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The Huron Expositor, 1982-12-01, Page 7
A6 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 1, 1962— Advent service held in Londesboro Correspondent MRS. DORA SHOBBROOK 523-4250 At the United Church Advent service, greeters were Jack and Helen Lee, ushers were Steven Kennedy Scott Overboe, Robert Rad- ford and Dennis Wilts. Cohn Swan welcomed all and gave announcements. The floral tributes were in loving me- mory of Isabella Stewart by her husband Lloyd and fam- ily. The U.C.W. Christmas potluck dinner is Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m. Lighting the Advent candle was the Radford family - John, Brenda, Rob- bie, Michael and Brent. The childrens story was on cand- les. The centre one is white, Christ's candle. The purple is for Royalty. There will be one lit each Sunday till Christmas. Junior teachers were Marguerite Gross and Edith Taylor. The anthem was sung by the junior choir with Barb Bosman as the organist and choir director. Scnpture was of the birth of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus announced. The sermon was "Why bother with Advent?" So much is buy, buy and what will I get?. Are we preparing for spiritual, Am I worthy? U.C.W. GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING The U.C.W. general an- nual meeting was held Mon- day. Nov. 22. President Gad Lear was in charge. She welcomed all and opened with singing "Sing to our Lord." Scripture was read by Betty Millar, the Beatitudes. Brenda Radford gave the meditation on Psalm 84. Correspondence was a thank you from Pat Hunking, Colin Swan, the official board by Margaret Whyte, letter from Foster child, letters of request for donations "Alma College," Huron County Day K. C. COOKE FLRIST Invites you to share the Season of Giving OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Dec. 5 1-4 p.m. Come and see the many Christmas decorations and decorating ideas. Browse through the green houses and enjoy the brilliant array of color! Sharp a cup of coffee and enter our Free drawl K.C. COOKE FLORIST J6f ORANGE ST. , CLINTON 482-7012 13enmiiler inn FESTIVE SEASON '82 loin us for a special Christmas Day Buffet • • A Iradil.onal Christmas feast with all the trimrningrs. Main course features Roast Goose or Roast Turkey. Served from 1:00 to 5:00 p.p,. Phone 524-2191 for reser. rations $165° 16• 5 v person Now ar r eating hooking, for Christmas Parties Call as today.' Come... enjoy the best of the season. A Day's Outing At Benmiller: A satisfying lunch before a brisk Winter walk. A reward'rng.dinner after a day nn local ski trails. A piping hot drink coded in front of the open hearth fireplace. A relaxing stay surrounded by pleasant service and age old (harm, Interesting shops and nature's unspoiled rnuntry splendor. There's lots to do and see in Benmiller. Why nAt gather a few friends nr visiting relatives and make a day of i1 at ften- miller. Where von are afways WFICOW. Benmiller Inn For Reservations Please Phone 524-2191 Veslfer, ,n Renmiller, Ont., lust 7 kilometres east of Goderich Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 0 ttrF'J(f0t/NOFRTHE 1..1.0.0. rare at Huronview. The John Milton society for blind, Leprisy mission. Social con- venor Kathy McDougall re- ported they catered to nine Lions suppers; twoweddings, one wedding anniversary, Explorer mother and daugh- ter, cream producers, two Blyth theatre dinners. Helen Lee requested vol- unteers to visit shut-ins for Christmas. Helen also re- ported for the Stewards on behalf of Marion Snell and herself she thanked everyone for their help. Helen Lawson reported for Berean unit meetings. Laura Lyon reported for manse committee. new kitchen floor sliding doors repaired, phone jacks installed, new lawn mower. Dora Shobbrook reported for cards, flowers and visits. Helen Lawson gave nominat- ing report. Treasurers report by Margaret Good. Gail thanked all for their help at the regional meeting. $50 was donated to Huron County .home care, 550 to Alma College, 530 to seeds for Zaire, to raise allocation to$1000. To the Huron Perth Presbyterial meeting Jan- uary 24 in Seaforth delegates are Gail Lear and Joan Whyte phis one from each unit. Christmas potluck din- ner is Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m. each bring a guest. The speaker will be Margaret Robinson of Clinton. showing slides of Crossroads Internat- ional in Indonesia. Past presidents honoured were Hattie Wood, Maimie Crawford, Marg Anderson, Margaret Whyte, Helen Lawson, Edythe Beacon. Each light a candle for the birthday cake and each were presented with a rose. U.C.W. officers for 1982- 83 are: past president - Edythe Beacom; co -leaders - Gail Lear, Betty Millar; secretary - Joan Whyte, ass. secretary Addie Hunking; treasurer - Margaret Good; program - Mary Peel; com- mittees - nominating - Helen Lawson, Brenda Radford; communications - Dora Shobbrook; stewardship and finance • Margaret Good, Florence Cartwright; leader- ship development • Helen Lawson; church in society - Dora Shobbrook; supply and welfare - Laura Lyon, Mary Longman; world outreach -. Joan. Whyte; community friendship - Dora Shobbrook, Elsie Shaddick; pianist - Dianne Stevenson; ass. pianist - Genevieve Allen; manse committee - Laura Lyon, Beth Knox; rep. to the board of stewards;': Helen Lee. In church services: funeral lunch committee -' Marg Longman, Norma Glousher, Kay Saundercock, Vi Burns, June . Fothergill; buying committee - Sheila Kennedy. Marjorie Cartwright. Happy Gang Seniors met on November 24. President Beth Knox welcomed all to the meeting. Dora Shob- brook is to replace Verna Glazter on the committee. December meeting will be catered to by W.I. December 16 at 12:30 noon. All signed card for Myrtle Fairservice. Card winners were ladies high - Dora Shobbrook, lone hands,, Addie Hunking, low , Mae Smith, men high, Jean Scott(playing as a man). lone hands, Harry Caldwell, low Charlie Scanlon. Lunch was served by Hazel Watkins and Beth Knox. SHUFFLE BOARD A good turnout on Wed- nesday night. High lady - Vietta Hoggart and Clara Riley tied. Low lady -Gloria McEwing, second high - Vi Burns 2low BethKnox, rid - n ox, men's high - George Hog- gart, low - Reg Lawson, second high - Lorne Hunk- ing, second low - Tom Allen, play off winners - Vietta Hoggart and Toni Allen, low Clara Riley- and Reg Law- son, games again next Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. W.I. CARDS There were 8 tables in play Nov. 26. Winners were ladies high - Mary McClure, Sea - forth, lone hands - Dorothy Doer. Blyth; low - Laura Lyon; men's high - Les Read, lone hands - Don Buchanan; low - Gordon Murray, Wal- ton. In charge were June Fothergill and Hattie Snell. Next cards, December 10 The installation and in - Lioness invite seniors WIMC OV© v©kC NORMAN EAST 482-7034 Report cards will be going home on December 3 at the Vanastra Public School. You may arrange an interview by phoning the school at 482-7828, Vision and hearing tests will be given to children in kindergarten. Grade 1 and Grade 3. December 9. The Vanastra Public School entered a float Satur- day in the Goderich Santa Claus parade. Results will be given next edition on what they placed. A Christmas concert will be held Wednesday, Decem- ber 15. HURON COUNTY PiONEER DEBATE A group of residents of Clinton and Vanastra met last Friday over the History of Vanastra and the history of the Pioneer museum. All the residents saw the clipping on the Pioneer museum. Some from the Huron Expositor, CSntan News -Record, the Goderich Signal -Star, and the London Free Press. There was not much said until Eileen Palmer said the .Vanastra was "an eyesore to the County of Huron." Well that isn't true. Vanastra is a thrilling and important place. The County should be proud to have the first training base in Canada and the first cooking school. 1 have looked through a diary of John Fisher of Clinton, John Fisher was an instructor for the cooking school in 1954. Vanastra was owned by the RCAF and sold to a Mr. Van Gastel. Mr. Van Gastel sold parts of the community to individuals and the com- munity became part of the township of Tuckermith. The old school in Vanastra would be an ideal place for the museum because it is safer than the building in Goderich. When the airforce was here i was told there was a bomber and a tanker sitting out in front of the school. If Vanastra does get the museum Vanastra could use some of the space for a Tittle museum of their own. They could get people to donate things, if they were in the RCAF in Vanastra or they were in the cooking school. The County could also toy (if the museum goes to Van- astra) to get the RCAF to donate the tank or bomber for the museum. Vanastra is a thrilling community and it also deserves something to help it really get on its feet. I am only 14 years old and I was told that when Mr. Neil gave the museum to the County, the town of Goderich didn't want it, they thought he was crazy, brit now, they are fighting to keep it in Goderich. Goderich is also a thrilling community. but i also think Vanastra should have a go at it. VANASTRA AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB A Christmas dance is going to be held Dec. 11 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The music by ian Wilhre. Members of the Lioness Club are reminded that they luvolemegmvaetaivi Stick with us. For over 50 years your Christmas Seal donations have helped to fund impor- tant medical research. We've helped to minimize tuberculosis cases and are moving forward in the fight against other lung disorders like emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer. Your Christmas Seal dona- tions will help us win the fight. Millions of Canadians will breathe a lot easier. Give to Civrissttuas Seals. Your t Lung Association The Christmas Seal People are to bring a senior citizen to the dinner meeting in December. VANASTRA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Come Alive is held every Tuesday at 7:30 for children from 4 years old and up. Sunday school is held every Sunday morning at 10:00 and worship service is held on Sunday at 11 a.m. BINGO RESULTS Bingo results for Tues., Nov. 23 are: first share -the - wealth - Rosalyn Higgs of Kippen; second share -the - wealth - Libby Van Damme of Clinton; third share -the - wealth was won by Mrs. David Beach of Clinton. The jackpot prize winner was Norma Coleman of Kip - pen. The theme for.the week at the Tuckersmith flay Nur- sery is Christmas. Happy Birthday to' Joan Lee on Dec. 5 and Lisa Chartrand on Dec. 5. vestiture of the officers of Hullett Lodge AF & AM 568 was held on Tuesday, Nov- ember 23 in the masonic lodge rooms, Londesboro. Wor. Bro. Robert Ander- son was master of the lodge for 1982 and he delegated the adthority of being the master for the installation to R.W. Bro. Clare Vincent. The master elect for 1983 is Wor. Bro. William Vin- cent, presented by retiring ,paster Wor. Bro. 'Robert Anderson to be installed. The General Charge to the brethren was ably given by Wor. Bro. Gordon Shobbrook and other brethren who assisted were V. Wor. Bro. Jack Lee, Bro. Alan Cald- well and Bro. Murray Nes- bitt. This occasion was one more in a number of Father and Son events as Bro. William Vincent is the son of R.W. Bro. Clare Vincent. Other lodges visiting with Hullett Lodge were Morning Star Lodge, Carlow. Blyth lodge, Wingham Lodge. We had one visitor from Labrad- or city - Bro. Lorne Snell, a friend of R.W. Bro. Clare Vincent, they exchange vis- its. PERSONALS Sympathy is expressed to Lloyd Stewart and family on the sudden death of Isabella Stewart at Clinton Hospital. Nov. 15. Mrs. Howard Clark moved on Saturday to Maple Villa Senior Citizens, Brussels. Saturday visitors with Mrs. Laura Lyon were cousins Andrew Bremner and Doris of Ethel and Mrs. Florence Cardiff of Brussels.. A bus trip Novemberc2 by Sherwood bus sponsored by Superanuated teachers went to Glencoe Tender Tootsies, Swains Green House and a tour of Sarnia. Attending from here were Ruth Shad - dick, Edythe Beacom, Luella. Hall, and friend, Laura Lyon. Dora Shobbrook and Clara Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc - Ewing were supper guests of Edythe Beacom and Laura Lyon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Swan. spent Sunday to Tuesday in Toronto attending a retreat for student ministers and their spouses. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns were Mr. and Mrs. Colin Paterson and Katie, London Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith and granddaughter Melissa Dabner of Kincardine, cele- brated Bob and Vi's wedding anniversary. Thursday supper guests of Mrs. Dora Shobbrook were granddaughter Vicki and Danny Colquhoun, Chastity and Kennie. Mr, and Mrs. Len Caldwell spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crawford and Leanne B.C. We welcome Anna Corran and family of Bayfield to the village having purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ldoward Clark. Mrs. Harold Longman re- ceived word of the sudden death of her nephew, Ri- chard Dolmage's wife Pam- ela in London on Thursday. AUDITIONS For The Musical Production "THE EANTASTICS°t SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 10 a.m.to4p.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 Call -Backs - 1 p.m. Seaforth Public School Please see the Expositor. Nov. 24. Page A9 for information SCRIPTS & AUDITION APPOINTMENTS B. WHITMORE 527-1491 (Walk-ins are welcome but may have to wait for an empty time slot) , COURTESY SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE NitN41.4.}NN11,1A111,111,1A1 AAS1••••••1AAAAAA,•,11. .1/o,M••,GM11611.111. 111.1011, 111a Nom. I i 1 • DANCE ,1 • t `J� � taT _ in the new Community Centre Auditorium NEW YEAR'S EVE December 31 Sponsored by Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD DANCING (Disc Jockey) 9TILL?? LUNCH PROVIDED $12.00 per couple Tickets available from-Seaforth Beaver Oldtimers or at Bob & Betty's Variety ♦1.►'111'i11 �i.►.�!►.114•i!it`N+11 AANGy 1N:1Mi141.111.V1'<.61NM1, 3rd Annual LUCAN CUP CHALLENGE Men's International AIL -Star -Hockey Tournament. Featuring 16 'A' Calibre Teams. December 3,4 and 5 Lucan Arena 'A' Champions Receive - $1000.00 Lucan Businessmen's Pot O' Gold - Lucan Cup Trophy - Individual Handcrafted Lucan Cup Dicmond Ring Schedule Friday 6 00 pm Lucan vs Ted Dill's, London 7 30 p m. Hoffy Cons Windsor vs 9 00 pm Block Creek vs 10 30 pm Aurora ' vs Saturday 7 00 om Quakers vs 8 30 om Pit Martin Pub. vs Windsor 10 00 om Goderich vs Sunday Kitchener 'Waterloo Mitchell Redford, Michigan Royal Oak Mrchfyrmc-- Livonia. Michigan international Stick Toronto 11 30 am Ilderton vs Kitchener 3:30 p.m. B Final 5:30 p.m. A Final Admission 31.00 for a4uderofs 32.50 per person Pre-schoolers free Lucas Cup DANCE Featuring Day Break Sat. 9:00 p.m. �Lueairt Arena," Rummage & Bake Sale Sponsored by Van Egmond Foundation Sat,, Dee. 4 at 10-a.m. at the Rath well Building :_ IP' PREMIER THEATRES. ®®a®® 1 W1RI 0 • 0 • • • • • • • 0 • [ COARSE LANGUAGE • STARTS FRIDAY, DEC; 3 • ADMITTANCE 1-11 i<wJ I 1 ■ WED.-THURS. 7:00 OCEN 15T RIDERS 00.9 SIX PACK LAST 2 DAYS FOR 9:00 forgive ire, lather, for 1 have ,mined. NS!GANO 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •o ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET. ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET 1,,QIESTRTCTEO'! r0AOl 1 is',WI Or AGO rm ane MAS If LW, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ERI. -SAT. P:00&9:T0 SUN.—THURS. 0:00 Th& s{ , Most Fun -'tOttMI ,.;� Ever Nave BEING sea Ep: 0 O • • 0 0 • • • • 0 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • r..r HAL H(185 3) f1t1fN),L BARA & i7U1Z WEAVER LESLIE NIELSL3 CARRIE NYE EG MARSHALL ,. VITA IUNMRS , Aunt Brea • RI C�RTA6TI) I40.illbieWTara C101110 • • DEM '" ACTA MAME ET ET_ ET A Special Holiday VILLA VACATIONS 1982-83 PORTUGAL WEEKS only $899 Includes Round trip private charters Toronto to Lisbon 2 nights in Lisbon 27 nights in Algarve :Villas, prrvotc fully equipped villas all transfers Services of a tour representative JAMAICA 1 Week from $1599 p.p. Includes: • (2 bedroom -4 persons) • round trip transportation on Air Canada transfers and baggage handling • accommodation at viHos for 7 nights Services of tour representative air conditioned 2 bedroom villas with full kitchen services of a cook ,maid and gardener private swimming pool MARCH BREAK SPECIAL $100.00 Off Per Couple JAMAICA Ironshore Villas $689 p.p. (regular 9) Based en 2 bedroom villa - ops 235.2000 - 1=800- 263.7022 Fall and Winter hours Mon. to Fri., 8:30 to 5;30 Saturday's, 9:30 to 4:30 Evenings by appointment Located in Exeter's Old Town Hall iI Ii 1