CRISP AND FRESH 6 Ib ONTARIO FRESH MUSHROOMSPKG. 437 k9 f. 98 �b HEADS FOR THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGNAM INTERSEGTION HWY NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER ONLY IN: MON., TUBS. 9TO6 P.M.LAST®��� WED., THURS., FRI. • 9 Y09 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. M 975 WALLACE AVE. N. MON TUES. WED 0 TO 6 P M THURS.. FRI. 0 TO 0 P,M SA1 8:30 TO P.M.