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The Huron Expositor, 1982-12-01, Page 5
j. A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 1, 1982 Snow is gone but Christmas comes CORRESPONDENT JOAN CRONIN 345.2772 The calendar is telling us that it is soon the season to be jolly. but all that white fluffy stuff called snow has disappeared. Dear old mother nature must have gotten out of the wrong side, of the bed. as the Nit rather is sure mixed up. One day we have sunny skies and the next day it rains. The youngsters are all running about with the sniffles and 'many of the young and old are battling the flu. Many farmers who have a bit of plowing yet to, do are trying hard to accomplish this work without slipping and sliding up and down the field. For those who have their winter work all done, they are making plans to head south for the Christmas holiday season or for a few weeks after the new year. For the rest of us we will contemplate on the state of • the economy and what we will do during our many snow storms. After we get over our fits of anger and depression from the above two thoughts. it's time to get out that well=used deck of cards from last year and the rest of the day will fly by. The Christmas puddings and Christmas cakes have been made by now and are laid aside to reach that peak of perfection by Christmas. 1 saw this week that real Christmas trees are available at many outlets, awaiting to be purchased and taken home to be decked out from top to bottom with, trinkets and tinsel all aglow._ The traditional Christmas cards are being written and the wee folk are ,carefully .-F n U making their lists to send off to dear old Santa Claus at the North Pole. But all these preparations never seem as authentic unless the ground is covered with a blanket of white: so with the famous words of the song by Irving Berlin. "I'm Dreaming of a White Christ. mos". ***** ,Thursday evening the Dublin Parent Teachers Association held their annual Turkey Bingo in the Dublin Community centre. Follow ing are the winners: Gladys Pryde, Jesenta Wilhelms. Rob Brown, Dave Van Bakel, Mike McCarthy. .Hilda Austin, . Mrs. Alhoose Cronin, Bob Cheoros. Lucille Delaney. Jody Chcoros, Jane Van Horn and Gladys Pryde. The losers of the draws where there were more than one bingo each received a cake mix. They are: Carla Morello. Hilda Austin. Jane Van 'Horn, Angela Klink - hammer, Bill Appleby. Bill Van Bakel, Lavone Costello, Helena Feeney. Cheryl Fehr and Gerald Staples. Winners of the share the wealth was Pam Schoonder- woerd and Judy Emm. Maureen Dearing won the first special for 520 and the second 520 special was split between Bob Chcoros and Margaret Ann Ryan. Door Prize draws were won by: 515 grocery voucher from •Staffen's of Mitchell went to Lynn Feeney: butter from Stacey Brothers was won by Millie Swan; decorat- ed cake from Merv's Patio was won by Donald Poppe; 5 quarts of motor oil supplied by McLaughlin Motors of Seaforth was won by Cindy Maloney; a flower arrange - Find our ad in this paper for Pre -Christmas Savings!• etherington Family ; Family Main St., Seaforth 5271110 • ment from Hildebrand Flow- ers of Seaforth was won by Judy Beuermann and candy supplied by MacRa(e's Mark- et was won by Cheryl Shewan. Winners of the ticket draws: 550 grocery voucher donated by the P.T.A., Heney Terpstra; an AM -FM clock radio donated by Roger Ttektiteyer. Dentistry, by ony Megens, and the cal- culator donated by J.P. Uniac, by Mrs. Anne Fuhr. The new slate of officers for the Dublin P.T.A. for the 1982-83 term are: Mrs. Marie Eickmeier, past pres- ident; Mrs. Betty McLaugh- B.n. president; Mrs. Alice Van Bakel. 1st vice-pres- ident; Mrs. Joyce Shewan. treasurer: Mrs. Julie Van Bakel, secretary; parent re- resentatives are Mrs. Bennie Cronin. Mrs. Shirley Rose and Mrs. Barb Vosper. The Murray Brothers recently held their annual stag card party at brother Cyril Murray's cottage be- tween Perth and Waterloo counties at St. Agatha. One from Dublin, one from Logan and one from McKillop lost. Thursday afternoon. Dec- emberat 2:00 p.m. the Senior Citizens are having a card party at.the St. Patrick's School Gym. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben- ninger spent last weekend in Ennismore with Mr. and Mrs. Don Benninger and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Coyne of Edmonton. Alberta were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butters and family this past week. They also attend- ed the 40th wedding anniver- sary of Don's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne of Seaforth. Don and Betty Ann visited with other members of their family in the area before returning to Edmon- ton. Mr. Frank Van Bergen is a patient in the Seaforth Com• munity Hospital. Also in hospital is Mr. Mike McLaughlin who is a patient in the Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kroonen have returned home after spending the past month visiting with relatives and friends in Holland. Thursday evening Father . Carrigan taught the 1st Dublin Brownie Pack sign language. Each girl will earn her Signaller Badge if she can sign the alphabet and give and receive a short message. JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Farm•R.sld®ntlal•Carrtmerela1•1ndu:trial "FREE ESTIMATES" Ph. 345-2447 R.R. No. 4, Walton Thar gt•..D-• DMbUow and c®a gi© b L. BOX CAPRI BATHROOM TISSUE CLUB HOUSE PIMENTO MANZANILLA OLIVES 53 375 ML. OPEN: MON. to SAT. 9 AM to 6 PM THURS. & FRI. NITES TILL 9 PM "WE HAVE YOUR EVERY CHRISTMAS NEEDS" (CHRISTMAS CANDY, CHEESE TRAYS, FRUIT BASKETS, FOOD VOUCHERS, PLUS THE TURKEY AND All THE FIXINGS) l>• CASCADE DISHWASHER DETERGENT 1s :;".."0.'/ On your newt purchase of NEW LIPTON TEA Mr. Deeter: Upon presentation of this coupon oy your customer ¢.smut the purchase of cow boa Of Upton Tee. <homes J. Upton Inc. w ill pay von IS< plot 70 lo. he.dnn.. Appnutian for redemption on any other bads sonsfilu*H freed. Invokes showing your pur- chase of wnldent .sod (in previous 90 days) to cover ail coupons presented for redemption must be shown on re9..t. Coupons will not be honoured and will be void If preeented through outside epernles, Moberg or others who ore not retail distributors of our merd,erdhrunlets weriflmlly author hied by e+'o preset,* d romorn for redemption. inter oppo*e ID on Coupon D.bit Slip. f or redemption mall to herbed A. Watts Limited. Sus 1140 lora.. o Ontario MSW 1111 Cody one coupon may be redeemed pe. pun dove COUPON V AUa IN SIJO11109 MAIIXITS OM. UHTII IAT., 01C. 11 1981. ,w $519 2 5 KG. DUNCAN HINES DELUXE 11 CAKE MIXES ALL FLAVOURS DEIA "NE O (AKE MIX Many Beautiful Brand name sets from Knechtel, Hoxton, and House of Braeniore CLUBHOUSE SHIRRIFF RED MARASCHINO CHERRIES JELLY POWDERS 3F 0 WHY DRIVE TO THE CITY?? BUNSMASTER ROLLS Prices effective until Saturday December 4. 1989 in most Superior Stores Gro 0o orso 9to Wpm TO L0*91 Onno'tittoo to raoo-,ai Family Rwjwowmpnls Seaforth 527-0680 24 HOURS NOTICE ANY ®', DER FILLED Servtno YOu Beller - S7Vihc. Yr)( kifir4 SUP .11 D IL SERVICED BY ELLIOTT MIR & CO- LTD 41 1 1