HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1982-11-24, Page 16A16 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 24, 1982 Money gone ! Christmas near ! Get needed cash selling here 1 Coming Events COME and meet the new Executive Director of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture, Harry Zwerver, at Huron Federation of Agricul- ture meeting at St. James Separate School. Seaforth, 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2, 1982. 1-85-1 DABBER Bingo at Seaforth • District High School held every Monday at 7:30 p.m. Over $500 in prizes. Proceeds to student activities. 1-85-4 CHRISTMAS In Song -a con- cert of Christmas music pre- sented by the Blyth Festival Singers at 3 p.m, and 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 5th at Blyth Memorial Hall. Tickets $4.00 and $1.50 are available from choir members or by phoning the Box Office at 523-9300. Tuesday and Wed- nesday or the Blyth Saga at 523-4331. 1-84-2 ST. Patrick's Dublin P.T.A. are having a turkey bingo, Thursday Nov. 25/82 at 8 o'clock in the Dublin Athletic Building. Everyone welcome. 1-84-2 BINGO every Tuesday eveningat VANASTRA CENTR R.R. 5, CLINTON 1st regular card $1; 15 regular games of 515; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200,00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. 1 .78-tf CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51, Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. 55. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. l-78-tf An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 4 Help Wanted ANYONE interested in tech- ing someone to cr&het, please call 345-2372. 4-84-2 TRUCKING career transport driver needed. Train now for your Class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. P.O. Box 3186. Cambridge. Ontario N3H 456. 4-85-01 RELIABLE, companion - housekeeper wanted for fe- male sensor citizen iii Brus- sels. Please state- wages and hours desired and references when replying. Forward all particulars to Box 3680. c/o The Huron Expositor. Sea - forth, Ont. 4-84-1 EXPERIENCED waitress or waiter. full time or part-time. Available anytime. Please call 527-1020. 4-85x2 Livc•,n person to look after disabled lady. Duties include light housekeeping. Refer- ences required 527-0844 after 5 p.m. 4.85x2 5 Bus. Opportunity OPENINGS available for ex- panding business. Part and full-time positions available. Four persons required. Apply Box 3679. c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 5-83-3 EARN extra income. Learn to prepare income tax returns by correspondence. Local franchises available. Write Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario. L6L 2X4. 5-85-01 POPCORN distributors want- ed. Popcorn Canada now offers our hot buttery money- maker to industrious, ambi- tious persons with a little money to invest. -10 to 100 locations. Part-time or full time. No selling. We get locations. Proven profitable. Minimum investment of 55,000. Call (416) 624-0964 Ext. 21. 5.85-01 HAVE-TRUCK-WiLL- TRAVEL. Evenings and week days, about town, light mov- ing, delivery, refuse removal, basements, garages, clean- ed.. Snow removal -walks, driveways. 527.1065. 5-85-t f 7 Situations Wanted MAN wants work for winter. Contact Al McQuaid. 7-85x1 UNEMPLOYED man wants work, full or part time. Call Gregor. 527=3273. anytime. 7-85x1 WILL do babysitting in my own home or will clean anytime. Brussels area. 887- 6110. Ask for Diane. 7-84-2 8 Farm Stock WILL feed and „house beef cows over winter. Can take feeder calves as well from a closed herd. Call at supper hour, Bob Hulley. Blyth, 523-9411 or 527-1856. 8-85x1 THREE year old quarter horse mare, well started under saddle. quality show material, 15 hands high. sound and gentle. Yearling quarter hourse filly. Sorrel with lots of white. A solid show prospect, easy to handle as well as sound. Ouarter horse mare. An excellent brood mare that rides. Nine years old, sorrel, sound in every way. Phone 482-3312. 8-85xtf THREE -IN -ONE Simmental Sale. Fullblood Bull. 56 pap- eredurebred and percen- tage females. Walton s Sales Arena, Durham, December 11th. 1 p.m. Catalogues: Elsie Jackson. Durham, 519- 369-6314. 8-85-01 CASH for crippled or sore footed livestock, cattle. stock- ers. cows and hogs. Phone 519.876.3250 or 834-2020. 8.78-tf Remember/ It takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. Christmas Bazaar St. James School Sat., Nov. 27 CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 15 12 NOON TUESDAYS Charges are hascd en the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers, phone numbers er prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens cnunt as separate words. 22 words --53 50 16 c per word thereafter. BIRTHS -Nn charef. ENGAGEMENTS -Fla: rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES -Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time. photo and outline only, 515. IN MEMOR1AMS-5.3 S0 plus .10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words 1 50. each additional turd 16e. ( ARD OF THANKS -25 words 1.50 Each additional rrl Se. 50c -DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BM NUMBERS TO THiS OFFICE -53.00 SFMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 per 9 Farm Machinery ONE used 175 International manure spreader. Good con- dition. 345-2956. 9-85-2 10 Used Cars '78 LTD 2 Brougham, excel lent condition, new brakes and tires, 49,000 miles, small V8 engine, Asking 53,200 certified. Will consider trade. 482-9952. 10-84-2 1976 Toyota Landcruiser 4x4. good condition. Phone 565- 2871 or 482-7809. 10-85-1 1969 Green Camaro. good condition. Phone 527-1630 after Sp. m. 10-85x2 11 Articles for Sale TRACTOR chains, 14.9-28 used 1 year; down -hill skis and boots, children's, 345- 2255. 11.85x1 POOL table, 4x8 Brunswick Commander in excellent con- dition. 527-0320. 11-85x 1 GiRLS skates size 2 and size 12, good condition. Zenith stereo/cassette recorder, 40 watt speakers. Aller Electric 21 typewriter. Filing bin on caters, legal size, beige. Phone 482-3312. 11 -85-tf BOYS Bauer skates, size 13. 527.0728. 11-85-1 OLD wooden desk. 527.1822 after 5 p.m. 11-85x1 USED 1 season, 1 pair of G 78-14 nylon snow tires mount- ed on G.M. rims, excellent condition. 540. Phone 527- 1531after 5. 11-85x1 GIBSON 8 h.p. snow blower, electric starter. For further information call 527-1309. 11-85-1 ONE 3 -piece navyblue suit, box 16. Phone 887-6722. H-85-2 UNIQUE Christmas gifts. Handcrafted of genuine Chin- chilla fur. Graves Wallpaper and Paint. 11-85-3 MEDIUM size fride in good condition. 527-0767. 11-85-1 HEiDELBERG GATES. cat- tle penning. big bale forks and feeders, Cattle oilers replacement bedding, chop- per knives. Dealer inquiries welcome. Kuntz Manufactur- ing Inc. St. Jacobs, Ontario. (519)664.2820. 1I-85.01 3 point hitch wood splitters 13 ton pressure/2200 PSI. oil from tractor, 26 -opening 4- x 24" cylinder. Call Isaac M. Bauman, RN3 Wallenstein, (S19) 699-4328. Dealers wel- come. 11-85-01 WE'VE got the solution to your metal building needs. Fall specials plus generous display building discount on dome, straight•and-slant walls. Call collect anytime C051 474.1180, 11-85-01 2 piece chesterfield suite,. Boy's snowmobile jacket, size 10, Phone 527-1901. 11.85.1 ATTENTION FARMERS w. pry 120. to 140. pier hundred inelett1 for old, raceway Infused or erlyy.d coa..r:d.erre. Mu.l b. ellva .+xi drug fro.. Can coffee! MARK LEIS AND SONS LIVESTOCK Weirton (5151195-4444 SERVING THIS AREA SINCE 1574 11 Articles for Sale COMPLETE custom framing for needlepoint, , crewel, photographs, all paintings, etc. Regular or nonglare glass. Ready to hang. orty eight hour service. Howard Tyndall, Clinton, 482-7409. 11-85-1 BUY your meats in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. 44 north of Clinton, 1'/4 mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508. 11-85-1 OVEN ready capons available Dec. 15.482-9738. 11-85-2 OIL paintings, painted by mouth by Alf Dale. Phone 527-0510. 11.85-5 BOYS skates, Bauer and Supreme, size 3 and CCM Supertracks, sire 31/7. Phone 527.0315 anytime. 11-85-1 ONE ladies green nylon coat, size 12; several pairs of boys and girls figure skates. 345-2806. 11-84-3 HITACHI Stereo includes turntable, cassette deck, tuner, 50„ watt amplifier, preamplifier, 100 watt speak- ers and beautiful wood grain fmished cabinet. Also thrown in 50 records. Call 527-1507 after 6 p.m. 11-84-2 HAND made cedar chest. Made entirely of cedar with lift tray. Phone 348-8238. 11-84x2 CRISP juicy apples S4 per bu. and up. Red and white potatoes, fresh cider, honey. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, Phone 524-8037. 11-84-tf THINKING of building? We've got the solution -the most complete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705) 474-1180. 11-78xtf BRUSSELS Sprouts 520.00 a bushel or 75c a stalk. Cab- bage 55.00 a dozen. Visscher Farms. 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone orders only 237-3442 or 237-3411. No Sundays calls please. 1 1-78-tf CHILD'S car seat. Call 527- 0829 after 6. 11-85x1 WATERBEDS complete with pine frame. pedestal. CSA heater. safety liner, mattress. and fill kit. 5239.00 at Van- astra Furniture, 482.7922. 11-85-tf ELECTRIC train in good condition. Contact Steven Vivian. 345-2196. 12-85-1 APPLE SPECIAL: Macs and ida Red 41-58,00 bushel. While they Iasi. 55.00 for seconds. Martens Orchards, west of Egmondville. Cider by orders, Phone 527.1507. 11-84.3 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNiT invites you to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE CENTRE held at the Health Unit Office, Medical Building, Brussels on: WED. DEC. 1, 1982 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure Seaforth & District Community Centres PART TIME STAFF Applications for the following positions will be considered from male and female applicants until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, December 2, 1982. I. PART TIME CONCESSION BOOTH STAFF Dulles: to assist in the operation of the concession booth 2. PART TIME ARENA ATTENDANTiS) Dudes: to assist with all phases of maintenance including ice surface. Reply to: JACK PRiCE 527-1272 112 Wanted to Buy FIRST cut hayfor horses. 345.2638 or 5271723, 12-85-1 BOYS' skates, size 2. 527-0728. 12-85-1 WANTED: Storage for small car for winter. months. Must be dry. Ca11527-1552. 13-84x1 A 12' x 16' piece of carpeting in good condition. Any colour or pattern. Phone 527-0493 after 6. 17 -ace' 14 Property for Sale NEXT door to 99 Goderich St. West, 66 ft. frontage by 132 ft deep. Make offers in writing to J.R. Kelley, Box 272, Seaforth, Ont. 14-85.1 35 unit motel and owner's residence. Outdoor heated swimming pool, good state- ment showing good invest- ment return. 16 unit Town- house rental 12 months. plus 9 unit lodge and 45 seat dining room can be licensed. beach location, good poten- tial, family operation. 8 unit motel and 4 efficiency units and one cottage. main lodge, 87 seat licensed dining lounge, heated outdoor pool, good investment return, ex- cellent potential. Restaurant. A good variety of licensed restaurants in summer re- sort areas. Cardinal Real Estate and General Insurance Broker Ltd., Phone 519-832- 2510 or 519.797.2554. 14-85-01 15 Property for Rent 3 bedroom duplex. laundry room, carpeted, clean, cen- tral location. 527-0962 eve- nings. Available Dec. 1. 15-84x2 BACHELOR apartment. 5200 per month includes utilities, recently redecorated. Phone 527-1458. 15-82-tf DUPLEX. nice home in quiet area, close to downtown, Clinton. Fridge and stove required, Private entrance. Lawn and driveway. 529-7949 15.82.4 WALLPAPER Several books Available at Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Seaforth 15 Property for Rent FOR rent in Seaforth, 3-1 bedroom apartments, newly renovated, broadloomed. Call 262-3146 or 527-0712 after 5. 15-82-tf HOUSE for rent, 4 miles from Mitchell. Please call 527-2913 15-82-4 1 bedroom apartment avail- able December 1st. Phone 345-2442. 1 15-84-tf Country home near Bruce - field for rent. Available Dec. 1. 5 bedrooms, open stair- case, well insulated. 262-2928 or 262-5768. 15-84-tff 3 bedroom apartment for rent. 527-0331. 15-85-1 FURNISHED apartment, all utilities included. Suitable for one person. Quiet area. Park- ing. 527-0964. 15-85x 3-2 bedroom apartments available. $140.00 per month. Phone 527.1577. 15-85-1 THREE bedroom .house in country, oil or wood heat, available now. Phone 482- 7815. 15-85-2 1 and 2 bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. North Main. 527-1715. ,15-85x2 Tr ac lots EUuip rne.�, "Mrr • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE LOGAN FORD Tractor Sales Ltd. Hwy. 8 East of Mitchell PHONE 348-8467 COLD HANDS See the wide variety of Gloves & Mitts NOW IN STOCK CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE Seaforth n _u a g REAL ESTATE LTD REAL ESTATE LTD, MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 • 4 REDUCED Modern kitchen. 3 bedrooms, gas heat. 2 baths, excellent buy. 43,000 Grant Available Till Dec. 31st WALTON: 2 storey brick home in mint condition, located nn large lot. Must be seen. JARViS ST.: 11/2 storey home. 3 bedrooms. Vendor will hold 10% mortgage. Asking 522.000 00. REDUCED TO SELL Goderich St.. 2 storey. 4 bedroom home, family room and laundry on main, new inground pool. Close to schools, Located on. large lot GODERICH ST.: Unique one floor home. spacious family room. laundry room on main. full basement, located 11 blocks from uptown. MORRIS TWP.: 1'h a c L shaped Karn and .3 bedroom he: sell, WE HAVE SEVERAL THER PROPERTIES TO CHOOSE FROM. CALL FOR YOUR CHOICE. 15 Property for Rent 24 Card of Thanks 1 bedroom • apartment for rent. 527-0363. 527-0747. 15.85x1 USE SITO H T -A EXP WA Phone s 527-0240 Furniture ?pair Service UPHOLSTERY AND AUTOMOTIVE SEATS "Fon niture Stripping A Specialty" Phone 482-7379 I would like to express my thanks to all who sent cards and made phone calls to the house and visited me when 1 was in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hussey and Dr. Tamblyn and the staff at Stratford Hospital. It was deeply appreciated. Wilmer Coghill 24-85x Flt EWOSD, SALE Dry affixed Hardwoods Delivered -Any Oaenllly 492-9250 $25 .1: $75 FARMERS WANTED Cattle - Sick or Disabled We pay top dollar Call 527-1859 Anytime $50 $100 Harold FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Clete .g 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE Dublin 345-2235 �. 1SC JocCKEY STEVENS Country Gold & ROCK 'N' R1 LL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties. etc. 5 years experience Phone Brussels (daytime or evenings) '887-6159 Geo. A. Solis & Sons Home Hardware MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 527-1620 Seaforth WORKMAN Real Estate Ltd. SEAFORTH OFFICE HENRY A. MERO BILL HENDERSON ST. COLUMBAN OFFICE STEVE MURRAY NEW LISTING: 61 Elizabeth home, large family room with fireplace. 540.000.00. GODERICH ST. E.: Very attractive 3 bedroom home on a commercial lot. Very reasonable. BUILDING LOT: 75' x 114', excellent location, 512.000.00. 65 .ELIZABETH ST.: 3 bedroom cedar sided bungalow, full basement, large garage. beauti- fully treed lot. Only 544,000,00. 42 WILSON ST.: 3 bedroom, 2 storey, on a large lot, nice location, $23,500.00 123 JAMES ST.: 3 bedroom Victorian style home. many renovations completed, Targe lot. $28,000.00. Offers. 54 HIGH ST.: 3.2 bedroom apartments in very good condition. 540.000.00. EGMONDViLLE: Large duplex, well rented, nice location overlooking the river. 528,000.00. EGMONDVi.LE: A cozy 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full basement with rec room. Only 533.900.00. " WINTHROP: 2'/,.acres. 3 bedroom home. nicely renovated. Must be seen. 540.000.00. 67 GOUiNLOCK ST.: 11/2 storey 2 bedroom. rec room, house completely rebuilt and in good condition. 535.000.00. 57 COLEMAN ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow. full basement, 6 years old. Only $38,000.00. EAST OF WiNTH.ROP: 2 storey brick home, large b151 Jarn. A5 acres. T.: Igoodd 540.000.00 RViS Seal homelocation. fen a retiring farm couple, beautifully appointed. 3 bedroom split level, 'G acte lot. 24'x40' workshop, must be seen, 594,000.00. HARPURHEY: 4 bedroom 2 storey home built in 1976, main floor family room. double garage. an exquisite home. 595.000.00. 6 ALEXANDER ST.: 2 year old brick Victorian style home. excellent location, and in perfect condition. Must be seen. 566.000.00. HULLETT TWP.: 2 storey brick home. 30 sow barn. 5 acres. excellent mortgage, 5-47.500.00. SILVER CREEK CRES.: New 3 bedroom brick, 1 floor. carport, full basement; 'much more. 575.000.00. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungalow, full finished basement. built in 1976. 544,000.00. BRANTFORD ST,: 3 bedroom brick and alumi- num sided home. full basement, carport, have a look. 542,000.00. WATER ST. EGMONDVILLE: 11 year old duplex, 2-2 bedroom units, well rented. in excellent condition. Asking 548.000.00. VICTORIA ST. EGMONDViLLE: 4 bedroom bungalow built on 2 Iots with formal dining room, full finished basement, a true bargain at 555,000.00. WALTON: 3 bedroom home, 32' x 48' shed, 5 acres. highway location. 555.000.00 NEW HOME: 3 bedroom Krick bungalow, attached garage. full basement. nice lot. 555.000.00. A NEW HOME IN MIND? Let me explain to you the grants and financing available. You will be surprised how little you can build for. 527-0430 527-0430 527-0995 345-2172 St.. 3 bedroom built-in bar and Real Estate Ltd. Clinton : hose: 41412-9gt1 RESTAURANT VILLAGE OF BLYTH Fully equipped, scats 60, apartment above, reasonably priced for quick sale. Holmesville, 13 acre hobby farm. 1 floor brick bungalow. paved drive. small insulated barn. Londesboro, 1'6 floor frame home, 3 bedrooms. good starter home. Hwy. #4-7'h acres, neat bungalow. attached garage. finished basement, insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry. price reduced. Near Brucefield, 6 acres. good frame home. drive shed and barn. mearipee 1 floor brick bungalow, Blyth. finished basement. electric heat. carport. 9.0.•..9 Commercial property, main street. Blyth, under 520,000,00 Could be resi- dence. 46 acre highway farm. near Varna. 23 acres workable. hardwood bush, large double home, large Karn suitable for hogs or poultry. Targe drive shed with workshop. 0.00...0 100 acres, highway farm. farrow to finish, Hullett Township. O 000..0.0 2 miles from Clinton, 100 acres, 97 workable. no build Ings .00..,0•0. '• acre lot. Kinburn, drilled well. septic system, hydro 0.00000.• IS acres, wooded, near Au- burn. large brick home, corn hmatinn furnace, 2 small Karns 000000000 100 acres, near Lnndeshorn. high capacity hog farm, gond buildings. priced very rea- sonable for quick sale 00.09000 2' > acres on highway at Kippen, good 3 bedroom home. under 530,(X)0.00. 99999999 I' r floor home in Brussels, .3 bedrooms, oil and wood heat Prned for quick sale Under 520,000.00. 00000. I floor fro coLD ,w, large Int Rly0